A joke gone bad (w/ dots)

James' hungry without eating mucg cake from before, and he finished his portion quite quickly, spendinh the rest of the time stariing at Horu. He was sitting next to him, so he can play with Horu's belly and interact with the babies inside, dancinh gis fingers on Horu and making little noises. When Horu was finihses aa well, James wrapped an arm around Horu's shoulder, finally haply that he could hold his wife close.

They came out of the restaurant. The car was a lityle far away, so James asked Horu to wait for him while he went to take the car and drive closer so Horu didnt need to walk. He whistled on his way, smiling. He had planned for some christmas present for tonight, and he needed tbe te to hide the gift from the car to smuggle it back to their hotel room. Maybe he couls put he gift in the bags of things they had brought so Horu wouldnt discover it.

Horu looked around while he was waiting for the car and James. He just loved the Christmas theme here. Normally, ti would be really cold during the Christmas but Australia was different. He could see some couples walking on the street together. A couple your man with the Santa reminded him a lot of the time they spent together when they were still young. They would go out together finding the cafe or restaurant that they could spend time together. Horu was so happy that James was always there on his side.
His thought was interrupted by a most handsome man walking to him now. He could even fall in love with his husband even now after all these years. "Hmm, should we get back to the hotel? We still have plenty of time before the dinner now, and we can even order from the hotel." He suggested. Horu really needed to rest now after the sex last night and also after a long walking today.

(Hmm, I love surprise hehe, but I hope, James won't but the sexy costume for his wife ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Haha no. I am thinking something like an accessory.)

To James, it was also the same. When he came from the car, nearinh his wife, he felt like he could fall in love with Horu all over again. The young man was pregnant, and looking so lovely and cute. He was holding his eblly like it was a precious thing, and looking at him with such a bright smile. Jame ssometimes didnt understand why he could be so lucky in hvaing Horu in his life - his angel and his most precious.

James camr to tug on Horu's back and kissed him. "Yea, let's head back. You have enouhh walkinh today, I bet a feet rub would make ylu feel a lot better. A feet rub and belly rub and back rub - i am covering your body with rubs." He chuckled and opened the door for Hrou, helping him get in. Horu was stiff from being tired, so it was more dififuclt than that morning.

They took just a bit of time getting back to the hotel. There were fewer people now since it was Christmas, and the local people would usually stay with their family. James almost lifted Horu up when they got outside the if his wife hadn't stopped him at the moment. They took a lot more time getting to the room, and this time James had walked slower to give Horu some rest during the way back. It was nice to see how James always knew how to treat his lover.

"Hmm, this is such a good day, I can't wait to see when our little ones see all these treats," He said, looking down at a big bad with lots of local treats and he knew that Henry would love it a lot. Horu stretched his back as he sat down on the couch. It was nice to sit after this long day of walking. He smiled when James also sat next to him and started playing with his belly. "Hmm, daddy, mommy is here." He said, smiling.

(Hmm, should we skip the belly rub scene for this time? I mean, it'll also have the belly rub in the cramp scene,)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yea yea. Let's make Horu sleepy very soon?)

"Am i hearing mommy being jealous of the babies? Is mommy not happy that Daddy always only focus on the babiez?" James teaaed looking up fron Horu's belly, smiling at him. "Dont worry babies, daddy know exactly the way to make mommy less annoyed. Daddy will come back to you two little ones later." James said, saying a temporary goodbye to the babies as he pushed himsef up to hover over Horu's lovely face.

Through thr prrgnancy, Horu's face had become rounder, making him.look cuter than befroe. James smiled and pressed their faces closer and closer, then kissing him on hislips with all the love he had for his wife. They separated after a long while, and with his smile still in place, James slipped off the sofa. "Wait here babe." He said goign trhougb their bags of shopping tp find a deep blue velvet box.

Horu didn’t try to see what James was picking from the bag. His husband was always so nice to him and he couldn’t hide his smile when He saw a small box in Jame’s hands. “Hmm, what’s that? Little ones, your daddy is so nice today” He said, rubbing his belly gently. “You’re so nice as keeping the secret, have you buy this during the trip? Hmm or you have prepared this even before the trip” He said, smiling. Horu could see a shiny thing inside the box” He was so grateful that James had given this to him. He knew that his husband had spent lots of money on this trip and this was why James had worked so hard all these past months

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

James opened the box and knelt down in one knee in front of Horu. Inside, resting on the royal blue velvet, was a ring with a diamond encrusted on a platinum band. it wasn't a huge stone, so it was not too expensive and still affordable for James. "babe... this year is the 10th anniversary since the day you made me the happiest man on earth. I want to say thank you to you, I am so grateful you have entered my life, everyday making it even more exciting and wonderful than yesterday. I want you to know I love you so much, i am sometimes surprised how I am feeling towards you, how deeply in love i could be. Babe... i want to repeat our marriage vows. would you accept my proposal - again?" James smiled, looking up at Horu with loving eyes. he wanted to make this happen, right on Christmas, just a small repeated wedding for the two of them, befroe the twins arrived.

Horu knew that he was being so dramatic again, so he tried to not cry this time. He nodded as that words from his husband, and hugged James tightly, holding the box in his hand. This is one of the greatest days in his life, and no one could pleasure him like this man. "Thanks, James, I love you so much, honey. You are only one I'll live with for the whole life. OUr children may leave us then they have their own family, but that's okay because you will be there with me." He whispered, responding another kiss from James, and it was even deeper this time. Horu wasn't a person who loved wearing jewelry but this time was totally different. He handed the box to James when they released each other then asked. "So, how can I wear this ring? Hmm, another ring finger? or maybe the middle finger, so when I look at my hand, I'll see both rings from the greatest man in my life." He said, smiling.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Dont worry, I have this planned." James smiled at how happy he had made his wife, and took the ring out. He took the same ring finger, and slipped the ring through so the 2 rings would come together, forming a thicker band on Horu's hand. "There... when you are out, you can turn the ring towards the inside, so no one could see it, but you could feel my undying love to you." He smiled at him, tilting his face up to see tears welling up in Horu's bright eyes. "I love you so much... there are many difficulty in life, and sometimes I feel so much pressure I wabt to give up. You are the one giving me the courage to carry on, you are the best thing.possible in my life. Thank you sobmuch Horu, and i.will love you forever." He said finally sealing their vows again. It was true, what horu said, children would leave once they found their own families and lives, but he wohld be conyent with his Horu beside him always.

(maybe too late now, but Happy Chinese New Year :) Are you with your family now?)

Horu was surprised that the ring fit perfectly with his old wedding ring. "Hmm, This is so good, James. I know you have prepared this for so long, thanks for always being with me, honey." He whispered, smiling softly. James was right that they had passed many things together. Lots of people would never think that this relationship would last this long. Horu couldn't imagine what would happen to him if James didn't enter this life when they were still in the high school. Horu never asked James about the reason why one of the hottest men had fallen in love with him, and in fact, sometimes, there was no reason for something.

They spent most of the time just cuddling together, talking and watching the movie in the room. This was already so good for Horu. He smiled when James had offered the feel rub after a long day with lots of walking. His husband always knew everything about it.

(Hmm, I think, only feet rub is cute now, and then we can skip to the cramp scene during the night ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oh yea! I am with family today... thanks ;) and happy chinese new yr to you as well!)

James pulled over Horu's feet to place it on his lap, rubbing it expertlt. He knew how to make his wife feeling comdortable, which spot would make him.moan in pain but that would almost promote circulation. He also know how to make him gradually fall asleep, so that in the end Horu was just laying there peacefully, his breathing lengthebing and deepnening as he finally lost consciousness.

James smiled and carried his wife towards tge bedroom. Everythi.g was perfecr, and he had expexted this, Hrou had been so tired, walking all day after a late night yesterday. He wanted him ot have some great rest.

James laid asleep beside Horu, but much later that night, he suddenly found himseld waking up. He looked up at fhe darkened room, then realised it was Horu whimpering beside him, and squirming that had woken him up. "Horu? What's wrong?" He pushed himself up, leaning.ober to see what's happening.

(Haha, thanks, I ancestor was definitely a Chinese, but not my family now lol)

It might be cause Horu had walked a lot today, and he didn't feel good at all during the night. He had woken up with a small cramp in his belly and back, and then it slowly became worse. He had sat on the bed, trying to stretch his back as much as he could, but it didn't seem to help that much. He knew that James would wake up soon, but he didn't want to bother his husband anymore or, at least, he wanted to try getting better as much as he could by himself.
He was trying to rub around his belly, trying to stretch the muscle but it wasn't even better, luckily enough, the babies were still sleeping inside his belly, so Horu needed to handle with only one problem. Horu knelt down on the bed, trying to put his hands on both his back and his belly while the cramps were getting worse. It was the moment that everything went bad that James had finally woken up. "S..sorry, honey, I should have told you." He said, whimpering.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha yea? chinese influence can be found in all places around the South East Asia area i guess... ... we are so close geographically LOL)

it looked uncomfortabel for Horu to be kneeling down on the bed, and it was obvious Horu was weaty and pale - probably from the pain as he whimpered again and clutched his belly. "is it cramps again?" James asked, coming over to put Horu down gently onto his lap, so Horu wouldn't have to hold up his entire weight.

James rubbed Horu's belly gently, feeling teh tightening up that reminded him of contractions when Horu was giving birth last time. He was getting a little nervous as well, but he tried to keep calm for his wife. "shhh... it's ok. don't worry... i know you don't want to disturb me." he said, relieving Horu of some of his guilt and continued to rub, drawing big circles on the underside of his bell.y. "breath deep and slowly babe... deeply in, deeply out." he instructed, hoping it would help him relax.

(Haha, there are still lots of people here celebrating the Chinese New Year, but my family isn't the Chinese at all now.)

Horu took the deep breaths in and out slowly as James said. He felt a bit better now with James's hands moving on his belly, but it wasn't that good now. "J...James, can I have the warm towels?" He asked his husband as he tried to relax for a bit more. He didn't do that so often, but the warm towels were a lot helpful with the cramp when placed it on his belly. It might be a bit hard to prepare it here, but luckily enough, they had the water boiling inside the hotel room. Horu tried to find the comfortable position even on the James' lap, and it was easy for him since James's body was always warm and so nice to him. He knew that he had this cramps because of walking so much today, but Horu didn't want to mention it. It was his fault since James already asked him to sit for many times, but Horu himself insisted to do it.

(I just thought that the warm towel would be cute for belly rub hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha yea lunar new year is sort of important to chinese...)

James nodded. "of course, yea i will go prepare it. just stay here." Jaames pressed a comforting kiss on Horu's forehead and got out of bed. he prepared the warm towle as quickly as he could, coming back to Horu who was squriming and moaning in pain again. without his warmth, his wife's pain again intensified, James climbed back up on bed and put Horu on his lap again, holding him the way his wife always found most comfortable, and puhsed his shirt up slightly. "I got the warm towels... if it's too hot, let me know." he said carefully, folding the twoel so it could cover the lower part of Horu's belly, where James felt the tightening was worst. "relax babe... deep breathes." James was focused on taking care of his wife, he rubbed his belly slightly while he warmed the lower part of it with the towel.

(Haha, yeah, but it isn't the public holiday in my country, just for some places (which a lot lol) such as where I live that we had a day off on last Friday. How about HK? I guess it's a long holiday, right?)

The warm towels were so helpful with the cramps and Horu felt a lot better, but he knew that this towels would be useless without James. The warmth of James' body was so good to warm Horu's whole body up and made him relax. Horu didn't have much problem with his back at all with James warm abs and chest touching against it, but his belly seemed to be a bit harder to handle. He moaned in pain as the cramps getting a bit tense. Horu could see when James had turned the temperature up, so he didn't get cold which would be the worst for Horu now. He tried to breathe in and out slowly. "I..I don't know what will happen if you aren't here, James. Thanks, honey." He whispered, looking up at his husband although he knew that James would never leave him during his pregnancy. His tears also ran out of his eyes since he knew that this would ruin the tomorrow trip. He would be able to go out, but Horu couldn't do much anymore.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(not too long, just friday and monday. and there the holiday's gone already...)

James was a bit worried. The cramps were coming very strong, reminding James of labor, and the whimper from Hor broke his heart. His lovely wife was enduring so much for the babies... all he could think of was to thank Horu for being so brave and sacrificing so much for their family. "it's very little that i can do, compaed to you. you are the hero of our family Horu...." James kissed Horu on his cheek, keeping up with his belly rubs hoping it would work in reducing Horu's discomfort.

"aww don't cry babe... why are you crying? it's ok.... it's all fine. the pain will go away soon..." James was surrpised when he tasted salty tears when he kissed Horu. He thought Horu was just afriad of the cramps. "shhh... it's ok. i am here with you." he said, tightening his hold on Horu and gently swayed side to side, like he was consoling a crying child.

Horu had stopped crying just the moment after James said that. He wasn't sad because he might not be able to go outside tomorrow, but Horu was afraid that James would be bored staying in the room all day with him, and He was sad that they could spend every minute during this trip with just the happiness, however, Horu still loved this moment. It might be really bad and he was suppering lots of pain, but it made him know that James would be always here with him.

Horu didn't say anything but sighed in relief when James moved to towel up to his dome and started rubbing his bare lower belly. James pumps might not as warm as the towel, but it felt a lot better. Horu couldn't find the comfortable position yet, but this was good enough for him now. He knew that he might not be able to pass these pregnancies without James on his side.

(Haha, I see, hope you had a good holiday :))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

James moved Horu to his lap, adjusting his wife so he was sitting sideways against him. his wife's legs were rested across his lap, onto one side, so Horu could press his face sideway towards James' chest. "babe don't cry..." The crying of Horu gradually reduced to tiny sobs, which only made James feel even worse. "i am here... you have nothing to be afraid of." His hands on Horu's bump was still feeling tigehtning. The cramps were still there and james wanted to kick himself for not being helpful sooner.

He rubbed, continuing with the comforting massage - he usually use it when the twins were kicking strong. He was usually successful in calming the babies down, he hoped this time he could also calm Horu's womb down so the cramps would go away. He muttered sweet words to his wife, repeatingly declared his love to Horu. "keep breathing babe... focus on me. don't pay attention to teh cramps, and it would soon go away.... let's stay in this room tomorrow, then we can have a very good rest." he said, guessing himself that the cramps would be because Horu was too tired.

Hour nodded as James said that. He just loved how James always knew everything about him, and no one could do the best. The cramps were slowly getting better and better with James hands rubbing on Horu's big belly. He had finally got a bit sleepy again after almost 1 hour of suffering. Nothing could be better than James warm chest now. He could even feel James's muscle through his thin t-shirt. "Thanks, honey" He whispered as James had bent forward for a bit, wrapping his arms around Hor's smaller body while his hands were still on Horu's big belly.
Horu was grateful that the babies were moving at all during all this hard time. "At least, they are so nice tonight. just like their father." He whispered as he got more sleepy this time. Everywhere could b the greatest place for him with James on his side. His warm embrace which Horu loved since there were in the high school, that sweet kiss that James had never given to the people before, that strong build that James could protect his family, and most importantly, that kind heart that was shining even in the darkest time. James was Horu's first love and would be always.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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