Prince of peace

he nodded "How old is he? maybe he just got them mixed up?" he asks and takes his vitamin pill then makes a face "Blech, dont know what tastes worse... three day old food from a shop or those..."

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"30 and Hed like a big brother to me honestly he always get stuff mixed up when it comes to me he cear about a little to much hes basically a mother hen." He laughed.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

he nods "Wish i had grown up with someone like that" he says softly "Your lucky you know that? atlests in my eyed... you were spared the hardships of life that i had to deal with... I hope that you never need to go through it... even if i am forced to work sll day every day i would keep youfrom that""

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"Honestly its somtimes trying. He can be so over protective." He said closing his eyes trying to soothe the head ache.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

he nods and smiles a little "So... what shall we do now?" he asks "I take it we are trapped in the room for a while"

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"Well be spending quite a bit of time in here." My dutys have been suspended. As such it just mean more cuddle time.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

he nods "Its a pitty im not... trusted or liked by the othrrs" he says and sighs "once i heal up a bit more id love to spend some time outside... i...ive never been fully comfortable being inside all the time... need nature beneath my paws"

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"I sorry its not ideal I hate being cooped up it drives me crazy." He sighed looking up relizing leniad was standing right over him. When had he moved? His whole face turned red at there close proximity. He didn't know he was holding breath. His soft blue eyes wide.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

"Its ok," he says reaching down to gently rub his hand at his mates cheek "I know a few things we can do to keep entertained while we are trapped in here" he says with a purr and leans in to give him a soft yet firm kiss.

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Cyan could help it he lean into the kiss. His whole body reacted to leniad touch his every fiber atrced aroused. His whole body knew where he belonged right beside lenaiid. (Time skip your choice of lenthl)

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

(well go a week to the diplomats return)
Leniad stood uncomfortably under the gaze of the veritable army of diplomats. they seemed unimpressed in him but several were touching his belly which had already started to swell out a little.

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Cyan gave warning glances to the diplomats Isis sitting with them. He then stated his case. "I am the lost prince of vahala I am the only one left form the leopard royal line I wish to go and create an alliance with the cat kingdoms wich were once under my family's rule." He stoped waiting for the back lash.

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"We demand only one thing from you" a old male says, clearly the oldest on the task force "Proof... Nadel, enough" he chastised the old female who was grill groping the lions belly, the lion seeming quite distressed but made no movements "But he is so soft... and i can feel it, the lice growing within him"

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"I want all of you to please understand I knew of my powers till recently and I'd like you to also understand leniad my mate." He said glancing at the woman. He removed his inhibitor. I fell to the floor with a clatter only a few moments later clans form shifted. He stood white fur and grey markings with a midnight blue crescent on his forehead. "Is this period enough.

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the old woman took a step back and the lion relaxed a bit watching as his mate shifted. he picked up his inhibitor to hold onto for now.
"You have made a claim on the.... lion? very well... you have the mark but do you have the power?" another asked and picked up a glass of water throwing it at Leniad wanting him to freeze it.

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With out warning cyan turned hand out toward the object the glass frosted over and the water froze. The area around his feet crackles as ice formed around them. "Please don't do such things." The glass fell and shattered the water hit the ground and shattered as well. He let has hand fall but the ice around his feet remained.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

"It was a simple test young prince." he says "If you weren't who you said you were, the worst that would have happend was he would get wet and have a bump on his head." Leniad gave a light whimpered mewl and shifted behind Cyan, gently placing a hand on his back " ok." he tells him trying to calm his mate.
"It seems we must contact the Beasts, Prince Cyan, you and your Mate are to be under twenty four hour guard, we regret that yoyr movements must be restricted as such but your safety is our responsibility. you may continue to wear that inhibitor that is your duscression. We recommend you remove your mates, if he is indeed pregnant as Nadel, and this medical report says, it will only harm the infant. for security reasons you may wish to keep him in a collar but the guards will not bother you now you have diplomatic immunity"

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"The coucile can count on my cooperation." He said and removed leniad collar. He nuzzled his cheek to calm him. He then took his own inhibitor and put it back on. Rubbing his belly gently.

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Leniad rubbed at his neck and purred at the nuzzle returning it with a loving lick. "The tanner will have a collar for you in a few days, contact him to get it made" the diplomat days "Till then the diplomatic guardens are open to you so you may have some time out of doors."

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"I'm not putting on a new collar thus is the only one ill wear. On sorry but it was given to me by some one very special." He said now human his hand over his collar. A look of defense on his face.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

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