A small town surprise? Closed with bhdire8
"Pull over," Logan muttered quickly, he had tried very hard not to be sick but he knew he was losing the battle. He had never gotten car sick before and he was not enjoying the new experience. Logan had only just gotten the car door open he leaned over to throw up not even managing to fully get out of the car before he was sick. When his body stopped heaving he groaned taking some of the water to rinse his mouth out. He was starting to understand this car ride, wasn't going to be any fun.
Ben rushed over to Logan's side and when he learnt of what's happening, he grabbed a bottle for Logan to rinse his mouth. Holding his.lover, he opened the trunk where the platform would allow them some space to sit snd rest. "You ok...?" He holds him whileLogan wiltwd against him, still panting.lightly from the vomitting.

Hesitantly, Ben put his large palm on Logan's stomach, attemtping to.calm his unsettled stomach with soke added warmth.
Logan leaned into Ben closing his eyes and attempting to rest a bit more. Under Ben's hand the baby shifted and moved. Logan smiled lightly nodding his head. "I'm alright.. Sorry that's never happened before. " he admitted sitting up again trying to give Ben a reassuring smile.
"I guess kiddo didnt enjoy the ride at all... better watch out. When this little one comes out, might be intolerant with rides..." Ben took note of Logan's attempt and went alont with him. His concern was still there, but at least they could face it lightheartedly.

Ben insistwd they rest for a little more, makint sure the nauseousness had past entirely, before starting the engine again. As a result, rhey could only spend their night at a very moldy looking motel. The frontdesk didnt even look up when he handed up a key. "One bed. Leave it or take it, the door is to the right."
They didn't have much of a choice, it was this or sleep in the car. Besides, he was used to sleeping next to ben, the bed was small but surely the could manage. Logan entered the room set his bag down and curled up on the bed. They had been driving forever, heading to the city but they still didn't know where they were going and it suddenly hit him. They had run away, they had really left and run away. Logan smiled suddenly leaning over and giving Ben a kiss. "Thank you.. I know it was hard to leave things behind but thanks for coming with me."
"For you, nothing is too much." Ben smiled, holding Logan's bottom while they rolled onto the bed. It was slightly moldy, but looked clean enough that the pair didnt have to worry about bed bugs. Ben rubbed Logan's lower back and his bottom, digging his knuckles in until his lover hissed, the pressing borderlining on being painful as Ben helped sooth the tightened muscles.
Logan practically melted into Ben, he had tried to hold off complaining too much but his back had been bothering him quite a bit and this really was helpful. "Thanks," Logan muttered closing his eyes, it almost hurt, but at the same time it was relaxing and Logan was soon falling asleep.
When Ben was feeling the gradually increased weight on him, he chuckled lightly knowing his plan of freshening up with a quick shower was spoilt. Anyway, it wasnt like they couldnt get that in the morning, when probably the hot water supply might be more abundant. Ben tugged the blanket over and they slept quite peacefully, the lsst idea crossing his mind was he gotta start rubbing Logan's back since it felt so stiff... he could imagine it being from the added weight in the middle of Logan.

Ben woke up to some car engines. The sun has gone up and some of the other guests were leaving. Ben stretched and turnef to Logan, admiring his sleeping face against the not so white linen of the bed.
Logan was fast asleep and would likely remain that way. He had one hand shoved under the pillow the other protectively resting on his belly. If Ben wanted he would be able to sneak off and go take a shower without much of a problem.

He would awake a few minutes later on his own slowly pushing himself up her rubbed his eyes and stretched like a child waking up from a nap. "Good morning," he muttered still half asleep.
"Morning~" ben was feeling so content. He had eloped with his lover - that word alone had him getting goosebumps. It's not only the thrill of escaping from their fairly routine life, it's also the feeling that they no.longer had to be scared of getting disocvered as well. Such a big relief...

Logan sitting up had his belly jutted out slightly, pushing the blanket down revealing that lovely curve. "I was gonna suggest we head into thr shower last night... i guess we could still do that to freshen up a little now? We would have to cover another long way. Better get a full breakfast just in case we couldnt catch on any stops for lunch."
Logan nodded in agreement. he was hungry, but a shower did sound like a good idea. So, with a small smile, he got up grabbing clothes to change into and headed to the bathroom with Ben. Back home the two would never have dared to do something like this. Fear of being discovered would have gotten to them to them. But now? What was there to fear? Logan turned on the water and set it to a warm temperature before stripping himself of his clothes. Without them his belly was obvious. he grabbed two towels placing them down before stepping into the hot water
It had been awhile since Ben had last seen Logan naked, it might very well trace bavk to when the little one inside of Logan was conceived. Ben strioped himself, but he was serioisly distracted by the look of Logan's belly, and stupidly almost tripped when he tangled himself with his jeans. Ben quickly grabbed on the railing to balance hinself, his face flushed red with how embarrassed he was. To hide it, he got into the shower, hugging Logan close wrapping his palms around his belly. "Junior is growing so fast...."
"I've noticed," Logan said pulling Ben as close as he could given the situation. The water felt good on his back, it was nice to get clean after so long of being in a car. He wasn't looking forward to the car ride this time, he knew it probably wouldn't be any fun but hopefully, he could just sleep through it this time and it wouldn't be as bad. He had noticed Ben staring at his belly when other people did it, it bothered him but with Ben Logan didn't care and he guided Ben's hand towards the spot where the baby was currently kicking.
Ben's eyes went wide with the little flutter he was feeling. "Taht's... amazing. Our baby..." he said, feeling emotional with the slight bit of movement. "Is it always this active?" It's still very light, the kciks were weak, but it was enough to bring tears to Ben and he was thankful the shower was running to.hide it. "We are really gonna be daddies. We are buildig a family of our own." Ben is excited, slightly scaed, but also proud of the responsibility he discovered that was gonna be laid on his shoulder.
Logan smiled as well. He couldn't wait either he was happy they were going to have a family together. Even if this was a bit strange. Even if it hadn't been expected he was happy about it. "Not always but more so lately," Logan said with a smile, the bigger the child got the more it moved. He didn't mind it too much most the time it only got annoying sometimes like when he was trying to sleep or focus.

"I love you," Logan said giving ben a kiss letting the water fall over the two of them.
"Love you too...." ben melted into th3 kiss, holding Logan's back. He was going to press Logan further back, when he felt the bump of Logan's been preventing it, pressing against his abdomen. They separated and Ben chcukled. "Thank you for carrying out baby... i feel so useless now. You have been so brave and strong, I feel so inferior compared to you." There's only praise in Ben's eyes.
"Hmm? You're the brave one." Logan muttered quietly. Sure he had tried to be but it would be a lie to say that there still weren't times when he was terrified. "I'm glad we're doing this together though." Logan said picking up the soap he rubbed it across Ben's body cleaning him up while they were both there. It didn't feel strange, around Ben he was comfortable he didn't have anything to worry about.
Ben frlt himself generously lathered up, and hugged Logan tight, brushing their bodies together. "Now you got soap as well!" He smilrd playfully. "We are always together... no matter the situation. Dont ever think of leaving me behind will ya?" He smiled, rinsing them both clean. It's with special care that he dried Logan's belly, taking him gently out of tbe shower.

With a quick breakfast, they moved on. This time they had plastic bags readg in case Logan felt sick again.
Like the day before Logan tried to sleep through a lot of it. Eventually, however, he did sub come to being car sick just like before. He picked up one of the plastic bags as he got sick. When it was over he leaned back letting out a groan. These car trips were going to be the death of him and the boy knew it. Of course not really, but it felt like it at times. IT was a long drive to the city after all and although they were getting close it would still be a bit and then they had to hoep to find a place-

It was fine, it would be ok. He reminded himself trying to relax
Ben wanted to stop the car but they were at the middle lane. He couldnt quite cut through to pull up at the side. "Logan?.you ok? I am trying to stop but give me a minute..." he said, looking into the rear mirror trying to make a cut through the highway. The retching sounded serious, and the large sigh when Logan relaxed back against the chair wasnt really a good sign. "There's some more clean water for you to rinse your mouth. And i got some cracker.. you wanna have some?" He asked through the noise od the engine abd of other vehicles passing them.

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