True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

Aki quivered as he sensed the low snarl forming in Nick. He let him do as he wished with him, not struggling even when he felt a few spots of pain because of his lover's large cock growing even larger in size. He licked his upper lip, wanting this moment to never ever end. Not even once.

He knew that his lover was possessive of him and he loved that and so much more about him. He was now aware of Christopher waking up from his long coma only to find that Aki and his son were both making such bittersweet lovemaking.

They did such sessions next to Christopher's hospital bed. As he was also shoved to his own climax he tried hard not to but could not keep back an eager cry of painful pleasure. Life was so very sweet. Aki and Nick were messing with forces that they couldn't ever control. Not even at their strongest.

He moaned, not aware that Christopher was slowly awakening from his peaceful slumber like coma. He gripped the mattress, feeling as if he could go on forever in sexual bliss.

With each moment Christopher was becoming more aware of his surroundings and tried to figure out what situation was at hand. He looked up with wide, surprised eyes but could not move because of the tubes that were attached to him so all he could do was look at both Aki and his son making sweet love.  

Christopher did not know what to do when his face was being cummed upon. He then narrowed his eyes with a glare of hatred, feeling as if he would explode into a rage as he saw both Nick and Aki both in a session of sexual exploration of each other's bodies. Christopher wanted to kill the two of them in cold blood but all he could do was glare at the two sinful people in his life. He did not have much strength.


(I hope that I am doing alright. If I am doing too much in my posts then you can tell me. By the way, this role play is so fun!)

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh no i love your reply very much. That's wht i pictured Christopher would react... you are doing so good ;) i am very surprised and excited to see your reply going that direction - it feels like we didn't need to communicate but you already knew where I hd pictured our story to move towards!)

Nick groaned, the tight clenching of Aki's canal had pushed him over the edge as well and he was cumming in massive load in his pregnant lover's body.He had, for a moment, forgotten where they were, he was overloaded with the pleasure that was overwhelming him with this orgam.

When he finally came about, he blinked a few time to clear the clouds of pleasure, and found himself looking straight into his father's shocked face. He smiled and held Aki gently, holding the trembling and heavily pregnant man so he could move him towards himself and hug him lovingly. "Aki... my loveliest." he smiled, and gave Aki a loud kiss on his cheeks, holding him and rubbing on his back, soothing him while he panted.

Nick's cock had slipped out of Aki's body,. The young man was very sure from Christopher's angle on the bed, he could clearly see how his thick and virile cum was leaking out from Aki's opening. Christopher would have witnessed how his husband was thoroughly taken by his own son, satsifying him in every need. Nick was also sure he could see how Aki instinctly nudged closer to him, whimpering like a needy puppy, clearly very affectionate of Nick.

"hello dad. Welcome back to the world... sorry to have shocked you." he said, sitting back onto the comfortable chair, pulling Aki with him to sit him on his lap. Stroking Aki's massive belly, Nick looked at Christopher and smirked. "we had been messing with each other for a very long time, just so you know. And..." he looked at Aki and touched their noses together. "we are very excited to welcome our babies to the world. You didn't know that, do you? these little ones... they are mine." he smiled triumphnatly at Chrisstopher, and the old man was so angry, his whole body was shaking as he strained to move - but try as he might, he simply wasn't strong enough. his struggle simply made his blood pressure skyrocketed ..

(Thank you, I adore doing well in our role play replies! You are doing awesomely as well!:D)

Aki kept a tight grip on the bed with each hard, violent thrust of his beloved Nick's rock strong hips. With the presence of each passing second he was also nearing the edge of what was to be an intense orgasm. When he felt his lover release his seed inside he moaned in delight, feeling it fill him up.

He decided and simply let go of keeping back his climax, crying out without fear as the presence of his cock exploded with a seemingly endless stream of snow white cum. His essence stained the floor, soon there was none left for his cock to spill forth, he felt it become limp and soft as it hung down in front of his legs like a lucky mistletoe on Christmas.

He sighed with relief, his once aching muscles relaxing and loosening, he felt as though he could run many miles like an eager cheetah. He smiled up at Nick, gazing into the depths of his eyes. When he saw Christopher staring at him and Nick he blushed, relieved that he was not able to move. He knew that Nick was strong but he stayed quiet as a snow fall in December. Like always he was eager to be embraced by Nick.

When his bright, blushing cheeks were kissed upon he smiled, feeling his tense aching back becoming loose like sand through the fingers of time itself. He tried to ignore the harsh glare of hatred from Christopher and focused only on Nick and him alone. He loved to do that and so much more. He nuzzled Nick's strong muscular chest, hearing the sound of Nick's racing heartbeat as adrenaline slowly faded away.

Life was happiness.

All Christopher could do was glare at Nick, not able to talk or move. His badly twitching hands clenched into fists, wanting to choke the two men who had went behind his back.

Aki loved Nick with all of his heart and soul but at the same time he was not entirely sure that what the future would hold now that their secret love affair was discovered but at the same time a weight was off of his shoulders. He wanted to be far away from Christopher and his burning glare.  

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(aww thank you ;) maybe i shoudl let you know more often whenever i find your replies to be amazing HAHA)

(LOL oopsie i guess we misunderstood each other here. I mean to say christopher was coated with Aki's cum in the reply before. i assumed Aki had climaxed right onto his husabnd's face...)

Nick quickly glanced at the monitors. This could be an opportunity.... He sensed Aki's slight squirm, noticing his discomfort with Christopher's heated gaze, he wrapped his hand across him tight so Aki could hide his face better on his chest. he stroked his back in the cherishign way he reserved just for AKi, and again met his father's eyes.

"you are an old man, don't you know that? your seeds would never be strong enough to imrpegnate Aki. Let alone it being twins. You are such a loser. I coudln't believe how stupid you are. you didn't know what you lost.... Aki's so good. So precious. I am sometimes grateful you decided you didn't want him..... and allowed me the chance to love him." he smiled and pecked Aki's forehead, so gently rubbed his cheek against his lover to demonstrate his affection towards the pregnant man.

"now that you are invalid on the bed, i guess I could take over everything. Literally. Your house, your money, your properties. Your husband as well, but that had happened so long ago." he smiled and was rather delighted to see the trembling of Christopher. The older man's face was beetred, his anger and the frsutration of being powerless in the stiuation was working towards giving him a stroke....

"Aki, do you want to leave now? the hosptial is not good for you. We can get back and have more sex at home." he asked Aki, tilting his face up and smiled. He knew his father's condition owuld only deteriorate from now, and strangely, he was no longer conflicted. If his father could be faded out from the picture in this way, he wouldn't regret it for anything... right now, Aki and their children were most important to him. 

(Hello my sexy Asian lover. I will also let you know how amazing your posts are as well!:D .. And I apologize if I confused the reply in my other post.)


Aki smirked, gazing up into his Asian King's adorable, wise, brave and depthless eyes. It could be a golden opportunity to live the life that both he and his lover always desired and prayed to share. He placed a gentle kiss upon Nick's flawless, warm and delicious lips. If there was a God or God(s) residing in the heaven like realm above then he felt more than the word "blessed" each time he saw Nick's sweet as sugar and addictive sexy smile and was embraced by his arms. If heaven was real then it was where he felt was his home.

Life was lived to the very fullest.

Life was filled with much opportunity as long as Nick was by his side. He laid his head against his chest, feeling as if he was finally able to be his true self around Nick. He was beyond the words which were "blissful" and "happy". As if he was a shy kitten he gently nuzzled his lover's chest, letting a gentle purr like sigh of relief leave his lips. He sighed a few times more, feeling at peace with each stroke upon his exposed backside.

He did not say anything, letting his beloved Nick make fun of Christopher. He sighed happily, hearing Nick take out all of his pent up rage out upon him. He was not going to ruin his beloved's ranting and simply heard such hurtful words to Christopher. In other words .. He deserved it.

He also deserved the sadness and soul crushing depression. It was how things were meant to be. To be honest Aki was truly impressed by them.

The poor excuse for a man to Aki or simply a dead beat father known as Christopher to Nick was at the end of his long reign, dreading this moment like he now had. He wanted to finish this one and for all, desiring to also end the two men's lives but he could not even muster enough energy to remove the tubes from his mouth and throat or yank out the IV that was in his arm. All he could do was glare, helpless like he had feared one day he would end up being one day in life that he would become. He tried to move but each movement would lead him further from stable and closer to a stroke.

"I would love to leave, at least now we don't have keep our love a secret anymore." Aki quickly put on his clothing, glad of the clothing that was helped to be back on. He smiled, making it seem as if he would soon to be back out of him. He looked up into Nick's eyes, feeling as if he would always be with Nick.

The men were then removed from the room, Christopher was seized by a seizure as the presence of it caused him to become unconscious. He felt his eyes rolling in the back of his head. Meanwhile .. one of the many nurses left the room to hand the two men a few papers that would turn the rights over to them in case Christopher would die.

"Mr Aki, Mr Nick .. I have a paper for you to sign before you leave." The nurse said, handing one of the men a pen to use to sign their names.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh no not a problem, my american lovely ;))

(and.. oh well, did not intend to make Nick Aisan. More like European if you asked me, but haha it's fine ;))

Just before Nick closed the door behind himself, he could see the beginning of seizuers. With some clever tugging of the tubes, all the monitoring devices got loose when Christopher started to shake violently. There was a tiny bit of sadness in his eyes, but soon that negative motion was wiped away. All his happiness came from Aki now, there was no need for grieve for the old man who had been horrible to not only Nick, but also Aki.

Nick was surprised when the nurse came near. For a moment, he was even slightly nervous. He was afriad if the sounds they made in teh room had alerted them, or maybe the monitors in Christopher's room still triggered alarms? What the nurse said next dismissed his worries.

Nick, who had become much more sophisticated over the months, gracefully took over the paper. "thanks." he said simply, screening through the document quickly, he nodded and signed. "I assume these are legal papers? would I need to hand these in to any lawyer of sorts?" he asked, handing over the papers to Aki.

"Please take care of my father. Especially now when...." he stopped there, just looking at Aki's huge belly with sad eyes. "the babies...." he just muttered, playing perfectly the role of a lovign and worried son.


(I love you, my dear. I apologize for not knowing that Nick was European. I am also glad that Christopher is suffering if you ask me. All he did was treat Nick and Aki badly.;))


Aki also saw the presence of rough seizures gripping Christopher as the door was closed by Nick behind them. He embraced his beloved, pretending to sob easily as if he was mourning his seizing husband and did it flawlessly. He was also glad that Christopher for what he deserved for all of the heartless name calling and being rough to both Nick and Aki all of the years that passed. Both Nick and Aki were happy.

Aki rubbed his belly in a gentle way, never wanting to ever be sad of a man who was so cruel. He now loved a true man who made him feel like a true person and that such man was Nick. If life was a miracle then he felt more than just loved. He was always the main person on Aki's mind and that was a wonderful thing to be. He was nervous as one of the nurses approached him and his lover but when she said something positive he nodded and turned around, signing his name after reading the papers carefully. He then signed it after Nick.

"You are welcome, Sir and no, there is no need for a lawyer. You and your step father are to get all of the legal rights of what Mr Christopher owns if he passes away." The nurse said happily, expressing an understanding smile. "I promise that we will do all that we can for your father." She said softly.

The nurse gently patted one of Nick's shoulder in a reassuring way. She saw Aki's large, hanging belly and expressing a saddened smile, gently patting it once before turning and walking away but stopped to say something before reentering the room Christopher was in. Sadly .. he was suffering badly.

"I am not sure if your loved one will survive but if you ask me I would prepare for the worst." The nurse said further, wanting to be kind in speaking about Christopher's state of health as each moment passed. The sad thing was that he probably would pass and he had no one to care for him.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh no not a problem. I guess we didn't really specify in anyway. I am sort of undecided on whether we should make christohper die, but well... i will go along with your decision~ he would be suffering a lot. Hmm, maybe become paralyzed for a few days first? just let him witness the obvious love shared by his stepson and husband.... and then die miserably at night, with no one by his side?)

Nick smiled at the brilliant acting Aki was doing - added to it was how reasonable that would make it for them to stick close together. A greiving spouse holding another family member, especially in the weakend state of pregnancy. Who could say anything about it?

Nick nodded solemnly, giving the nurse a small smile that was perfectly fitting for a son worried about the condition of his father. He nodded when the nurse patted his shoulder, and tried to not overreact when she went on to pat Aki's belly. It was one thing for her to touch him, but another thing for her to touch Aki. He clneched his fist tight to control his urge of rubbing that exact spot, like he could wipe away whatever trace left by the nurse on Aki's bump.

He bit his lips, showing desperation towards the nurse, but inside, he was so happy knowing the more time the nurse had spent here talking with them, the more suffering in his struggle. "We understand... but please do whatever you can." he nodded. Behind AKi's back, he squeezed his bottom so the pregnant man's knees woudl give and the "father and son" ended up hugging each other tightly in this 'moment of sadness". 

(Christopher can be paralyzed and he can die. That way Nick and his beloved can both gain his riches and truly be happy together. I am glad that I get to imagine fully as much as I like with you.)


Aki sobbed for a short time, selling the acting that he was doing. He smirked as the nurse left to return to the room she was in before with Christopher. He was not exactly caring of him, loving Nick and only him. As much as he loved Christopher a tiny bit he did not care for him at this stage in his life. He was happy that he was dying if he could express his true feelings. He had smiled, placing a kiss upon one of his cheeks as if a step father would.  He was eager to get on with life and be happy with his beloved step son. He embraced him.

Life was so much like a dream come true and when Christopher would pass away. "I love you, Nick." He said in a whisper upon seeing one of his hands forming into a fist. He gently held the such hand, letting him know that no one would take him away from him. "It is alright." He furthered his words, keeping his words soft and whisper like. He knew that Nick was protective of him, wanting to leave the hospital before something would happen. He sighed sadly with his acting skills, pulling off being depressed.

He embraced Nick close, pretending that he was distraught. He left the hospital with Nick by his side, wanting to be alone with his Nick and only him. He was eager to leave the hospital, wincing as he felt the two twins rousing from their slumber and responding to the moments with squirming and kick like movements. He rubbed his belly, gasping softly.

"Are you alright, my love?" He asked softly, walking to the car and getting into the passenger seat. He wanted to be far away from the hospital as possible. "I know that you did not want the nurse to touch me. I did not either. She did not ask to touch my belly which is unfair." He said and shuddered as he remembered the presence of the nurse touching him.

He turned on the radio to lessen the tense air, humming softly to a song he liked from time to time whenever it came on. He placed a hand on Nick's leg and kept it there, knowing that Nick did not like it when people had touched him. He loved Nick as a true lover would and he was blessed to have such a man by his side with each passing day.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

If Nick was still a little annoyed beofre with the hand of the nurse's on Aki's belly, to have heard Aki telling him he understood it, he was relieved and calmed now. "if she didn't do it unintentionally, i would have chopped off her hands, i swear. no one get to touch my lovely Aki like that." he said, pouting and looking young like his age again. then he got serious. "But Aki, i am also serious.... i knew i could not really stand someone else touching you, but if you really wanted a doctor or a midwife when the twins decided to come.... i guess i could tolerate it. I would respect your view - because i love you." he said, looking at Aki solemnly.

"you do not have to answer me. and you might know i have been preparing to deliver the babies by ourselves, but if it would make you more comfortable to have some professionals present, i would also do that. for you." he said, driving the car away from the parking lot. They would get back to the house - and maybe Nick would announce to all the servants about the condition of their father. he could gradually either lay them off or move them to other places for work. gradually, there will be no one remembering Christopher, and the newly hired would only remember Aki and Nick as the only masters of the house.

"We would return to visit Christopher for a few days... but maybe tomorrow... i would dress you up in the inside as a puppy. that outfit really fits you..." he smiled reaching over to touch Aki's belly. He would focus on getting Christopher angry. The angrier he got, the closer to the end he would be.

Aki smiled up at Nick, loving the cute way he would be when he was pouting. He always noticed the way that Nick would be possessive whenever he was touched by others. He loved that and so much more about him. He also loved the ways that they would express themselves to each other whenever they made such passionate love to each other whenever alone together. Life was so much more happier when the two of them were just the only ones together. Life was also meant to be lived with those who you loved.

"I know love, I know that you do not like others touching me. I do not either."  He said softly, placing a few kisses upon Nick's soft, addictive lips. He felt the children kicking slightly and that brought him from his happy state of mind. He expressed a wince even though he did not want to, not wanting to worry his beloved but he could not control his expressions when it happened. "I would like it if just the two of us are there when I give birth to our twins. I do not want others touching me or our babies." He replied, expressing a soft smile of eagerness once the twins had settled down from such intense kicking in his womb.

He sighed happily, feeling as if he could be with Nick forever and ever. Living was about cherishing things the most in life and for him Nick was the only one that he had cherished indeed and so much more. He took one of Nick's hands, gently placing it upon his swollen belly as he kissed his lips with loving strength. He wanted Nick to know that no man iin the whole entire world would ever capture his heart like he did. Nick would feel the children growing excited inside of his lover's belly whenever they would be with his touch.

"Dressing up as a puppy would be fine with me." He said happily, soon smirking sinfully as he knew of what Nick was truly up to.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

To hear Aki agreeing to his suggestion was the greatest thing that could happen to Nick. Nick was still young, and he was eagerly preparing to take over, but still he wanted Aki to express his wishes, especcially on something as serious as their birth palns. This was in fact more about Aki than Nick himself. Aki was the one who would need to push their big babies out, who need to suffer from hours of labor, and who need to do all the hard work.He wanted to make sure AKi would be completely comfortable in the situation as well. He didn't want Aki to agree with him just because Nick wanted it.

Nick was so happy, on the drive home, his face could be split in half with the big smile he had. He would reach over to grab Aki's hand whenever there wa sa red light, and when Aki moaned out loud at the twins' vigorous movement, he pulled over at the side to reach out for Aki, letting him take his hand. He would caress his belly in an attempt to calm the twins down. Without them settling, he was not going to start driving again.

The trip home took longer than usual, but when they appeared again at the front gate, almost all servants could spot the difference in their masters. it was subtle, but to those who was clever enough to see, they would notice Aki and Nick standing a little closer. Their hands almost touching. Nick was also looking at Aki with loving eyes now, no longer suppressing his emotions. There was a sense of confidence in Nick that was not as obvious before. The young man was thriving and blossoming now that he knew his father was in critical condition.

"Shall we try on that outfit, Aki?" he said to Aki, his eyes hinting on something - he would love to see Aki in the puppy suit. "Maybe we could try out the other one as well, see which one would create a better effect." he added, recalling he also had a rabbit one bought before. They could still choose between them to see which they would wear for the visit the next day.

Aki smiled, feeling eager to be with his beloved Nick. He was also eager to explain his birthing plans. He sighed happily, lowering down the window as the two lovers had spent time alone in the car. He hummed happily, feeling as if he could be with him in that location forever and ever. He expressed a wince, feeling as if he could feel them becoming angry and the intensity of their movements becoming more and more with each passing moment. He felt eager to soon birth the twins that would soon indeed be born from the innermost feelings for what had even been because of his urgent urge to birth the two twins who seemed eager. He was wondering as to how he would birth the twins that were inside of him.

Like Nick Aki was also happy that he had a chance to feel the love that Nick had for him. He was always holding Nick's hand at each blaring red light above as the two lover's both drove home together. He smirked blissfully, feeling as if he could always be with his beloved and his alone. He smiled once again, feeling eagerly as he had looked at Nick with happiness in his eyes, his lips curling up into a smile once again. When his beloved Nick had expressed a new outfit he had smirked once again, feeling as if he would be able to soon birth the two labors of love and desire that he had held in his belly. He rubbed his belly with a hand, the other one was holding his beloved's Nick's one.

"I love you, Nick. And the bunny suit would be perfect." He felt a strong urge to put on the such bunny suit and be held down by his beloved Prince Nick. He was also eager to getting pinned down and even more eager to be kissed by him and only him. He loved Nick with all of his heart and soul.

(I love you and I love embracing you close as we kiss. By the way it won't let me message you.)

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(Oh i know I just received that notification! Sorry babe. . I am here with you now :))

Nick smiled happily at Aki. He loved it whenever his beloved would agree with him, showing complete dependence to him. The spark in Aki's eyes whenveer he looked at him, he felt like that's all he needed to survive. "Come on up. And you all…" he loojed at the servants, all looking at them with a shocked face, "dismissed. Go ahead and do whatever you need to, we would not need your service." Nick said with an authority that was not that clear before, but now he was surely sounding like the head of household.

He took Aki's hand amidst some maids' gasps and led him upstairs, this tme finally able to hold his waist as they moved. It was the greatest feeling in the world. Nick just loved to take care of his lover at all times. He took him up and when they were upstairs, alone again, he pressed a kiss on Aki.

He had been wnating to do this so long, to kiss him when they were on the corridor. They would wokr towards kissing - and perhaps - in all the corners of the house. They stumbled towards Nick's room and took him towards the cabinet. Nick separated with Aki at the last minute, pushing him.down to sit on the bed, he wrnt ahead to fetch the outfit.

"My bunny... you know what's bunnies famous for? Their high fertility. Like you." Nick showed Aki the outfit excitedly and pressed another kiss on his lips.

(I am glad that we get to rp again.)

Aki smiled as well, loving it when they would play a game of dress up. He smiled as he had gazed up at his beloved Prince. He loved it when he had been able to pleasure his beloved Nick. He blushed as his hand was being held by his lover, now not hiding it from anyone anymore. Not doing that anymore. He followed his beloved Nick and had sat down on the bed, waiting for the bunny suit to be fetched by his beloved Nick. He hummed softly, seeing a few maids simply staring.

He was glad that the two of them were finally able to hold hands. He smiled, feeling as if he could be able to be with his lover. He smiled and smirked from time to time and had gotten undressed from his outfit. When Nick had returned to the room he stood up and had put on the outfit, blushing once again as he had looked like a large bunny who was stuffed with one too many baby bunnies. He felt as though he had been in his true form which was either his bunny or puppy outfits.

"Well then .. you can fill me up as much as you wish." He said happily, feeling as if he could always depend on his beloved Nick.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(yea me too! love indulging in my pregnant lover so much ;))

"You are a greedy bunny, arn'et you? even with a full litter of little ones..." Nick admired the brillinat look Aki was sporting, thencame closer to clutch his bump. "You are still wanting more. I hear bunnies are lustful animals as well.... hmm, i guess i found a new favourite outift for you." he stroked the long fluffy ear fitted over Aki's head and slid his hand lower to feel the buttplug that was shaped as a flluffy furball-like bunny tail. "fitting you like a glove." he chuckled pressing on the tiny bikini looking upper garment that barely covered Aki's chest.

"NOw if you would want another litter... what would you do?" Nick asked. Suggestively he glanced at the bed. "I hear rabbits would naturally raised their bottoms high up in the air to invite for males...." he said, his voice dragging slow and he pulled back to let Aki make a move. he would fuck him doggy perhaps, that would be fitting witht heir dressing up. "oh... and perhaps you would want to remove taht little buttplug first so i could really fill you up with myself...?

(Hello my friend, I love having a friend like you on here. You are so fun and eager to please. Sorry, mother saw me on here saying loving things so I have to call you my friend on here. Sorry. Overprotective mother. She has been on my laptop sometimes for checking on her mother stuff and saw you and me talking one day. I forgot to log off sometimes. I also am not able to keep up with the replies to our roleplay. Sorry I have severe writers block. Sorry so much. I did not want to sound pushy. I can still reply to them though as much as I can. I have been having troubles in my real life that makes me want to simply sit in the dark and simply stay that way. My Uncle died. I love being on here but sometimes it feels like I am not doing enough. I apologize if you feel some type of way but it is not your fault. It has never been.)


Aki smirked as he prepared himself for his truly aroused lover. He was eager for Nick to be inside of him for as long as possible. He smirked wider as he felt his lover looking at his body with a hungry look in his eyes. He licked his lips urgently, wanting to be held down and thrusted into from behind for so long that it was hard to focus. He smiled as he raised his rump high in the air and wriggled his body for as long as he could. He closed his eyes, feeling the stroke on one of the bunny ears that had acted as his ears. He moaned gently, feeling as if he had felt his body becoming more and more hotter than fire. He undid the butt plug and showed himself to Nick. He smiled up at Nick, stroking the mattress of the bed as he had felt turned on like a wildfire. Life was so much like a dream that he was unable to keep himself back. He sighed happily, feeling his body responding to Nick's own one.

"Yes, my dear. I am a greedy bunny!" He said excitedly, feeling his body shaking beyond his control which showed that he was also aroused as well. "I want another litter as well!" He showed his exposed butt to his lover who had also exposed that he was turned on.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(i am so sorry to hear about the sad news! it's a big loss, i can feel through your words. Stay strong, my friend. You are tough and could get through it, i'm sure, and your uncle will be watching over you even though he was n't there with you physically. and don't worry about writer's block or anything, i iwll lead our story as you recover. You just sit and wait for Nick to pamper and really love Aki now that their obstacles are gone!)

Nick took over the buttplug and dragged it along Aki's back, using the fluffy end to touch and tease Aki, making him squirm some more wiht the itch. Aki had had a healthy tan before he got pregnant, but ever since he was carrying, he hadn't been going out for long and now his skin was fair and smooth - almost like a real bunny. He squeezed his buttocks and smack it with his other hand, amking the meaty bottom jiggle. "you are going to be carrying nonstop. From now on... be prepared you are going to pop out babies like rabbits." he smiled and bent down to bite on Aki's bottom, leaving a clear teethmark that would tell everybody who this bunny belonged to.

Aki's belly was dnagling low enouhg the bottom part of it was brushing against the bed. Nick loved to see the big belly - stretchmarks filled - making an appearance between his legs, the knees were stretched wide to allow room for the belly. Nick rubbed along Aki's nether region and shoved a finger into the stretched opening of Aki's.

After their continuous fucking, Aki's hole had now stretched a little looser and there was less prep work required. Nick nonetheless was sure, as he was pressing his own throbbing cock into Aki, that the burning wouldn't lessen by that much since he had always enjoyed it himself. he needed aki to remember his presence all the time, and that was his way of marking his territory.

Nick pressed his hands on the lowerback of Aki when he pushed himself forward, forcing his thick shaft through the too-small hole of Aki's to complete them as one. 

(Yeah. I meant can you lessen the posts a bit smaller. It is hard to keep up. I have bad writer's block and it is because of learning disability I have. I am sorry. I should have explained that better. I am sorry about if it will cause problems.)


Aki moaned while he felt the butt plug drag along his sensitive backside. He bit his lower lip as he felt his body responding to his lover's touches. He groaned as he felt his bare ass being bitten into by his beloved Nick's sharp teeth, he cried out in painful pleasure as he felt his body responding to his lover's pleasuring of him and him only. He pleasured his lover, reaching over and had ran a hand against his crotch as he had felt his body responding while he was being pleasured by his beloved and him only. He was not prepared for being fingered and had cried out once again, groaning and moaning as he wriggled as if he had to use the bathroom. He panted heavily, trying his very hardest to stay up and kneeling while his belly weighed him down. He cried out louder as he felt the same familiar burning as he had also noticed that Nick's familiar large cock inside of him. He moaned while he felt his body being pressed down by his beloved's hands weighing him down by them. Life was about simply living and getting on with what a person wanted to be with. He was eager to be filled with Nick and him only.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(Oh you mean shortening the post? ok yea, now i get it. Don't worry, i am not going to be mad. yes let's keep it shorter and simpler so you can catch up. Thanks for letting me know :))

Nick groaned loud when his shaft was again buried into the hot, soft and fleshy hole of Aki's. he could never get enough of this, Aki was so welcoming every time, the tightness wrapped around him like a glove - a tight fitting one - and every time he was washed over with intense pleasure.

He took the time to drag himself slow, pulling out a little, before plunging again. he sighed in relief when he got a little bit deeper, then repeat the entire set of motion. He would inch in slow, but eventually his entire length was buried into that incredible tightness. "Oh Aki.. you're the best." he said, pressing his palms into the lower back of Aki's.

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