A joke gone bad (w/ dots)

(oh! i thought we didn't really have anything in particular to do during lunch, oops, sorry. )

A little girl then came running to find Johan to play with. The girl was ready to pull Johan away to join their little group at the side. However, Johan didn't follow her like he usually would, and fought to get free from her hand. "no! i am with my daddy today. we are all going to look at the zoo. all 4 of us." Johan said very proudly. He even straightened 4 fingers to stress that they had their whole family there."

"but you said your daddy is not there! " the girl pouted. She wasn't happy that her friend would not be playign with her for the afternoon. "and your mommy is too big to go around. you said he is with babies right? his belly is sooo big." the girl stretched out her little arms to make a circle in front of her, showing Johan how "big" she thought Horu's belly was.

"yea, Johan's mother's belly's big, so Johan's daddy's coming over to take care of his family." James appeared suddenly, he knelt down to ruffle the little girl's hair. "so sorry little miss, Johan would not be free to play with you this afternoon. I'm his daddy and I am stealing Johan away. How about you play with him again tomorrow? when you are both at school?" he smiled gently at the girl, taking Johan's hand.

Horu didn't really hear what Johan said with his friend. He just waited there with Henry while James was renting the cart with Jihan. It took just a few minutes until James drive the cart there. Henry looked really excited with the cart and Horu loved it. "Johan since there with daddy and mommy will take care of Henry," He said pointing at the front seat as Horu and Henry would sit on the back seat. He knew that Johan would barely move, so his little son could just sit beside James who would be driving the cart when Horu would take care of a little monkey, Henry. "Where should we go first?" He asked both of their kids and Henry instantly yelled. "Lion!" Horu could only smile with that. "Okay, lion first, and then we can listen to Johan, okay?" He asked both of their kids and they were just nodding. Horu could see James just observing how he was managing this trip. Horu spent more time with the kids, so he could manage the situation like this better than James when James could teach the kids a lot better than him.

(It's fine hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

James and Horu exchanged a glance. they both knew each other so well, and this was also how they usually worked to take care of the kids together. Horu would usually take Henry, since Henry was always a bit more well behaved when around Horu, especially with his mommy pregnant, and Johan would be such a sweet little sheep when following James around. it was an interesting combination where the quiet one goes with the noisier one. however, when it came to letting henry's energy out and Johan enjoying his quiet moment, they would switch.

"Alright, let's head to lion's place!" james announced, helpgin Henry up the cart first, fastening the seatbelt, then settled Johan who'd been clutching his little bag with him. "So.. who can tell me where do most lions live in!" James asked, cheerfully raising the interest of his children. he was always good with them, even though he didn't always have time to spend with them, he made sure every moment he spent witht hem was great ones. he used quality to compensate for the lacking in quantity.

"I can, I can!" Henry shouted while lifting his hand really high. A little son took a bit time thinking before showing his hesitation. "Why don't you just answer? and if it isn't right, daddy can tell you the real answer" Horu said, patting his son gently. "I think you know, but you're not sure, right?" Horu encouraged his son, glancing t his husband to not reveal the answer until Henry had said something. "A...africa" Henry said with hesitation, and Horu could just encourage him. "I think, that's the right answer, right?" He said, looking at James who was also nodding at both of them.

They had had some more questions all the way to the lion's place. Johan was still staying quiet, but both Horu and James didn't forget to encourage his little son to answer the question and something they just asked only Johan. It was just a short time there but they had laughed together which was the best for Horu. He glanced at James from time to time, signaling how he was really happy to have James here.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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It's really sweet seeing Horu being so encouraging of his son. "That's right Henry! how come you know that! Good boy." he smiled praising Henry. his elder son was so excited by his father and mother's encouragement, his face flushed so red. The question and answer kept the kids occupied, which also made it less difficult for Horu to keep an eye on Henry. They had such a good laugh with themselves, they were all very happy. If James wasn't driving the car, he would have reached over to catch Horu's hand - his wife was looking so cute smiling at him, enjoying the family life together.

They stopped the golf cart just beside the glass cage of the lions. They were quite lucky, the male lion was awake. "Looks like we are very lucky, the male lion usually spend more than 20 hours sleeping every day." James said, helping Johan get out of his seat first, and then he moved to the back row. Henry already rushed off to join his little brother, placing their little faces on the glass looking at the lion, while James helped Horu down. "Feeling ok?" James asked softly, holding Horu's back, giving it some soft rubs.


Horu nodded s James said that. "Yeah, I'm good. Let's have fun together," he said, smiling at his husband. "So beautiful, right?" He asked his son, looking at the male lion which was walking around the cage. Henry was so excited when Horu could see his little son moved his face following the lion in the cage. "The lion isn't like a human. The female lion is the one hunting and finding the food for its pack, but what is the same is, the male lion will protect their pack and every lion under its control from other male lions. Just like when daddy protect mommy and you both from anything." He said, trying to teach his sons about the lion and also gave them an example of it. He couldn't help but compared James with the lion. James had had a very good leadership and it was something Horu wanted Henry to have it too.

Horu could hear Henry yelling when the lion roared out loud but Johan had flinched for a bit. "It's okay, love." He encouraged his little son, smiling at him and pushed him to enjoy this with his older brother. "Hey, daddy lion." He whispered, smiling as James got on his side nd put his arms around his waist again. It seemed like James knew what Horu was suffering now.

(My A button on the keyboard doesn't work really well now. Just wanna let you know if some words don't have "A" as it should be haha)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
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(oh if you didn't mention it, i wouldn't notice. It's fine, i am the one usually with much more typo than you LOL)

James smiled at Johan, encouraging him forward. "let's come closer as well? Daddy lion want to meet the other daddy lion as well." he smiled at Horu. They followed their children and Henry looked at his father. "daddy, why would the lion have all those hair?" he asked poinitng at the mane of the lion. "That's because," James started explaining, "hte daddy lion wanted to look big and fierce. Daddy also have it, feel it." he smiled and lifted Henry up to his arms. Usually James would lift up Johan, but he wantd to let Henry knew he was also loved. "Touch this... you always complain about daddy's stubbles right? that's what it is. Lions have that too, and if daddy don't shave, I would become like that as well in a few weeks' time." he smiled.

James was still holding Horu, but then Johan also looked up at James with his sweet and moist eyes. James sighed and kissed Horu. "sorry Horu.. i guess Johan wanted it too." he said. Normally it would be Horu who pick up the other kid, but there was no way James would allow that with Horu's belly. James bend down a little to lift Johan up as well, so that both children can touch his stubbles while looking at the lion from a higher angle.

"You may see that the male lions are always sleeping, but they're so strong like your daddy. Sometimes, they fight each other until they get badly injured or even dead." Horu explained to both children. "Why?" Henry asked as he looked down at his mommy. "Because they want to protect their pack just like when daddy wanna protect us from anything. You know that, right?" Both Johan and Henry nodded as Horu said that. Horu was also wondered with how strong James was. Their children weren't that light anymore since they were growing fast, but James could still hold them at the same time.

Both Henry and John were so excited when lions started playing with each other. Horu knew that the kids had never seen this before. "Although they're so strong, lions are just the big cats. They love playing sometimes. Look at that lion. It's going to jump down to the water." Horu pointed at the smaller lion which was jumping down to the water. The weather was quite hot that day, so he wasn't surprised by that, but both Henry and Jhan were really excited. Thei little kids were just looking and moving their faces follow the lions in the cages

(Good that you make James has only stubbles hehe. tbh, I'm not a big fan of long facial hair XD)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

It's so sweet for Horu to be telling the kids how strong their father was. James nudged Horu slightly, giving him a sweet kiss while he bumped the kids on his arms, making them scream and laugh. "Yea daddy's gonna protect you all. that's the job of the father in the household." he smiled, looking at Henry when he said that. The 2 kids were still manageable for James, who had trained up often. Afterall, he could lift up Horu with the babies, it was a piece of cake for the 2 babies on his arms. If they started moving, though, that would be a bit difficult.

They all wowed seeing the lion playing witht he water. Henry would sometimes point something to ask Johan to see, and Johan would do it to Henry as well. it was lovely to see the kids being so loving towards each other.

Henry started squirming after awhile. Although he loved getting picked up by his father, he also liked to walk on his own little legs. And once Henry wanted to get down, Johan followed soon. With his hands free now, James came closer to Horu. "hmm, mommy lion, do you want to touch the stubbles too?" James chuckled, rubbing his stubbles against Horu's cheeks playfully.

(ahah yea i don't like long beard as well. it just felt so strange... and easy to get dirty LOLL)

"Hey!" Horu shouted slightly, pushing James away for a bit. 'This is not our house, James." He said, patting his husband gently while James was really happy with that reaction. "You shouldn't let it grow any longer, you know, how I like it." He said, looking at his husband. Horu wasn't a bit fan of facial hair, but having the short stubbles made James even more handsome, and he loved it.

They were just watching the kids running around the cage and had lots of excitement with what they had never seen before. "They really love it. I think we should bring them here more often." Horu said with his husband, smiling at him. He knew that it was impossible with upcoming months since Horu would get bigger and then they would need to take care of the newborn twins, but they could have some time to relax and watch the kids having fun and being happy was really great for Horu.

He smiled t their kids when they walked back to their parents, and it might be the time for the next animal. "So, what's next? I think we should let Johan guest this time." Horu said, looking to his son. Johan took a bit time thinking about it, and his little son seemed to be a bit too shy to say. "It's okay, love, we all will follow you this time." Horu encouraged his son. ".. yellow tll one." Little Johan said with his bright pink cheek. Horu instantly knew that was why Johan didn't saiy it instantly because he didn't know the actual name of it. "Hmm, Giraffe? That sounds good, and we can feed it as well."

(Hah, I know, but sometimes, it looks hot on someone hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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"it's a sign of hardwork. The harder I work for my family, the faster this grows... hmm, when it becomes too long, maybe you can help me shave it?" James smiled suggesting. Now that his hands were free, James was standing behind Horu and cupping his belly. "yea they love it... when the twins are a few months old, i think we can take another trip here." they had a stroller that can contain both babies at the same time, something they kept after Henry and Johan didn't need them. James was always quite proud of it - he had a feeling they would have another set of twins somehow, that's why he insisted on keeping it at the time. In almost 2 months' time, they would need to use it again.

James ruffled Henry's hair that had become even more messed up with their running around. he waited for Johan to speak his choice, and smiled when Horu had been so patient encouraging his smaller son to speak his answer. he nodded enthusiasitcally. "oh i love giraffes... they are so gentle. They will love you, Johan. They love nice and sweet little boys." he smiled, taking Henry's little hand, he led his family back to the cart.

They were sitting in teh same way as before. James helped Horu sit down. "i should have brought a cushion... is this alright with you?" he asked with a slight bit worry. The golf cart was good, but it was hard and he could hear Horu hiss when he sat down on it. This must be difficult for his pregnant wife.

(haha yea stubble's are alright. And it just naturally appears in teh afternoon... i guess that depends on how fast they grow. i think long beard suits those that have not as pretty jaws since they could hide that feature ;))

"Yeah, It's fine. Just relax and have fun here." He said, smiling at his husband. He might need special massage this night, but it was fine for now. He had worked for days preparing everything for this trip, and James could definitely notice ir, luckily, everything wasn't that bad now.

The giraffe cage wasn't that far from the lion, and it took just a couple minutes to get there. "Thanks," Horu said as James helped him to get out of the cart. The cage wasn't far from there, but there was a stair to get to the higher place, so they could feed the giraffes. Horu knew that he could make this by himself, but James didn't seem to let his wife do that. He told their kids to wait as he got to Horu and wrapped his arms tightly around his wife. Together, they slowly walked upstairs step by step. "Thanks, James. You're the best." He whispered, smiling at his husband. The kids were really obedient as they just waited for their father there. Everyone knew the condition of their mommy.

Horu finally made the way to the high space that they could feed the giraffes which there were not many people there. He gave James a soft kiss as a thank and he could see a wide smile from his husband. "Just get them here. I think they wil be really excited to feed the giraffes"

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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"They would be excited... would you?" James smiles. He knew Horu also liked getting close to animals, so while he went to fetch the kids, he alreay asked the zookeeper there to give his wife some grass to feed the giraffe first. "I'd be right back." He smiled kissing Horu quickly on his cheeks, then went back down to grab his sons.

"Ready to meet the tall giraffe?" He smiled opening his arms for his screaming sons who excitedly run towards him. He held one by each hand to get up the stairs, and before he could say anything, they spotted their moyher already feeding them and ran forward the join Horu.

"Mommy! I want to feed them as well." Henry asked, reaching out to have some feeding grass. Wehn everybody got it, they headed towards the "kids' corner" where the bars were lower for the children to reach the animals. Johan looked a little scared, especially when the giraffe came quick to Henry and took the grass from his hand with their long, purplish blue tongues. Henry "ewwwed" because his hand was licked on. James laughed and encouraged his younger son. "Johan, come. It's alright, giraffes dont eat meat. They are only interested in grass. You want daddy to hold you while you feed them?" He asked, spreading his arms letting Johan choose.

Horu was just looking at his son as James asked that. His little son seemed to be a bit nervous, but he finally made his decision. His little son walked slowly to his older brother and started feeding the giraffes. "It's good, right?" Horu said, looking at his little son. Luckily, the giraffe was gentle this time, and it was just eating the grass slowly from Johans' hands. "It seems to like you, love." He said, walking to his son and patted his shoulders gently. James just joined in time and the whole family was having fun time feeding the giraffes.
"Daddy, give me more!" Henry said, handing his little hand from more grass. It was really nice to see how their kids were really nice to the animals. Horu smiled when James instantly got closer to him when he saw that the kids could feed the animals by themselves. "Hmm, Don't you wanna join them?" He teased, knowing how James wanted to take care of him after days preparing everything for this trip. THe kids didn't seem to really notice it and they were just having lots of fun feeding the animals. Henry started leading his little brother and they were feeding it together now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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"why don't we join in altogether? see? that mommy giraffe lookes like she was having some difficult time. you know Johan and Henry are a bit short... mommy giraffe need to bend down her long neck to reach them." he smiled poiting at the taller giraffe. he ddin't know the gender, but with their long eyelashes, James thought it was likely it was a girl. He scooped Horu forward, supporting his waist, he took a bit of grass to feed the largest giraffe. "oh wow, she's really hungry i think. She really pulled on the grass." James laughed at how eager the animal was.

They were having lots of fun, and the kids soon wanted their mommy to join them as well. James let them feed them and snapped a few happy photos of his family. Later, he also asked the zookeeper to help them take apicutre. it was nice memory and he wanted to show their chidlrne of these moments when they grew up.

The thing about this feeding platform was , there were no seats. Even though Henry and Johan looked like they could feed another bucket of grass, James shook his head when the children looked at him with pleading eyes. "no, not another bucket. we should move on or we would miss the other animals! don't you two want to see the others? they have the elephant, the polar bear, the tiger and leopards, monkeys, and so many more. Come on Henry, what do you want to see next? have you seen a rhino? i think it's very close by." he said taking his elder son. He also watned to let his wife seat for awhile to rest.

Both of their kids were bit sad when their daddy didn't allow them to feed it more, but they could understand that. "Yeah, the rhino is good and then we can move to the tiger and leopard zone. That's quite exciting zone." Horu said, smiling t both kids. he let James took Henry and John down first this time and he just waited there for James to help him walk down which was even harder the walking upstairs.

It took just a bit time driving to the rhino cage which was an outdoor zone, luckily there were a lot of threes there, so it wasn't hot at all. There were also a lot of benches there, so James could just let Horu sit there while he was taking care of his sons. Both Henry and Johan seemed to be sd when they knew that mommy couldn't really join them here, but they could understand. James always told them that their mommy was like someone who was bearing something heavy all the time and their daddy did even make Henry and Johan hold something heavy for some time, so they could understand mommy's condition.

"I'll be right back, mommy." Little Henry said with his mommy, placing his little hand on Horu's hand as the promise. Horu could just rub that messy hair, smiling at his older son before placing a soft kiss on that chubby cheek. "Just have fun with daddy and Johan. Mommy will be fine. You can also see mommy from there. Don't worry." He said, smiling before also giving Johan a kiss, and finally, his husband for a deeper kiss.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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That time was really funny when James asked Henry and johan to walk around with heavy stuff on them. James put some books into their little school bags and asked them to put it in front of them. they made it a game, whoever would complain first within the hour would have to skip ice cream for that night. That hour made both children realise how much their mommy had been stressing, and afterwards they were very caring for Horu, especially after James told them how much heavier they were back when they were still in mommy's tummy -they must be more than 10 times their school bag's weight and Horu couldn't just put it down like they did.

James was the last to get the kiss but his kiss was also th elongest. james stroked Horu's hair and smiled at him. "we will be back very soon, then we can travel along the tiger and leopard zone. we can stay on the car a little longer after ok?' he said. "just yell for me if there was something. we will be very close." he smiled pointing at the cage. james then led the 2 children up in front and introudced them to the large animal. "Rhinos are very large animals, they are sometimes grumpy because they cannot see very well. Everything is blurred for them, so if someone suddenly appeared, they would be scared and sometimes, just rarely, they will charge towards them and hurt them." he explained, pointing at the giant, grey animal who was munching on grassfeed. "Rhino is just the short form. can you read their full name?" James asked, pointing at the board hung on the cage to show his children.

Horu couldn't hear what James was taking with their kids but he could see Henry instantly ran to the board. Surprisingly, his older son didn't read it instantly, instead, he waited for his little brother and they started reading it together.

"Here, here! daddy!" Henry was shouting, trying to answer the question of his daddy. "Rhinoceros!, Johan, here." He extended his arms, grabbing Johan's hand and pointed at the answer. Henry had had quite long arms compared with normal kids, and Horu could see his older son in the same size as his daddy when he grew up. "Woah, it's so big. I've seen in the t.v. It can even fight with the lion." He explained excitingly. Horu and James loved fiding the nice documentaries for their children and both Henry and Johan loved watching the story about the animal. Horu had asked his older son once about this dream, and he got a really cute answer. His son wanted the animal's doctor even though he didn't know what it was really called. On the other hands, Jahan seemed to love the story about the world's history for more. He wasn't really sure what he wanted to be yet. but Horu could see him and James bringing his little son to the museum when he grew up a bot more.

The kids seemed to notice how their mommy was looking at them. Henry started waving his hands at Horu and his mommy did it back. He could see the wide smiles from all his family members from there, and it was the best thing for mommy.

(You seem to have more free time? ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha yea, my boss' out attending meeting so i'm free now xD it's been good catching up with RP. it's always nice to be able to reply on a more frequent basis ;))

"Yes Rhinoceros. Good job Henry, and you too, Johan." he smiled. "Rhinoceros are grass eating, but they also have thick skin to resist attacks from lions. They are also very protective of their youngs. It's sad that now they are near extinction because people have been hunting them down." James supplied his children with more information. the proud father of 2 smiled seeing his children nodded, listening to his words like the greatest student.

James ruffled his sons' hair and knelt down as all 3 of them waved enthusiastically at their mommy. They watched the giant animal for awhile longer, watching those tiny ears flicker around its head and Johan started moving. He pulled on James' shirt, telling him silently he wanted to join his mommy again. "Alright, Henry, you ready to go?" he asked, seeing Henry nod, he brought the 2 children back to Horu. "you two go ahead to get onto the cart. Don't touch anything, me and your mommy will join you quickly." James let his children go ahead, himself heading towards Horu to help him up. "It's been hot right? have you been drinking your water?" James aksed gently as he held Horu's waist and pulled him up from the bench.

"Yeah, I did. It's not that hot today, but I'm still a bit sweaty." He said, smiling. It was the same with the previous pregnancy when he got sweaty so easily during pregnancy. It might be the higher metabolism within the body to produce enough energy for two babies inside his belly. "Hmm, you're os protective today." He said as how James wrapped his arms around his waist even tighter and sometimes supporting his belly with another hand. It seemed like James knew that he needed to be more caring today.

They walked slowly to the cart and Horu could hear Henry was yelling with how their daddy and mommy was really close today. Although they were still young, they knew almost everything about daddy and mommy. They saw James taking care of Horu and his mommy did the same thing in return. "Hmm, just like daddy." He said scratching's Henry hair gently. "So, what's next? Tiger and leopard, maybe? Oh, mommy forget to tell you. There is also the panda zone here. We might visit after that." He knew that Johan loved panda. It was cute and gentle. Both kids got excited again, especially the little Henry. He had had lots of energy just like daddy. They got to the same seat on the cart and this time James had carried Johan all the way there. They didn't want is little son to be too tired before this trip ended.

(sound nice, huh? It's temporary but it's good for you hehe ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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