C Concerned For You [Closed with Littleittyboy]

Erick Teague, an eighteen year old College Senior.  He was short at only 5'5", he was skinny at only 143 Pounds, but most of that weight seemed to be in the round bubble butt he walked around with - always encased in a pair of tight skinny jeans, either black or dark blue in color. 

Erick was eccentric, out-going, funny, very lovable, and very gay.  He was the definition of "twink" with his dyed black and blonde hair, the only thing that made Erick stand out was that he was smart.  He was really smart.  He skipped grades all through Middle School and High School, earned a Scholarship at just fifteen to the most prestigious college in the United States - Princeton, and he was only eighteen and a senior in college - not many people could claim they did that.

Erick loved his life, as it was, but there was just something missing from it - A boyfriend.  He wanted to be dating someone, seriously dating them, not just fucking around and goofing off... He wanted romance and someone to charm him, sweep him off his feet... But, that would likely never happen... Erick had a thing, a type, and the type he fell in love with - They never returned the love, the romance, the affection; they were the 'bad boys' the leather wearing, bike riding, strong, muscular types.

Erick loved the bad boys, it was true.  They had strong muscles everywhere, big thick cocks - which he practically craved - and they were able to toss him around and treat him like he was made of nothing more than paper.  He loved strong arms wrapped around his body, loved having rippled abs pressed against his back... He loved it all, but they never loved him back.


Erick sat in the common quad of Princeton University, several text books surrounding his lap and on the grass - he had a notebook and several pencils near him as he scribbled down notes on the page.  The sun was shining brightly, birds chirping loudly, but he heard none of that, focused solely on what he was doing... And the headphones in his ears tended to block the noise out completely.

Erick flipped pages on his notebook, and sighed - he had a crush on one of the students at school, and there he was now, sitting on a bench, smoking a cigarette and completely oblivious to the longing looks that Erick shot his way every few seconds... It was like this, almost every day - except for when it rained - Erick would sit in the quad under the shady Oak Tree, and his crush would sit on the bench, smoking and flirting with any thing that walked past him.

Erick never walked past him though, fearing that perhaps the man would flirt with him too - he would blush, he knew, and his fair skin would not hide the fact that he would be blushing either... It was embarrassing and he hated that he loved him... He just wished that this man loved him too, but it would probably never happen.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Jace Gladstone was the complete opposite to Erick, he was a 22 year old sophomore at college, barely scraping by with grades, not because he didn't try but he just wasn't book smart, nothing would stick in his head and he had to repeat senior year of high school and has already repeated the first year of college three times, if he flunks out this year he has to re-apply for the college and could potentially be kicked out.

He was 6", tanned and muscly, mostly due to things he did outside of school that most would seem too 'pussy' for him to be doing, so he didn't really talk about them. He wore ripped jeans, a white shirt and a motorcycle jacket always, never differing from that.

Jace was seen as a cool dude, almost a rebel, especially by the teachers and he struggled to feel like he fit in anywhere, with his love of motorbikes and doing some rebellious things and the fact he was gay. Everyone knew and nobody picked on him for it but he knew that they didn't particularly like he was gay in the group he hung out with.

Jace was seen as a flirt and a player but more often than not he was the one finding out it was a one night stand after it had happened. He flirted a lot to cover up for this, not wanting people to think he was all mushy and sentimental, especially considering how his group would react if they found out he was sentimental and gay.


Jace winked at a guy who walked past him as he took a drag of his cigarette arguing with one of his friends about something to do with motorbikes. His friend had no idea, and although he didn't say it, Jace knew he was arguing with him because he reckoned he was wrong because he was gay. This normally wouldn't set him off but recently it had been getting under his skin more and more.

He stood from the bench and grabbed his bag sighing a little as he held his cigarette in his mouth chucking his jacket on. He said goodbye to them before deciding to walk a different way not wanting to see any of his other so called friends at the moment.

He saw Erick and smiled a little. Everyone knew of Erick with him being so smart and skipping grades. He saw all the text books around him and thought 'no wonder why'. "How can you concentrate on that many books at once?" He asked the boy curiosity in his bright green eyes

Erick saw the shadow pass over him, and he pulled the headphones out, "What?" he asked, scribbling one last thing down before he thought to look up. His blue eyes widened comically as he saw who was standing above him - Jace was... Oh god! Erick nervously chewed on his lip, he almost stood up, but his legs - well they didn't exist right now.

Erick blinked a few times and shook his head "I had...had...had... headphones... in... Could you...repeat... the question? Pl-please..." the stuttering was awful, but good lord- the man he was so desperate to have some sort of contact with, was standing right in front of him, staring at him with those soul piercing green eyes, he just wanted to drown in them.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Jace chuckled softly and moved so his group couldn't see him before sitting down next to Erick "I asked how can you concentrate on all those books at once?" He said smiling at the boy. He could tell straight away the boy was flustered because of him but he was used to this sort of reaction and knew that as soon as they started to talk it would disappear, along with any sort of crush the boy had on Jace. He smiled encouragingly at the boy to talk.

Erick's face flushed red as he looked down at his notepad, plucking at the corner of the page "They're... they're all the same... essentially... I'm working on a theory for... astrophysics... and each book has some... relative connection to it..." Erick said quietly, he had to clear his throat a few times to even get the words out.

When he looked up at Jace, his eyes grew wide again and he seemed to be absolutely star-struck, that smile... The fact that he was sitting with him... God, Erick just wanted to squeal like the ten-year-old girl he used to live next door too when he lived with his parents.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Jace leaned his head against the tree and sighed "It must be nice being smart, just being able to understand things and read 4 textbooks at one time and actually get information from them" he said softly and sighed gently. He turned his head and smiled gently at the boy "What exactly are you studying at college? Clearly something scienc-y, but what are you doing when you're done?"

Erick shrugged slowly "I could help you... If you needed help with some of your classes." Erick offered quietly, still looking directly at Jace - not wanting to miss a second of eye contact with him. He hardly even blinked.

"I'm not sure, yet... I'm uh... Kind of an over-achiever, if you couldn't tell... I have a few degree options with all the classes that I've taken and am taking, I just don't know which route I want to go yet... If I want to take any of them at all..." Erick said quietly, biting on his bottom lip - He had dreams, of course, but none of them actually involved all of the fancy degrees he was studying for - well, except for maybe the business degree, but that was about it... All the other classes were to just keep his mind occupied.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Jace smiled gently at the offer "That would be nice, but I'm a bit of a hopeless case is what I've been told and with everything you're working on I wouldn't want to be a burden" he said gently.

"I didn't realise you were an over achiever at all" he winked playfully "But what do you want to do? I mean, if degrees and diplomas and all of that didn't exist and you had an interview tomorrow for your dream job, what would it be?" He asked softly and turned his head for a second taking another puff of his cigarette and blowing out the smoke before turning back so the smoke wouldn't blow into Erick's face

Erick shook his head softly "You're not a hopeless case.. You just haven't found the right teacher yet. And all of this?" he waved his hand, collectively including his current studying project and practically everything else he did with that one gesture "It's nothing compared to getting someone better grades." Erick said with a bit more hopefulness in his tone than he intended - any chance at spending time with Jace, alone preferably, would be time well spent; studies be damned.

Erick frowned at the next question, however. "My dream job? Owning and operating a bed and breakfast in the mountains... I've always wanted to just open up a nice home to people that were staying the weekend. Provide them with food and beautiful views of the mountains... Away from the hustle and bustle of the city... Find a nice little small town and a house far out of the way..." There was a dreamy tone to his voice, his long black eyelashes fluttering a bit as he talked about his dream "But... It probably won't ever happen." he said sadly, biting on his bottom lip and looking down, for the first time, between their two bodies at the green grass.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Jace smiled sadly at Erick "You don't understand, it's not the teachers that are the problems, it's me, it's just my brain" he said shaking his head a little "I really do appreciate the offer though, but you're an overachiever and I'm telling you now you won't have that with me" he said sadly but smiled gently at the boy.

Jace smiled a little "A bed and breakfast? That sounds nice, do you cook? You probably don't have time between all this studying" he teased playfully "If that's your dream why are you studying all this sort of stuff? I mean, business I understand, but unless you're going to have a museum themed bed and breakfast this other stuff doesn't seem that important?"

Erick frowned "Okay... Maybe I meant to say tutor... You haven't found the right tutor or the right studying methods... Why not just give me a chance?" Erick asked quietly, a bit more boldly than he normally was for his own shyness, but he would not let a chance to spend time alone with Jace just slip through his grasp.

Erick shrugged a bit "I don't cook, but I can hire people who can! And I am studying business as well... I do all this other stuff..." he looked down at the books and then back up at Jace, smiling cutely "Just to keep my mind from overthinking things... My thoughts tend to run away with themselves if I give them time to be alone..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Jace rose an eyebrow, a little shocked at the almost boldness coming from Erick. "Okay, okay, you win" he chuckled putting his hands up in mock surrender "You can try to help me study" he laughed a little "But when it inevitably fails, you better not get upset" he said bumping the other boys shoulder playfully. "I think being a chef would be fun, I love making breakfast food actually, you should hire me, clearly I am completely qualified for the job" he winked playfully. "What do you have to over think about? And sometimes overthinking is good" he said shrugging lightly

Erick wanted to pump his fist into the air in victory - Jace was going to spend time with him! He could feel his cheeks heating up just at the thought of being alone with Jace... Hopefully things would work out in his favor this time. He then realized Jace was still talking and he blinked back to reality "I uh... i... I would love to hire you, in the future... when I get my business opened..." Erick whispered quietly, he hoped they could get together and stay that long... It would be a miracle, dream come true.

He realized his brain was running rampant with thoughts again and slapped himself mentally "I over think things too much, Jace..." Erick said as he started slapping his books shut and moving to stand to his feet - the books were heavy, likely weighing 25 pounds each, no possible way that Erick had A) carried them out there or B) could carry them back, but he did start trying to pick them up. Several times they fell back to the floor.

"So, if you want to start studying and stuff... You could uh... come up to my dorm? It's... It's a singlet so we'll have all the peace and quiet we need..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Jace chuckled watching the boy struggle for a minute "Okay, I can't watch you try to carry them anymore" he said shaking his head and grabbed some of the books carrying them easily "Yeah, sounds good, I'll just have to message someone about pushing something back but yeah, I can probably come to your room now? If you have the time of course?" He said, not wanting to push his luck.

Erick nodded, a bit too forcefully, making himself look like a bobble-head. A thick strand of blond fell over his right eye and he smiled shyly up at Jace, blushing furiously, yet again "Yes!" he blurted out quickly, then bit his tongue, a bit of pink poking out between his lush - glossy - lips "I-... I mean... Yeah, please... I would... Love to start now..." Erick said quietly, that stuttering nervousness coming back on him in full force -- This only seemed to happen when he was standing in front of Jace, because he had never stuttered before.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Jace smiled gently "Okay, first thing is forst, where am I bringing these books to?" He grinned a little. He quite liked how nervous Erick got around him but wouldn't say anything about it knowing that Erick would probably run away if he felt threatened by it. He hoped that the other thing he had planned for this afternoon that he was going to have to push back wouldn't get him in too much trouble with people but he didn't really care currently. He heard some loud laughing and pointing and his 'friends' caught his attention, they were pointing and laughing at two young men making out under a nearby tree, Jace looked away quickly and cleared his throat a bit before smiling at Erick to lead them on.

Erick licked his lips nervously, making them gloss up even more - it was obvious he wore some sort of chap stick or even actual lip gloss - "Uh... Right..." Erick stammered softly and started leading them away from the quad and towards where the single boy's dorm rooms were located. Erick didn't even notice his friends or the two guys making out under the tree, he was so focused on just putting one foot in front of the other and not falling flat on his face.

Erick led Jace up two flights of stairs once they got to the dorms, and then stopped in front of the third door on the right "This is me..." he squeaked out quietly, moving to unlock the door so he could let both of them in.

Erick's dorm was, likely just how Jace pictured it - cluttered with books on top of books, papers sticking out of pages, notebooks everywhere - some full and some empty - pens, pencils, and other writing tools scattered across the desk - two laptops and one desk top... It was a geek haven inside of Erick's dorm -- the bed however was the cleanest spot in the room, and a queen, as opposed to the normal twins that were in each dorm.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Jace smiled gently and entered at Erick before laughing softly "You're such a nerd" he teased playfully before going and jumping on the bed grinning at him as he shoved the books aside. "Sooooo, how are we starting this thing? And also, what do you want from me in exchange?" He said smiling lightly "You can't just be tutoring me for free, I need to be able to pay you in some way" he said and smiled at the boy

Erick flushed bright red as he went over to his desk, pushing a few pencils around on the surface. He had to be brave, bold, strong... He was quivering on the inside, wanting to scream and hide as he glanced over his shoulder, seeing Jace sprawled out as he was on his mattress "I uh... I... I... I don't... I don't want... anything... Just... just... to...to spend... time... time with you..." Erick stuttered horribly through his words, his lip was starting to bleed because of how much he was biting it.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Jace stood up and went over to the boy "Okay, stop biting your lip, it's going to bleed. Why are you so scared around me? I've seen you give presentations and speeches and everything and you're always so calm and collected. I'm just a guy Erick, I'm just a guy, I think you see me in a way that is far different from reality, just talk to me like I'm another student you sit next to in class, or a teacher cause you're smarter than most of them too" he chuckled softly

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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