True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

Aki smiled softly, gazing up into Nick's eyes and feeling eager to birth the two unborn, restless children who were inside of him. He felt sick to his stomach when Christopher was brought up but simply listened until he was asked questions. He was happy to be with Nick and their unborn twins to bond with even before the ultimate soon to be day of birthing the children into the world.

He sighed blissfully, loving the ways that his beloved had showered him with such affection like a true lover would. He was once happy with Christopher but now a true man took his place, he loved Nick and him only. He had no feelings for Christopher and none whatsoever. He let Nick know how much he was cared for with each and every single bright day and pitch black night.  

"I would love to go anywhere with you. The farther away from your father the more we will be able to be alone without worry." He felt worried. He felt that way from time to time that Christopher would find out where they would be. He swallowed hard, trying not to be swept away by the waves of the big and strong waves of what was the vast, endless lands of the unknown future.

He was eager to see the twins and how adorable they would be after being born. "Yes, I agree to that. And I will follow you anywhere and even to the ends of the world and beyond. By the way, I am glad to have a lover such as you, Nick." He smiled proudly, rubbing his belly which was such a adorable and cute habit.


(Maybe Christopher is in a coma first and then awakens from it and notices that he cannot move his arms and legs.)

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(OH how about this: one dya when Nick and Aki came to visit his father, they were so caught up in the moment, eventually they had sex while in the room - with all blinds and curtains closed of course. they were so lost in it they didn't realise Christopher was slowly waking up - and that shocking scene of seeing his son having sex with his "husband' was enough to make him have a stroke which was what paralyzed him. does it sound interseting to you?)

Even through the sweet, determined promise from Aki, Nick could still feel a bit of worry behind his words. Aki's brows were knitted togehter, and he just kissed beetween his brows to relief him of his concerns. "i will have everything planned out. You will be safe in my hands Aki. we are off for a bright future together."

The young man smiled at Aki epressing his love to him. "i am also glad i have you as my lover... it's a miracle. I am so happy you viewed me as a man back then when i was still immature, and now you are willing to risk everything to bear our children..." he stroked lovingly Aki's bump, covering his hand and sharing an intimate moment with Aki.

It was a lazy day. Soon enough Nick was up to get the grilling pan on and they started a small barbeque. They had vegetable on top of the usual meat feast - Nick would want to keep the fibre content high so Aki will have a more balanced diet. It was fun and soon enough the steak was smelling really nice. it was just seasoned with some salt and a bit of herbs, addin gon with some lemon juice, and already it was coming together beautifully.

"This one is almost done... which one do you want to eat next?' Nick dished the teak for Aki and gestured to the platter of meat and other stuff for Aki to choose from. they were acting truly like a loving pair of couple, more than how Christopher and Aki would ever be.

(That sounds like a very interesting idea. You can start us off with Christopher if you would like to. :D)


Aki was excited that he was with Nick who was a young but mature, loving and caring man. He may have been at the middle of his life but when around Nick he felt as though he could conquer anything. He rubbed his belly as the twins began stretching and awakening from their half day slumber. He sighed softly, expressing winces of discomfort. He smirked as his lips were kissed.

He relaxed instantly as he took in Nick's gentle, soft feather like touches upon his round, heavy belly. He sighed once more, each one was a happy and calm one. "I cannot wait until our twins are born. I will name our daughter and you can name our son." He said with a warm, loving smile, fluttering his eyelids and opening his eyes. He was close to tears at how sweet as sugar Nick was.

He was always wanting to never ever be away from his beloved. He knew that his beloved Nick was possessive but that was one of many things of what he loved about him.

He felt as though he could always be safe when he was around him.  He had a long, productive day and evening. He hummed gently like a purring kitten as his belly was being touched by Nick. He got up slowly, feeling the presence of the sun pouring down beams of sunlight on him and his beloved Nick. Aki felt calm and serene in the grass that he was standing bare footed in.

"I would love a few pieces of ham with my steak." He said softly, letting Nick put each piece on his plate. He thanked him, sitting down in the soft, bright green grass. He ate his meal, feeling his stomach become full of all his pieces of food. He sighed like many times before, each one revealing his relief and happiness about being around with Nick and only him and just him alone.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(ok i will start off on that! and i have to apologize not giving you fair warning - i just fell asleep way earlier than i thought i would and missed the time to replying...)

Nick smiled, indulgin his lover in eating is always a nice thing to do. He loved to see Aki smiling as he ate, his face brightening up at how good the food tasted. He wanted to get to every need of his love and keep that smile on him. Nick was careful in making barbequeing, with each piece some slightly different flavored - some with garlic, some with barbeque sauce, some with honey alone. he had really spent effort in cooking just to make Aki smile from it.

They were indulged. By nightfall, both of them had a full stomach. Nick pulled Aki up from the grass to get him back into the house. "How about we do some footrub tonight? and i can see if i can rub your hips deep enough - i learnt something from youtube." he smiled and brought Aki in.

It was a nice session. Nick rubbed Aki like a professional masseur, getting to each part of Aki's sore msucles - his back, his feet, his hips, even his belly where the muscles were stretched the most. He also had scented candles lit so Aki fell asleep in the mmiddle of that - together with the babies - so that at least for tonight, he had an uninterrupted night of sleep for once.

The next day, however, a phonecall came very early in the morning. Nck climbed out of bed with great reluctance, grumbling to himself who it was that was calling so early in the day. He took the call without really seeing the number - it was representative from the insurance company. Christopher was involved in a car accident and the insurance company had aranged for a medical flight from where he had been to home. Nick and Aki were urgently needed in a hospital near thier home to arrange for Christopher to be checked in - they had to leave this little cottage as soon as possible.

(It is alright, I understand. No need to apologize.  By the way I am glad to be back online again. I was so bored without internet to be on but waiting had it's rewards.)


Aki expressed a smile of his own to his beloved Nick. He loved the way that his lover always took his breath away in such positive ways. He was heavily pregnant by now and it was hard to get around or breathe whenever laying flat on his back like he once was easily able to do but he was a fighter.

He sat in the grass across from Nick outside, eating each and every single bite until his meal was truly done with. He laid back against the chair he was resting in. Gently he rubbed his stuffed belly, feeling as if he could conquer anything with Nick and he was equally proud of his soon to be family.

"Mmm .. you are a true chef Nick. And I would love a footrub." He said after finishing with the meal that Nick so brilliantly prepared for the two of them. He sighed softly in relief as his muscles began to unravel from tight to loose and relaxed. "Thank you, you always know how to make me smile. I love you so much."

He tried to stay awake but he ended up giving into the urge to sleep. He was eager to wake back up and see the presence of Nick near but his eyes would not let him do such a thing so he stayed asleep.

He woke from his sleep, yawning softly as he stretched for a minute or so. He got up slowly from the bed, wondering as to what and who awoke his lover that morning and softly walked over to his beloved
Nick."Sweetheart, what is wrong?" He asked curiously, not knowing about Christopher's accident.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick was for a second genuinely worried about his father - Christopher was, afterall, his father. However, that worry was soon overshadowed by Nick's annoyance of having their little getaway cut short. He hadn't shown Aki everything yet, he would have to return to here later.

He quickly agreed to the phone. Coverinig the mouth piece he asked Aki to go on to prepare some breakfast. they would pack up once they had something to eat. No matter what happened, Nick wasn't going to let Aki - adn their babies - skip any meals. he then continued with the conversation over the phone, nodding and muttering somethings walking away from Aki, deciding he coudl start packing.

He changed his shirt once his phone call was ended, then packed most of everything when the nice smell of freshly made breakfast reached him. he smiled coming out with the bag they had come in with in his hands. "that smells great." he said, sitting down on the desk while Aki, so nicely, served him with a plate of full breakfast. It was some struggle for Aki, who'd pressed a hand on his lower back waddling around.

"Aki..." looking at Aki frying some more eggs, Nick said. "we have to leave here now... Christopher's hurt in a car accident. He's going to be hospitalized once he arrived." he said calmly. "he's in a coma. today's the seocnd day." he announced. Then there was silence.

(oh congratulations!! finally have internet backup... i feel like i woudl die of boredom if i don't have connection! and so, welcome back ;))

Aki was sadly unknowing of and about what was and what had occurred. He walked over to his beloved Nick, seeming to sense what was on his troubled mind. He was not a psychic of any shape or form but he had a special knack for figuring out his lover's emotions. He wanted to be with only him.

He nodded and walked away to the kitchen after being asked by Nick. He hummed softly, feeling in the mood to whip up eggs and bright, crispy light brown bacon. He felt his belly growl loudly and smiled while gently rubbing his large belly in circular motions with one hand, using the other to cook.

"You are welcome, sweetheart. I love cooking for my strong protector. It gives me something to do." He smiled wide, handing Nick his plate and eating his own plate as well. When he was done he carefully packaged the leftovers in strong, tin foil securely in case they were hungry later.

He was also now troubled by what Nick revealed to him. He felt as if he had to choose between ignoring Christopher or putting aside his hatred for him and returning back to the awful mansion.

He packed the large meals and put them in bags for the ride home. He sighed as if his fears were now being realized because of Christopher being harmed in a horrific car crash was bad and being in a coma was even worse. He sighed, worried Christopher would pass away but tried thinking positive.

"Alright." He nodded at Nick's urgency, picking up a few bags that were not heavy. He did not want to waste time. He walked with a waddle beside Nick to the car, putting both hands upon the lower half of his hips keeping pressure off his aching hips. He did not know why but he felt a urge to cry.


(Thanks. And I felt that way in boredom. I missed you and I am glad to be back to roleplay with you!)

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

nick put the first heavy bags into the car, then turned around to take over the lighter bags from Aki. there he noticed the eyes of Aki's getting red rimmed. "Aki.. what's wrong?" he asked, holding his pregnant lover closer. Aki's head was lowered and Nick tensed up -the younger man was confused as well by the sudden change in situation. Nick now tended to overthink everything. Seeing Aki suddenly so sad, Nick started imagining wildly.

taking Aki's hand, Nick found his own voice trembling. "aki... are you very worried about Christopher? Don't cry...." he said shakily. his worst fear seemed to be realising. Aki was close to tears upon hearing Christopher's accident. Would it be that his stepfather in fact secretly cared for his father a lot? would this accident made Aki suddenly realise how he still held feelings to his father? Is that why he appeared so affected by the news of Chrsitopher being near death?

Nick was almost scared to know the answer from Aki. He silently led Aki to the passenger's seat. As gentle as before, he helped Aki into the car, and hurried over to the driver's seat to speed their way back home.

They were so quiet, the silence was deafening. The more Nick thought about it, the more fearful he got. Would this in fact mark the end of their happy days together? would Nick suddenly found himself losing not only his lover, but also his unborn children to Christopher had Aki suddenly decided he should return to his father?

Aki helped his affectionate Nick with the many useful bags, trying not to reveal that he was crying silently. He did not know exactly as to why he was doing such a thing but he knew one thing .. he would always love Nick. He may have been crying for Christopher but Nick and him alone would be the Romeo to his Juliet and more.

"I love you Nick, I love you so badly it hurts. Christopher is in the past, I want you to know that." He said softly, his own voice also shaking, trying his hardest not to do anything idiotic. He did not love Christophet but he cared for him like a friend would. Nick on the other hand had adored him, opening his eyes to a new world.

"I hope that Christopher wakes up. He said with a sniffle between his words. "I don't want him to die."

He wanted Nick to know of his love for him. He got into the car with Nick as fast as he could, trying hard not to worry about him so much.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Nick was still feeling insecured. Afterall, legally Aki was still the partner of Christopher. They remained silent in the car ride, Nick continuing to imagine all kinds of wild things, all the scenarios involving Aki turning to christopher.

It was a long ride. Nick was plagued with all kinds of thoughts, he didn't notice how long they had been on the road. When he recalled that, Aki was already squirming around, clearly in need of a bathroom break. "Aki do you want a break?" he asked, looking around, fianlly realising it had been 3 hours since they started driving. Aki should need some time to stretch his legs way earlier than this. "i'm sorry... i was preoccupied."

Nick looked around wanting to find an oil station, but the nearest one was 30 minutes away. he bit his lower lip and decided he could just pull up the car by the side. "I'm so sorry Aki..." he said, stopping, he hurried over to help Aki down.

then it hit him - maybe Aki was so worried about Christopher he kept silent even if he physically needed the break. this just reinforced Nick's wrong concept about Aki's priorities, and the young man continued down the spiral of desperation, getting sadder by the minute.

Aki tried to figure out exactly what to say to ease his and Nick's troubled minds. He reached over placing a hand upon one of his lover's legs above the knee. He wanted to smile but he could not summon up the courage to. Simply he just kept his hand resting there. He was saddened that Christopher was hurt but he still loved Nick more than anything in the whole entire world.

"Love .. I am sure that Christopher is alright. He just needs time to heal from his injuries. He will wake up fit as a fiddle." He said with a soft, struggling not to quiver voice.

He felt as though the ride back to familiar territories was unbearable, the silence between the two of them was even more worse. He looked out of the window, trying his very hardest not to fall into his emotions. He stared at the many towering trees and breathtaking scenery, wanting God to ensure him that Christopher would be alright. Sometimes life worked in his favor.

After a few hours it was time to dwell on what he had dreaded most, that such thing was a bathroom break. He sighed, trying not to keep Nick from their destination. "It is alright sweetheart, and a bathroom break would be nice for a minute or two. I will be right out." He said, waddling to the bathroom area of a nearby pine tree, focusing only on urinating.

He did his deed, standing up because sitting down was painful murder on his strained, narrow hips. He held his cock, aiming the flow of urine into the dirt as much as he could. He may have been born with two sets of genitals but sometimes it was a blessing. That such blessing made him become pregnant with his and Nick's twins.

When he was done and his bladder was soothingly empty he sighed happily. He rushed back to the car and was helped by Nick into the passenger seat. "Thank you, Nick." Then the car sped off toward the correct destination, not wanting nor needing any stopping for even a single minute. Christopher's life was on the line with each minute.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

It was so strange seeing Aki rushing back after doing his business - Aki just wasn't suppossed to walk that fast with that belly. Nick reached out to help Aki but the pregnant man seemed in such a hurry, he didn't catch Nick's hand. Nick felt a bit dejected, but he still helped Aki back on the car and sped off.

Nick was in a mix of emotions. He was of course worried about Christopher, but what bothered him even more was the reaction of Aki towards the news. He was genuinely worried, and that had Nick continuing his doubt on how much Aki in fact cared for his father.

They went straight to the hospital. the ride was long, when they got off the car, even Nick was feelign quite uncomfortable for sitting so long. He came forward to Aki's side, thinking his pregnant lover would be in even worse shape, but aki had leapt off the car already, hand on his waist, he was waddling forward to the entrance of the hospital already.

Nick again felt like he was losing Aki. He caught up with him, but before he could establish any contact with Aki, they arrived at the counter and had to start keepign their distance. In the hospital, there will be people knowing about their relationship, especially those who treated Christopher, so Nick coudln't not stay so intimate with Aki.

They asked the nurse and were brought up the room where Christopher was, llaying there emotionless, with all sorts of tubes connected to him.

Aki did not want Christopher back as a lover but he was still worried about him. He also did not want to seem to be in such a big hurry when he had finally returned from urinating from the depths of a forest's entrance. He sighed as he looked out of the window, putting a gentle hand on Nick's leg once again. He turned his head, looking at his lover and expressing his feelings. "Thank you for helping me, Nick. I really appreciate it." He said softly, expressing a slight smile but it did not show as much as he wanted. He was scared about Christopher like a friend.

He felt as though he was not caring about Nick as he should have. He kept his hand on Nick's knee, gently patting it from time to time to let Nick know he cared about him. "I am sorry about not saying much. I was too much in thought." He sighed softly, frowning while he was speaking of exactly how he felt about his beloved Nick. The middle aged man walked to the entrance with a heavy waddle, rubbing his swollen, globe of a belly. He patiently waited at the entrance of the hospital for Nick to join him.

He felt one of the twins rousing from their slumber, beginning to kick as if it was swimming to the surface of a pool. He expressed a wince, stooping for a minute or so. He kissed Nick for a minute or so for a quick minute, preparing himself like Nick was doing as well, walking into the hospital where the counter where  the secretary was sitting.

When Aki and Nick was called back the kind nurse explained everything to the two men. And soon welcomed them into the room that Christopher was unconscious inside of. The tubes seemed to be endless and seeing Christopher like that tore the two lovers up inside like the fierceness of a knife. He walked over to a chair and sat down.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

the wince of Aki had them stopping before they entered the hospital, and the kiss from Aki partially calmed Nick's insecured heart. Maybe he was overinterpretting every action of Aki, all because he loved him too much he coudln't bear to lose him.

They entered the room where his father was. Nick almost coudln't recognise the person. there, not omving on the bed, Christopher had his head bandaged, part of his hair was shaved away. the nurse explained. "your father had edema and had to undergo an emergency skull surgery. his spleen was also fractured and he had to undergo several other surgeries to repair it. the doctor said the chance for him to wake up was high though, so please don't worry yourselves too much." The nurse supplied themm with the necessary information. She looked at Aki with obvious sympathy, probably worried that the heavily pregnant man woudln't be able to take the news too well.

Before the nurse left, she squeezed Nick's arm and gestured towards Aki. "take good care of your father.. i mean, both fathers." she whispered, then took her leave. Nick almost wanted to chuckle at what the nurse said, but all he could manage was a pull on the corner of his lips, not really a smile.

"father..." He sighed, sitting on the bed beside Christopher. "i hadn't called you by that for such a long time.... what happened." i sighed, touching Christopher's hand.

Aki frowned sadly, trying to be strong but his hormones got to best of him. He wiped his tears from his watery, salt tasting eyes. He let his beloved Nick strike up a conversation with the unconscious man known as his father. He stayed quiet, listening to his lover speaking to Christopher. He was glad that he would wake up soon but he was highly worried that he would not ever get the opportunity to spend precious time with his lover ever again like he had wanted and desired. That broke his heart.

He spent time with Nick and Christopher, the chair he was sitting in was soft and comfortable. He was uneasy for a reason and that such one was because of ex husband waking up. He felt nervous about how his beloved Nick he seemed to read his emotions like an open book. True lovers were so much more like that and so much more.

He rubbed his belly gently like many times before when worried. He sighed softly, wincing once again as he was wracked by many kicks from the rough twins. The twins seemed to discover when their mother was worried and that was their way to express their own distress of their mother's own emotions as they were eager to help.

He hummed gently to the children, managing to get them to calm down and fall back asleep. He always wanted to have and family and now he might not be able to be with his beloved Nick like he had dreamed so very long ago like he had thought about after meeting him. He wanted Nick to be with him forever, not Christopher.

"I will, miss. Thank you." He said softly to the nurse, smiling but his own smile did not reach it's full potential. He looked at Nick and Christopher from time to time.

Meanwhile, unconscious Christopher did not move one single bit, seeming to be lost in his body for a while. He was confused as to where he was and had tried to wake up but he could not. He was breathing with the helpful assistance of the many tubes. He tried to figure out as to what had happened for him to be here.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh i mean the nurse said that to Nick - since the nurse thougth both Aki and christopher were his fathers, so the young man need to take good care of the unconcious Christopher and the heavily pregnnat Aki. it's not really intended for Aki to respond,... it doesn't matter really, i just feel like i want you to know?)

although the chance for Christopher to wake up was high, the doctors were unsure of the time he would need. Christopher wasn't one of etremely good physical condition before the accident, unlike his own son, so it might take more time for his body to recover. Though none of them know that Christopher was slowly regaining his conscious even though he still coudln't move his body.

Nick and Aki spent the entire afternoon with Christopher, then Nick finally sighed and moved away from him. "we should return tomorrow. maybe we will bring a bit more things for him. at least a change of clothes." he suggested. He came to take Aki, still sad, he whispered to his lover. "i feel so bad Aki... i'm filled with conflicting emotions now." he confessed, helping Aki stand up. The pregnant man's legs had gone to sleep with the long time he spent sitting down, so it was lucky Nick was there to hold him.

"you ok? let's stay here for a moment..." Nick quickly said, steadying Aki, he rubbed his stiff back and cupped his belly waiting for the circulation to resume. "i should have said we leave sooner.. .now you're suffering with the long time we spent here." he said with some regret. Even with his father laying unconscious on the bed, Nick still placed Aki a lot higher up on his priority list.

Nick guided Aki to a small step, then escorted him carefully towards the door - then he stopped. He coudln't hold Aki close beyond this door when they were no longer alone, so he had to let him go, very reluctantly.

(Oh my bad. Thank you for solving the confusion.)


Aki got up slowly from the chair and up to his feet. He rubbed his sore back, reaching out and gently patting Christopher's hand in a gentle way. He embraced Nick close, letting him know that everything would be alright. He walked around the room to calm his troubled mind. He sighed softly, wanting to spend time as possible time as possible with him. He rubbed his belly as he felt the twins kicking up a rough, violent storm. They had did that because of sensing their mother in negative feelings.

He wanted Christopher to wake up but in a friendly way, loving Nick more than him. He was glad that he had a lover such as Nick and him alone. He was eager to be back at the Villa with him and sharing with him their bed. He looked into Nick's eyes, noticing the conflicting emotions that he had been battling inside of his breaking heart.

He expressed his own sadness for Christopher's condition. "I feel badly too. We did not know that this could happen. It is no one's fault." Softly, he whispered in his lover's ear. He wanted to help Nick become happy once again before he heard the troubling news. He was eager to be with Nick through everything that they would face together.

"I am alright, we can leave if you want." He said softly, sighing softly as he swallowed down his emotions. Pregnancy was hard sometimes for him but he went through it.

When he was almost hugged he expressed a slight smile, frowning as it did not last. He knew that the such emotions would fade eventually. Soon they would certainly.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather


They walked out of the room with a melancholy one would have expected from the family of such patient. They kept a one feet distance from each other. Nick couldnt really look at Aki, or he would be overwhelmed with the desire to help him. Aki was walking with great difficulty, the belly and his stiff back from all the sitting of that day wasnt helping at all. Nick wished desperately that he could hold him, but with all the eyes on them, his hands were tied.

They moved on quietly. The hospital was busy, and the pair alerted no one until some nurses and medics were rushing someone on a wheelchair along the corridor, towards their way. Nick's first reaction was to grab Aki's hand and dragged him towards him, and immediately a particularly observant nurse shot them a strange look because, instinctively, Nick had grabbed Aki on his waist as well, whivh put them at a rather intimate position.

Nick bit his lips and had to let Aki go, separating them again. This was not working towards calming his insecurities. Only the first day back to reality, Nick waa already feeling the pressure of all the looks and scrutinies the society placed on the forbidden relationship between them. The psychological pressure was over the roof.

Nick kept silent through the way they drove home. He couldnt find an outlet for all his frustration. His heart was screaming at him to.protect and take care of Aki like before, but his rational mind.told him he could not do that, or he risked exposing themsleves. All these conflicting emotions were making his mood very bad.

Aki had frowned for a long time, slowly waddling from the room Christopher was in beside his beloved Nick. He wanted so badly to hold Nick's hand but he knew that both him and his secret lover were being watched closely by the many nurses and doctors. It was so very hard to stay one foot away from each other due to their proud love.

He wanted to keep Nick holding him but the nosy nurses and doctors were staring quite hard at both Nick and Aki. He forced himself to keep walking without Nick's help.

He sighed softly, rubbing his sore belly with a hand while the other one was upon his back. He wanted to be laying naked beside Nick in the beautiful Villa, letting all their troubles simply melt away. like a large block of ice. To his comfort they had both left the hospital, walking to the car that they would then be leaving from after arriving.

When they were in the car Aki sighed in relief. He reached out and simply patted Nick's leg gently. "Nick .. are you alright?" He asked softly, noticing how much stress Nick was in. He was fearful that he would be yelled at by Nick but if he was then he would not mind. He was also in the same amount of stress as well. Life was not fair at times.

During the ride home neither of them spoke. Aki wanted to break the uncomfortable silence but he found himself unable to come up with words to speak. For the first time the two lovers were at a loss of conversations and the silence seemed to be an obstacle that had to be patiently able to overcome and conquer. Life was sometimes hard.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(hey sorry about the delay... LOL last night just passed right out before i could shoot a reply)

"yea i'm fine." Nick replied shortly and drove them away from the parking lot. He knew he had no right to release his frustration on Aki, who was also innocent in this, but he coudln't help letting his bad mood affect him. He wanted to yell at something, beat something, punch something, just some outlet to release his negative emotions, but there simply was no target at hand.

He drove perhaps a bit faster than he should to get back home. He didn't see the white kunckled grip Aki had on the side of the door with him speeding through the lights. He also didn't see how lovingly Aki looked at him, nor did he notice the hand resting on his thigh. He was getting angrier by the minute, but he himself also coudln't pinpoint on the exact reason for that.

Skidding the car to a stop, Nick huffed out a breath and kill the engine. He got down and, after a moment of hesitation, went to Aki's side. he wasn't going to help him down, his anger clouding his vision and judgement, but the inner part of him was still gentle and caring, so he in the end still went to help his lover out.

Opening the door, he reached in to take Aki's hand, but still they didn't have any eye contact. Now that he was in full view of Aki's body, Nick was suddenly filled with desire. If he couldn't change anything, then maybe he could secretly claim Aki's body as a proof of who OWNED Aki's heart and body.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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