'business' partners (Closed with bhdire8)
It was Alexander's first day on the job, he had worked hard to get where he was. He had spent years working to the top of the top-secret facility. It was hard, but finally, he had made it and today was his first 'real job' There was only one real drawback, he was very pregnant. He had managed to hide it for as long as he had been working, he told the others he was just putting on weight, they shouldn't worry. He was due any day now, but he couldn't let that stop him. He had to work, this was important! Today he was set up to interrogate a subject with his new partner. He met his new partner just outside the room smiling he held out a hand to the stranger. "Hello, my name is Alex, I'll be working with you from now on." Alex looked like he had a few extra pounds he had garments restricting his belly so despite the fact that he was near his due date, you couldn't tell as much.
(let's say, Alex had a corset on him to shrink his belly? that's kind of hot .... ;P)

Matt was quite surprised to see his new partner not having the optimal physique like many other agents, but still he wouldn't judge. if Alex was selected for the job, it meant he had impressed their director enough to have him present at this very important interrogation. "hi. I'm Senior Special Agent Matthew Solomon. Call me Matt." He said reaching out to shake Alex's hand. "This is your first fieldwork, correct? Time to use your theories." he eyd his thick midsection again, though chose not to comment on it. "we'd use the good cop bad cop thing, a cliche, but well, it works. usually." Matt shrugged. "I'd be the one walking around, how about you take a seat once we're in. We are dealing with a highly dangerous terrorist leader, so it's better to stay highly alert at all times." he said. Matt had a portfolio in his hand. He had planned to be the "good" cop sitting down while letting the rookie take the "bad" cop post, but seeing his condition, eh thought perhaps better to conceal it from their target, so he made a last minute change in post.
(Works for me.)

Alex nodded, "that would work, nice to meet you." He was aware of the way he was being looked at but said nothing. He knew he didn't look how Matt expected him to, he wished he didn't have to hide his pregnancy but this was the way things were now. They headed in Alex took a seat in the table while Matt stayed standing. Honestly, he was glad, that way he wouldn't have to be on his feet all day. When the man was brought in Alex smiled lightly and offered him something to drink. They started out with the good cop stuff to see if he would speak.
Matt leaned with his back against the wall at the corner, obscuring himself in the shadows. This prison that they were dealing wiht was suspected to have participated in some bigger terrorist attacks, so it's not only important to dig things out of him, but also to dig it out fast.

Looking at the guy, he was in fact quite old even though he dressed like a highschooler. There was venom drippping from his eyes. To the expereicned Matt, he knew this one would be hard to crack. He felt sorry for the newbie, this would certainly not be a successful case for him.
Alex shrugged, leaving the drink where he could take it if he wanted. "So, why don't you tell me about your 'friends.' Or the group you were apart of?" Alex said watching the prisoner closely. they were just starting he became slightly aware of a pain in his lower back and the baby kicking, he resisted the urge to move a hand to his belly instead he stared straight ahead waiting to see if the prisoner would say anything, of course, he didn't he remained silent.
From his angle, Matt thought he could see Alex's belly shifted very quickly. It could be the lights playing tricks. Matt forced himself to remove his gaze from his partner. It couldnt be. Matt again focused on the interrogation, keeping his concentration on the minute changes on the criminal's facial expression.

"You know we could do absolutely anything on you.... just for your information, we dont have cams around. Hmm let me see, you have a child, dont you? I think it wouldnt be that difficult to get hold of a kid... he's 8 right? Exactly the age that's curious to everything, which makes him.vulnerable to a lot of captiviating attractions as well. Say... climbing trees?" Matt stepped up, circling around the table, he muttered behind the criminal's back.
Alex knew Matt wasn't kidding, tough times called for tough choices. He wasn't sure he agreed with it, a kid shouldn't suffer for the mistakes of the parents but- they needed answers. A look of fear moved across the prisoner's face but he called matt's bluff and kept his mouth shut.
"Honestly, it's in your best interest to say something. make it easier on yourself, on all of." Again the guy shook his head. he wasn't going to say anything this was going to be a very long night.
"Think very carefully, Karim. We can stay here all day and night with you. this is just a matter of time... sooner or later, you will be giving us the information. You really want to suffer for that?" Mike pressed. it'd been almost 2 hours with their alternate approaches. Mike knew they might need to step it up soon, aka introducing some physical aspects into this.

Mike again leaned agains the table, looking at the criminal, only known by his ifrst name Karim, just adamantly avoided his gaze. He tilted his face up rather forcefully, squeezing his chin tight, and the prisoner kicked on the table to look at him with angry eyes.
Alex watched him, another pain moved through him, it began low in his back and crept along to his belly, he had been dealing with pains like that for weeks so he just shrugged it off after a bit. Although, admittedly it was starting to get hard to ignore. Alex tried to be kind to the man but he was getting frustrated, although at least he had the easy part, at least he didn't have to get up. "Look, I can't help you if you won't talk, will have to resort to drastic measures, understand?"
Without warning, the prisoner suddenly stood up, muttering strings of words in his mother tongue. Matt hadn't expected it and his grip on Karim loosened a little, he himself taking a step back. The slur of sounds hit his ear and a part of his mind was quickly processing what he was talking about, trying to see if he could get bits of information on the "mission" he was supposedly planning on.

It was, however, fruitless. all that Karim slurred out were insults and nasty words. Meaningless curses. He growled and took back the dominance, puling his arm back, he slammed the guy onto the desk, subduing him - though in the process the metallic desk moved to hit somehow Alex at the other end. Matt glanced up and slammed the struggling guy onto the desk again. "you ok?" he asked looking at Alex. Matt thougth he heard a small grumble from Alex earlier.
"I'm fine," Alex muttered quickly. He slowly took a deep breath, the sudden outburst had startled him as well but he quickly shrugged it off. "I'm guessing that wasn't anything useful?" Alex only knew a little of the language, it was enough to know he had just been insulted. The desk had hit him, he might have a small bruise but he would otherwise be ok, it hadn't been that hard. They got the man settled back into his chair when Alex felt another pain he couldn't help but shift slightly to try and ease the discomfort, he was starting to get worried but it wasn't like he could lave-
Matt eyed Alex with a bit of a curious look . Ususally in cases like this, the firs tinstinct of angets would be to back off and pull their weapon out. Alex seemed pretty content sitting there - or ather, he seemed to be glued to the chair. Matt didn't know what to think, but would opt to give Alex the benefit of doubt - perhaps the rookie was just too startled to give the standard reaction. He shook his head letting Alex knew that was nothing useful.

"Don't think you could get away pretending you don't understand what we're talking about, so? i do'nt mind breaking a few fingers. you know what i want. date, time , names!" He said, holding Karim's hand, he forcefully pulled a finger back and it snapped with a rather loud cracking sound.
Alex knew that look, he had messed up but there was no way he could have gotten up, it hurt to much. The pain was easing again, he was starting to relax. A loud scream came from the man as his fingers were broken. Normally Alex would have had a problem with it but he just wanted this to be over. He wanted this guy to talk already. "you're only makeing it harder on yourself, stop being stupid and just tell us what you want to know. Who is helping you? Date, Times, location." Alex added meeting the man's gaze. It was the same questions but sooner or later he would crack.
Matt thought Alex looked a bit pale - and there seemed to be panic hidden deep in his eyes. that was an absolute no-no in interrogations, and he had become increaingly confused with how this agent got such high comments from his trainers. So far, he asn't seeing anything particularly outstanding from Alex. rather for some aspects he was not even acting like a qualified agent.

to avoid the prisoner from noticing the slight wobble in Alex's will, Matt stroked over the swollen part of Karim's broken finger. "i bet that would hurt..." he said. he didn't even need to press on the affected area. All he needed to do was to gently caress it, and already Karim was whining loud again. "who's being involved! tell me! is it him?" he asked, pulling a photo from the docket, he smashed it into the face of Karim, wanting to force some answers from him.
He was normally much better than this, he knew he needed to pull himself together but it was becoming increasingly hard.

The man still refused to give answers Karim glared back at matt despite the pain. "kill me if ya like, you won't be getting the information you want. you can hurt me, but it doesn't matter." He growled looking between the two.

Alex shrugged, have it your way then. He was back to normal at least for the moment. "It's a shame, Matt what do you say, should we give his kid a call, I wonder if he knows what kind of person his father is. I'm sure he would have something to tell us and if not? Well, It's not like you'll get the chance to see him again.
"oh yea, I'm sure the kid would have knew an uncle or auntie from somewhere who'd beeen constantly hanging out with his own father. well in fact, i have your home number right here! what coincidence..." matt said with mock exaggeration, going with alex on that direction. He flipped out his phone and started punching the numbers, his face relaxed a slight bit when Karim in fact showed a bit more anxiety when he started making the call.

The few seconds of wait was like forever. All 3 of them were anxious, and the moment the line went through, Matt could feel a twitch from Karim. "hello Mrs Hawthorn. I want to speak with Hector. I'm a friend of his father. Could you pass the phone to him?" Matt started, his voice quite cheerful so that he could get pass the nanny that Karim hired to take care of his son - which again, posed more psychological threat on Karim.
"There is still time, it doesn't have to be like this," Alex whispered watching him closely. Of course, it didn't seem like Karim cared very much. Or rather it did but it wouldn't get him to break. "Suit yourself then." Alex said with a shrug and allowed Matt to talk to the kid. Alex could tell they were getting close to breaking him. He opened his mouth to say something but was struck with another pain and quickly shut it. He tensed up a bit, but tried not to make it to obvious he didn't want to alert either of them.
Matt was keeping a close eye to Karim,but that didn't mean he didn't notice the abrupt stop in his partner's part. he cast a quick glance at him, then quickly looked away. There was pain hidden in his eyes, Matt didn't know how to interpret it, but he knew not to expose weakness on either of them to Karim.

"hello Hector? I'm Matt... I work for the FBI. You knwo what's an FBI? yea that's me, working for the government." he said, smirking at Karim, mouthing to him 'i didn't know your son's a fan of us.".

Returning to the mouth piece, he said with a slightly louder voicet han needed, wanting to keep Kairm's attention on himself so Alex could take whatever short seconds to compose himself. "So hector, i have something very important to ask you. your father's been involved in something bad... something very bad. and i need information. Do you know who your father had been working with?"
alex tried to get calm but the pain was getting worse and taking longer to let up. he focused on keeping his breathing steady, this wasn't good at all. It was still a bit before he relaxed back again but Karim didn't seem to have noticed. "he hoped the kid would have information maybe then they could lock this guy up. The kid was able to give them something, descriptions of people that hung around his father. Alex, hearing the conversation quickly took a few notes.
"oh, so a lady with a big tattoo on her hand? which hand would it be?" Matt repeated loudly. Again, there was some time lag between his first words to Alex's scribble, but the young man caught up anyway. Matt praised so loudly at his father's flinch. "good boy! you're so helpful in this, Hector. So the tattoo is in the shape of a bloodhound on her left hand. How old do you think the layd looks like? similar age to your father? or more like your nanny?" he continued to prompt.

Karim was close to panicking at this point, he struggled and roared, wanting to surge up to grab the phone from Matt.

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