A small town surprise? Closed with bhdire8

"I know. But if it isn't safe to stay here then we might as well leave. We can go someplace else... I don't know where but surely we can find a place- I... I know I'm asking a lot of you. To drop everything and come with me but maybe you won't have to. Maybe it'll be fine. Logan doubted it, but he wanted to believe that perhaps they could learn to accept this. He didn't plan on telling them about the child though. For now, perhaps, if this went well he would. "Ben? What do say?"

"For you, and our baby, nothing is too much. As long as we are together.... yes. Ok, but... right. I have recieved a call before, there's some city guy wanting to buy my farm. I will contact him to see if he's still willing to go through with the deal, and we could ger aome cash from that for our new life. Thay would at least sustain us for some days, and we could settle somewhere else...i am thinking the city. I think there would be jobs that we can find, and rhen we can starr something new with more accepting people. You think Casey woukd be willing to help?" The more he thought of it, the more he thought that might really work. They xould come out to everyone, and peehaps rhat's the most effecrive way of bringing changes on values and coxepts in this old town.

Logan smiled giving Ben a kiss, perfect then it's settled? Will tell them as soon as we know we have a way out of here when we need it." -

Three weeks had passed Logan could barely hide his belly anymore. If it wasn't for the fact that it was winter he would have been found out by now. His jacket still hid it slightly but not for much longer. "Ben, are you read?" He muttered looking back at him. They were going to have dinner with his parents where Logan planned on telling them not only that he was gay, but that he and ben were dating.

"Yea... yea. This is for the best." Ben said, taking a deep breath and huffed it out. He was nervous, of course. He had to steel his mibd rhough, for his lover and their future. He clasped Logan's hand and squeezed it. These few weeks had been stressdul, and Ben had contacted rhe potential buyer of his farm. They were ready for the worst, bur at least they had it all plannrd out.

Inside, it's warm and immediately Ben saw Logan started sweating. They couldnt afford to let go of the jacket just yet though, his belly way too obvious now, and they were trying to get to the table before anyone had noticed rhem. The jacket could go once they were seated.

Thankfully they made it to the table without much interruption. it would have been nice inside if his jacket could have come off but once it had he relaxed slightly. His parents soon came to join them setting food down on the table. "how have you two been?" Logan's mother asked as she took a seat at the table. There was a quick blessing for the food and then they would begin to eat. Logan would bring it up when they had finished, not quite yet.

Logan's father gruntled and shifted heavily in his seat. He turmed to his mother and asked. "Where's my whiskey? we still got half a bottle left right? Better finish it." He said and his.mlther nodded to go grab it. "And take 2 more cups out, Logan and Ben should have some as well. Especially you, Ben. It's way too cold in your cottage, you better warm yourself up with that thing." He said, the old man was indeed caring for his young neighbor.

Ben exchanged a quick glance with Logan and they were both very anxious. "Ah no, thanks but, eh, Logan seemed to not be ferling too well lately, arent you? You complained of stomachache before right? I better accompany him. So, thanks, but.no thanks."

Logan nodded in agreement. his father protested slightly trying to insist but eventually dropped the matter. They were soon eating, Logan fidgeting nervously in his chair. When they finished be caught the attention of them. " I need to tell you both something." Logan had prepared for the worst. He was nervious. There was no real way to just say this. "I..." Logan sighed glancing once to ben. "I'm gay and I'm dating Ben. I love him." Logan glanced around the table prepared for what ever back lash he might get.

It was dead silence. The air was so thick, it felt like time had frozen. Logan's father's face was unreadable, rhe only thing indicating he heard it was his fist that kept tightening on his glass. They all waited, Ben clutching Logan's hand on the desk as a quiet admission and support . The small gesture managed to finally break Logan's father's control as the large man threw the glass of whiskey to the wall, smashing it and barked. "Y-you! Logan! This better be some sick joke of yours.... not you! Wth Ben of all people! I camnot believe... this is impossible. Me and your mother raised you better than that.... LET GO OF THAT HAND RIGHT NOW BENEDICT!" He turned to yell at Ben, reaching over to.shove his young neighbor away from his son.

Before he could think better of it Logan had stepped in the way. Would his father go as far as to shove his own son? A good question in his current state Logan figured he might. "YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE." Logan practically growled. "Don't you dare hurt him." Logan only held on to Ben tighter picking up his jacket and backing away from his father. "You, would rather act so irrational towards something like this then show support for your own son? Do I mean so little to you? OR are you just so clueless you can't see anymore?

Ben stood up anxiously. He would rather be the one shoved to the floor than to risk Logan getting hurt by his furious father. He was way too precious now. Ben held Logan's hand tight, his gaze fixated on Logan as he said with such fury.

"You are the one going irrational! It's a sin to be with a guy, and that's written in the Bible! You are sick! Cone on son, you needed treatment. It's wrong, why cant you see that? We can figure something out..." logan's father seemdd a little calmer now that Logan had reacted vigorously. He moved closer to the young couple, trying to convince Logan.

Logan shook his head. "If you can't accept me the way I am, then I'm going. I won't be changed, I'm not sick." Logan practically growled at him. You're the one who's sick. What happened to god loves everyone? Apparently not. You're so afraid of me being gay you'de throw away family to 'save' me?" Logan's words were harsh but he flet like they were important and needed to be said

"Being gay is against nature! How are you going to have kids!if that's what god wanted us to do, he wouldnt have designed men and women like how we are. Logan! Come to some senses... this is just the devil's test. It's wrong, you are just blinded by your false feelings..... you,... Benedict, you are the devil!" His father started pointjng fingers. His expression darkened and he was suddenly getting very dangerous. He grabbed a knife and came rushing forward, his large frame going at Ben as he tried to stab him.

Logan almost decided to tell him right there, but perhaps this wasn't the time. "HOW DARE YOU." Logan growled, taking hold of Ben's sleeve he pulled him away from the knife before either of them could get hurt. This had gone far enough. His father had just tried to kill Ben. That was enough. "We're leaving." Without turning his back away Logan began to back towards the door picking up his jacket. "You can't just be happy. You always ruin it." Logan shook his head wondering if his thater would try to stop him from leaving again.

Logan's action and words angered rhe older man further. With his mother still in too much shock to react, his father started thrusting things around, chasing the young couple away from the house. "Go! GO! You are not my son, not anymore! You sisgusts me... you are so blind now, you betrayed your family over some shithead! Leave at once and never come back!" He continued to shove things down, and in his fury, he threw a lamp to them and Ben quickly stepped up and hmmphed in pain while his foeehead and his arm got hit, the glass breaking on him.

"BEN!" Logan's eyes went wide as he saw Ben had been hurt. The two quickly left after that Logan in a hurry to get away he didn't want to risk any more injury to Ben or himself and certainly not the child. Once they had gotten away Logan stopped and looked back at Ben "Are you ok?"Logan asked frantically looking him over running a hand over his head where he had been hit.

Bne couldnt believe it. Logan's father had always beena sort of uncle to him, especially after the lost of his parents. He might not be the kindest kind of fatherly figures, but he had shown enough care to him to warm his heart sometimes. He hurried after Logan, realising this place would no longer welcome him, and hurried away.

"I am fine... just, let's go to my placw." Ben said, hissing from the bulge on his forehead getting touched. Under his sleeve, his arm was bleeding, but the dark shirt he had hide it well. "Let's get home...." he said forcinf a smile, and grabbed Logan's waist to hurry back to their safe haven.

(sorry thought i responded to this and I was waiting for you to respond XD)

Logan got inside and locked the door just in case. He was worried, frightened at what had just happened but understandably so. "Where are you hurt?" Logan wasn't clueless he knew when Ben was lying to him, and besides, he knew that there was no way that thing could have hit him and Ben would still be just fine. "Let me take a look." At least this settled there decision. They would be moving and they would never have to deal with this town again.

(Ohh i was wondering if you are getting busy again HAHA nice to see you back ;))

Ben could feel Logan's tremble. His home had been bare, him readying himself to move at whatever short notice since they had agreed to come out. He smiled at how observant his lover was, and gently shook his head. "Let's get you sit down first... it's not goodfor you to be this shaken." He surged gently, hisbhand around Logan's waist tugged on determinedly to get him further into the house and sat him down on the couch. They were both eager to take care of each other. Ben pressed Logan to sit down, him heading to the kirchen for the first aide kit and a glass of hot water - for both thrir sake.

Logan sat down, he was shaking, he hadn't realized it but he was. Still, he was worried about ben, he had soon returned with the first aid kit and Logan turned to him opening it up. "Let me see." She muttered trying to get his hands steady. Somehow he was able to, perhaps because he always calmed down more when he was helping. As long as it was a situation he could help fix.

His calmer look when asking to see his wound was reasssuring, and this time Ben ddint protest. He let Logan push his shirt up, and he lifted it over his head on one side, nursing his injured arm, he removed the shirt entirely through that left arm. He hissed when the shirt wouldnt go - some of the blood had dried on the fabric and got stuck on the open wound. With his tug on it, the cut started bleeding again.

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