Closed Husband of Mine (Closed with Dots)
Evan Elliot had always been a visionary and the type of man who could never stay still for too long. Since he was eight he had made all types of business that went from selling pink lemonade on hot summers, trading his favorite chocolate milk for bigger and better goodies to printing his own art in t shirts during high school and selling them. He had always enjoyed being the center of attention, the golden boy , yet throughout all that craziness a quiet and beautiful soul had always been by his side his best friend who now days Evan was lucky enough to call husband.

After entering college together Evan hadnt missed a heartbeat in proposing to his then boyfriend. Perhaps it was crazy for both being so young and studying, yet Evan had promised he would make it work and his boyfriend had kept that faith in him and believed he would.
Now nearing a decade of marriage, Evan Elliot was a millionare and his fortune semmed to just keep growing, of course at his side remained the one that always believed in him, and who of all people deserved the most to be enjoying that amazing life.

His husband had always been a bit sick, nothing too bad and his husband was quite the fighter, yet for years they had been trying for a baby with no sucess, they were now on the talks of perhaps considering adoption.

Evan had been out of town for a week on a business trip, he had come home to find his husband sick. Seeing him vomiting so agresively and so pale, had made Evan worry and even if his husband had reassured him it was nothing he had taken him to the ER.

He was now holding his husband as he vomited into a pail, they had now made him change into a gown and were running tests to see if was the stomach flu or some other virus. "There you go...its okay" he said easing his husband back to the stretcher rubbing his back "see? I tould you it was better to come have them check you" he said smiling.
Sam knew his husband since he was young, and he always believed it. He saw that most people did when Evan was still young. This man was amazing and he knew that Even would be a good leader of the family in the future. The life during the high school wasn't easy for both of them.They needed to handle with lots of pressure for being a very young married couple, but they could do it. After all these years, both of them had shown the people how they believed in each other, and how they were a true soulmate.

They had started their business since they were still young, and it was a very big company with lots of workers. It was a bit strange for Sam the day Even asked him to be just a housewife after he had helped with this business for years, but he could accept it. They had everything now, penthouse, cars, boats, but not the baby.
They have talked about it since they were in the high school. They wouldn't have the baby if until they had a stable life which was almost 4 years from that day now, but they were still no sign of the baby. they had tried everything, natural way, medical procedures, but nothing worked until now. Both of them never gave up, but this was hard sometimes, especially for Sam.

A week without his husband was so boring for Sam. They owned a big penthouse, but still preferred toe private life, so no one was allowed to be there, just the cleaning company that would clean everything twice a week. They didn't have any problem with the food since Sam loved cooking and he did it very well, a dn Even just ended eating dinner at home almost every day.

Sam smiled at his husband who was rubbing his back already now. Even was too nice and he instantly got him to the hospital after he came back. "I'm fine, honey. and you should rest after this. I know you're tired after the long trip." He said, smiling at his husband. Sam sometimes couldn't stop looking at his husband who had a handsome face with a perfect build since he was in the high school. He was wondered sometimes why one of the hottest guys in the high school chose to be with him. He was interrupted by the nurses who was walking to them and took Sam to the doctor room. He wished that this would be what they had hoped for yeast.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Evan shook the hand of thr doctor as he came in, not moving an inch from Sam's side. He was very protective and couldn't help it. Perhaps he was even more nervous than his wife at this moment.

"Is everything okay doctor? he's been vomiting a lot I'm afraid of him being dehydrated" Evan said voicing his thoughts

"Don't worry míster Elliot, we're getting him in an IV to have him with serum to not let thst happen" the doctor said kindly "Now Sam, how are you feeling? your husband said you didn't wanted to come to thr ER today" he said in a kind voice to calm the anxiousness he as feeling from thr couple.
Sam smiled as the doctor said that. He wasn't sure what happened to him as well, but it wasn't that bad now. "Yeah, doctor, my husband is just too worried about me." He said, smiling at Evan who was always serious about him. "It feels strange, doctor. I didn't want to eat anything, but sometimes I feel like I wanna eat something strange too," Sam tried to describe this symptoms tot he doctor but he couldn't understand it as well, and he didn't even know why it was a lot better when Evan was close to him. Sam sighed, looking back to Even, and smiled to him again. "Anyway, thanks for taking care of me, honey, you're tired already."
The doctor seemed to have a thought now when he had asked the nurses to collect the blood sample from Sam.

(I've heard that sometimes the husband's scent makes the morning sickness better, so Sam is better when Even is close to him)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Evan was now running his fingers through his wife's hair gently as thr IV was placed in his arm and the r blood work was collected. "I'm okay, I think you're the one who worries too much about me. You're thr in in hospital dear, not me" Evan pointed out as he looked up at the doctor as he made some comments

"I do see it's better now, you should rest. The results will be here in some twenty minutes" the doctor said as he wrote down all thr symptoms, which he was quite sure were big indications that Sam Elliot could be pregnant.

"You're really feeling better?" Evan asked as they were left alone as thry could only wait for now. he took his hand and examined where they had placed the IV on his wife, making sure it had been done properly and it wouldn't leave a black spot on Sam's arm.

(I love that idea)
"Yeah, it's better when you're here, Evan. I don't know why, but your scent is becoming strong now. Your perfume, your sweat, your muscle, I can smell everything, and I love it." He said, smiling softly. Sam could remember even the of Evan's sweat since his husband usually took the gym when he was free to keep him in shape.
Sam smiled as Even kissed his forehead gently and let him rest for a moment while they were waiting for the result. Sam also wanted even to rest too He could his the dark circle around his eyes. His husband just got back from the business which would result in lots one of the biggest agreement and caused them lots of income to their business.
He knew that Evan worked really hard for him, and also the baby that they had expected for years. He just hoped that he could have a chance to get pregnant, and gave his husband one of the most precious gifts.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Evan chuckled "well I'm just glad you indeed feel better. I do see some color returning to your cheeks" he said and smiled at him "I'm that sweaty huh?" he asked not liking thr idea of actually being stinky at the moment. Sam was a dear, he had always seen him too good for this world and had made it his life mission to protect this beautiful human and make him happy.

After almost half and hour the doctor returned "Mr Elliot?" he asked addressing both "the results ve back and I have some news for you, there's nothing alarming in your results, but I believe your liked to know you tested positive for pregnancy" he said waiting for thr reaction of thr couple to make sure it was a wanted result before congratulating them
Sam couldn't say anything after that words of the doctor. They had tried for many years in many ways, but this time was natural. Last time they had sex was a day before Evan had gone for the business trip, but this might be the time before that. Sam couldn't stop his tears while he was looking at his husband who was also in shock. "Evan!" He could just say his husband's name now.
"W..we're having the baby," he whispered softly, trying to stop crying. Evan was hugging him already with a big smile on his face. They had a long way to go with his pregnancy, but at least, the baby was there inside his belly. Sam rubbed his flat belly, trying tp feel the baby inside. He knew it was crazy for that moment, but he was beyond happy now.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
For years Evan had seen his wife cry and be left feeling down after a never ending stroll of negative tests. They had tried it all and spent a small fortune in doctors and treatments to no avail. On a way Evan had made peace with his mind to not have a biological child and adopt and now... it had happened! beyond what anyone could have told them Sam was pregnant!

Evan didn't hesitated on pulling his wife into a hug, he was so happy he couldn't even believe it yet."Hey, don't cry... You're meant to be happy silly" Evan said kissing his temple and holding his hand.

"given your medical record we want to run some more tests before you can head home, you're around 12 or 13 days of. gestation, and as you know the first three months are critical"
Sam tried to smiled after Even had wiped the tears away from his eyes. They nodded as the doctor said that. HThey both knew that so well after these years of trying. Sam might need to special care during his pregnancy, and he knew that Evan would bring the best medical care to him as he always brought him to the best doctor and hospital in the town as this time.

Sam let the nurse get more of the blood sample before the doctor would talk with them how to plan and take care of this pregnancy. The doctor already had some information about Sam's physical health and he would need him to come to cheeking up more often than normal.

Sam always knew that his body was the real problem that made they couldn't have the baby easily. His body hadn't provided the best condition for the embryo, and he already knew that he would need to take lots of medicine after this, but that couldn't deny how happy he was now. they took almost an hour more for just consulting about his pregnancy, and Sam could hide his smile when Evan promised him that he would come with him in every checkup although he would need to take the days off sometimes.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
All the testing had been done and thankfully all thr medical staff had been more than gentle with him and his wife. The next control had already been set and to hit forget Evan had placed it already in his agenda. All seemed to be in thr tight track so far and even if the doctors hadn't said a thing, Evan knew that in thr near future Sam's pregnancy might be cataloged as high risk.

They arrived home, Sam definitely looked better, he had been given some medicine for thr vomiting "Perhaps it's better you go rest some more dear" Evan said kissing his wife's lips "it's been a long day for you Ans the doctor said you shouldn't strain or overwork. I'll call and ask the chef to prepare something for dinner" hw said knowing Dam would oppose as dinner had still to be made.
Sam would definitely refuse that if he wasn't pregnant. They did have the chef from the restaurant to cook for them sometimes, but Sam just loved cooking for Evan since it was almost only housework that his husband let him do in this very big penthouse.

"You should rest too, honey. You just get back from a long business trip." He said, smiling. "I'll sleep in the guestroom, but you can go up there, Evan." He added. They always slept in the main bedroom which was on the second floor of the penthouse, but with his pregnancy, Sam didn't want to take any risk for the babies. He might need to sleep in that room for all upcoming 9 months and he was willing to do it.

Sam smiled as Evan frowned his face, looking at him. He knew that his husband would never let him sleep alone. He knew that Evan would buy anything and made the guest a lot more comfortable for both of them. They lived together for so long, and ti was so strange when one of them wasn't on their side, and Sam knew it too well.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Evan was glad that Sam wasn't being difficult as he thought he might be with thr caring his pregnancy would requiere, he was even taking precautions and that spoke a lot to him and just made his heart beat fast and flutter in his chest. Silently he came to his wife and couped his face between his hands and kissed his forehead in thankfulness there was not another guy in the world he could be married to, it be about to have a child with. "The guest room isn't that comfortable, but I'll make sure to get it ready for you and thr baby for these months. Meanwhile you're still sleeping upstairs, I'll just carry you" he said. and scooped thr young man in his arms not letting him have any space to complain.

He carried Sam to the second floor and laid him in bed and began to take his shoes off "I'm going to take care of you Sammy and you will be okay and hold our baby in your arms in some nine months" he assured his wife knowing he must be worrying not only if the difficulties that might arise but the fear of a miscarriage was present and very real
Sam smiled as hi husband said that. It was a very sweet moment, and he couldn't hold himself when Evan placed another deep kiss on him. He couldn't love in the world like this man in front of him. Some random people might gossip that he got married because of Evan's money, but it was totally wrong. He saw what other people didn't see and he believed him this man even when everything seems to be really bad. He could leave Evan in any second but he didn't. Sam just wanted to show that his love was real, and their relationship wasn't about the money or anything, but it was about their heart.

He let out a soft moan when Evan finally released him from the long and deep kiss. His face blushed pink which only Evan would see that. "Thanks,, Evan. I can't fine any man better than you. I'm glad that I've accepted your proposal that day, and I'm glad that it didn't leave you when other told me to." He smiled as when Evan helped him to get a more comfortable position. Sam knew that the guest room would be ready just in days after this, but they still had a very long way to go together. It might be rough or hard, but at least, his husband was there on his side.

It took just a few minutes till Sam had finally fallen asleep. His was really tired today, but he was so happy too. His family would be bigger soon, and this big penthouse would be filled with the laugh of their child.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
They had married shortly after finishing high school, when he has no one and had no money at all, he never understood why people thought Sam had married him because of money, when he actually had been the one to support him during the hard start of the company. He had lived poorly at his side and struggled with money problems.

As Sam fell asleep, Evan tucked him in and kissed his cheek. Probably Sam would want him to nap too, but now he wanted to see that thr lower floor would be acomodated as soon as possible.
While his wife slept, he met with an engineer, architect and interior designer to make the room. comfortable and make all thr changes that could also aid and make easier for Sam to get thr medical care he would need.
Sam had woken up again hours later just a moment before the dinner time. He wasn't surprised when Evan wasn't on his side. He knew that his husband was preparing everything now. This was the precious but also hard moment for both of them, so they wanted to make sure that everything was the best.

Sam smiled at his husband when Evan had opened the door and directly walked to the bed. "Good evening, honey. you should rest, Evan." he said, smiling as Evan. Sam closed his eyes and enjoyed the scent of his husband when Evan placed another kiss on his forehead. The chef might be in the kitchen already, preparing the dinner for both of them, but now they could enjoy the private time for a bit.

"thanks" He added as Evan helped him to sit up. Sam was still a bit sleepy and might need sometimes to recover. His morning sickness was more serious that it looked like, so it wasn't strange when he didn't want to move or eat sometimes.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
The architects would be sending designs as soon as possible and everything was set for thr moment. Evan tried to enter without disturbing Sam, yet he saw his wife's eyes open as he entered "sorry I didn't wanted to wake you. Are you feeling better?" hw asked sitting by his side in bed and helping him. sit up "Have you been this sick in your own all this week?" he asked as he took his hand worried it had been that way.

The chef was already preparing dinner and he pulled Sam into his arms kissing his shoulder blade "I love you, you know?" he asked sweetly "I know we've hoped for this for many years and it'd finally happening... it feels like a good dream or too good to be real" he said and grinned "I think zi might want to frame thr blood test in my office" he joked and kissed thr crook of his wife's neck with affection "you always make me happy... yet... you know I would have always loved you even if we didn't had a child or if... something goes wrong. My love for you won't change at all"
it might be too early to talk about losing the baby, but it was real, and they needed to prepare for it if that happened. Sam smiled as his husband said that. Evan always said how much he loved Sam and how much Sam made his life a lot better. "I know, honey. This may be our only chance, let's do this together. At least, we won't regret anything if that day has come." Sam said, smiling softly. They had talked about the adoption before, but with this pregnancy, it gave them a hope, and also change his mind too. He might just live with Evan if finally, they couldn't have the baby, and the adoption wasn't the choice for Sam anymore.

Sam could just smile while Evan was carrying him downstairs for the dinner. His husband was cute when he realized how Sam might has this sickness all week while he was taking the business trip. "Hey, smile, smile! I'm fine, honey. this just happened a day before you get back from the trip." it might be a lie, but it was better to let Evan believe this. In fact, Sam had had a week with morning sickness but wasn't so serious until the last two days.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Evan sat Sam at the dinner table just as the maid brought their dinner "I asked them to make something simple and homey, with all that vomiting I didn't thought you'd want anything too strong" he said just as thr maid served them a chicken broth with some salad crackers for both, he wouldn't be making Sam see him eat something different and feel miserable for him.

"Well I'm just hoping this won't be our only child, perhaps on thr future we do get lucky again" he said wanting to keep positive yet both knew that if Sam's life would be engendered in anyway there was no way Evan would go along with it. "You promise it just stated to today?" he asked referring to thr morning sickness "I know you... You're lying... of you had told me I would have returned immediately, you know it"
Sam sighed as Evan had noticed everything. In fact, they live with each other for too long, and couldn't lie or hide anything from each other anymore. He could just smile when Evan said that. "Yeah, I have had this morning sickness since the day after you had left, but it's fine, Evan. It's not that bad until yesterday. Believe me, I can't lie you twice." He said, smiling. He knew how this business was important for their company. It might just cause them lots money, but also the opportunity to expand the business overseas. "I know you'll just return if I tell you, but I don't know what it was at that moment, but I promise, honey, I'll tell you everything from now on." He said, rubbing his flat belly. he knew that Evan would be very guilty if something happened and he wasn't there.

Sam giggled with how Evan just eat the same food with him. His husband needed a lot more energy than him after this tiring trip, and this thick and muscular build needed lots of protein which Sam always knew it. He waved at the maid and said something with her. "Sorry, but can you tell the chef to cook some chicken and salmon steak for my husband?" He asked, and the maid instantly responded. "Hey, Evan, I know you do this for me, but I wanna do something for you too." He added, starting his salad
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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