Closed Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog]
Kai groaned and set his hands on Tobias' thighs, rubbing up and down slowly "Well, does it feel like a horse or a fire hose inside of you right now?" Kai asked, thrusting his hips upward and forcefully twitching his cock inside of Tobias' body, his knot spasmed out another shot of cum, vibrating against Tobias' prostate.

Kai slowly slid one hand up Tobias' lean stomach, tickling over his abdominal muscles before reaching his nipples, he flicked the left nipple with the nail of his thumb before pressing against it with the pad, slowly rubbing the sensitive bud of flesh in circles "Definitely good, baby... You're so tight around my cock and knot..." Kai groaned as Tobias rolled on him a little, biting back a curse.

He started thrusting shallowly in and out of Tobias, since he couldn't fully pull out yet, his knot consistently tugging and pulling on the rim of Tobias' hole. He seemed to still be spurting small amounts of semen into Tobias' womb, making the younger man's stomach bloat up even more "You're gonna look pregnant if you keep draining me like you are... No sex for a week does that to a man." Kai said with a grin as he pushed his hips up hard into Tobias' body, and then pulled back again the few inches he could without dislodging himself. He knew - they both knew - if his knot came out prematurely that it would be an absolutely painful experience, and Kai didn't want it happening... Not when they were actively trying to have another child.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias yelped as Kai thrust up into him, arching his back as his own cock throbbed and twitched in his hand. "Oooh, I dont know what either of those feel like...but, damn...mmmh." he moaned, rotating his hips more.

He looked down as Kai's hand slid up his body, his skin flushed and sweaty, nearly hairless. He groaned at the tickling before gasping when his nipple was flicked. "F-fuck....nnh." he let his mouth hang open, breaths hot and heavy as he moved a bit harder.

He bounced as Kai thrust up into him, rolling his hips more to change angles. "Ooh-ooohh! I bet....I bet theres at least one already in much cum, my eggs dont stand a chance." He said, giving a breathless laugh. He tugged on Kai's knot, trembling at the burn of his opening trying to stretch around it. Holding it for a moment before dropping again. Repeating that until he was trembling hard and teetering on the edge. He squeezed his knot, feeling it swell now that he was playing with it. He he squeezed around the base, simulating knotting someone as he fell over the edge.

"Oooh! Kai!" He cried out, blowing his load up over Kai's torso while his inner walls urged his mate to cum as well. He shot long ropes of hot cum, showing how potent he was as a seeder as well.
Kai groaned as his hips, and by extension his cock, twitched mercilessly. He ground himself upwards into Tobias as he unleashed yet another fertile load of hot cum into Tobias' womb; it wasn't nearly as much as his first load, but it served to further bloat Tobias' stomach outward. Kai laid panting on the mattress, hands resting and unconsciously massaging Tobias' hips and stomach "I think you've finally drained me dry... at least for right now." Kai said quietly, a very true statement as his knot started deflating but only by a small margin.

Kai yawned sleepily, but smiled up at Tobias, gently rubbing the backs of his fingers over the smooth, bloated, expanse of his mate's stomach "Please stay safe, little ones, if you are in there." Kai said quietly, inhaling deeply as he looked up at Tobias "You think there's a chance we can do this and it all work out this time?"

Kai gently pulled Tobias down against his chest, still locked together - at least for now. He rubbed his hand up and down Tobias' back and yawned again; he was exhausted, no doubt raw, but he felt satisfied, happy, a little nervous and fearful of their future - but he mostly just felt happy to have Tobias in his arms, no matter what life threw at them - as long as they had each other, it would always be alright.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias gave a long shaking moan as Kai filled him, one hand moving to feel his belly expand. He sat motionless for a moment, his own cock falling limp. "Oh full..." he panted, trembling still. Cum started to dribble from him as Kai's knot started to shrink, pushed out by the pressure of being so overfilled.

He watched Kai with dazed eyes, looking down at his bloated belly. "It will work out this time..." he muttered, meeting Kai's gaze and smiling. He groaned as he laid down on Kai, feeling the knot still connecting them. He closed his eyes, letting himself drift to sleep...only to be rudely awakened by an intense pain.

They hadn't rested long before Tobias woke to see it was moonrise. He gave a strangled cry, trying to get up but finding Kai's knot was still quite large. "F-fuck...Kai!" He gasped, trying to ease himself off his mate. He tugged harder, whimpering at the burning stretch until the knot popped free and he fell back. He gave a momentary view of his swollen opening, red from abuse, Kai's excess cum gushing from it until he clenched. But the transformation quickly hit, making him writhe and cry out from the pain.
Kai was jolted awake from the release of pressure on his cock; he groaned in pain as his raw member was released from Tobias' body unceremoniously "Christ..." he breathed slowly through the throbbing of his cock and that's when he heard Tobias, whimpering beside him.

It was like a bolt of lightning struck him as he jumped up from the floor, quickly making it to lock all the latches on the steel door. He made sure that the bowls of meat and water were within easy reach before returning to Tobias' side - there wasn't much he could do now except for offer support. Except this was all still pretty new to him - he didn't quite know how to offer Tobias support, whether to touch or talk him through it.

He bit his lip nervously as he watched Tobias writhing on the floor "Just breathe, Toby... just breathe..." he had no idea if this would work - telling Tobias to be relaxed and what not. His own shift would happen eventually, but not nearly as painful as Tobias' and he could fight his a bit longer just to make sure Tobias made it through his own shift safely.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias didnt want to pull away so roughly, but he had no idea how he would react if he shifted while knotted. He didnt want to hurt Kai worse than a bruised dick. His changing body seemed to force more cum from him, making quite the mess under his backside. But the rest still in his womb stayed put, still bulging his belly.

He whined as Kai tried to console him, looking at Kai and rolling over. He stood on wobbly legs and moved towards him, shaking out his fur as it grew in. He looked more like a wolf this time, a complete shift. He walked to Kai and nuzzled him with a high pitched whine...probably from the discomfort of his stuffed womb.
Kai ran his fingers through Tobias' coat and kissed the top of his head. He looked straight into Tobias' eyes "Are you alright? Safe for me to join you in the shift?" he asked with their bonded mental connection. Keeping a constant hand running through Tobias' coat in a soothing and comforting manner, trying his hardest to take away the pain that his mate was feeling.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Those pale blue eyes gazed right back at Kai, 'yes, I'm okay.' he replied, leaning in to give his cheek a quick kick before moving to give him space. He turned to head to the water and food, beginning to eat. His tail swayed behind him, almost fanning his scent from him...
Kai shifted forms fluidly, only feeling a small pulling-pain in his joints as he did so. He hated how effortless his shift was becoming and that Tobias had to continue suffering. There was no doubt in his mind, if he could take his mate's pain away - he would in a heartbeat.

Kai laid down on the futon mattress and huffed, resting his snout on his paws as he watched his mate chow down on his meal. They had discussed the ins-and-outs of Tobias' shift before this full moon, so Kai knew better than to even think about eating at this point - it wasn't like he was hungry anyhow, he had eaten a few larger meals today, knowing that the shift would be happening.

Laying there and watching Tobias, Kai started daydreaming about their future - what it would be like to raise a couple of children together, who their children would take after in personality, looks. It was a jumble of a mess in his mind, but all of the thoughts swirling made him smile and hope for a better future. Hope for a better outcome than the last time.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias had accepted the pain that came with shifting. Though, he was starting to think it was getting easier. Maybe it was influence from Kai that was helping him accept his other half. Perhaps one day he'd be able to shift as easily as Kai.

Tobias continued eating, tugging a hunk of meat with some bone in it out of the bowl and laying down. He chewed on the bone after stripping the meat, breaking it open to get the marrow. When he felt satisfied, he washed it down with some water before padding over to Kai.

He licked his mate's muzzle, making a happy little noise before laying down beside him. He didnt think very deeply in this form, so he just relaxed against Kai, yawning widely before resting his head on his forepaws.
Kai laid with Tobias and sighed contently. He rested his head over Tobias' back and closed his eyes. It would be a long night, stuck in this form - but they were together and nothing else really seemed to matter. Their scents mingled and mixed in the air around them and along with that scent - a new one started forming. Their young pup was already taking hold and starting to grow, gain life inside of Tobias' womb. It made Kai smile, thinking of their future and hopefully the future of their children.

Kai sniffed at Tobias' stomach and gave it a few gentle licks before he followed Tobias' lead. He closed his eyes, head still resting near Tobias' stomach, and soon enough he was asleep.


Morning came, quickly it seemed, and with the morning sunrise, meant they'd have to shift back into their human forms. Kai yawned, large jaw stretching and then snapping shut as he stood up on all fours and shook his fur out. He set a paw against Tobias' body and shoved his mate lightly. He barked loudly, the boom in his voice echoing in the concrete dungeon.

Kai felt inexplicably happy, and he had a feeling it had to do with the life they created last night. Or, perhaps it just had to do with the love-making that left him feeling completely satisfied and free feeling. Either way, it was a heady combination and Kai just felt like running around like a puppy himself... but, he was an adult and he didn't, he just kept nudging Tobias like a kid on Christmas morning until he saw those eyes of his mate's open up.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias shifted and squirmed when Kai licked his stomach, the feeling tickling more than anything. He gave a small whine, snuggling against the larger wolf before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.

When morning came, he seemed content to stay asleep. But when Kai got up and nudged him, he whined, before jumping and scrambling to his feet at the bark. He stared at Kai, shocked by the noise, before giving his muzzle a light smack with his front paw. He did not like being startled awake. He shook himself and yawned, sitting down and almost sighing. He could already feel the change coming...and sometimes he preferred to sleep through most of it.

He whined and twisted his head about as it began, shaking his head and laying down. He twitched and rolled onto his side, kicking his legs and pawing at the old blankets under them. But the shift was quick, if a bit uncomfortable to watch. And soon he was laying there, panting harshly like he'd just sprinted a mile. He put a hand on his chest and took a few slow breaths to calm down before opening his eyes to look at Kai.
Kai hated it, but he shifted forms effortlessly and then laid down with Tobias, wrapping his bulkier body around his mate and kissing his head lightly "Feeling okay after that?" he asked softly.

Kai started rubbing his hands up and down Tobias' body, starting at the sides of his neck, all the way down to his thighs - it was as far as he could go without popping an arm out of socket. He checked each finger on Tobias' hands and seemed satisfied that nothing looked or felt broken. Wrapping an arm around Tobias' stomach, Kai snuggled in close and nudged his nose behind Tobias' ear, inhaling his mate's scent deeply - that changed scent was there again and it made Kai want to cry; his inner wolf whine.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias gave a small nod, sometimes having trouble finding his voice after the moon. But after a moment, he cleared his throat and spoke, "mmh, yeah...just, let me sleep through it next time. I can sometimes sleep through it completely." He sighed, leaning his head closer.

He made a soft pleased noise as Kai ran his hands over his body, letting himself relax into the touch. It was very nice to have someone to comfort him after the moon, it helped remind him who he was, and that someone was there no matter what.

He shifted about for a moment before grabbing a blanket he had balled up against the wall. He tugged it and opened it up to cover them, moving to snuggle closer to Kai. "Mmm, maybe a snuggle nap before breakfast." He chuckled, a cute smile on his otherwise tired face.
Kai kissed Tobias sweetly on the lips and nodded his head slowly "A short nap, I think we can manage that." Kai said softly as he wrapped his arms and one leg over Tobias' body, pulling his mate closer and securely tucking Tobi's body against his own larger body "If I don't wake up in time for breakfast, just... I don't know, wake me?" he laughed softly.

It honestly didn't take Tobias or Kai to fall asleep after that, both exhausted and drained from their night activities and shifting as they did - Of course, Tobias was likely more exhausted than what Kai was, but Kai had always been able to sleep whenever - no matter the time of day, or where he was.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias slept soundly, feeling much better when he woke up. He cooked breakfast for them and they both cleaned up. After the moon had passed, Tobias decided he would see a doctor more regularly.


A couple of weeks passed, Tobias had confirmed his pregnancy, and the symptoms were hitting him hard...he was woken by morning sickness almost every day and he seemed so drained. Going into the third week, he noticed his belly already rounding out.

He stood in front of the full length mirror shirtless, looking at himself in profile as he trailed his fingers along the subtle bump. He was excited, but also afraid. He couldnt handle losing another pregnancy. But the doctor suggested a low level hormone treatment, basically making his hormone levels more like a pregnant omega.

But he couldnt help thinking he was getting bigger much faster than he should...he didnt realize he was carrying a small litter, not a single pup like before. And they were taking after their father.
Kai stood in the doorway of the bedroom, a soft smile on his face as he watched Tobias trace his fingers along his slightly rounded middle. Kai had never seen Tobias look so beautiful, than he did in this moment. Walking quietly into the room, he stood behind Tobias, molding his body against Tobias' back.

Sliding his hands around Tobias' hips, he settled his hands just underneath the curve of their growing family inside of Tobias and laid his cheek against the back of Tobias' head "You look incredible." Kai said quietly, rubbing his thumbs back and forth lightly across the little bump of Tobias' stomach and placing a tender kiss against Tobias' bare shoulder.

"Are you nervous about the doctor's visit today? I know I am..."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias made a small noise when Kai slid up behind him, closing his eyes and moving his hands to rest over his mate's larger ones. He gave a soft sigh, looking at their reflection. "I can feel a weight...sitting here. And, its probably my imagination, but I swear I feel something move." He said, looking down himself.

It was his imagination, but it wouldnt be long before he would feel the life within him. "I'm nervous...first ultrasound....we'll be able to see it." He said, giving Kai's hands a squeeze.
Kai smiled and kissed the back of Tobias' neck lightly "I can't wait to see it... I'm a mixture of nervous and excited right now." Kai said with a laugh as he looked at their profiles in the mirror "Do you think it'll be in human or wolf form...? I mean, we did it in human... so maybe that makes the difference?" Kai asked curiously.

He knew Tobias wouldn't have the answer, just as he didn't, but it was still fun speculating and wondering what they might see when they went to the doctor's today. "Better get a move on though, or we'll be late for our appointment." He tapped Tobias on the stomach and then reached back and slapped his ass lightly before moving away to finish getting dressed himself - all he needed was a shirt and they were good to go.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias made a thoughtful noise, tilting his head. "Hm, I dunno. Guess we should ask the doctor." He nodded. "I know about as much about what's happening as you do...." He said, looking at Kai's reflection in the mirror.

He yelped when Kai slapped his ass, turning to playfully smack him back. "Alright." He said, going to get a shirt and his shoes to finish getting ready.

Once they were ready, it was off to the doctor's office. It wasn't a long wait once they got there, soon they were in the exam room and Tobias was more anxious than ever. Sitting there nervously on the exam table, waiting for the doctor to come in with the ultrasound machine.

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