True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

Aki smiled up at Nick, continuing to stroke Haley's adorable snout in a sort of gentle, peaceful way as if he was touching her soul. He felt at a pure sense of peace each time he petted her with his dominant right hand. As time passed on by he got used to the majestic creature who towered over him at a tall, Goddess height.

Life was at ease and he was able to breathe and be freed from the clutches of his once loving but now ex husband Christopher the cheating jerk, pathetic excuse of a man. He wanted to make sure that Nick would always be praised and loved by Aki and just him and be in the Villa together alone without anyone bugging them.

He jumped in fear as the mare suddenly sneezed out of nowhere. Silently he looked up at her, petting her a few times more. When he was handed a freshly picked, bright orange picked carrot by Nick he carefully raised his hand up and to Haley's mouth, staying still as if he was a statue. He was not intimidated by her, not one bit. Not one single bit.

He was like a child playing in a country fair, feeling as if he could be outside forever. He loved the man who Nick was, his Prince charming and so much more. As the horse chewed on the tasty treat Aki smiled, hearing the words that he had wanted to hear which was if he wanted to ride Haley for a long amount of time even if it was in a circle.

He smiled, wanting to bond with Haley and Nick like just the three of them and no one else who could bother them and be a negative burden on his new family.

"Of course, I would love to ride Haley. She is beautiful. You have raised her well." He said, feeling excited but was highly careful to keep the twins safe and secure while he would mount the beautiful horse. He nodded. He watched as Nick returned and putting a saddle upon Haley's slightly curved back. He patiently waited and was assisted to the horse.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

It was funny seeing Aki tensing up even though he tried to pretend there was nothing wehn he attempted to feed Haley with the carrot. Nick made sure he was closely around. he wouldn' thave left Aki alone with the mare had he not witnessed how well they got with each other.

The saddle wouldn't be too comfortable for AKi, but he guessed this should be alright if they weren't in for a long ride. "just wait here first?" Nick smiled at Aki and led him a few steps away from the horse, then flapped the saddle over Haley. The mare had made him proud by not even moving for an inch. Nick, of course, rewarded his childhood friend with a cube of sugar. he smiled and patted the mane of the horse and leapt up in a swift move.

"Aki? can you follow me? there's a boarding platofrm at the other end." Nick said, moving Haley to the other side of the ranch. haley went forward obediently. Nick was so happy for his gentle friend, and he made her know that as well, laying forward to hug her neck.

the boaridng platform was just a few large steps taht would make it easier for beginners to mount hte horse. Nick came down from Haley to give Aki a hand. "yes, go up the stairs, i am here." he smiled at the top of the few steps, holding Aki's arm as he came up. "here, i am holding her steady. you put a leg around the saddle... yes. Feeling comfortable?" Aki got on the horse without problem, and Nick asked Aki. The saddle was designed for a single man, so he helped Aki adjust so that his belly won't be pressed upon.

"Alright, i am joining you." Nick smiled and got on the horse again, holding the leash, and sitting behind Aki, he gently urged the mare to go forward. "here we go." he smiled, enveloping Aki in his arms while they made their jounrey.

Aki continued to stroke and pet Nick's horse Haley's snout and upon the back of her sturdy neck. He fed her with one more carrot, finding it adorable the way the horse had chewed her snack. He was so very eager to ride on her back but was not sure how to ride upon him since he never rode on a horse before.

He looked up at Nick after he watched him mount the back of the horse. He did not ever want to look away. His lover looked like a true knight in bright shining armor. He nodded at Nick's words about going to the boarding platform was so happy to be with Nick and Haley and did as Nick had wanted without hesitation.

"Yes, love. I would love to follow you. I feel alright." He followed beside his lover and the gentle Haley as they walked to the stairs. When he walked up the platform stairs he did as he was told by Nick. He smiled as he got up on the strong, sturdy horse who was affectionately Haley. He let Nick steer the horse in different directions.

He was amazed at how gentle Haley was and how dominant Nick was. He always wanted to ride a horse and now he would have a chance to now. He sighed in relief that he did not fall. He rode around on the softly walking Haley for a while, feeling so very calm and truly eager. He was relaxed with each step of the towering horse.

He found it fun, wanting to ride the horse with his lover. He smiled, wanting to never end the riding upon the horse with his beloved Nick. He felt light as a feather.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"you can pat her as well now... and if you want her to go a bit faster, you can squeeze your legs tight on her. Haley will know what to do." Nick gently instructed. He had Aki surrounded in his arms entirely because he had to hold the leash. He was protective of his preicous lover sitting in front of him, and Haley knew that as well as she walked with marvelous stabiliyt, like the gentle mare was also aware that one of her passegners was with child.

"If you want, you can also take over the leash." Nick waited awhile before offering this. After a lap, he was sure that Haley was stable enough, so he was confident she would behave even when there was someone else doing that. "If you hold that... i can hold your belly and relax." Nick smiles resting his head on Aki's shoulder.

They make a few more laps. The horse's keeping it steady, but afterall it was horseriding and it wasn't as steady as a carride. They still moved up and down following the movement of Haley's body. "feeling like you got enough? maybe you are not aware of it right now, but this is tiring in a subtle way.... you will see later, maybe tomorrow, your back and your legs would be sore." Nick warned Aki with a loving smile.

Just then, Haley suddenly stopped. Nick was quick to react, holding Aki steady and taking over the leash again - turn out Haley needed to go and soon they were hearing droppings hitting teh floor, and the two bursted out in laughter.

Aki had a grand time riding upon the horse's sturdy back with Nick. He did as his lover had said and offered, gently squeezing his legs tightly at Haley's sides for a minute or so which was the sides of her stomach. The middle aged but young at heart man had a true blast on the creature, feeling the such animal's walking speed increase to a slightly fast trot. He grabbed the leash gently but firmly in tightly clenched hands, guiding Haley around.

He patted the back of Haley's head gently where her beautiful mane was, letting her know that she was doing wonderfully. He was having a fun and interesting time on the horse for a while, never ever wanting to leave the ranch. He hummed softly like he would do whenever he was happy, feeling as though he was a rider of the old West who rode beside his lover that was in his dreams with him. He knew that tomorrow he would have a painful awakening but he did not care, all he cared about was riding with Nick.

He had felt as though he was at peace, letting Nick touch and hold his swollen belly while he guided the horse around by the leash. He heard the sound of Haley using the bathroom after she stopped. He laughed, joined with Nick who was also taking a humorous side to it. He never heard a horse use the bathroom but it was truly funny to hear.

"I do not mind feeling pain later from the riding, all I care about is you and Haley." He smiled as he had a fun time with riding on the strong horse Haley. He felt like a child riding a horse for the first time. "It is fun riding a horse, especially one obedient and trained by a skilled rider like you. Haley is a wonderful companion."

When Nick told him that he would feel pain later he knew that he would deal with the pains later but for now he would deal with guiding Haley around till a sharp pain caught him off guard in his stomach area. He kept a hand on the leash and the other upon his belly. He tried to keep his discomfort of the twins kicking in check but could not.

He clenched his teeth, hunching over as he rubbed his sore, aching belly. He tried his hardest to control his breathing but his body betrayed him.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"haley's my loyal friend... but then you have to be careful as well. your body's too precious to be suffering from any pain now." nIkc smiled, but seeing Aki's reluctance to end the ride, he decided he could indulge in Aki's wishes and took Haley on for another lap. he was about to urge Haley to go a slight bit faster when Aki doubled over.

Aki tried to suppres it, but the pained moan still escaped him. Nick was beyond worried, his concerned eyes immeidately looked to Aki removing the leash from his hands and wrapped a hand on his belly as well. "Aki?" he tried, but Aki was clearly in too much pain to respond. there was already cold sweat forming on his brow.

Seeing the urgency of the situation, Nick urged Haley back to the ranch, where he could help Aki off the horse. Once Haley really started to trot, it was a lot bumpier butt speed seemed more important now.

Nick leapt off the back of teh horse and helped Aki down, almost lifting him up from the saddle, he took the few steps with AKi in his arms, still cradlign his belly and moaning in pain. "Aki it's alright we are heading back into the house and i'll call for the doctor..." there was sweat forming on Nick's forehead as well.

Aki held his swollen belly with his strong but gentle hands, trying not to move around too much in Nick's arms. Each time he breathed the pains that he felt had gotten more and more worse in frequency like a restless tornado. He was scared because of the discomfort which seemed to become horrible. He was very proud of Nick for helping him through such a horrible process known as labor. Nick was his main reason for living and his reason for waking up in the morning as was their unborn twins.

He stayed focused only on breathing normally but it was impossible when the such pains intensified. He wanted all of the many annoying waves of pains to simply stop, letting out a puppy like whimper as if he had no force to guide him through his agony but it was not Nick's fault or the two innocent twins fault either. It never ever was.

He felt a strong urge to vomit but he kept it inside where it belonged. He was weary with each moment that the pains had taken all drops of energy out of him.

He let Nick carry him back to the Villa, eager to figure out what was happening and fast. He panted heavily, wanting pains to stop. He groaned with each step that Nick made, the reason was not because of Nick walking. It was because of harsh kicking and movements of the twins whose genders were a handsome boy and precious girl.

When Nick told him about calling the doctor he simply nodded. He soon was laid down on the bed in the bedroom that the two lovers had both happily shared. He was both truly tired and distressed because of the two twins becoming more and more horrible to manage through the passing amount of the time and that alone.

He clutched and rubbed his belly, trying not to scream. He felt as though he was being torn apart down the middle of it from beneath his chest and to his waist.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(is Aki really going into labor? or is this just a scare?)

Nick's heart pumped like crazy when he rushed into the house. "Shh Aki, i'm here, everything's gonna be alright. i will makethings alright again..." he muttered nonsense like that, rushing up the staris, 2 step at a time, to quickly put Aki down on the bed. "i'll be right back ok? gonna fetch the doctor." He said pressng a kiss on the now sweaty forehead of Aki's. the pregnant man was writhing and whimperiing, turning to his side cupping his belly, looking quite distressed with the pain.

Nick's hands trembled when he dialed the number to the only clinic in the village. He explained teh situation and the doctor agreed he would head right away to the house. Nick wasn't too reassured though -t he only doctor in the village was an oldie - in his 70s already, but since there was no new doctorwillng to join in the village, he had to stay to take care of the health of, well, everybody in the village.

Nick rushed back to Aki's side as soon as he had finished the call. he clutched his hand at the bedside. "Be strong for me Aki... you are gonna be strong for me and the babies." he said, resting a hand on Aki's belly that's changing shape with how hard the twins were protesting.

"Breath.. follow my breahing." With the pain intensifying, sometimes Aki would forgot to breath. his face would become a deep red with him trying to hold his breath in combtaing the pain. Nick felt like he needed to step in.

Nick climbed onto the bed and lifted Aki up a little, making hhim rest on his chest while he rubbed his belly soothingly. "follow my breathing Aki, i am gonna make the twins calm down a little." he said that and started rubbing circles on Aki's bump.

(Hmm? .. Aki is just going to have a scare.)


Aki's own heart raced a mile a minute, never wanting to feel pain again. He was comforted by Nick's words of comfort. He felt as though he could do anything that was both possible and impossible with Nick by his side. Life was like a miracle on Earth and life with him would always be something that he was proud of and more in life shared together.

"I love you, Nick. I do not know where I would be without you." He said softly, the intense pains made it harder and harder to speak, causing his voice to crack. He felt highly embarrassed to be breaking down in front of his beloved Nick. He tried to keep his emotions in check but alas .. he could not.  He was worried, scared and most of all .. uncertain.

His body was not his anymore, it was as if he did not have a mind of his own anymore. He was scared but he tried to remain strong  but he failed miserably. Once more he whimpered a few times more, feeling the two twins moving around as if they were in a rush. He felt a strong urge to vomit up the meal that he had eaten earlier in a long day.

"I promise to be strong for you and the babies." He said breathlessly, wanting to be brave for his family. He held Nick's hand, squeezing it whenever pains would arise once again.  He wanted to speak but it drained his energy to do even the simple things. He focused only on breathing and that alone to calm the rowdy twins inside of his cramped womb.

[align=justify]He felt calm whenever Nick rubbed his belly. He tried his very best not to be offset from the pains that were sneaking upon him like an approaching tsunami. He groaned in agony, closing his eyes as he tried to focus on Nick's touches on his belly. He wanted to be able to move around and breathe normally but could not.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha good. just to make sure :))

Nick was worried, Aki was sweating profusely, his body trembling when the contraction hits repeatedly. He was fairly certain this would be false alarm, for they were hitting too frequent and too sudden it didn't match with the pattern of normal labor - however, the risk was still there and he now desperately looked for the doctor's sign.

He took Aki closer to him, rubbing his belly and feeling it harden like stone when the contraction peaked. Aki was curling up itno himself, but nothing was relieving the pain. "Shh Aki, you listen to me, and do as i tell you. take a deep breath in, then huff out in short blows. yep, take a deep breath in again.." Nick attempted to regulate Aki's breathing pattern, hoping it would help calm the babies down, and then the contractions would die down as well soon.

The babies weren't reacting too well to this new breathing method, so Nick in teh end dragged Aki up to rest on his lap, cupping his belly from behind, he rubbed circles accurately on teh backs of each baby within Aki, doing what he was best - to establish contact with the babies and make them calm down.

"Shhh you are safe here. everything's gonna be alright, we are going to be ok. these is just false labor... as long as we brave through it, everything's gonna be ok." Nick said with a strangely calming power in his voice - although he wasn't entirely sure of his words, he knew he had to give Aki courage to get through this ordeal.

Aki tried to control the pace of his breathing, movements and his unbearable quivering. He felt a strong, nauseating urge to vomit, spilling his guts out till he was empty. When spoken to he did as he was told, taking in a big, deep breath and let it out in a small series of blows. He whimpered like so many times before.

He felt the presence of a scorching hot sweat forming to the surface of his skin, feeling as if it felt like each area of it was ten sizes harder than the heat of the sun itself. He groaned in pain as his round belly became hard and firm, causing him to become scared. Life seemed like a battle but he felt so safe with Nick by his side.

He simply nodded as Nick spoke a strong promise to him. He closed his eyes, feeling exhausted and tensed up each moment that pains reached it's true, unbearable brink. As time passed by he did as his body told him, resting his mind for a while but each time he was awakened by the two twins many rough, restless movements.

When the doctor arrived Aki was nervous like a small child, wanting Nick to take such fears away. "Hello, I am doctor Lex." The doctor introduced himself, shaking Nick's hand.

Aki and Nick both silently watched as the highly trained man did as he was taught to do. The doctor checked Aki's swollen belly with hands pressing upon it to try and find the location of the two twins, being careful and gentle as to not hurt the suffering man who was Aki. When he was done he made sure to also say as to what the pains Aki felt were.

"Your husband is right, it is false labor." The doctor said, gathering up his tools and leaving the room after giving both Aki and Nick a card with his name on it.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

The movment of the twins had somewhat subsided a little with Nick's continuosu rubs, but th epain was still lingering and affecting Aki. Aki would tense up and whimper when another one would build, and then it would be a series of trembling to which Nick tried hard to get through it with Aki.

WIth every single contraction, Nick was there by Aki's side, comforitng him with soft words and little encouragements. The doctor's arrival had been a relief, and although both of them did not notice, the false contractions had susided gradually while the doctor was performing his check.

With the examination done, Nick and Aki let out a visible sigh beign declared this was just falsse labor. Nick himself dropped onto the bed that Aki was laying on. He took his hand and looked straight into his eyes. "there, told you. that's just false labor." he smield at Aki, kissing him deeply on his forehead.

Nick escorted the doctor out, asking him for ways to reduce the pain and prevent further such false labors from occuring. The good old doctor provided some useful suggestions. he even glanced at him at his crouch. "i know you're young and energetic, but please give your husand some time to rest... it's not lik ehe was terribly young like you. do give him a bit more rest, especially at night." he said with a smirk and left.

Nick returned to Aki's side and hugged him again. "Aki.. it's alright now. and you know what hte doctor told me?" the young man pouted and repeated that to Aki. "But it wasn't me this time! it's the little horse ride..."Nikc pouted. "But i guess we had to control ourselves a little better... i shouldn't have tired you out myself."

Aki panted heavily and with much struggle like breaths. He tried to stay strong through the painstaking process known as discomfort. As time passed on by he was losing courage. He relied on his beloved Nick to help guide him and provide comfort to him which he was doing by rubbing his sore belly. He whimpered and gasped, trying to breathe normally.

He felt as though he was in a positive place which was with Nick. The middle aged lover loved his beloved Nick more than anything and loved even more when he was caressed in his strong but gentle arms. He sighed softly when he felt the pains lessened and stopped cold in their unbearable tracks. He was glad that he was checked externally and not the other way around.

He smiled happily, proud of Nick for helping through the such discomfort and fears. As time passed on by like a slowly trudging train he was able to relax in bed. He sighed once more as if before but it was in relief that the pains had disappeared like a fearfully receding ocean on a large, shimmering sand filled beach. He rubbed his belly, waiting for Nick to return to his side of the bed.

When Nick returned to him he was greeted with a warm, affectionate smile. He embraced him in his arms while being truly careful as to not smoosh his belly. When his forehead was kissed he felt as though he was a young child again, he felt youthful whenever Nick would be affectionate with him and him alone. He felt so very blessed. Truly he did and so much more.

"I am glad that it was false labor like you said." He smiled, gently kissing Nick's soft lips for a minute or so. "Doctors think that they know everything. I am fine and the horse ride was fun, the horse and you have done nothing wrong. The pain came from the twins kicking. You have not hurt me." He said with a chuckle, feeling at peace with Nick once again like before.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick smiled at Aki. "you are always so sweet to me... Aki. i love you so much - but i'm also serious. You're too far into your pregnancy now, I should bear in mind i couldn't go as crazy as i used to. You are a precious human being now, not carrying only yourself, but also our babies. By the way, they are also naughty babies... causing your mommy so much discomfort, didn't you two? is it because you two ddin't like Haley? But Haley's a great girl! she will ove you two when you're out..." Nick stroked Aki's belly and joined him on bed, again wrapping himself around Aki.

Aki, please let me know when i went too rough.." Nick said. Yes of course Nick wasn't an extreme fan of vanilla sex, but he was also not going to risk Aki and the babies health just for a moment's pleasure. "I cannot just force myself on you." there's more regret in Nick, but he chose not to show it by burying his face into the crook of Aki's neck.

"Hey you two!" Nick was going to say something more, but then he felt hte twins again moving. "Stop that!" he almost scolded. Like the babies are really listening, the movement from within Aki's belly paused. "Good... babies, you are exhausted today. let's go to sleep. mommy and daddy also need some rest." Nikc brushed away Aki's sweaty hair from his eyes. His heart went so soft for Aki. "you are so brave for us momma. I am so proud of you." he kissed Aki again on his cheeks.

Aki felt so very honored to have been spoken to by Nick, blushing while he expressed a soft, warm smile to him. "I understand sweetheart, I realize that we have to be gentler because of our two innocent twins." He rubbed his belly softly, it was as if it was a habit that he did from time to time. He embraced Nick close to him as much as he could, being careful of his large, exposed belly.

He kept his shirt off, wearing a lacy, pitch black bra to help keep his highly sensitive breasts embraced by it. He may have been a man but he seemed more woman which was feminine. He had times where he had intense mood swings but did not ever strike Nick with them, never ever. He was eager to hold the son and daughter and letting each feed from his perky, heavy milk filled breasts.

He loved riding on Haley earlier in the day, the horse may have been large but she was a towering creature but at the same time she was a gentle giant. He closed his eyes, making sure the children would fall asleep. Upon Nick's dominant tone of voice to them Aki was surprised and eager to make such love to him but he did as Nick said earlier. Upon being scolded by father the twins obeyed.

The two identical twins yawned cutely and fell asleep at the same time, curling up close beside each other in the womb. The two twins were each mother and father's dream, it was a son and a daughter. Having twins was a miracle but it seemed to be in the father and mother's favor. He embraced Nick in his arms, letting him place his face near his neck. He wanted to make such sweet love to him but he kept his desire hidden. "Thank you, Nick. You are so brave as well for us, I love you more than anything in this whole entire world." He fell asleep within minutes.

He felt at peace now that he knew that it was just false alarm when it came to labor which was truly false. He kept a hand on his belly, it arose and fell with each silent, calm breath. He dreamed about the twins, him and Nick all playing outside and the twins discovering the world around them.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick knew Aki well, and from the slightly dilated pupils of Aki, and the small blush creeping up his cheeks, he could guess his love was aroused again - but as a repsonsible lover, Nick held back his urges to just fuck Aki raw at this point. He wanted to allow Aki some more rest before they would attempt that again.

They did spend some time resting. Aki was soon asleep. it was tiring to be fighting against intense pain, and Aki had been bravely enduring excrutiating pain for hours. Nck was so proud of Aki for how well and almost graciously he handled it. He had expected Aki to thrash out, maybe scold him a little while in such discomfort, but his lovely Aki had only been sweet and soft, the most he had reacted was to whimper. Nick wondered how he could be so lucky to have Aki so soft and loving, so much so he endured all the hormonal and physical discomforts like an expert.

Nick will make dinner so when Aki had his little rest, he will have something to fill his now empty stomach. it was a nice day. They started with a lovely ride and a great dinner together, so although in the middle, the false labor had caused a scare, they could still enjoy the lovely finishing touch to this day.

(let's move on to the next day? where they just lazed around the house, maybe feed the horse some more and do a barbeque at their backyard, which attracted some animals to come visit?)

Aki tried to control his urges, whimpering softly before stopping. He felt embarrassed because of his soft and pathetic, annoying outbursts. He fell asleep, knowing that his beloved Nick was holding back from what he would have done to his beloved. He slumbered for a while, soon getting up from the bed and to his bare feet, walking to the kitchen for a cold glass of water.

When he was done he walked back to the room that him and his beloved Nick had shared together. He laid back down, not wanting to disturb Nick from his peaceful slumber. He yawned softly when he was asleep. He dreamed as he did each night with Nick and was at peace now that he did not ever had to worry about Christopher or annoying nurses barging in without a simple knock.

He got up to the scent of food, getting up and washing as much as he could and got dressed in a comfortable outfit. He the joined Nick outside for a ride on Haley for the day. "Thank you Nick, the meal was delicious." He said softly with a smile, He ate as much as he could, gathering as much energy as he could from the meal he was given. by Nick. He rubbed his belly, licking his lips.

He knew that it was strange but he laid down on the soft emerald green grass, closing his eyes and listening to the birds chirping above. He sighed happily, never wanting to ever leave. He was reminded that Nick was near, getting up from the grass carefully. Life was easy when Nick was close to him, feeling as though he could do anything with him by his side with each passing day.


(Hello my friend. I would love to do your suggestion. And relaxing and a barbecue would be great as well. ;))

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"N o you don't have to get up...let me join you on the grass." Nick chuckled and held Aki down. He had been riding Haley for an extra lapse after putting Aki down. Up on the horseback, he could see how relaxed Aki had become on the grass, so he was eager to join him. he took a seat first, then laid down like Aki. "Hmm, i like this. i can smell the nice scent of grass." he chcukled looking at Aki.

"The ride on Haley's ok? didn't wake up the twins this time right?" he turned to Aki, covering Aki's belly with his palm. "i hope they grow to like Haley - or maybe one day Haley's offspring. Her children are now overseas, scattered around. Some are used for race horses, others are living in different farms. Maybe one day I will buy one of her children so they could grow up with our babies, just like how I had bonded with Haley before." he smiled at Aki.

"It's getting close now. We are going to be parents soon." Nick whispered, nuding closer to Aki so he could rest his head on Nikc's arm. "When we're back.... i want to escape from teh house. I will try to get hold on my share of property left on by my mother... including this place, and then we can go away. I'm already an adult, my father had no right to control where I live and what I do with my own money." Nick said. thi swas the first time he had discussed with Aki on his future plans, but he was confident that no matter where he went, Aki would be following him.

Aki did as Nick had wanted, laying back down in the grass beside him. He was eager for the twins to be born but he knew that he had to wait for a while until the birth would arrive. He rubbed his belly in a gentle way, truly glad that the two twins were slumbering for a while. Life was sometimes good and sometimes bad but he never ever regretted the pregnancy. In fact it was a blessing.

"I love the scent of grass as well, it is so so refreshing." He smiled, gazing up into Nick's eyes. He loved the way he was adored and cared for by him like a true lover. "The ride on Haley is alright. The twins are sleeping." He was indeed blessed to have an understanding lover such as Nick. He was happy to be with him and him alone forever and ever even after the intense end of time.

"I am sure that our twins will love one of Haley's children to ride upon." He smiled once again, feeling as though he could do anything in the whole entire world. He sighed softly in relief that the twins were not being rowdy and restless. He was at peace with nature that surrounded him and his Nick on all four sides. He was in what was pure bliss and so much more than just that.

He nodded when he heard about the children almost being born. He was scared out of his mind but he did not want to cause Nick to worry. He was already nervous for him as he realized. He closed his eyes for a moment or so, simply listening to the presence of Nick's soft breathing. He loved the sound of birds and nature but they were not interesting like Nick's beating heart.

"I am a bit nervous about the birthing of our twins." He said softly, looking up at Nick. He did not want Nick to worry but he could not help it.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"i know... i'm scared as well - that's why i don't want anyone to interrupt it. if we are going to go away for that, we wouldn't have to worry about my father at all..." Nick explained, taking Aki's hand to play with his fingers.

"the birth will be somewhere private between us. My mother had left me a fortune when she died, sowe could live on that until I finished my degree and could find a job - or start a business. we will be living on our own, building our own family." Nick said. Maybe he was a bit naive, it was not that easy to start building a life on his own, but he was willing to dream.

"I will start looking into my trust fund once we're back. Will you agree to that? follow me to the end of the world, leaving all troubles behind?" he asked, looking straigth into Aki's eyes with great hope. He wanted so bad to be somewhere with Aki, like what they are doing now.

(i am thinking.. maybe they will be alerted that Christopher had been in an accident? they will rush back to find their father falling into a coma. or with his backbone crushed so he would be paralysed from neck down?)

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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