'business' partners (Closed with bhdire8)
"err... ok? ok, let's move you to push." Matt held Alex up by his armpit as the pregnant man slid down with the pain. He wasn't sure what to do but he figured if Alex was having strong urges, it shoudln't hurt to let him push. "Ok, ok i will lower you down right now. Just... well, push when you want to." he said, really not sure what to do as he cleared the rubble with his shoes,swiping out a clear area dn moved to sit down. He was still holding Alex up - he couldn't let his bare butt just sit on the dusted floor, figuring his pants could be at least a slight bit cleaner than the floor.

"ok, ok, i gotcha. PUsh if you want...." he rasied up his knees so Alex could grab his knees when pushing.
Alex groaned leaning forward he pushed his whole body tensed with effort as he worked to expel the child. it felt to big, he could feel it shifting lower her groaned leaning back between pain taking in a few breaths and trying to steady himself. "It hurts." he whimpered, it was scary doing this by himself with just matt with him but it wasn't like they had any other choice in the matter.
"shh it's ok. Yea it's gonna hurt like hell... but you'd get through it. it's out, and you'd be fine. Better than a gunshot wound that would keep you on bed for at least a month, not to mention the physcial therapy that followed...." matt smiled holding Alex close. He even interlaced their fingers. "Grab on my hand, i find that helpful when we're dealing with injured agents - it's like passing on the pain. You're able to pass for an agent, you could pass for being a father. Keep going Alex, you're working on it."
His grip tightened on Matt's hand holding tightly he cried out as he pushed again. He was holding Matt's hand so tightly he was probably going to leave a bruise. The progress was slow but he could feel it coming. Maybe matt was right, at least he hadn't been shot or anything although he had a feeling that might have hurt less then this.
Matt had no idea how well, or not well, things were going. He was hesitant in constnatly touching Alex on his intimate parts, but that also made him unable ot check for his dilation. Alex had been pushing already but his boyd might not be the most prepared. neither did they know the position of the baby wasn't ideal. The baby was head down, but the face was coming up first, which meant it would be a harder labor and birth than most cases. Alex was moaning and straining, Matt tried his best to keep the man steady. they didn't even have any water with them that could help with Alex's strength.
Alex was struggling, he was unaware of the complication but he knew he wasn't making a lot of progress. He tried to calm down forcing air into his lungs, made himself try and relax but what if something was wrong? When he was still struggling after a few more contractions he requested Matt check his progress again. He didn't like it anymore then Matt did but he had barely made any progress since he had started pushing.
Matt nodded at Alex's request for another check, but he honestly couldnt feel any difference from last time. "I think it's just that the baby's big and perhaps he or she didnt quite get the memo it's time to come out. It should be fine... just keep pushing." Matt thought they better stay in tgis position for a little longer, and if things still woukdnt progress, maybe they could try something else. He stroked over Alex's sweat covered bump , noting it was almost constantly tensed up. He figured this should be a good thing considering the contractions were still strong.
Alex leaned his head back a moment gathered himself and pushed again. He leaned forward grabbing the back of his legs "Come on!" He muttered pain and desperation laced in his voice. clearly, he was in pain, he felt it shift again but it was barely progress and when th contraction ended he leaned back once more trying to relax.
Alex was panting hard. His lips were already chapping with how much he had sweated. Matt really had little he could do unless he would leave Alex for awhile. He fanned him as much as he could, again touching his opening hoping there would be miracle, but no, they weren't as lucky. the baby was still embedded deep in the canal, with just a trace of hair about to emerge.

"Alex you're going to push, just continue to do so. It's the only way to ensure the baby's going to be alright. Look, feel the strenght, work witht he contractions. You're going to do that, just focus." Matt said, blurting out whatever he thought shoudl work, then again grabbed Alex by his shoulder and pushed forward with him, pushing with the ocntraction which made the baby slam into Alex's tailbone cauing serious back pain.
Alex's groan turned into a cry of pain as he felt the pain in his back. He tensed trying to move away from it or do anything that might help him. He felt like someone was twisting a knife into his spine. Even as the contraction faded he found it hard to move the pain didn't go away. He whimpered quietly pushing with the next contraction trying to move the baby past but it only got worse. "to big." He whimpered moving one hand to the lower part of his back in an effort to ease the pain any way he could.
""Too... too big?" Matt asked, dumbfounded. this couldn't be, it couldn't be that the baby was too big to be birthed naturally. "no, that's not going to be. it's alright, it could pass, you just have to, er, have to push harder?" Matt asked tilting his head, sweat of nerves breaking out on his forehead. "this is going to work, you just have to persist... yes, that's the way. y-you think you wanna move?" Matt asked, already moving Alex but the other agnet was hissing in pain the moment he tried to move him. "So.. no move?" he asked again, freezing on the spot.
In reality, it was not too big but it certainly felt that way. He knew another position might help to bring the baby down and take some of the stress off his back but getting into that new position was going to hurt. Groaning her nodded. And slowly he forced himself forward. He was kneeling on the ground with his hands out in front of him. Another contraction hit and he pushed leaning back towards his feet a bit trying to aid the child's movement.
With gravtiy pulling on his bump, Alex's belly appeared even lower and larger. Matt swallowed wth difficulty noting the change. it looked so heavy and low Matt almost wanted to help him lift it up a little - or it might scratch against the floor when he pushed.

It did in fact, the bottom part of it grinded a slight bit against the floor when Alex pushed back and pressed back against his ankles. it was p ainful, but effective in helping the baby move down. "yes i think this is better.. i can see more of the head now!" Matt excitedly updated Alex on his progress, touching around his opening carefully. He cupped his belly and encouraged him to push. "come push again Alex. This is going good... " he said, with trickles of blood coming through.
Alex cried out he could feel it making progress now his entire body tensed and he couldn't help but let out a groan of agony as he felt it shift down more. He felt it stretching him open, it was starting to burn and he whimpered slightly digging his nails into the floor. His groans soon turned into a Cry of pain as he arched his back. He took in a few breaths trying to remain calm but it was proving hard. the pain was rather intense.
By this time Alex's body was trembling and tightened. "There it is, oh my god i can see hair... wow. " Matt held his breath when he sawt he first patch of hair breaching through his opening. It was almost weird seeing one's anus pushed out so much, the entire shape of the baby's head could be seen, but it was so large for such a small opening, the ring of muscles wasn't buding -yet. "shh... this is going to be alright, you just keep pushing, i am holding you steady." Matt said , placing his hand on Alex's trembling thigh, he cupped the baby's head with his other hand, hopng this would work in gently guiding it out.
(sorry, work, moving and camp. I have wifi again still up for this or would you prefer something different?)
(wow haha filled with activitie during the summer holidays? yea sure, well since we're here, we might as well finish it up. you wanna continue?)
Alex squirmed slightly leaning back between pains he tried to catch his breath and recover but the pain proved to be quite a bit to handle. Whimpering he had no choice but to give in to the contractions he pushed again leaning forward he gripped the ground under him letting out a cry of pain as he felt the chlid shift down.
This push proved to be effective and the baby was really surging forward following the great push, however the contraction was coming to an end. All progress of Alex was nullified when the baby slipped back just as fast when Alex stopped pushing. Matt tried to savage whatever was left, "No no push! continue to push Alex.... Keep the baby down..."
Alex shook his head, he tried but without the contraction, it wasn't very effective. He groaned leaning back spreading his legs wide and giving himself a moment to recover before he went at it again. He felt the progress, the burning as the child pressed down. He cried out in agony towards the end of the contraction but when he did, t It didn't he child stayed right where it was. It didn't slip back causing Alex to squirm in discomfort his breath coming in quick gasps as he tried to breath through the pain.

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