C A Star is Born (closed with SazzyP260)

Zach scrunched up his nose and leaned over to tickle Caleb's side. "I could always wear something of yours to make sure I definitely look pregnant. That would definitely work. Maybe one of your tank tops."

He pushed the blankets down and reached for Caleb's paperwork and pen, setting them aside. "I think you should pay attention to me. You can finish your paperwork later."

Caleb shook his head and frowned when Zach took the paperwork from his hands, but he did turn so that they were facing each other "One of my pregnancy tank-tops? Yeah, sure babe... You can wear my 'Mommy Strong' tank top... The neon green one?" he snorted softly and shook his head "We'll just have to find *you* your own maternity wear, cause I doubt neon green is... your color." he pointed to the black-on-black attire that Zach was currently sporting "You're not exactly the 'flashy' gay guy."

"And why should I be paying attention to you?" he asked quietly, scooting closer to Zach and setting his hand on his husband's rounded middle, lightly rubbing up and down the center of Zach's stomach. "Filling that paperwork out could mean me finally having a job, and not "following you around everywhere you go" or... however you put it years ago." Caleb said, using air bunnies around his quoted sentence.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach frowned at him, moving to straddle Caleb's lap. "You know I don't feel that way now. I haven't felt that way since you moved out to LA. I want you to get a job because you want to get a job, not because you feel like you have to. Being able to come back to you when I'm on a shoot makes it easier to get through the day."

He bent down to kiss him softly. "I have never been in love before you so I didn't know how much I would want that. When I told you that, I didn't know how much love would change how I felt."

Caleb leaned back against the couch, effectively bringing Zach backward with him - it was definitely different, being the one holding Zach like this "Love does crazy things to a person..." he looked down at Zach's stomach - that was a case in point right there, a very obvious one "As evidenced by." he said, poking Zach in the stomach lightly and smiling up at his husband.

"I want to go to work... I've had my nursing license for almost a year now, and I still haven't worked with it yet." Caleb set his hand on Zach's thighs and lightly rubbed up and down "I am ready to actually learn how to be a nurse, in practice... not just theory." he smiled and kissed Zach softly in return.

He was freaking out a little, on the inside, having Zach in his lap like this -- it wasn't a common thing, at all, and it was actually rather cute, but he was starting to get turned on and wasn't exactly sure if that was what Zach had in mind about being 'paid attention too' or not - Either way he would go with the flow, but, it was still a new experience for him, for them both, really.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach settled further on Caleb's lap, sighing happily as Caleb held him. It wasn't the easiest for them to do since Zach was so much bigger than Caleb, but it was comforting to be held like this. He was turned on, just a warm buzz of arousal settling in his veins at being held and cared for by Caleb.

"Then you should work. I want you to be happy and fulfilled in all aspects of your life, not just with Noah and myself," Zach said, pressing a kiss to Caleb's lips before ducking his head further to press a kiss to the corner of his jaw. "I want you to always be happy. And filled."

Caleb nodded and tilted his head back against the top of the couch so Zach had better access to his jaw and neck. Caleb moved his hands from Zach's thighs to his butt, gently massaging into the firm muscle of his husband's ass "I am happy... very happy, Zach." Caleb said quietly as he looked up at his husband and smiled.

"And what do you mean by... 'filled'?" Caleb asked curiously - he had an idea, and very much liked that idea... If that's what Zach was thinking. It had been a while - not too terribly long though - since either of them had had time to themselves just to enjoy each other, and Caleb was starting to get that really needy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach smirked a little and nipped at Caleb's ear. "Well, between sharing a tiny apartment with our son and me not feeling like having sex, it has been awhile. I've been neglecting you. And that's just not fair to you. We barely even had sex when we got married."

Caleb smiled and shook his head a little, not wanting to dislodge Zach from his ear "You haven't been neglecting me... We've just been busy since going to Spain." Caleb said quietly, his hands still on the move around Zach's ass, squeezing and rubbing it.

Caleb's hips jerked a little and he moaned softly "I..." but, of course, before they could really get into anything, a piercing wail shattered across the house. Noah was awake, again, he had been having trouble sleeping ever since their return from Spain, either refusing to go to sleep or waking up every hour on the hour - it was worse now, than when he was an infant.

Caleb groaned and let his body fall slack underneath Zach's, "It's your turn to figure out why he's awake this time..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach groaned and dropped his head to Caleb's shoulder for a moment. He pressed a brief kiss to Caleb's neck before getting to his feet and adjusting himself in his pajama pants. He padded upstairs to find Noah standing in his crib, sobbing unhappily.

"Buddy, what's going on?" Zach lifted him out of his crib, rubbing his back soothingly.

Noah wrapped his arms around Zach's neck, crying. "Want Daddy. Wanna eat."

Zach sighed and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Do you want a bottle?"

Noah shook his head and dug his fingers into Zach's neck. "Dadddddy."

Zach headed back downstairs, holding Noah in his arms. "Caleb, he wants to nurse. I offered him a bottle but he wants you. I know you haven't been nursing much, but ... are you still producing milk?"

Caleb sighed heavily "Barely..." he said as he held his arms out and took Noah from Zach's arms. He sat the almost-toddler in his lap and pulled his shirt off, laying it on the couch beside him.

Noah whimpered and snuggled close to Caleb's chest, latching onto one of Caleb's nipples and immediately started suckling. Caleb adjusted Noah to a more comfortable position and started rubbing his back slowly. Noah was barely getting any milk as it was, but he was perfectly content to just lay there and suckle at whatever drops he could get. Eyes closed, fists clenched against Caleb's chest and gurgling quietly as he sucked and swallowed.

Caleb frowned in obvious discomfort; since he wasn't producing as much milk as before, it was a bit of a painful experience for Noah to nurse on him "Get a bottle ready either way, this isn't going to satisfy him if he's actually hungry..." Caleb said quietly, looking up at Zach with tired, pained eyes.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach nodded and headed into the kitchen to make a bottle up for Noah. He knew that Caleb was trying so hard to wean Noah but Noah still liked the comfort of nursing. He reached up to touch his own nipples, thinking about that and wondering what that was going to feel like. He was going to do it when the baby was born, of course. He knew how much Caleb had liked it, how close it had brought Caleb and Noah.

He brought the bottle out, sitting down next to Caleb and Noah. "How we doing?"

Caleb nodded and took the bottle from Zach's hand, slowly managing to slip it into Noah's mouth. Noah whined but took the bottle regardless, sucking on it slowly as his eyes drooped shut once again "He's falling back to sleep... which is a good thing for us." Caleb said quietly as he grabbed the blanket

Caleb placed the blanket over Zach's lap and wiggled his hand underneath the cover. He easily slipped his hand underneath the waistband of Zach's pajama pants and found his flaccid cock without even looking "He'll be back to sleep really soon... I think he's finally drained me dry." Caleb whispered as he started slowly stroking Zach, smiling at the way his husband started hardening in his hand.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach reached under the blanket and stopped Caleb's hand. "He'll be asleep soon. I'll take him upstairs and we can reconvene in our bedroom." He leaned over to press a kiss to Caleb's lips. "We have plenty of time for us. We can take the time to get him to sleep."

He leaned back to watch him eat, one hand resting on his belly. He could feel the baby kicking, small fluttery movements. He couldn't wait until Caleb could feel as well. He knew how excited he had been when he had first felt Noah move in Caleb's belly.

Caleb closed his eyes and waited for Noah to finish drinking his bottle. Since Noah was a bit sleepy, he was drinking at a slower rate than normal "You know you shouldn't be carrying him around like you have been... You're really going to mess up your back by doing it... Especially when you get bigger... if you do." Caleb said quietly, raising a brow and looking over at Zach with only one eye opened.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I'm careful," Zach promised him, stroking a hand over Noah's hair softly. "I'm fine carrying him for now. I know he's getting big but he's still my little boy. I promise I'll stop if it gets to be too much."

Noah stopped drinking, falling fast asleep before he finished the bottle. Zach reached over to take Noah, lifting him easily. He cradled him in his arms, pressing a kiss against his hair as he carried him back to bed. He tucked him in, watching him sleep for a few minutes before he headed into the bedroom.

While Zach was upstairs putting Noah back in his crib, Caleb turned off everything downstairs, double checked to make sure all of the doors were locked and appliances were turned off. He was so ready to just go upstairs and see what Zach had in store for them tonight.

He made his way up the steps, peeked in on Noah and Zach for a brief second before continuing on his way to the master bathroom. He brushed his teeth thoroughly and braided his hair into a tight french-braid, and then twisted it into a bun on the crown of his head. Stripped out of his clothes and dropped them into the hamper, leaving him wearing only a pair of tight, form-fitting, black and white striped trunks that cupped his every bulge - front and back.

He smiled when Zach came into the bedroom, just as he was coming out of the bathroom - he hoped for something extra fun tonight; they were definitely getting more explorative in the bedroom, and he loved watching Zach come out of his shell. Caleb slid his hand down his body slowly, stopping just above the waistband of his trunks, dipping a few fingers underneath it and then circling his belly button with his thumb "Hey there, handsome."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach grinned at the sight of him, eyes trailing over Caleb's body. He loved looking at him and right now he was a vision, his hair tight to his head and his briefs clinging to him. He sighed softly, shaking his head. "I am never going to get tired of looking at you. You are such a hottie."

He pulled his own shirt off and headed towards Caleb. He trailed a hand over Caleb's side and down the back of his ass, cupping it with one hand. "These look so good on you. It's a shame to take them off."

Caleb giggled and pressed himself as close to Zach as he could, "Mmmm, yeah, but you can't fuck me with them on, now can you?" Caleb asked as he lifted one hand up and trailed the tips of his fingers down Zach's cheek, and down his neck slowly.

Caleb was feeling extremely horny at this point, his body vibrating and rocking upward slightly to catch friction against his throbbing cock. He wanted Zach more than anything, and he wanted him now. Caleb slipped his finger all the way down Zach's body and grabbed onto the waistband of Zach's pajama bottoms "It has been a while since you've been buried inside of me... and I really want that." Caleb said quietly, his voice slightly husked as he started pulling Zach toward the bed.

Caleb pushed Zach's pajama pants down and then he released his husband and moved to crawl up onto the bed, ass wagging with each hip switch as he moved to the head of it. He leaned over to the nightstand, grabbing the lubricant and the fur-lined cuffs that they had, holding the metal connector part on the end of his finger "Think we can play with these tonight?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Why Mr. Martin," Zach said, his hand on his chest. "Are you suggesting I handcuff you to the bed and have my way with you? Because that is definitely something I could do."

He took the handcuffs and pushed Caleb down on the bed, leaning over him to start kissing him deeply. He settled down on Caleb's hips again, using his weight to rock against Caleb's cock. His hands moved easily as he took Caleb's wrists, carefully pulling them above his head and handcuffing him to the headboard.

Caleb smiled and tilted his head back to look at his wrists being cuffed to the headboard. He gave a few good, strong, tugs and was satisfied that he wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon. It was probably a semi-bad idea, giving Zach total control over his body, knowing that Zach liked to tease as many orgasms out of Caleb as possible, but tonight, Caleb *needed* exactly that. He had been so on edge since leaving Spain that he felt like he could go all night long - of course, Zach wouldn't be able to do it all night, but that was besides the point and if Caleb still needed help - well, they had some pretty serious toys that Caleb could use should his husband pass out on him.

Caleb bit his lip and pushed his hips up against Zach, grinding with him in a manner of speaking "Zachh" he moaned quietly, clenching his fingers into his fists - his cock was already to the point of being extremely sensitive, and Zach was only making matters worse.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


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