Mysty Cove (Closed w/gre-y)
Most speculate how it happens. Maybe something watches over them, but not in a good way. Maybe the government is craftily scheming. Maybe, just maybe, something is just in the air. When someone reaches that ripe age of eighteen in the among the seaside town of Cape Ridley, they simply cannot recall what happened. Some just assume they passed out, but morning sickness sets in and soon the news of pregnancy occurs. This even includes the men, where such a thing should never occur in the first place. It’s not a thing known to the world to this very day as a thick fog covers the town. Passerby’s of age find themselves passing out and awaking at the clinic. Only until a person reaches a certain age or has defects that this...whatever, whoever or however it chooses...only then do the pregnancies seemingly stop for a person, but their offspring and so forth continue the process when they hit that certain age right on the clock. Some have grown content with this occurring while others are determined to put and end to this. Will they figure it out and put an end to it or will they either be compliant the rest of their lives or disappear as the stories meant to scare the truth seekers usually dictate? There’s one way to find out. This town is known as Mysty Cove
Setting: Mystery, slight Thriller (Nothing too Major Scale), Adventure, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Male Pregnancy

Profile Skeleton:
Other Physical Descriptions:
Pregnant so far: Y/N
How Many (If yes):
Are you: Local Resident, Passerby, etc.
Small Bio:
Name: Connor O’Donnell
Age: 21
Height: 6’0
Weight: 209 lbs (Prior to Pregnancy) 230 lbs presently
Other Physical Descriptions: Athletic Build, Dark Brown Hair that alternates from being shaggy or cut short. He sports grayish-blue eyes and facial stubble that’s just a little thick but not quite to the point it blossoms into a beard for that matter. Caucasian with a slight rosen complexion. He often wears a bandanna on his head that had his football team’s logo. It’s faded, but the Red color is still there.
Pregnant so far: Yes
How Many (If yes): Quads at 5 months.
Are you: Passerby
Small Bio: Former football player that was traveling back for presumably the holidays with friends. His GPS picked up a better route to take, what he thought at least and so he drove right through Cape Ridley. Everything was a blur at that point.

It played out in his head over and over again. He tried to recall how he had gone from being energetic to just passing out at the wheel and that was only because he smelled a strange musk in the air. When he awoke in the hospital, all he had to show were a few minor injuries. It was from there he was told the most bizarre news. He was pregnant. Of course, he didn’t believe that and tried to leave like most. His car was wrecked among other things. No signal could be found on his phone and if he tried his hardest on his best days, this entire town was like a maze. Clearly, he never left and his time frame to do so was getting thinner. That was close to five months ago. Presently now, he was cradling a massive baby bump while sitting upstairs in his room. It was a halfway house for those without a means to afford a house or appartment and who would exactly? If they were like him, someone trapped in this town, staying was the last thing on their mind. The worst was what happened when the person finally gave birth. Either they simply vanished or they became fully disillusioned to the idea of bearing children to this mysterious anomaly. He and a few others were piecing together events however, looking for what could be the common source to all their problems. That’s what he was doing presently, reading glasses strapped on as he sat before a laptop on a desk, subconsciously rubbing his belly every now and then.
Name: Winona Bailey
Age: 19
Height: 5'2
Weight: 115 pounds before getting pregnant
Other Physical Descriptions: Winona is an averagely attractive young woman with long red hair that goes a bit down her shoulders. Her face, back, and shoulders are covered with freckles. Her eyes are a bright sky blue that nicely contrasts with her vibrant red hair. Her go to outfit would be a tee shirt or a hoodie, and a pair of comfortable leggings.
Pregnant so far: 6 months
How Many: She thinks two but there's actually three
Are you: Passerby
Small Bio: Normal young adult. She works for a local bookstore in her town but left for a few weeks to drive up and visit some family she hasn't seen in awhile. She had been driving all day and through half the night so she pulled into a small town to grab a hotel with the intent to leave in the morning and continue on her way. Unfortunately she wasn't able to leave.

Winona recalled what had happened. She pulled into the hotel and got a room. That was correct. As she was sleeping a strange scent filled the air but she had assumed it was some sort of strange cleaning product? It wasn't. Skip ahead a few days. Yeah, a few days. Whatever it was had knocked her out. She quickly tried to use her phone to call her family but.. no signal. Weird.. She noticed that the hotel staff at the front desk didn't even have a phone. Well that idea was out. Next she tried to find her car but it was mysteriously gone and she couldn't figure out where it had gone. Alright, she couldn't drive her way out. Was there a bus out of town? Nope. She couldn't even WALK her way out of the small town. It seemed that she always ended up back at the place she was before.
Next thing she knew she had been stuck here for months and had mysteriously become pregnant. She didn't know what to do anymore. What was this place?
Connor, as a means of compensation, was given ward over the half house of which many basically had no other choice but to live. It wasn't like he didn't have skills of which to land a job out among the misty town known as Mysty Cove. It was just the fact that his skills required him to not be heavily pregnant and guess what? That's exactly what he was, so on most days, asides from checking in on the individuals that were on heavy bed rest, some carrying double the amount of what he was dealing with, he would be busy trying to read up on every news article that depicted the fog and this mysterious ailment plaguing everyone as a result. As his stomach growled however, Connor knew it was time for him to eat something. He sighed as he eased away from his computer, rising up and waddling out the room in a form of embarrassment. He really hated having to move around like this, but what good was it? Everyone to some degree was doing the same walk as he was, one hand in front of the large belly and another behind their back for support. Only for him, he had to get down the stairs, which was easy. Getting back up them was another story.

"How's the evening treating you all," he asked those that were present in the spacious dining room and kitchen. Some had put their baking skills to solid use, making various cookies and other healthy snacks. Connor opened the fridge to pour himself cold glass of tea while also having a few snacks and naturally mingling with everyone else. Of course, like him, some were working away on computers of their own, trying to find a way out of this place. It had practically become a mini café at this point, which made him chuckle to some degree.
At the moment Winona was sitting in the 'cafe' and reading some books she had checked out from the local library about town history, looking for any clues. This place was so strange and she wanted to know why. Maybe books were a good place to look? She was sipping some tea, flipping pages, and rubbing at her big belly. Occasionally she baked pretty good things but that was only if she was up to it. Today wasn't one of those days it seemed, annd someone else was using the oven anyway.

The redhead looked up as Connor entered the room and smiled at him. Connor made good company and it was nice to have him around. "Hey, Connor!" she greeted happily, looking up from her book and holding a finger in her place. There were two piles of books. Unread ones, and the ones she already flipped through. There was a long way to go. "How are you doing?"
A voice called out to him and as a result, he found his blue eyes glancing towards the table. Out among most who were sitting was a redheaded female with a set a books that one could say she was essentially buried in. She wasn't the only one as others were taking it upon themselves to read up on books as well that pertained to Mysty Cove and the area of Cape Ridley as a whole. Some had history books while others delved a bit further with books on strange weather phenomena. What was she, Winona, reading however?

"Hey," he said with a slight smile, pulling a chair and taking the time to ease into it. "Doing alright for the most part. How are things on your end? Find anything worth reading about?"

Connor had some things of his own that he had found, but they were more so the obviously known. Things like news articles that the now overly pregnant news anchors posted from the comfort of their own homes detailed how the fog and mist itself just mysteriously came close to two decades back when a hurricane hit them. Ever since, people outside of the town itself seemingly forgot it existed. Connor for certain thought it was never on the map. He discreetly remembers checking his GPS on his way home for the college break after all and nothing appeared, town wise, on the program. Imagine his surprise when he stumbles on to a town and receives the complimentary welcome of being knocked out and impregnated by a strange aroma in the air.
Winona smiled as Connor came closer, even pulling up a chair to sit. The redhead shoved aside a pile of books to make room for him, but also being careful to keep the two piles separate. Nothing was more annoying than reading the same book twice and not realizing until you were halfway through. She took a sip from her tea and carefully placed the cup back down on the table. The tea bag still sat in the mug since she very much enjoyed strong tea.

"I'm doing as well as anyone can in this situation," she shrugged with a light chuckle, rubbing her round belly. "Hmmm, well I did grab a ton of books from the library and I'm looking through right now. I can't say I found anything I didn't already know, but," she motioned to one pile of books. "I still have all of these to flip through."

Winona was becoming annoyed at the lack of information being found in this strange place. She remembered the night she arrived. Her GPS on her phone indicated no town but somehow she found herself here anyway. She was tired and was willing to stop anywhere so she did- not realizing how strange it was until a few days later. She still carried her phone around as a comfort object, even though it served no purpose with calling anybody outside the town.
Connor looked at some of the books by giving a brief passing glance. They looked intriguing, but he wasn't exactly sure if he could find anything in them that probably wasn't told to him already. Hopefully Winona may find something that she might have missed among them.

"Yea, I think everyone is trying to cope with this weird situation at this point," he stated, noticing a few that weren't visibly showing still a bit shaken up by the ordeal. "It's not everyday people get to hear some thing decided to give them a life altering moment with several bundles of joy in the oven."

There was sarcasm, naturally. Connor felt worse for wear, what with the constant rising and resting from the bed to run to a restroom and hopefully pray someone else wasn't in there doing the exact same thing. The house might have been a bit spacious, but he never thought there would be a day when he could say four full bathrooms just weren't enough. Now, it was moments like this he truly just wished he could settle down here. The town wasn't exactly bad, the place mixed with designs akin to a modern revamp of the early puritan days, which gave a homely feel all on it's own. Still, he had other people out there not sure if he was alive or dead. He couldn't even tell if he was brought up on the news as reported missing. That kind of thing could weigh heavily on a soul.

"Hopefully you find something," he stated with an assuring and warm smile. "Anything that gets us out of here, preferably before the ticker is over with has to count for something. Have you heard what apparently happens to those who do find out, though?"

They just simply vanish from what has been told. Nobody knows where they or the children go. They just waltz out of here in thin air. It left most alarmed because if they were already trapped in a fog among other things that made them seemingly repeat the pathways before them like a maze, what comes out of actually finding a way to solve the secret here and of course they couldn't say anything to the others who were still trapped because they were Lord knows where.

"It sounds a bit scary when you think about it, but I guess I'm a bit too heard headed to leave it alone. Bradley might get an anxiety attack wondering what happens though."

By Bradley, that was the man presently on Paternity leave who usually was over the Halfway House. He felt sympathy for Connor and allowed the male to make a living by co-owning the place, but Connor was still a bit stubborn and defiant, and so while the other male was out and away, Connor got to work alongside everyone else within the makeshift café of the dining room and kitchen.

"I was planning to do a little roaming out among the town tonight," he stated. "Not like we have to worry about robbers these days what with them being too busy themselves these days. Maybe take a few pictures and see if I'll find anything."
Winona shrugged. “Yah, I mean what can you do except deal with it?” Some of of others didn’t take it as easily as others. Some had panic attacks a lot. It turned out that she was really good with comforting the people who were having a tough time adjusting to the strange situation. If she couldn’t escape, she could at least stay and to make it easier for the other people who were struggling.

She rubbed her round belly while listening to her friend talk. She could feel a few kicks from the babies inside and she shifted her position slightly in discomfort. “I’m losing hope that these books would tell me anything,” she admits. “It’s all the same stuff, or useless facts and info,” she rolled her eyes and looked to the pile of green and brown books. Some of their pages yellowed from being a bit old and some of the pages were dog eared. It was strange with some of the books because there were full pages missing. She didn’t know what to make of it. Something being covered up, or just an accident?

One of the things Winona did to help around was to make meals. She was good at cooking so that was her ‘job.’ She was glad to have something to keep her busy. Tonight wasn’t her turn to make dinner though so that’s why she was reading and available to talk to Connor.

“Exploring hm? That sounds like it could be fun.” She mused. “Who knows? Maybe you might find something interesting.” She paused in thought.

She was aware of the people who knew too much, or whatever the case may be, and would just disappear out of thin air it seemed. Well, foggy air considering the climate of this town. It was so strange, they were there and then.. not. What happened to them and their kids? She wondered if something dark happened or they were possibly set free.

Winona wanted to be free of this place. She missed her parents, her siblings, and the family she had intended to visit. She missed her pet cat as well. He was a little tabby. She wondered if her family was looking for her, or had possibly forgotten? That was very well possible with how strange everything was down here. She sighed.
"You're welcome to come with," he suggested. "It helps put my mind to ease a little when I don't have to face much of my reality as much as possible."

And by that, he meant having to be around other pregnant figures in the fullest and the slight aroma of baby powder. Some people had already delivered, but still had to stay there for a little while until they could find a place to stay. That meant of course as a result, there were three other Halfway houses being managed by the same Bradley. Imagine the fun Connor had when walking from house to house to check in on everyone every once in a while? Getting out of the area and houses were a slight blessing in disguise. He casually fidgeted around with his digital camera before noticing that among the present book Winona was reading, pages were practically missing.

"Looks like someone had a field day with that book," he teased. "No wonder nothing can be found. Have you tried to find other copies or did you get the same response: They're out at the other library, which is beyond the fog?"

That certainly sounded like an investigation to check into if he had ever heard one.
“I’d like to come! Sounds nice to get away.” Sometimes she couldn’t stand the sound of crying babies and people talking. Occasionally if she was very tired, any sounds would irritate the crap out of her. “I’ll have to grab a sweater since it’s so damn cold all the time.” She ran her fingers over the pages while she spoke and Connor noticed the torn bits.

“Yeah I know! I don’t know wha happened it’s weird. I’m going to try to get another copy of this book and see if those pages would be torn as wel.” She explained. Of course she had dealt with the annoying “it’s at the other library.” That always made her feel disheartened about the situation and the lack of information.

“It’s just so frustrating,” she muttered. She hated that valuable information was being withheld, and that most of the citizens were being held against their will. She looked at Connor. She wondered if he had any new information or an idea. IF he did, he probably would have mentioned it by now.
"Great," he said with a smile. "I'm probably one of the few who casually enjoys riding out among the carriages these days and taking in the sights of the forests and parks."

Horse-drawn carriages were brought back. Given the fact that cars didn't function anymore due to not being able to supply gas stations with gas and most in the late stages of their pregnancies couldn't get around on bikes and other things that made life just a bit more convenient, some of the farmers found more success asides from their crops with bringing out carriages once more. It worked a lot more for Connor, who liked to get around a lot, but what with his now large belly and partially thick and curvy frame that accentuated his muscular frame from being a football player, that made it just too tiresome these days. He was still glad to be able to fit around his track coat however, Connor being able to zip it up halfway like he usually preferred anyways.

"I know what you mean," he said with a heavy sigh. "It's like most of the locals have basically given up. I can't imagine what it is like for some of them to have been stuck like this for more than ten years."

He might have been pregnant, but he minded his chivalric manners. He waited on her outside by casually leaving the door open and holding it open as a result. Before them was the night sky piercing through the partially foggy town. It was always thick out around them than it was inwardly, sort of like some twisted barrier. The authentic looking antique lamp lights flickered on with glowing yellow as the Town Square and Center stood in front of them around the large round about. Connor felt it was the right time to get things started and as a result, took a picture which came in with clear view.

"This isn't quite a terrible place to be around if not for the fact we're basically trapped here. Maybe with some luck, we can find out who may have other copies. Surely someone had to purchase them, but for now."

He waved a hand as one of the carriages were strolling by, watching the clearly pregnant female who was operating it bring everything to a halt. He was looking to head out towards the park and just stroll a bit, sit on a bench and naturally take pictures here and there. Maybe something would come out of it. He got on only after Winona was on board and stated "The park" when the driver asked them where they were going.
Winona shook her head at the mention of people who had been stuck her for ten years or longer. “I can’t possibly imagine being here for ten years. I’d go crazy- maybe literally.” She grabbed her mug and quickly drank the remaining few gulps of tea. She didn’t like to leave an unfinished cup of tea. “Alright I’ll go grab a sweater and be right back,” she pushed her chair back and heaved herself up. She wandered up to her room.

After unlocking the door she hopped in and opened the dresser drawer. Her favorite hoodie was a soft grey one so she picked that one, threw it on and went for the door. After exiting the room she locked her door and trotted as fast as she could back to Connor. She didn’t want to keep him waiting too long.

“Ready to go? Oh thank you!” She smiled at him and squeezed outside the door when he held it open for her.

The town would probably be a good tourist trap if it wasn’t so secretive and borderline creepy. It had a good location- a beach town that was pretty and foggy. It has an old timey feel to it with the buildings and the horse drawn carriages. Traveling people would just eat this stuff up! Winona could imagine the place as a tourist trap town. Pretty lights wrapped around the trees at night, a street of gift shops filled with little trinkets.
Unfortunately this wasn’t how it was. Anyone who came here would find themselves trapped.

She didn’t have a camera, but she did have her phone which was just fine for taking pictures with, should she find something picture worthy. She wasn’t exactly big on taking pictures but if a good opportunity came she might snap a picture or two.

The pair waited for a carriage and climbed in. “I think finding more copies of that book will be my mission,” she chuckled, trying to settle into the seat and be as comfortable as she could. She placed a hand on her belly. “I’ll have to ask around. Maybe someone else has a copy?” She mused. She admired the scenery as the horses pulled the carriage through town. It was quite lovely here.
Connor shrugged with a questionable look to his face about if someone else may have had a copy by merely just asking around. "You never know. Despite how small it may seem here, I imagine going from door to door may be a bit of a hard task, but I could help you ask around as a result."

If it got him out the house some more, he was all for it. To think he was perhaps one of the few who was upset when learning the news months ago as well. His kind of upset sort of turned into being a bit physically violent though, but he didn't lash out on anyone. Things just got thrown around instead. He eventually calmed down and now the rest was history. No matter how mad he got, he wouldn't take it out on others who were just as innocent after all.

"I think we can probably search online as well," he continued. "Do some investigative journalism here and there and see who decided this might be a good read enough to purchase the book via an online store."

Naturally that kind of information wasn't available to the public, but as Connor suggested, he wasn't looking to do things by the book exactly. He might have been pregnant, but he wasn't slowing down when it came to searching for the truth in that regards. He took a few pictures here and there, images of pregnant couples or singles just casually enjoying their night here and there to even animals like dogs just casually roaming around.

"What were you reading about though out of curiosity? I could hardly make out some of the details from glancing at it due to the missing pages."
“I won’t go knockin in peoples doors, that would be weird.” Winona chuckled a bit.”maybe internet searching would be better. I’ll have to look deeper.” She said. “Sounds easier to do some quick googling.” She watched the trees, lights, and other things go by as they got closer and closer to the park.

Winona was more inconvenienced and annoyed to find out what had happened to her. Throwing a big fit about it wouldn’t solve anything, and it would make the others around her uncomfortable. Instead of being angry she would use her energy to find out what was happening. It was so strange how literally everybody knew nothing about the dilemma.

She was quiet for a moment while admiring the sky. It was pretty with the fog, but she would appreciate some nice blue sky. It seemed this place only offered damp grey fog. The girl was snapped out of her thoughts when Connor asked her about the book she had been reading earlier. She realized she left all of her books at the table. She hoped nobody would interfere with the two obvious piles.

“The book I was reading was about town history.” She said. “There is no info on what happened around ten or fifteen years ago- the pages were just torn clean out. I checked other town history books too- anything ten or fifteen years ago is skipped over or removed.” It made her a tad unsettled, not knowing what had happened. It had been removed from information sources so the public couldn’t have access to it anymore.
"It would be weird," he said in response to her comment about knocking on the doors like he jokingly suggested. "That and who really has time to do any of that these days? We'd probably be out of breath before even getting to the first door."

There were a few ideas he was beginning to think about within his mind when she mentioned that the book she was reading was about the town's history. Naturally, Google and a few other search engines were her friend on that matter. If the library didn't offer her anything but that crap however, there was another thought he had.

"Maybe even the Town Hall. They usually hold copies of various information pertaining to the town, it's history and the likes after all."

They could check into it while they were out presently. The large building was just essentially one hop away from the park itself and speak of the Devil. The journey itself came to a calm halt as the horses in front slowed down.

"Looks like we made it," that being clearly obvious of course. "One of the town's edges."

Now, what did he mean by that? Well, if someone looked distinctly close, a few miles deep into the forest the park shared, there was the fog. Nobody had to fear walking into it and disappearing. In some strange notion, they would just appear in another direction that put them back into the town. As Connor got out, he looked in that general direction.

"There's something I wanted to test while I was out here," he said while hefting up a rock from the ground.
"Ha! Yeah," she chuckled a little. "We'd be all panting and awkward," she said. "If they had stairs it would be even worse," she added with a light laugh. She disliked the situation she was forced into, but being able to laugh at it occasionally was good and made her feel a little less shitty about the whole thing.

"Hmm the town hall? I wonder if they'd let us look at what we're looking for?" She mused out loud. "That stuff might be hidden, or straight up removed." If pages were being torn, and information being withheld, she assumed it wouldn't be easily obtained. She thought walking into town hall and asking for the hidden information was silly but it would be worth a shot. You never know what you might find! Although since the town hall was so close to the park they might as well pop in and check anyway.

The horses came to a complete stop and both passengers carefully got out. Of course she had thanked the driver, she was raised to be polite.

She rolled her eyes at the stupid fog. "I remember when I first got here, I kept trying get out and it just wasn't working! It was so frustrating, I didn't understand. I still don't," she scoffed while staring into the thick mist. She watched him grab a rock.

"Hey be careful with that! It would be stupid if you tossed it in there, and the fog threw it back at us," she said. She was curious as well but was cautious.
bumpp ;0 ?
(I’ve seen it. I’ll catch up on everything accordingly :) )
Mmk sorry for botherin’ ya

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