Closed Concerned For You [Closed with Littleittyboy]
Erick frowned heavily and shook his head "I've told the professors, the Dean, I've even written letters to the board of education... No one believes me, because no one has ever witnessed it..." Erick took the drink gratefully, popping the tap on it and swallowing a few sips before setting it on his nightstand.

Bright, tear-glazed eyes looked at Jace, widening slightly "But what about your friends? Wouldn't they... you know... do something? if they caught you with me all the time?"
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Jace shrugged lightly "I doubt they will do anything, I can take them on if they do anyway so it's fine" he said smiling gently "Well, now that that's settled, you've had some sugar and stopped crying, first things first, did you like my banana bread?" He grinned playfully at the boy "That is the number one question for today" he chuckled
Erick laughed, for the first time since meeting Jace, and nodded his head "Mhm. I even got to eat the whole bowl full of food you brought me." A quick frown passed his features, but he quickly changed back into a smile "What other questions are there for today, teacher?" Erick said with a wink.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Jace smiled brightly before he caught the frown "Was there something wrong with it? What happened?" He asked quickly hoping he hadn't put something that Erick was allergic to or anything in it. He bit his lip lightly waiting for a response worries he had done something wrong.
Erick shook his head slowly "Nothing you did. It's just that, sometimes when my mom sends me baked goods... The uh... Every bully I have here..." he shrugged and looked away, wrapping his arms around his shins and burying his face against his legs "They always take them... So, I had to hide in the bathroom to eat... Just so I could enjoy what you made me."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Jace couldn't help the anger bubbling inside him, the poor innocent young man in front of him was bullied so relentlessly that he couldn't even enjoy some cake. Have went to his bag and pulled out a container and passed it to Erick "The bathroom is no place to try baked goods, in a different environment, this is the first time you're tasting my banana bread" he said and winked at the boy before smiling gently
Erick nodded and smiled lightly as he took the container, he popped the lid and peeled off a chunk of the banana bread. He popped it into his mouth, red lips wrapping around his fingers briefly before releasing them. He moaned as the taste of the treat bounced around on his taste buds - the moan was erotic, really, as Erick tended to do often - Jace would likely find that out much later on.

Erick happily ate half the banana bread before his stomach could take no more "I'll save the rest for morning." Erick said quietly, closing the lid back over the bread and pushing it into the cubby hole of his nightstand.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Jace chuckled softly "Well, I already baked something else for tomorrow so I guess you'll just have to have two breakfasts" he said winking and chuckling before he grabbed his bag "Now, to studying, I really need help in everything but Literature is my next major exam so that's probably what I need the most help with right now" he said flipping through his book
Erick nodded his head and smiled, he patted the space on his bed next to him "Okay... why don't we take this one exam at a time then? It might be the easiest way to do things... Until you start figuring it out for yourself... Which, by the way, I have the utmost confidence that you will definitely be able to get the hang of it." the nerd in Erick was starting to shine through as he snagged Jace's book from his hands.

He was smiling more, feeling a lot more relaxed around Jace... It was amazing to see the transformation of this shy boy, stuttering and stammering his way through words, finally able to talk in full sentences and have the confidence to explain every thing that needed to be explained about the Literature that was bypassing Jace's mind - and he did it in understandable words, rather than professor-grade English.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Jace moved and sat next to the boy, unconsciously sitting slightly closer than a tutor and their student would. He nodded when needed and Erick was actually helping a lot with Jace's understanding and he couldn't quite believe how much more he understood by the end of their study session, even though a lot of the session was filled with eating and throwing junk food and talking about anything except the work, they had made a fair amount of progress. Jace packed his things up and grabbed his bag smiling at the younger boy "Well, I'll see you in the morning" he said smiling brightly at Erick
Erick frowned slightly, crossing his arms over his chest and scuffing his foot back and forth against the dorm room carpet "I... Are you going to stop by and pick me up?" he asked hesitantly - he wanted, more than anything, to ask Jace to stay, but he knew it would be inappropriate, since they had made a deal to wait a month before any decisions were made.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Jace smiled and saluted "Yes sir. As part of the SSE I will be here bright and early with some delicious treats and some guns" he said before he flexed jokingly. He couldn't help but think he himself was starting to have a little crush on the younger boy but he would keep that to himself. "Good night Erick, I'll see you in the morning" he said gently and bowed dramatically wanting one more laugh from the boy before he left
Erick laughed and playfully shoved Jace out of his dorm room "Good night, Jace." Erick said quietly, a shy smile coming to his lips. He shut the door after Jace was halfway down the hall and then sighed as he collapsed against it - he smiled and pushed himself away from the door after a few seconds; he knew that tonight, he wouldn't be crying himself to sleep.

The next morning, Erick was already in the communal shower area, humming and swinging his hips to the beat of music that was in his head. It was just a little after eight in the morning, his first class wasn't until ten, and Jace said he would be there early - he hoped early meant way before his classes started.

Erick sauntered out of the showers, fresh and squeaky clean, a towel wrapped tightly around his lean waist - He had bit of abdominal muscles at his stomach, but they were hardly anything to stare at - at most a four pack. He padded out of the bathroom, humming still and making his way toward his dorm room - which was a lot further than the staircase.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Jace hummed quietly waiting at Erick's door as he played some sort of game on his phone, he was fairly sure he wasn't playing it right but he didn't care as it was keeping him entertained while he waited for Erick, he assumed he had gone to the shower because the door was locked and he had knocked a few times with no answer.
Erick paused, seeing Jace standing at his door - ubiquitous leather jacket, white shirt, and jeans "Oh crap..." he looked down at his practically naked body and frowned, biting on his lip. He couldn't even sneak past Jace... He sighed and inhaled deeply, building himself up -- even as a dark blush started creeping across his face, neck, and chest.

Erick walked to the door of his dorm and smiled up at Jace "Morning Jace!" he said cheerfully, unlocking his door room quickly to get inside -- the hallways were always freezing and his nipples had hardened from the walk to his dorm. He left the door open, as well, an obvious invitation for Jace to enter.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Jace startled at the loud greeting and felt the breath leave his body as he looked at the half naked boy, he could help but have his eyes wander over him quickly before he looked away trying to give the boy his privacy "Ill just...stay outside til you're dressed" he said and cleared his throat lightly as he rubbed his neck.
Erick frowned, but quickly erased it "Oh... I don't mind if you come in, Jace... It's not like you don't know what a guy's body looks like..." Erick said as he peeled the towel off of his waist and ran it through his black and blonde hair, drying the strands methodically.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Jace frowned a little, he didn't quite like the sound of that implication but said nothing, his mother taught him manners and he wasn't going in while he was naked. "I think I'll just stay out here" he said quietly. He hoped that Erick hadn't meant it as it sounded because Jace knew that would hurt him a lot more than his friends jibes.
Erick sighed and shrugged his shoulders "Suit yourself then." Erick said as he went to his closet, pulling out a pair of tight black skinny jeans and an old, faded KISS T-shirt. He tugged the jeans up over his hips and snapped them tightly, then tugged the shirt down over his chest, it hung loosely and off one shoulder "Okay... I'm dressed now." Erick said as he bounced onto his bed and grabbed his pillow, snuggling it close to his face.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Jace went in and grabbed the container from his bag passing it over silently "Its apple and cinnamon scrolls" he said quietly before putting his bag on "Ready to go?" He asked avoiding eye contact with him altogether as he looked around the room. He didn't know if Erick would take it as nervousness after seeing him half naked or what but all Jace could think about was 'it's not like you don't know what a guys body looks like'

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