'business' partners (Closed with bhdire8)
The phone call went on like this for about 5 minutes before Karim tried to grab the phone he reached for it quickly while at the same time attempting to grab Matt. this time Alex was abel to react pulling his gun he pointed it at Karim with a glare. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" It was the first time he had udered a harsh word all night, it seemed to startle Karim enough to suddenly freeze.
To aim the gun, however, Alex had to get away from teh chair. He stood up so quickly the chair toppled behind him. His jacket's tugged up a little and the taut shirt outlined his rounded underbelly quite obviously. Matt seized the moment of panic from Karim to again strenghten his grip on him. "Oh right Hector, nah it's nothing. I just spotted a roach. Keep going." he encouraged the kid to go on, admist his father's pained moan. However, Karim wasn't done with his struggle, and he again surged up trying to shout something in his home dialect to the phone. Matt quickly said into the phone "Hector i'd have to go for now, thank you so much for your information, i'd follow it up with you very soon." he said that and cut off the line.
He couldn't react another pain took over him. the muscles around his belly seemed to visibly tense, he was still holding the gun but his hand shook slightly, thankfully Matt was busy with Karim and they were both too distracted to see. "SIT!" He warned as the pain began to fade his gun steaded. if Karim didn't sit he would shoot. This was not someone he wanted to mess with and they both knew it.
Matt was a bit disappointed, but at the situation just now, there was no way he could continue the conversation with Hector with Karim going crazy. He hadn't extracted enough information from the kid. He was a little impressed by how Alex Alex who stepped up finally. Despite his strangely large midsection that looked awkward on him, he was starting to demonstrate a perofrmance worthy of all the praises from his trainer.

Karim eyed the gun wearily and slowly lowered himself down onto the chair. Now that his son was no longer leaking, he was more calmed. Matt still looked at him with much caution. He twisted Karim's arms back once again when he was almost there, pulled them back and cuffed his arms to the chair. "there you go.... happy? i really hated treating you like that you know... so, about your good boy." he flashed a smile at Karim. "let me see... he'd mentioned about a lady with some peculiar tattoos.. then a middle aged man.." Matt continued to describe the features of the people Hector mentioned, observing Karim closely to verify the details - even making up a bit just as wild guesses, see if he'd hit it right by wild chance. He eyed Alex quickly, expecting him to jot down everything.
Alex took his seat again. He held up his notebook. "And we've got it all here. Now, why don't you make this easier on yourself and just tell us already? Maybe, if you rat out your friends we can cut you some type of deal. Karim looked to Alex, he seemed to consider it of course, it wasn't like Alex was telling the truth. They wouldn't be cutting him a deal but if it got the man to talk he would certainly try just about anything.

"I wonder, with these descriptions I'm sure there are video cameras close to your house, would we find anyone matching these descriptions? What then?"
"you would have nothing." Karim spit out with hate filling his words in a heavy accent. He suddenly became relaxed. He looked like he had made up his mind and suddenly, he didn't care. He even leaned back against the chair and played with it. "that's it? you got nothing. you can do nothing." he said rather confidently. Karim seemed to have seen through Alex's bluffing somehow.

Matt didn't understand the sudden change in attitude either, though it was partially true, they had little to nothing. They had some description, but without any context, it was finding hay in a haystack. Matt hit the guy at the back of the head. "why, you're more naive than i thought. your finger's not hurting anymore? let me see..." Matt said and suddenly, he smashed Karim's head towards the table. "So what are you planning!" he asked, pulling Karim back by his hair.
Alex was getting frustrated and the fact that yet another pain began to come over him wasn't helping. It was good that there was nothing he could say at the moment. He couldn't resist pressing one hand to his side as he will the pain to let up. It was getting worse, he hadn't been timing but that one was pretty close to the last one. They needed to wrap this up.

"So- you're more willing to rot in jail, for the rest of your life then tell us what you have planned then?"
There was something in Alex's words that piqued Karim's awareness. he suddenly focused his attention to the younger agent who he'd never really paid attention to. Matt knew that this wasn't good. Karim seemed to have identified something in Alex - sort of his vulnerability in him. Maybe he'd seen something Matt hadn't seen, but either way that's not good.

Karim sneered and laid back on his chair again. "oh this is not something good to speak of, you know? you are such a cute rookie." he smiled, and his attitude was getting more and more relaxed, Matt didnt think that was a good sign though. Again, Karim, with no forewarn, kicked on the table and shoved it towards Alex, right on his belly.
Alex couldn't react fast enough, it hit him, thankfully he had seen it coming and it wasn't hard enough to cause any real damage just hurt a bit. He moved a hand to his gun, eyeing the man closely. Karim knew, he was sure of it somehow Karim had figured out he was pregnant. He was seeing it as a weakness. "Really?" Alex muttered standing up. His gaze narrowed it was scary he almost looked angry, despite everything, Alex really was a good investigater, he didn't get this job by chance. "Do you really want to play it like that? You better be careful with your next few words. We can be nice, but we can also be your worst enemie get to talking and stop acting like a child.
Matt frowned at the sudden change in demeanor of Karim.
He wasn't sure what was happening, but the moment he kicked on the table, Matt interfered. "hey!" he yanked Karim away from the table and threw him onto the floor, he fell down with the chair causing a huge bump.

Karim coughed with the impact and looked at Alex who'd been looking at him with a killing gaze. Although he was unable to move, still cuffed up with the chair, he chuckled meeting Alex's gaze. "wow, a sissy attempted to be tough? you are just a whore taking cocks... look what it did to you." Karim gave Alex a slimy smile, eyeing his bump with a calculated gaze. "i guess you are really short of manpower ain't you? even preggos needa be on duty... oh wait, is it this guy's? wow relationship in office... that's not good boy! you gotta be more careful!" he giggles at Matt.

"What are you talking about!" Matt kicked Kairm on his ribs,but the shock was clear in his eyes. He looked at Alex and fixed hsi gaze in his midsection... that would have explained a lot....
"At least I'm not the one about to be facing life in prison, or perhaps the death penalty depending seeing as how you won't work with us." There was anger edged in Alex's words, he couldn't hide it any longer now, he was pretty sure Matt could tell as well. "Why don't you shut up about my circumstances, and focus on you're on. You think you can one-up me because you figured it out? Sorry kid, that won't work."

Alex gave Matt a small nod, to confirm Karim's theory he was in fact pregnant.
Karim shrugged, not caring at all. There was a cruelty laying deep wtihin his eyes, something that was not at all a good news to Matt as the unthinkable passed his mind. The shock of Alex's pregnancy was one thing, there was something else in Karim's attitude that made the alarm went off in his head. If he didn't mistaken it, Karimw as hiding a tiumphant smile.

Matt wasn't aware that Alex was close to due date, misjudging his pregnancy by his reduced size of belly. He just assumed he would be in his 6th, at most 7th month based on his size, therefore his attention wasn't on him at all. Matt kicked Karim and pressed down his head. "Is it happening today?" he asked, pressing so close to Karim. there could only be one thing that made him so relaxed all of a sudden ... it could only mean that the operation karim was plotting was about to, or already started. "speak! where is it!" he asked, pressing on his broken finger to make him whine.
Alex casually put one hand down at the side of the table to lean on. He could feel another pain coming on. For the most part, it was hard to tell anything was happening other than the fact that he would be still and unresponsive for a moment. It hurt he could feel the muscles tensing up there was a lot of pressure that was starting to form making him uncomfortable no matter how he went about this. He was worried, had Karim figured that out to? That he was likely in labor. this wasn't good.
"speak! or you are going to break another finger!" Matt barked, getting anxious himself with the situation not going at all as planned. He snapped another finger of Karim but to his astonishment, Karim actually chuckled. "it's too laaaate now.... boom, boom booooooom..." he chuckled hysterically rollng on the floor, looking like he couldn't feel the pain at all.

"You son of a bixch, what is it that you've done!" Matt, enraged dragged Karim off the bed and shoved him towards the wall, the chair still clung to him clanged with the metal wall, but Karim just looked at him with a face that said he didn't care. "do you really want us to bring in your son to let him witness what a piece of shxt his father is?" he threatened, which finally wiped off the hateful smirk on Karim's face.

"Alex! make the call." Matt barked. Hearing no response, he looked back at him. "Alex? call!" he said, this time a little more sternly seeing him unresponsive.
'call' somehow the voice registered, he nodded and pulled out his phone, they both had the number, thankfully by the time anyone picked up he was able to talk again. He asked for Karim's son and arranged for someone to bring him. "So that's the only thing you care about?" Alex pointed out. "It'll be a shame, that boy will grow up without you, resenting you, what will happen when he learns the truth. All because you wouldn't talk." Alex said almost glaring at Karim.
Matt crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking at Karim who had again shaken off his thougths and got on him the poker face. "so you're plotting on some bombs... let's see. Well we got Hector now, he's like our tester. Let's cruise him around the city centre... to all the crowded places. We will have him head to union square first, then the mall, the city hall..." Matt listed out the crowded areas, the most probable places for a terrorist attack while closely observing Karim. If he reacts to any of those places, that'd be where the bombs are.

To his surprise, when he started listed out those places, Karim actually looked a slight bit relieved than otherwise. "wait Alex... tell them to bring Hector in IMMEIDATELY." he said and rushed towards the door. "he's gonna bomb HERE!" Matt said as it dawned on him. that's with the fearless attitude - Karim had known this would be a suicidal attack.
Alex's eyes went wide. This- wasn't good, the danger was right in front of them. alex called back, told them to rush him here. "He is coming in a police car he'll be here very soon." Alex did his best not to show his panic, they had never thought that Karim would blow up this place. His gaze settled on Karim. "you're going to kill your own son then? Is it woth it?" they needed information they needed to know where the bomb was in this building or they were all likely to die.

Another pain, how long had it been sense the last one? Alex didn't know he didn't have a clock. It hit mostly in his lower back this time causing him to press a hand there. This really wasn't looking good. Alex couldn't help but let out a quiet groan but it was drowned out by the sound of the alarm on the building alerting everyone to what was going on.
Karim shook his head on the floor, still chuckling hysterically. "no.. too late. You're all gonna be fried up... booooooom." he rolled on the floor like he had his greatest dream fulfilled. Matt was furious and he kicked Karim, slamming the door shut as the alarm went off. "you scumbag... your son's gonna be here! Alex, call them again so they'd report in real time their position... Alex!" again, Matt wasn't hearing any response and shot a dagger glance at the rookie. He saw his hand pressing at his lowerback but that really didn't make any sense to him. "Call AGAIN!" he said in great annoyance.

"you're gonna be dead. But your son isn't... we'd rush him in. I know where you put it... the garage right? how many... " he saw that slight constriction on Karim's pupil and knew his wild guess had been right. "let's see, there are 3 phases within the garage. And within the only phase you piece of shxt could sneak in.. 5 wall supported this building. Oh wait, that's 6." Matt, with his expereicne, was gradually able to read Karim's face. it took a bit of time, but now he was starting to get hte hang of it. "Alex! go ahead and alert them!" he yelled at the pregnant agent, but Karim was growling with his secrets all let out. The prisoner showed an inhumane strength as he lurged forward to grab Alex by his leg, stopping him from alerting the others.
Alex used his free foot to stomp on Karim's hand. At the same time he pulled out the phone to get reports the pain was still there, it wasn't letting up but he forced himself to work through it. "There just about three minutes away. He noted looking to Karim. At the same time he used the wall phone to contact the gradge and tell them what was going on, they were sending a bomb squad down there. It was out of their hands now The pain got worse again. Alex stumbled slightly bracing himself against a nearby wall.
Karim wasn't deterred by Alex's stomp on his hand. He muttered in his dialect some long string of words that even Matt had difficult dicephering, then Karim switched to English. "pleaes, my son did nothign wrong.. bring him away! he'd die... the bomsbs.. the bombs couldn't be detonated!" the prisoner said, this time pleading with real remorse. "please... Hector wasn't involved. Look! Agnet.. you're going to be a father yourself, please, have some mercy... he's just like your.." Karim reached up with his hand, swollen with his fingers broken. He attmpted to press on Alex's belly, his eyes filled with tears looking pathetic as he begged.

Matt huffed and walked forward, dragging by his shoulder, he pulled Karim away. "Stop using your filthy hand to touch my partner..."

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