C A Star is Born (closed with SazzyP260)

Zach ran next to them, keeping pace with the doctor and nurses. They were taken right up to labor and delivery, bypassing the ER completely and put in a private room. Caleb was immediately put on oxygen before anything else, Dr. Evans, calling for someone from Dr. Simmons team to come down for the duration of Caleb's labor to monitor him.

"Oh those are some good, strong contractions," Dr. Evans said, watching the monitor. "Very nice. Baby's heart is good. Let's check your dilation. We are going to proceed with a natural birth as planned provided your heart looks okay and the baby stays stable."

Caleb nodded and with the help from a nurse, Dr. Evans, and Zach, they got his sweat pants off and his legs into the stirrups at the foot of the bed. Dr. Evans snapped on a pair of gloves and got between Caleb's spread knees, ready to start probing around "I just want you to take some good breaths from that oxygen Caleb, and try to stay calm."

Caleb inhaled shakily and turned his head into Zach's stomach, squeezing his hand when he felt Dr. Evan's fingers digging into his body - it felt so different with the pressure of not only the baby, but her fingers; he was more used to Zach being in there with a few digits, but he knew it would be inappropriate for Zach to do this exam - he wouldn't know what to do either.

Dr. Evans pulled out gently, snapping off her gloves "Well... For this being your first baby and all, Caleb... You are already at eight centimeters... You must have been in labor for quite some time - You didn't feel any contractions?"

Caleb shrugged "I thought they were the braxton contractions... Practice runs... They didn't hurt until about..." Caleb looked up at Zach briefly "Until about twenty minutes ago, when we first called you guys..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Hi Caleb, I'm Dr. Yan. I'm going to be monitoring your heart while you're in labor," another doctor said, her smiling face popping up alongside Dr. Evans'. She looked over at Dr. Evan's. "Am I good to put my leads on now?"

"He's all yours," Dr. Evan's said, looking at the monitor. "After this contraction."

Zach felt Caleb clench down on his hand a moment later and his body tense up. "Okay baby, just breathe in and out. In and out with the contraction." He kept his free hand moving on Caleb's belly as the doctors watched. He hoped he was actually helping Caleb out.

Caleb looked at all of the IVs, leads, and monitors hooked up around him - The medical staff had stepped out for a moment to confer on the best possible route with Caleb, and that left him and Zach alone for a few moments. Caleb shook his head and laughed quietly "I feel like I've become some kind of science or alien experiment..."

He sighed and turned his head to look up at Zach "If they put any electrodes or what ever on my brain... Or start trying to prob me or take pieces of my body away... Will you kill 'em for me?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I'm on it," Zach promised. "No experimenting on you." He rubbed Caleb's belly gently. "I can't believe how far along you are already. That's crazy to me that you were in labor for hours and we didn't know. We didn't know we would be holding our son so soon."

Dr. Evans, Dr. Yan and the medical team came back in, all with a bit of a serious look on their faces "Caleb - Have you experienced any pain since the contractions have started?" Dr. Evans asked curiously, looking at the contraction read-out information and then back at Caleb.

Caleb shrugged "Sure, some pain... but not like I'm about to scream my head off because it hurts so much pain... why? Is something wrong?" Caleb asked worriedly, grasping onto Zach's hand and pulling it closer.

Dr. Evans shook her head slowly "I don't think there's anything wrong - yet. We'll have to wait and see though, to when you're fully dilated, I'm going to keep checking on you constantly... So don't get used to me being out of the room for long."

((You can skip ahead a bit here if you wish... I'm running out of ideas lol))

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


(lol. ok I'll try and come up with something)

Zach was drifting off between contractions because Caleb was as well. He still wasn't in a lot of pain, mainly complaining about a lot of pressure and his back hurting. His heart rate was spiking during contractions but going back to normal in between so that was fine. It was just ... Zach was really tired. He expected a little more action during labor especially since the first time Caleb went in labor he was in so much pain.

Dr. Evans came back in, pulling on a pair of gloves. "Time for another check." Caleb wearily spread his legs, Zach helping him into position. She moved her fingers around gently. "Okay, well, you are completely dilated and the head is in place. Do you feel an urge to push?"

Caleb frowned heavily and shook his head slowly "I haven't felt a thing... It's like... I don't know? I just don't feel anything past mid-spine." Caleb sighed and closed his eyes - all of his nursing training seemed to fly out the proverbial window when it came to his own body "I guess we could try and push on the next contraction? Should be here in about three seconds anyway..."

Dr. Evans nodded and pressed a button on the beeper clip that was attached to her lab coat "Alright, we'll get the rest of the team back in here, and once they are... We'll start pushing." Dr. Evans said as she changed out her gloves and got the sheet dangling on Caleb's knees properly positioned.

It didn't take long for the rest of the medical team that was overseeing Caleb's birth to enter the room, finding spots to stand "Alright, Caleb. This is your show - Contraction is starting up now so give me some good pushes." Dr. Evans instructed from the foot of the bed.

Caleb wrapped his hands around the backs of his knees and groaned as he started pushing, the pushing combined with the contraction finally made Caleb scream, feeling the pain for the first time since his entire labor process started. Caleb had tears immediately riding down the sides of his face as he shook his head "Can't... I can... can't... can't do this..." he panted the words out, they were definitely strained and he was still pushing and growling.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach helped him lean forward during the push, encouraging him and holding one of his legs back. "You can do this. Big pushes, baby. Good job. Keep going." He wasn't even sure what he was saying, just babbling words now.

Dr. Evans put a hand on Caleb's belly, frowning the whole time. When the contraction ended, she pushed her fingers inside again, feeling the baby's head. She called one of the other doctors over, talking to them quietly. ""The baby's head is big. I'm not sure if he's going to fit. Get a operating room ready just in case."

Zach wiped Caleb's forehead, not listening to the doctors talking. He pressed a kiss to his forehead. "You're doing great. He'll be in your arms so soon."

Caleb shook his head and sobbed against Zach's chest "No... no no no. I can't do this Zach, please... please..." he begged breathlessly, grasping Zach's shirt tightly "It... it feels like... someone is trying rip me in half!" Caleb hiccuped out and rubbed his face against Zach's shirt.

Dr. Evan's looked up at Caleb over the privacy barrier "Okay, Caleb... Here comes another contraction, we're going to try another few good pushes and if that doesn't work... We need to go to plan B." Dr. Evans said calmly and confidently.

Caleb took a shuddering breath and gave Dr. Evans a thumbs- up as he got back into pushing position. When told to start pushing, Caleb did. He screamed as he bore down his weight, pushing with every ounce of strength his small body had.

Dr. Evans whistled loudly "Okay, enough. Enough. No more pushing Caleb." Dr. Evans turned to the nurse and start speaking rapidly "We need to move him up to the operating room, now. He's started bleeding and I don't want him hemorrhaging..." she was trying to sensor her voice volume, but the worry had her speaking louder than intended -- both Caleb and Zach would have heard her.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"What?" Zach's voice broke. "Is he okay?"

One of the nurses took Zach by the arm. "I need you to come with me so I can get you ready for the operating room. You'll be back with your husband in a few minutes. I promise. He's in good hands."

"I promised I would stay with him," Zach protested, but Caleb's bed was already being broken down and he was being moved out of the room quickly. He went with the nurse, so scared and lost. He knew plan b was a c-section and they were clearly going there now.

Caleb sobbed and called out for Zach as he was being moved from the delivery room - his voice was weak and strained, and he knew that Zach couldn't hear him. Caleb certainly wasn't ready for Plan B at all, even though they had discussed each option thoroughly; he didn't care that he'd have a scar or that he'd spend extra days in the hospital - he just didn't want to be cut open.

Dr. Evans and the entire team that had been in the Labor and Delivery room with him got the room set-up and Caleb set up quickly - He had already received the local numbing agent that would numb him from the mid-section of his stomach on down; he wouldn't feel a thing. The curtain was already up, separating the operating area from Caleb's head.

He was scared, and alone, and he just wanted Zach with him here "Please... where is Zach? I need him..." he called out to anyone who would listen.

The operating doors swung open one last time "He's right here." a nurse said as she guided Zach over to the head of the bed - Zach was dressed down in scrubs and a protective gown, as well as a mask and gloves. The nurse scooted a rolling stool over for Zach to sit in, and then everything seemed to move in a fast pace from there.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I'm right here," Zach said, pulling his mask down enough to press a kiss to Caleb's lips. He bent over to stroke Caleb's face gently. "Sorry I had to leave. They made me get changed first." He looked at the privacy screen. He knew he could look but he didn't really want to see Caleb cut open. "Just rest and let them do their jobs. He'll be here so soon."

Dr. Evans worked quickly, a team from the NICU arriving as well since the baby was premature. The baby was not in a lot of distress which meant she didn't have to rush, but Caleb's heart rate was fluctuating. It would be better to get the baby out quickly so they could stabilize him.

Zach held his hand tightly, listening to the sounds in the room and keeping his eyes focused on Caleb's face. His eyes widened when he heard a tiny, gasping cry, too high to be anything but an infant.

Caleb squeezed Zach's hand fiercely throughout the whole procedure, it really didn't seem to take all that long and then soon there was a tiny cry filling the room, and a squalling, screaming infant was being placed on Caleb's chest right between him and Zach "Oh Zach..." Caleb cried as he looked at their newborn.

Caleb looked up at Zach with tears in his eyes and smiled a watery smile up at him "He's... He's so beautiful... even with all the blood and gunk on him..." Caleb said with a light laugh as he nuzzled the baby's bloodied face and sniffled "Hello, our beautiful, beautiful little boy."

Dr. Evans popped her head up over the privacy curtain and smiled at Zach and Caleb "Hey, Mr. Martin - would you like to cut your son's umbilical cord? We do have to get a move on with this though, Caleb's heart rate still needs to be stabilized, but I would like to make this at least a somewhat normal delivery -- he isn't in danger anymore, so it'll be alright." Dr. Evans said, knowing that Zach would worry more about Caleb than anything else, if he were still in danger of losing his life.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach's eyes filled with tears as he looked at the screaming baby and his beautiful boyfriend. He vaguely heard Dr. Evans but it took her asking a second time before it registered and he nodded, taking the scissors and cutting through the much tougher than it looked umbilical cord. He pressed a kiss to the baby's head before a nurse scooped the baby back up.

"He needs to go get checked out by the NICU team and then we can hopefully bring him right back. Dad, you can come with him if you want."

Zach looked at Caleb and then at the baby, torn with where he should be. He wanted to follow his son, but he promised Caleb he would stay with him and Caleb wasn't completely out of the woods yet.

"I ... I don't know."

"We'll be right over here," the nurse said, pointing to the team. "Come over when you're ready."

Zach nodded and took Caleb's hand again, using a towel to wipe the streaks of blood off Caleb's face. He smiled gleefully at him. "You did it!"

Caleb shook his head tiredly "I didn't... I just laid here." Caleb said with a weak smile. Caleb looked past Zach to where their son was and frowned a little "You should be with him... I'll be okay here, promise... I have a whole bunch of doctor's and nurses around that can keep me company."

Zach nodded, reluctant to go, but he did - entering the attached secondary surgical room where their son was being examined.


It was nearing five PM when the family of three were finally reunited once again. Caleb had been given a clean bill of health, even his heart rate was stabilizing back to his normal pre-pregnancy rate - meaning he would be able to resume all normal activity once the cesarean wound healed up properly.

Their son, who was still unnamed as of yet, also returned to Zach and Caleb with a clean bill of health - Yes, he was a little underweight at a month premature, but there was no doubt that he'd easily gain that weight if he was fed regularly. Which is what the newborn was doing right at that moment, suckling contently on Caleb and getting all of the nutrients that Caleb could provide.

Caleb looked up at Zach with a tired smile "He still needs a name, you know..." Caleb whispered as he stroked the back of the newborn's head - he had thick black hair already, but very short and baby soft.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach couldn't stop staring at them, amazed at the beautiful baby that he and Caleb had created. He was filming as the baby ate, zooming in on his little lips closed around Caleb's nipple and then back out to Caleb's tired smile. He finally put the phone down, and leaned over to kiss Caleb for what felt like the millionth time that day.

"He does need a name," Zach agreed, touching the newborn's back gently. "What does he look like to you? I think he looks like a Noah."

Caleb nodded tiredly and yawned widely into his free hand "I like Noah..." Caleb said quietly as he rubbed up their son's back until he was able to grasp Zach's hand, intertwining their fingers on Noah's back lightly "Noah James Martin..."

A nurse came in, a chart in her hands as she looked at the happy couple together "Well isn't that just a beautiful sight!" she gushed as she came closer to the bed and sat her chart down, she checked over Noah's vitals and Caleb's and smiled "Baby and dad are doing just fine now, aren't ya?"

Caleb nodded at the nurse and sighed quietly "We are doing much better now, but my arm is getting tired of holding him upright and I think he's about finished anyway..."

The nurse nodded in understanding "Good. We'll give you a break then and teach Dad here how to change a diaper for the first time. Come on Mr. Martin, time to get those pretty hands of yours a little dirty." The nurse said with a grin as she carefully lifted Noah from Caleb's arms and carried the newborn over to the changing table.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach followed her to the changing table, watching as she deftly unwrapped Noah's blanket and settled him on the table. Her hands moved quickly as she narrated what she was doing, unsnapping his onesie and taking off the old diaper. Zach's eyes widened at the sticky poop on Noah's tiny bottom and the nurse showed him how to clean it up, covering his penis so that he didn't pee on them at the same time. Zach didn't know how she had enough hands to hold legs, wipe butts, and put a new diaper on at the same time but before he knew it Noah was all bundled up and back in his arms.

"Got that, Mr. Martin?" asked the nurse. "Next time is all you."

"S...sure," Zach said, holding Noah close. "Will he just ... cry when he needs it done? Or do I just check?"

The nurse was obviously trying so hard not to smile. "He will probably cry, but the diaper has a little indicator on it that turns blue if he's peed." She showed him on a clean one. "So if you're worried, you can pull his onesie aside a little to check. If he's sleeping through, let him sleep. If it's a pee, he can sleep in it for a little bit. If it's a poop, you'll know and you'll have to wake him then."

"Okay. That's good advice. I'll do that," Zach said, sitting back down next to Caleb again with Noah in his arms. "I think I'm just going to hold him for a little while."

Caleb smiled and nodded, turning very slowly onto his side so he didn't irritate his stitches or still very sensitive stomach "You look good with a baby in your arms." Caleb said quietly as he watched Zach and their son snuggling together.

"You ready to have another one? Cause I am - I want a little girl... Savannah Jane Martin. She'll be my little princess in pink." Caleb sighed and looked down at his stomach "Will I ever be able to have a baby again, Zach?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


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