Closed Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog]
Kai took the hand that Tobias used to tap his head and shook his head lightly. He pressed Tobias' hand against the young man's chest, where his heart was "But that is not who is in here. I know the man in here, and up there... I can get through to both of their stubborn brains - You were witness to that today." Kai kissed Tobias firmly.

"I will not let you become a danger to anyone, even yourself, Toby... I will and always will protect you from them, and yourself, if I have too."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias looked at Kai with tired but adoring eyes as he spoke, a few tears falling from them. He wrapped his arms around his mate as they kissed, pressing their foreheads together as he spoke again. "Love you." He muttered, closing his eyes and relaxing.

"Never noticed how warm you are....its nice." He mumbled, a smile on his face. He drifted to sleep, basking in that warmth, both physically and mentally from Kai's words. Though, there was that worry at the back of his mind, what would Devlin do? Could he go into town alone ever again?

(Feel free to timeskip whenever)
Two weeks had gone by since the attack at the town - Tobias was finally doing better, gained back the weight that dropped from the half-shift through a protein enriched diet that Kai had put him on. His mental health was still a bit whacked but Kai continuously assured and reassured his mate that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the way he was born.

Of course, Kai still wanted to kill his father and stuff him, or maybe turn his wolf coat into a rug that he and Tobias would have to take out and beat every time it got dusty.

They were also only just a few hours away from the full-moon and Tobias' worst heat. Kai could already smell the pheromones just oozing from Tobias' skin and was almost constantly stuck at Tobias' side or horny as hell - or both. Although, being stuck at Tobias' side was nothing new nowadays. Ever since the attack in town, they were constantly seen together - it was the latest and greatest gossip piece 'Kai is finally in a steady relationship' being the most prevalent and most spoken gossip around town. To say a lot of the younger people of town were disappointed that Kai Cole's heart had finally been won, was an understatement by a hundred - everyone wanted to be with Kai because of 'who he is related too' but Tobias was definitely different, he was with Kai for 'who he was' and that was not as Devlin Cole's son, but just Kai the Guy.

Kai clicked his phone to lock and groaned, tossing it on the coffee table as he stretched himself out - they were having a lazy day before the full-moon struck and Tobias was already preparing for the worst of it. Kai was just waiting... watching as Tobias moved around the house like a frantic cat "You're going to wear yourself ragged if you keep this up..."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias had been feeling better, mostly with Kai's help. He had put weight back on, even adding a bit to his muscle. He still had dark moments, Devlin's words sneaking into his mind every so often. But Kai was always there to scare those voices away with his positive words and loving nature.

He wanted to do something to Devlin as well, but he knew it would be foolish. If the man had as much power as Kai said, it was better to avoid that all together.

Tobias normally dreaded the full moon, but it was worse when he went into heat. Though, having Kai constantly by his side really helped, at least emotionally. Physically, having the alpha so close seemed to intensify his need. But he was holding off, not wanting to waste energy he needed during his shift.

He groaned as Kai commented on his frantic behavior. "I cant help it...if I just sit I'll think about it too much and get more anxious. I'll feel better when everything is set up." He said, carrying a pile of old blankets back to his 'dungeon', as Kai put it. They had fixed it up, reinforcing the door and putting a nice coating down over the concrete. The kind show garages used, tough and easy to clean. They got rid of the old collar and chain, knowing Kai could keep Tobias from trying to escape. So Tobias was just adding some last touches. A low bucket of water, a big bowl of meat, and bedding for comfort.

He returned to Kai, hesitantly sitting beside him. "Are we going to try again?" He asked, brows raised. "Because....if we are....according to my temperature, I'm hitting peak right now." He said, shuddering slightly. There was no missing the tent he'd been sporting for much of the day...and the musky scent of his arousal...he was ready.
Kai set his hand on the side of Tobias' face and rubbed his cheek lightly with his thumb "We can try again, if that's what you want to do, Tobias. I won't force you into a decision like this, knowing it may not happen... I can't see you, or even me, going through that without loosing a part of ourselves." Kai took a breath and smiled sadly.

"I'd love to have a child with you, you know that. I'm just worried about what could happen, is all..." Kai released Tobias' cheek and ran his fingers down his mate's back, stopping at the center of Tobias' spine "If you want to do it, we can. This is your body, your decision."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias leaned his head into Kai's hand, looking at him as he spoke. He closed his eyes and gave a small nod, remembering the sadness and pain from before. "But we know it wasnt our fault. Something just didnt work. And I'd rather it end like that....than surviving only to be born and know nothing but pain before dying. Or putting me more at risk." He sighed, sadness clear in his voice.

He arched his back slightly as Kai ran his hand down it, giving a small shudder. "I want to try before the moon rises." He said, opening his eyes to give Kai a look. "Who knows...maybe creating life by making love will help it survive...rather than going at it like wild animals." He laughed, smirking slightly.
Kai nodded and laughed as he leaned forward, kissing Tobias gently on the lips "Would you still prefer we head to the dungeon? I know you still have fears of what you would do if not locked up tight."

Kai started teasing his fingers further down Tobias' back, inching past the waistband of his pants to massage at the dimples above his ass cheeks "And which form do you want to try it in? Maybe it... maybe it would be better in this form? I'm not sure... We are still so new at this." Kai sighed quietly and rested his forehead at the side of Tobias' face, lightly kissing at his jawline.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias made a small noise into the kiss, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Mmh, yeah. I would feel better if we were secure." He said, giving a small sigh.

But he was quickly distracted by Kai's hand sneaking down his back, gasping and arching his back more. His lower back was one of his weak spots. "Mmh, yeah. I want to feel you like this. We've only ever done anal in this form." He said, squirming a bit. He slid his hand down between his legs, feeling the heat coming off his groin. His cock throbbed, leaving a wet spot in his shorts...his opening was soaked, seeping through his shorts as well, spreading that musky scent of arousal.
Kai stood up and pulled Tobias up with him; he then swooped low and lifted Tobias up bridal-style "Then, off to your secure room we go." Kai said as he started walking to the concrete dungeon. He pushed the door open with his foot, and closed it again the same way.

Kai laid Tobias out on the bedding that was in the room and laid down lengthwise next to him, running his fingertips slowly up Tobias' stomach and then back down, slipping his fingers into Tobias' shorts "It will probably feel a bit different..." Kai warned quietly as he slid his fingers past Tobias' aching cock and to behind his balls to Tobias' slick opening.

He felt the warm slick and groaned "So wet, my love." Kai whispered against Tobias' ear, slowly inserting one finger and gently thrusting in and out "So wet, and so tight... Do you like that?" he asked huskily, continuing to thrust his finger at a slow rate, but pushing deeper on each thrust.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias couldnt help a little laugh when Kai scooped him up, draping his arms around his neck, one hand playing with the man's hair. He watched him kick the door, making a mental note to remind him to latch it properly later.

He purred as he was laid on the pile of old blankets and pillows. They were all clean and soft, only having flaws like old stains or holes. He was glad he opted for an old futon mattress underneath, it would make things more comfortable. Especially when the floor was cold and solid.

He looked down at Kai's wandering hand, letting him push up the old tshirt, then go back down to his underwear. He looked back up at him, eyes dark with lust. "Mmh, I'm sure it'll feel different. The intensity of being stretched replaced with such sensitive nerves." He muttered, rolling more onto his back as Kai's hand ventured lower.

He spread his legs a bit more, biting his lip when that seeking hand brushed past his erection. His hips twitched as fingers slid behind his balls, finding that tight wet opening. "Mmh-aah...oohhh." he moaned as Kai slid a finger into him. He let his eyes slide closed, giving soft moans as that finger inched deeper. "It does. Mmh, try curling it, like when you prep me." He muttered, voice low and husky as well. Part of him wanted Kai to just mount him and go for it, but the rest of him wanted to enjoy some slower lovemaking.
Kai kissed along Tobias' jawline, leaving little sucking bites across his cheek and jaw "Yeah?" he whispered huskily. His finger was easily sliding in and out of that slick hole, and he did curl his finger as he thrust in and out. He could feel Tobias' opening stretching a little more, becoming looser and ready for more. He wanted to do nothing more than just slide into that tight opening, but he wanted Tobias to be pleasured, to feel excited.

He added as second finger, just as if he were preparing Tobias for anal sex, sliding the two digits in deeper, curling them against the bud of pleasure he found - he had no idea if it was Tobias' prostate or if it happened to be a secondary pleasure button, but still he pushed against it, massaging into that nub he found. "You going to cry out for me, Toby? Let me hear how much you're enjoying this?" Kai taunted hotly into Tobias' ear, nipping at his mate's sensitive earlobe with sharp teeth.

Kai moved his fingers faster and deeper, almost consistently hitting that sweet spot inside of his mate. Maximizing the pleasure and causing the wetness between Tobias' thighs to multiply rapidly -- pleasuring people, specifically Tobias now, was his specialty, and he would do anything to give Tobias the best time of his life... Even if in the back of their minds, they both knew it would end in immense pain afterwards.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias' breathing was starting to pick up, both from Kai's fingers and his mouth. He leaned his head back, exposing more of his sensitive throat, his prominent Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly. His breath hitched sharply when Kai's fingers curled, brushing past that sweet spot. His hips jerked as the gasp was followed by a low moan.

His inner walls relaxed and stretched as he sank deeper into arousal, as if already anticipating his mate's large cock. He gave a keening cry at Kai's words as he massaged his prostate, legs trembling and hands clinging to the blankets beneath him. "Ooh-ooohh! Sh-shit! I'm....I'm gonna....F-fuck!" He stammered, trying to warn Kai, but he couldn't speak fast enough. His orgasm hit so suddenly, cock throbbing and unloading into his shorts. All while his inner walls constricted in powerful waves, almost drawing Kai's fingers deeper...
Kai kept his fingers moving even as Tobias shook around him, clamping down on his fingers like a vise "Yeah... yeah that's it baby." he grunted into Tobias' ear, continuing to stimulate his prostate with each stroke of his fingers against it.

Once Tobias' body relaxed again, Kai slowly pulled his fingers out, lifting them up to his mouth and sucking them clean of the slick on them "I think you're ready for me now." Kai said as he shimmied his shorts off. He then took hold of Tobias' shorts, pulling them down and off as well. Kai moved back up between Tobias' thighs, kissing and licking away the cum that was around his cock.

"Just relax, and breathe." he whispered, pulling Tobias' legs around his hips. He inched himself closer, hovering over his mate, cock right at his still-slick entrance. Kai wrapped his fingers around the base of his cock, staving off his own impending orgasm, and took a deep breath before he placed the tip of his cock inside the slick hole and started pushing inwards slowly, not wanting to give too much at once since this would be their first time in this position, technically speaking.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias' hips jerked each time Kai brushed against his prostate, almost shying away from it. His nerves were still buzzing, needing a moment to recover. So he was relieved when Kai finally pulled his fingers out. He watched the man with lidded eyes as he sucked the slick from his fingers, giving a soft moan at the sight.

"More than ready." He purred, a smirk on his lips as he watched the way Kai wiggled out of his shorts. He lifted his hips to help in getting his own shorts off, quickly shedding his shirt as well. When he pulled it over his head, he saw Kai settling between his legs, giving a breathy moan as he licked the cum from his cock. "That's a good look for you." He teases, brushing a hand through his mate's hair.

But then Kai wall sliding up his body, positioning himself while Tobias wrapped his legs around his hips. He could feel the heat radiating from Kai's cock near his entrance, his own cock twitching and throbbing in anticipation. "Mmh, please." He muttered, biting his lip as Kai entered him. The head was easy, but the girth that followed mad Tobias moan and cling to Kai. "aah-aah. Mmh. It does feel different, ooh, I can feel you throb." He loaned, inner walls twitching around him.
Kai groaned at the tightness surrounding his cock - he had never imagined what it would be like, and now he knew. Wholeheartedly knew what it was like to be inside of Tobias like this. He tried to keep a steady and slow pace, give an inch at a time. But the slicker Tobias got, the more control Kai lost.

Kai leaned his head down, planted his forearms on the mattress and hovered over Tobias, face-to-face, as he started thrusting into his mate in earnest. His hips were snapping up and forward, slapping into the back of Tobias' thighs. His moans of pleasure were not containable, freely flowing from his mouth. His fingers were clenched tight at the sides of Tobias' head, turning white with the strain of keeping them locked. His arms were trembling, just with the effort to keep himself upright.

Kai kissed Tobias. Deeply, thoroughly, passionately, as he continued to thrust forward, head of his cock blazing over Tobias' prostate on each thrust. He didn't realize it before, but now he knew - Being inside of Tobias like this was incredible. It was amazing. He had never felt anything like this before. The tightness that consumed him. The heat that warmed him. The slick that made the glide easier. It was all sending a rush to his gut, making his knot swell considerably. He was already so close, but he wanted to hold off - give Tobias a chance to regain his own senses and climax again, and again, if at all possible. He knew he could keep this up all night, if necessary.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias moaned loudly as Kai pressed deeper with each thrust, his body stretching to accommodate Kai's entire cock. If he hadn't been completely aroused, Kai would've bottomed out very quickly. But Tobias' inner walls now fit the alpha like they were tailor made for him. Squeezing and pulling at him, growing tighter when he nailed his prostate just right.

All while he clung to his mate's muscular back, nails digging in, leaving red marks all over his upper back. "Oooh, fuck. So good!" He moaned as Kai picked up his pace, the wet sound of their bodies connecting filling the room along with heavy breathing and moaning.

He gave a keening moan into the kiss, bucking his own hips. He could feel the tension coiling deep in his gut, ready to snap like a tight rubber band. He could feel Kai's knot growing, popping in and out of him with such a lewd wet noise. He was trembling hard, breaking the kiss to cry out as his orgasm hit. Quite different from usual. His knot didnt swell much, but his inner walls spasmed and clenched wildly around Kai, sucking him in while the ring of muscle at the opening tensed, ready to lock them together.
Kai slammed forward when he felt the ring squeezing around his knot, knew that it was time and planted himself deeply inside of Tobias' body. Cum rocketing out of his cock like a geyser and filling Tobias. Kai let out an not-very-human-like roar, his fingers clenched around the blankets they were laying on "O-h... FUCK!" his hips were jerking erratically as he emptied load after load of hot spunk into Tobias' body.

His entire body was trembling as he rode out the waves of orgasm, he looked down at Tobias after he had a little more control over himself, and smiled. Tobias looked perfect like this, underneath him, soaked with sweat. He bent his head and kissed Tobias lightly "I love you, Toby."

Kai wrapped his arms around Tobias' back and slowly turned over, planting his feet on the mattress and pushing himself in just a little bit deeper so nothing would slide out between their two sex organs. He gently ran his hands up and down Tobias' back, massaging and squeezing parts of tensed muscles he could feel "Love you, so much." muttered against Tobias' forehead as the younger man still clung to him and lay boneless against him.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias gave a sharp cry as Kai thrust his knot into him, feeling it pop into place as the alpha unloaded inside him. His inner walls clenched and twitched as he was filled, pushing him to another powerful orgasm. He arched himself against Kai, feeling the overwhelming heat of his seed fill him to the brim, forcing through his cervix to flood his womb.

"Oh, god!" He cried, shaking hard in the man's arms. He whimpered as they rolled, hips twitching as Kai's cock was pushed deeper. " full....ooohhh... so warm....." he mumbled, looking to Kai. "Love much..."
Kai laid panting on the ground, arms still wrapped around Tobias' body "What... what do we do... now?" he asked brokenly, breaths still slightly labored as he looked down at the top of Tobias' head -- They'd be stuck like this, as usual, for a little while.

Tickling his fingers up Tobias' side, he sighed and closed his eyes "Do we still have time before the full moon rises completely? I didn't lock the door before coming in here to fuck your brains out." Kai laughed softly, the vibrations rumbling his entire body slightly.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias shifted to rest his head against Kai's chest, still trembling slightly. "Mmh, the afterglow..." he muttered, a smile on his lips. He could feel Kai's pulse, both through his chest, and through his cock still locked inside him.

He squirmed when Kai ticked him, biting back a laugh. Lifting his head just enough to look at him, he sighed and looked to a digital clock he put up on a shelf. " least an hour...maybe more." He said , gasping as Kai's laugh shifted the knot and put more pressure on his prostate when he laughed.

He slowly sat up on Kai, biting his lip as he sank down more, some cum managing to escape between them. "Its so warm....mmh." he muttered, feeling the cum that had filled his womb. He looked down, seeing a subtle rise in his normally flat stomach. " work fast." He teased, smirking down at his mate.

"I'll be shocked if I don't get pregnant. You sure you aren't part horse? Or fire hose?" He laughed, reaching down to run his fingers through his own cum all over Kai's stomach. Then he got an idea. "I wonder if I can get you off like this." He said, giving Kai a sultry look as he began to rotate his hips, grinding on the other's knot. He braced one hand on Kai's leg, the other going to stroke himself. Moving his body like a wave, showing off his lean muscle just beneath his tan skin. "Mmmh, so good."

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