Closed Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog]
Stapleton, Alabama - A very small town on the Gulf Coast; with a population of just under two-hundred people.  Everyone knew everyone, your business was everyone's business.  Your only privacy was your own home.

There wasn't much to do in a small town like Stapleton; the only outlet for fun was heading to the Gulf for swimming, jet-skiing and the occasional surf.  Mobile was the closest big city to Stapleton, and the only place for the 'younger crowd' to enjoy their youth.  Of course, if you knew just where to look for fun in Stapleton, then living there wasn't so bad.

There was also a certain energy in the air of Stapleton, and everyone seemed to know something that new people or travelers alike did not.  Traveling through or moving into Stapleton was often a bad idea, unless you knew the history and the type of people that lived there.  Travelers never lasted longer than a day, which was fine by the community folk of Stapleton.  Those who intended on moving in and staying though, they often went missing within a week - it was mysterious, to say the least.

There was also talk in the town about the Mayor's son - That he was no-good, likely behind all the disappearances, but no one could pin anything on Kai Cole.  Not for lack of trying, but there was just simply never any evidence of foul play in regards to the disappearing new people.  Kai had the reputation of a playboy, that was no secret to the towns people, but new comers were not privy to the twenty-seven-year-olds lifestyle and often fell under his charm of seduction.

Kai sat on his idling motorcycle in the town center of Stapleton, black helmet visor shading his green eyes from the harsh sunlight as he watched the town go on about their day-to-day life.  He got disgusted looks from the older folk, and he was tempted to just flip them off and kick up dirt as he drove away, but something had drawn him to the town square and he wouldn't be leaving until he found out what.

Kai was at a crossroads in his life, yet again, with his parents breathing down his neck about growing up and becoming the man they had always envisioned him to be.  Kai wasn't about that though - he refused to become a businessmen, working a nine-to-five job, wife and two-and-a-half kids ; How do you even have two and a half kids? He never understood that math, but still - he did not want the white picket fence or the dog either, hell he didn't need the dog - he already was one.

Kai liked living in his little one bedroom 'guest house' in the back of his parent's property - it gave him just the right amount of privacy to live his own life, such as it was; but also, he was close enough to his folks that he didn't have to worry about what he was going to eat for dinner that night, not when there was always food in the house - good cooking, not by his mother, but by the french-trained Chef they had on staff.

Yeah, Kai knew he was a spoiled rich-kid, living off his parent's wealth - that would one day be his own - so why work? Why do anything except for his life philosophy of 'Eat, Sleep, Fuck' and not necessarily in that order.  Kai, nine tenths of the time, got what he wanted with or without asking for it - Most of the time, he demanded it.  He was demanding, that was no secret.  He was a dominating force and his 6'5" Bodybuilder frame often proved to be just the thing to get anyone to submit to his will.

Did he want to live his life like that?  Not always, but his alpha-male instincts were always the driving force to how he lived his life.

Kai scanned the area of the town center once again, looking for the thing that had brought him here; he wanted to find out what it was, and then kick off, because he HAD plans with one of the local boys and he wouldn't miss his daily release for the world.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

A few weeks ago a new face had slipped into town. A tall figure with long black hair, sharp blue eyes, and warm tanned skin. While everyone in the town had heard about him or had seen him, nobody know who he was. He had simply appeared one day, dressed like he was homeless. Yet he had the money to pay for a small cabin just out of town. After moving in, he seemed to avoid interacting with locals much.

Rumors had spread about the strange reclusive man. Some of the older folk were suspicious, thinking he was some kind of native shaman, judging by his appearance. But he really wasnt anything like that.

Tobias simply wanted a place he could have space to himself. This place was off in the middle of nowhere, nobody would care about this tiny town, or any rumors that might come from it...aside from maybe crazy criptid hunters...

(Sorry if this is lame.)
Kai licked his lips slowly, once again having to scan the area. Something had drawn him here, something new and exciting - he hoped.kK

A tall figure, with dark hair, caught his eye almost immediately on his third scan - he hadn't seen the man before, but now it was like a beam of light was just flooding this guy - a homing beacon, if you will.  Kai was immediately drawn to this figure; although he certainly had no idea why, just that he was, and that he wanted to know who this man was - it was for the best, really, to figure out who he was... Before his father did.

Kai killed the engine of his bike, pulled his helmet off and slid to the ground.  He was quick and light on his feet, moving gracefully through the semi-crowded area of town square. Remaining distant from this new fellow, Kai watched him as he moved around the town square - he looked lost, definitely; but at the same time, the stranger looked like he was also searching for something.  Well, Kai could definitely help with finding something in town, it was what he was good at.

Kai didn't blend in very well with the rest of the town, given they were mostly short and stocky and he was taller than them all by at least a good foot; and he was lean, built from pure muscle.  He knew that this new comer would easily spot him, if only he would just turn around - They would be only an inch or so from eye-level and it would make things that much easier on Kai.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

The stranger was a bit lost as he wandered the town, but he was getting his bearings. His dark hair was pulled back in a hasty bun and his sharp blue eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses. He didnt want people commenting on his eyes., or noticing where he was looking.

A strange feeling went up his spine, someone was watching him. He paused by a storefront, looking through the windows. But a sharp eye would notice his pale blue eye peering out the side of his sunglasses, trying to figure out who was following him.

The last thing he needed was someone getting nosey...he liked his privacy.
Kai stopped when the new comer stopped as well, they were much closer than even Kai thought.  He could easily scent the younger man, what he was was no secret now.  Kai smiled and raised an eyebrow, watching the man's figure in the shop window.  He could just barely see the glimpse of blue and knew that this man had to be a rare breed of some sort; it excited Kai, but not in a sexually aroused way - which, THAT was different.

Yeah, he was immediately attracted and drawn to this stranger, but to not have an insanely hard erection just by looking at him? Unheard of, for Kai.  The older folk of Stapleton were starting to notice the two men standing just barely two feet apart on the sidewalk, their whispered words somehow louder ["There goes that Cole boy again, looking to get his rocks off."] ["Can't that boy just ever leave new people alone, its disgusting is what it is."]

The words, however, flowed right over Kai - having heard them thousands of times before.  He didn't feel that way, particularly, with this stranger; Oh, sure, he would definitely want to do something should the occasion ever arise, but was he dead-set on ruining something so soon?  Oddly, not anymore.  He was actually interested in this stranger for more than just sex, and it easily showed in his green eyes and the soft smile he had on his face.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

After that momentary glance, the stranger finally heard the muttered comments. His attention shifted, looking around. He noticed someone look from him to the man following him, frowning. He didn't need rumors. At least not any new ones.

He hadn't caught the scent of the man following him, the wind was in the other's favor. The stranger's scent was unique, somewhat musky, with a hint of something else. It gave away something very important, he smelled like an alpha, yet also smelled like an omega about to go into heat. That was why the stranger was keeping to himself.

He had hoped he still had a few days, but his body had other plans. He turned to continue walking, trying to lose his tail in the crowd. He needed to go home and stay there until he was sure he was safe.
The scent, as he continued inhaling it, was like literally burning his nostrils with the strength of it - others may have not noticed it as greatly as Kai, but his nose had been trained, from a very young age to recognize and realize those who were about to go into heat - it was his father's way of saying 'This is what you should look for when you get older.' For Kai though, it was his way of saying 'This is what I need to avoid when I get older.'

Unfortunately, Kai's philosophy had gone out the proverbial window, yet again. He followed the scent more than he did the man, his nose would lead him - no doubt - where he needed to go, and since he knew how everyone in town smelt, it would be easy to follow and keep up with the new comer's scent, even if he somehow lost him.

Kai walked a bit faster, pushing his way through the crowd without a care in the world... If only he could just stop this stranger, stop him from walking away... Kai got within a few more inches of the man and went to reach out, but something stopped him - hand mid-air - and he let the stranger walk away a little further before he started following again, at a slower rate.

Whatever it was that had stopped him made him angry; but, it seemed to also satisfy some internal part of himself - Perhaps it was the simple act of the hunt. Find his 'prey' and attack when least expecting... Or so he had learned from his youth, but still he felt this strong urgency to continue to follow the stranger and make sure he got to where he needed too, safely. He still hoped his father new nothing of the stranger, although after today; the likelihood of that would become much slimmer.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

The stranger could almost feel the other following him. So he walked a little faster. He mentally kicked himself for not having a vehicle, at least that would make trailing his scent more difficult. But all he had was a bike. He had left it in the park, locked to one of the racks, while he explored the main street to get an idea of what was here.

He came to a street corner and had to pause for the light, that was about when his follower nearly reached for him. But as his hand paused, the light changed and the stranger continued on. Now at the edge of the park, he walked with a little more urgency, fishing the key for his bike lock out of his pocket. But as he reached the rack, he realized that unlocking it would take too long, and that he should just confront his follower.

So standing by his bike, he turned to face the man, an irritated look on his face. Even with his sunglasses, you could see the glare he cast at the man who'd been tailing him, crossing his arms and taking a very firm stance. "Stop fucking following me." He nearly growled. Though his voice was rather soft, normally speaking with a kind tone. But when he was in a mood, that low voice took on an edge, complementing his intense gaze.

Now finally facing the man following him, another feature became clear, faint scars across his face. Four long slashes, the longest just missing his left eye, running from forehead to his left cheek, nearly reaching his jawline. Mostly obscured by his sunglasses, but still quite obvious. They looked like they came from some kind of animal...

(Bit late, but here's some screenshots of the version of this character I made in Fallout 4: 1, 2)
Kai shook his head slowly, the scars on the face of the stranger were familiar and didn't at all deter him - although he did feel a sudden urge to rip apart the monster who had left the scars behind on the new comer's face. "I can't stop... You're in danger, here... and not from me - despite the stalker-esque attitude I've just presented." Kai said quietly and urgently, his green eyes darting frantically around the park - this was definitely not the safest area to be; how the stranger hadn't yet been seen by his father from the Mayor's office window directly across from the park was beyond him - perhaps the old man was out at the time when the stranger arrived, but surely he would be back by now.

Kai tried to think of something to say, anything that would make this strange man believe his words "You have to believe me... Even though you don't know me... It has nothing to do with your scent, it has absolutely nothing to do with how incredibly hot I find you..." And wasn't that saying something? Because, in truth, he did find the stranger hot and alluring but this was about more than that.

"Don't you know what happens to new people who show up here, if they don't know the history, the... the... the world this little town lives in?"
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

The stranger kept his arms crossed, an arched brow peeking up over his sunglasses. It was pretty obvious he didnt believe this guy. He even cocked his hips to one side, not taking any of this seriously. But he listened, wanting to hear the crazy reasoning for this guy's behavior.

He shook his head when the guy tried pleading his case, though he froze when he mentioned scent. He took a slow breath through his nose, the wind finally in his favor. Now he knew why the other was following him...he reeked of alpha. This had to be a ploy to get him alone and claim him before he went fully into heat.

He rolled his eyes, reaching to take those sunglasses off. "I heard the rumors. That's why I picked this place. I can take care of myself." He said, giving the guy a cold glare, just as icy as his eyes. But there was another detail, a faint ring of gold around the pupils...the full moon was only a few days away, he needed to prepare.
The stranger would notice something else about Kai's scent - that it was different from what would be considered a 'normal alpha-shifter' scent.  Yes, he had alpha blood raging through him like the hormones that dictated most of his life.  But there was just something different about Kai Cole and the way he smelled, presented himself; practically everything about Kai screamed alpha, but the way he was acting was more timid kitten than raging wolf.

Kai knew he had to think of a way to explain the craziness that went on in this town, hopefully get the stranger out of here before any bad could come to him.  At least he knew about the things that went on in Stapleton, that was a relief... but, at the same time, it still worried Kai and he didn't think that the younger man could truly protect himself, not when he didn't know of the true danger that lurked just beyond them at the Mayor's office.  Kai let his eyes wander that way, and could see an imposing shadowed figure standing in the window. Crap, time is up... he thought to himself, shifting his feet nervously.

"Listen... I think... I think you should get out of here... Out of this town... Don't look back, never look back and find someplace else to call your home... It's..." before Kai could even finish his statement though, the imposing figure that had been in the window was now standing behind him in just a flash, as if he had appeared from out of nowhere.

Devlin Cole, mayor of Stapleton and Kai's father, was there now.  His seven-foot tall frame towering over Kai; he was a slightly greying older man at the ripe age of fifty, but his large body and height was more than enough to be afraid of.  The scent that Devlin gave off was much more than just Alpha.  It was death, destruction, fear to other's.  Even Kai cowered at the mere presence of his father being directly behind him, quite literally breathing down Kai's neck.

"Who is your friend, Kai?" Devlin asked, a sinister smile crossing his features as his dark brown eyes drilled into the stranger's own eyes.  There was a bright gold ring around Devlin's eyes as well - something that the stranger would notice was missing from Kai's eyes - the gold rings showed the sign of his age and power, glowing even though he was no where near shifting.

Kai shook his lowered head, eyes firmly planted on the ground "He's not a friend... We... We were just talking." Kai said meekly; it would be strange, seeing the young Alpha so afraid... The stranger had no idea what he had gotten himself into... Would he be afraid?
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

The stranger did notice something odd about the other's scent. It just but he couldnt figure out why. And his behavior just didnt feel like an alpha...especially not an alpha tailing someone going into heat. Part of him wanted to figure out what was off about this guy, but the rest of him wanted to just go home and wait things out.

He glanced over when the other did, noticing the window, but not thinking much of it. He rolled his eyes as the guy continued to try and explain things, getting really tired of it. It sounded almost like the dramatic speach from some kind of horror flick.

But that idea seemed a bit too on the nose when another man seemed to pop into the picture without warning. The stranger took a step back, looking over the older man and the guy he stood behind. Clear family resemblance, that was for sure. But he also noticed some things he found familiar....especially his eyes.

He looked back down to the guy who'd been following him and frowned, not liking this at all this older man was clearly the top alpha....and he vaguely remembered seeing a picture of him labeled "mayor" somewhere. Well, that explained some things. "Yeah, he was just telling me about this fine town. But I must be going." He said, moving towards his bike without turning his back...didnt want to send any signals that he was dismissing this alpha's rank...he simply wanted to leave.
Devlin sneered in the strangers direction "I think not... You are a new member of my community and I would like to personally get to know you." his demeanor changed like a snap of someone's fingers "Won't you please join us for dinner tonight at the Mayor's Mansion?" he asked cordially, southern charm oozing from his mouth.

Kai gaped openly, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and anger; his body vibrated a little "No! He cannot join us for dinner tonight, father. He - he has business, in another town - and that is what we were talking about. The quickest route to get to Mobile and back." Kai said fiercely, perhaps standing up to his father for the first time in his twenty-seven-years.

Devlin snorted at the thought "Fine, fine. Perhaps tomorrow night then." He said, and it was no question; it was more demand than anything. Before the stranger had a chance to respond, though, Devlin was gone just as quickly as he had come - disappearing into what seemed like thin air, the echo of the Mayor's office front door seemed loud in the silence that surrounded them.

Kai paced frantically "Shit... shit... you idiot..." Kai muttered, running a hand over his buzz-cut "I... You need to leave, please... Please... and whatever you do... do not unlock your door, do not let anyone in unless you trust them... Don't be seen alone at night and do not let anyone know where you live... Your scent is bad enough that you may be followed, I would recommend taking a dip in the river before heading home..." Kai tried to warn him, tried everything he could and now things were just going to get worse, he knew it would!
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

The stranger looked surprised and confused at the mayor, frowning slightly and shifting slightly closer to his bike. He didn't like the tone in the man's voice, or the way he looked at him. He couldn't help avoiding eye contact, lowering his eyes and looking away. Though, when the younger man broke in, he blinked in confusion. He had to quickly pick himself up and play along. "Ah, yeah. Job interview." He nodded, giving a quick glance to the older man. Though, the request to come tomorrow had him frowning.

While thinking of a response, he realized the man had suddenly vanished again, leaving him to whip his head around to try and explain it. Then the other man was speaking again. "Woah woah woah, slow down. Who the fuck are you, and why the fuck should I care?" he said, his more dominant side coming through as he glared at the other. Though the comment about his scent worried him. He didn't know how strong it had already gotten, probably responding to two virile alphas being so close to him....
Kai cursed mentally, several times, things were going down the drain faster than he had even imagined possible "I'm Kai Cole... The son of... Devlin Cole, mayor of Stapleton..." he introduced himself as politely as possible, but it was obvious he did not enjoy being related to his father in anyway, with all the pauses in his explanation of who he was to this stranger.

Kai cleared his throat lightly and looked down at his sneakers "I think you should care because... This town is dangerous to all newcomers. Whether they are 'one of us' or not - My father does not tolerate new citizens very well... Hence the formal invitation to dinner. He wants to see if you can be of use to him or if you are worthless to him. Your scent alone proves that you would be very worthwhile to him but it would not last long... He would use you, abuse you, and throw you away with the next days garbage once he's gotten what he's needed out of you..." Kai looked seriously ashamed with his father's actions, his voice was quiet as he explained as well - whether it was fear of the older man overhearing or just because he hated what has been going on for so long.

"I can protect you... If you are interested in me doing so. If you..." he shrugged slightly and looked up at the stranger with sad eyes "If you need it, all you have to do is let me know - I will stand up to my father, for you." it was an offer he had never given a single person before, and the honesty in his eyes and on his face was written for the stranger to see it - all that he had said was very true, and he was worried that something bad would come for this stranger if the protection was not taken.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

The stranger kept quiet as the other introduced himself, arching a brow slightly. He already got the impression he was related to that man, but the way he spoke of his relationship made it very clear he didnt like that fact.

A chill ran down his spine when Kai explained the reasoning for his father's invitation and behavior, only made worse when he brought up his scent again....he didnt like the implications. And he certainly didnt like the idea of being used by anyone. He frowned and looked away, feeling like he couldn't have picked a worse time to move to this nowhere town.

But then Kai offered to protect him, and the sincerity in his voice and on his face took him a bit by surprise. He leaned against his bike and sighed, crossing his arms again. " name is Tobias Garou....and I was hoping to escape from this crap. I was going to just stay in my cabin....but I need some supplies. Before things.....get worse." He said, hinting at his condition and scent.
Kai nodded his head in understanding, he pulled his cellphone out of his back pocket and handed it to Tobias with a light smile on his face, slowly feeling a little more comfortable and at ease - perhaps Kai would be able to protect Tobias from the fate that most new comers met when arriving here "Write me a list of the supplies you need... I'll get them and bring them back to your cabin..." Kai said, swinging on his heels slightly.

Kai looked around their surroundings, and was actually pleased to find out that no one was around them "You can also put your address in there... so I can find you easily later on... I'll stay out of your way as much as possible... I just..." he shrugged - having already explained everything, he didn't really feel the need to keep on reiterating why he felt the need to protect Tobias from his father.

"Just a list of what you need... I'll make sure to bring it by."

His plans with that local boy? Completely forgotten in favor of catering to Tobias' needs.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias was a bit confused when he was handed the phone, arching a brow slightly. He looked down at it, finding it wasn't locked. He opened up a note app and sighed. He wasn't even sure what he really needed, glancing up at him a few times before putting down a list of food, mostly meat...but there was also a very specific request for a tough chain and a lock. He nibbled his lip, thinking to himself...Was he really sure he could trust this guy?

"okay, I guess this is everything." He said, tilting his head as he handed the phone back with an awkward smile. Somehow he knew this wasn't a great idea, but he knew he'd have to lock himself up in the next few days, and having someone who could get him supplies would take a lot of stress off his chest.
Kai watched curiously as Tobias contemplated what to write down in regards to supplies needed. Once he was handed back the phone, Kai checked over the list and almost, almost, asked Tobias what the hell he needed a heavy duty chain for; but, surprisingly, he didn't even open his mouth about it. He nodded his head with a small smile and looked the one inch down needed to see Tobias clearly "Okay, sure... I'll be by your place with these things a little bit later then..."

And with that, Kai took off - backwards - not wanting Tobias to be out of his sights, although he knew once the other man got on his bicycle, they wouldn't see each other for at least a couple hours; it would take a bit of time to get home to get his Jeep, get the supplies and then head out to the cabin where Tobias lived.

As predicted, it took Kai a while to get his Jeep from his garage, go out and hunt down the plethora of meats that Tobias seemed to need - probably craved - and then he spent a full hour in the Hardware store, looking at different chains, testing their strengths; he ended up purchasing three different chains and about seven different locks, not knowing which ones Tobias would prefer.

Kai knocked, loudly and abruptly on Tobias' cabin door once he had finally caught wind of the man's unique scent, waiting with his arms loaded down with grocery bags and beyond heavy chains - it was an effortless carry for him, considering his strength, but still his arms were full of everything the man needed "Tobias, it's me, Kai..."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

After riding his bike home, Tobias made sure to lock the door. He took a bit of a windy road home, riding through a shallow river to obscure his scent. Though, a determined tracker would still probably find him.

His cabin was rather old, but had been well cared for by the previous owner. It was outside the town, only sharing an address with it because it was the only town nearby. Tobias didnt really mind being so isolated, he did still have power and cable, so it wasnt off the grid. But having thick forest around him made him feel secure.

He heard Kai's jeep before he even knocked, getting up to peer through a window near the door. He bit his lip, seeing Kai with his arms loaded up with what he asked for. He hesitantly opened the door, stepping back to let him in.

His home was sparsely decorated, only having the essentials....but that wasn't important. His home was just flooded with his was thick, impossible to ignore...

"Ah, the meat can go here." He said, leading the way to a freezer chest and opening it for him. He nervously looked at the chains, not really wanting to explain their purpose....

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