Prince of peace

he nods purring still "they... they said they will wake uou when its time to eat.. a...apparently missing lunch was bad" he says yawning cutely before he dozes off. givjng soft purrs instead of snores as he sleeps.

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When they genral came in to summon them he couldn't help a smile. Hed known cyan since they were young but hed never seen him as relaxed as he was now. It was both cute and astounding.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

Leniad had heard them coming and had shifted off/away from Cyan. it wasn't out of not wanting to be seen that close to him, more he didnt want whomever it was to collect them to see them that close and jump to conclusions. "I...i hope i wont cause any problems" he says softly as they start towards the dining hall.

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Cyan grumbled a bit but got up. He looked a bit sour faced as if somthing was upsetting him. But it fadded as he catt

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

"everything ok?" Leniad asks softly as he waited patiently for him, leash already clipped to his collar.

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"I hate being woke up. Plus I was so confy." He complained. He only half heartedly meant it.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

he chuckled lightly "you can sleep on me any time you like" he offers with a smile "At least till i start showing belly wise" he says with a purr

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"Ill still cuddle you in all your pregnant glory." He said smiling at him.they arrived at the dinning hall and eyes started to lock on cyan making his skin crawl.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

the lion purred softly at the idea of the snuggling, his purr cut off sharply as they entered the dining hall. he could sense the eyes on Cyan but could instinctively could feel they weren't malicious. then the eyes moved onto him and that changed dramatically, to the point he took a step back and then behind Cyan trying to keep himself from their eyes.

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Cyan gently urged the Leah letting him know he wasn't alone. He then got there food and sat down with his long time freind and army genral. "So when will the diplomats be back exactly like do you have a day.?" He asked conceded for leniad safety.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

Leniad sat down next to Cyan making sure his collar and leash were exposed at all times somehow hoping it would shield him. he had a large plate of food, meat mostly infront of him, cyan having filled it for him. "A week tomorrow" the general said "Worry not we have guard at your door and will escort you and your lion around if need be" he adds "That reminds me, the doctor gave me this, said he must have one with each meal... and this once a day." he handed over two bottles, the first a bottle of multivitamins for pregnant women , the second painkillers mixed with antibiotics "The second is to prevent his... wounds getting infected"

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"Alright thanks Gabriel. I'm need those escorts till my secret can be revealed. In afraid rumors have spread to far for damage control to be implemented." He said looking around at the gazes trained on leniad. He didn't like it but for now his mouth had to remain shut.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

"The gazes are not from what you believe they are for" He says simply "They do not know and wont know till the diplomats have returned, right now their gaze is because of what happened in the cells, they feel he hasnt been punished enough, atleast thats what they were saying before you two walked in" Leniad gives a weak whimper and pokes around at his food "I.. Im sorry" he says simply

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"Its not your fault. The minds hete are very one tracked.. They only know one way to do things sadly we've disrupted that as such they feel threatened." He said looking at lenaid as he finished the last of his food. "You need to eat if the cubs are to grow. You must eat." He said wanting desperately to reach out and confort his mate.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

"I... i know" he says softly "I...i just dont feel hungry... my stomach says no but my mind screams yes... this is the first time ive looked at food in years and not been able to eat it" he says giving a light whimper.
"Eat what uou can" Gabriel encourages "I will have some food sent to your quarters, there is a handful i trust, they will be your guards, i will have one of them bring uou what food i can although it may just be some of the chicken soup"

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"That's fine is realy like to head back to the room. You ready to go leniad?" He asked rubbing his temple.

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the lion nods and gives a whimper "Yes... i am sorry master... i tried to eat it" he says eyeing the plate of food, he genuinely did feed bad that he couldn't eat it even after all the effort that Cyan had made to get it for him.
"I will speak with them once you are gone" the general says "Maybe i can knock some sense into them"

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Cyan left and headed back to there room. As the arrived cyan removed the leash and sat down sighing. His head was pounding. Hed never done well on strong meds but this was just plain ridiculous how much pain meds had they given him. He was obviously in pain he gritted his teeth.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

Leniad looked over the medications they had been given and blinked "Um... mast... si....Mate... you got out meds mixed up" he says "These weaker ones are yours... the stronger ones are mine... the names are on the bottles" he says holding them up "Although says here it may cause mild headache in anyone but a lion beast..."

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He sighed "Gabriel." He chuckled slightly. "He gave me mine and I gave you yours he must have mixed up the bottles. "Typical of him always trying to be help ful and always messing it up some how. His intentions are good but his actions arnt always well thought out. Ill be fine but for now ima just stay seated." He said smiling.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

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