C A Star is Born (closed with SazzyP260)

"Oh no, no," Zach said, shaking his head. He tapped a finger against Caleb's nose. "You don't get to push me along. This is my show for as long as I can stand it. And even then, I might keep going."

He leaned over to open the bedside table to take a look at their toys. "I see a few things that could be fun." He took out a vibrator, one he knew that Caleb enjoyed. He set it on the bed next to his knee. "Maybe I'll fuck you with that before AND after."

Caleb whined and looked up at Zach with large pleading eyes "I knew I shouldn't have done this! You're going to torture me for hours on end, aren't you?" Caleb said with a huff as he dropped his hips back against the mattress - he really could do nothing more than just lay there and take whatever Zach wanted to do to him at this point.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach laughed and kissed him again, sliding a hand down to cup Caleb's cock, rubbing it with the heel of his hand. He pressed kisses over Caleb's arms, moving down his body slowly. His belly might not be very big but it was making it a little harder to bend like usual so he had to shift down further than he wanted. He nipped lightly at the soft skin around Caleb's belly button before tugging his briefs off to expose his hard cock.

"I wonder how many times I can make you come," Zach said conversationally. "What is our record in one night?"

Caleb shuddered and whined as Zach started kissing down his body and nipping at his sensitive belly area. He was clutching at the metal of the handcuffs already and Zach had hardly done anything to him. His hormones were on over-drive and it was driving him absolutely insane. "F-f-f-five! Record... is... five in... one night!" Caleb cried out quietly, biting on his bottom lip and closing his eyes tightly.

The cold air made the hair on his body - what little there was of it - stand up on end, and goosebumps broke across the entire surface of his pale flesh. He started blushing along with it, feeling even more exposed like this than he did when they were having the more 'vanilla' sex that they had. His skin was slowly starting to turn pink in some areas, and red in others.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"That is going to be tough to beat," said Zach, trailing his fingertips over Caleb's cock, just barely brushing against it. "Do you know how quickly I get off these days? I can jerk off in the shower in less than five minutes. I remember how horny you got when you were pregnant with Noah and I know how you felt now. Sometimes I get hard just looking at you drinking coffee in the morning."

He leaned over and licked around the crown of Caleb's cock. "Two days ago, I had to go jerk off because you were wearing those running shorts you like and I couldn't stand it. You and Noah were dancing in the living room to Beyonce and you kept shaking your ass and I loved it."

Caleb moaned quietly and arched his hips and back off of the bed, cock pushing against Zach's lips -- he wasn't trying to force himself into Zach's mouth, it was just an automatic reaction "Mmm shit, Zach." Caleb whined, twisting his body this way and that. He didn't know if he had enough energy, or cum, in him to even cum over five times.

"Please... please... don't tease me! I can't..." Caleb was already starting to shudder, his thighs quivering just a bit - he was already so close to the edge of orgasm.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach was planning on teasing quite a bit actually, but not the first time. He knew that Caleb got worked up quickly, knew that his first orgasm was always right under the surface. It never took long to get him to come when they started. He pushed Caleb's legs further apart and ducked his head down to take him in his mouth, sucking him deep in one quick motion. Caleb fit so perfectly in his mouth, making it easy to blow him, leading it to be one of Zach's favorite things to do.

Caleb moaned loudly, crying out as Zach engulfed his entire cock with one motion. His hips jerked off the bed repeatedly and he tugged mercilessly at the cuffs around his wrists. He was so close already, was always so close to orgasm that first time around - it would have been embarrassing if Zach didn't love it so much.

"Cl...close... oh god..." Zach continued sucking and swallowing around his cock and Caleb couldn't take it any longer. "Oh god!" He cried out, and that was his first, last, and only warning before his load exploded inside of Zach's mouth, hot shots filling his mouth - it was always a small amount that first time around, nothing that would ever choke Zach out with its velocity.

Caleb's body dropped limply against the mattress, chest heaving as he tried getting his breath back under control. He stared unseeingly up at the ceiling and groaned softly as Zach licked around the crown of his cock. His member now very sensitive and twitching against Zach's tongue and mouth roof.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach licked his lips when he pulled back to sit on his heels and look at Caleb. He ran his hands up Caleb's thighs, squeezing them firmly. "Very nice. I love getting that first one out of the way."

Zach leaned down to kiss him gently, relishing the way Caleb panted against his mouth. He reached for the lube, warming it in his hands so that he could start to open Caleb. He may have said that they were going to test Caleb's limits, but Zach wasn't sure how long he was going to last. He was already feeling a little desperate himself.

Caleb lifted his head lethargically as he and Zach kissed each other, he was still shaking slightly from the after-shocks of orgasm, his breath still slightly labored. Caleb tugged at the cuffs and then dropped back down on the bed. He planted his feet on the bed and lifted his hips up "Zachhhh!" he whined and bit his lip.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach slicked up his fingers and slid two of them in Caleb without any prep, knowing he could take them. He began to stretch him, watching as Caleb writhed and begged for more.

And then Noah began to cry again.

Zach groaned and dropped his head to Caleb's chest, breathing heavily. "Okay. So something tells me this isn't happening tonight." He pulled his fingers out and wiped them on his pajama pants. "Where did you put the keys for the cuffs?"

Caleb groaned in disappointment, but their son's needs definitely outweighed their own needs "They're in the nightstand..." Caleb said quietly. Zach easily found the keys and unlocked Caleb's wrists, letting them down easily back onto the mattress.

Caleb blinked tired and started sitting up, but he was really feeling the effects of his earlier orgasm, he yawned and shook his head. Noah continued crying and started calling out for Caleb and Zach. Leo had even joined it, howling along with Noah's wails "Ugh... I feel so drained now..." Caleb murmured as he slowly tried rolling off of the bed, but he wasn't getting very far it seemed.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I'll get him," Zach said, climbing out of bed and getting dressed. It was going to take a bit for him to go soft, but Noah crying was good for that. He kissed Caleb gently. "Go shower and get ready for bed. Maybe I can get him back down quickly."

Zach headed down to Noah's room, frowning when he saw him. "Oh bud, what's going on?"

Caleb did as Zach told him too, and as soon as his head hit the pillow - for real - he was out like a light, snoring quietly and curled up in a semi-fetal position.

Noah looked up when Zach came into the room, tears and snot running down his face in tandem. He held his arms out, fingers wiggling and bottom lip trembling "Want papa. No more sleepy!" which meant he had a nightmare - No more sleepy was his code for saying bad dream, and it had taken Zach and Caleb a few weeks to figure that one out.

Noah sniffled and laid against Zach's chest once he was picked up, "No more sleepy." he murmured, slipping his thumb into his mouth and hiccupping as a few more tears rode down his cheeks.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach rubbed his back and walked over to the glider to sit down. This was going to take some time and copious cuddling to help Noah get back to sleep. Zach wiped Noah's face off and helped him curl up in his arms, cuddling him tightly and gliding the chair back and forth with a flex of his ankle.

"Papa is right here. No bad dreams anymore. Papa will always protect you." Zach whispered to him softly, his words calm and soothing to Noah as he tried to get him back down. He closed his own eyes, rubbing his back and before he knew it, they both had drifted off to sleep in the chair.

The next morning;

Caleb woke up feeling well-rested, but very alone and cold - Normally he would wake up with Zach practically cocooned around his body, keeping him warm and protected feeling. Caleb yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes then looked to the other side of the bed, thinking maybe Zach had just gotten too hot last night and separated themselves... but no luck, Zach was not there.

Caleb sighed and got out of bed, he grabbed his super-short and vibrant rainbow colored robe, he wrapped it around his body lightly and then quietly padded into Noah's bedroom, smiling at the scene before him. Zach still had Noah in his arms - Zach himself was still passed out, snoring lightly and his head lolled to the side. Noah, however, was wide awake and just playing quietly against Zach's body, singing babbled baby-talk to Zach's tummy - The toddler was excited to become a big brother.

Caleb came over to Zach and Noah, lightly shaking Zach's shoulder to wake him up "Zach, honey... It's time to wake up. You have that interview with Sam in a few hours, and I know you cannot be comfortable laying like this... Especially if you've been here all night." Caleb said quietly, and then easily extracted Noah from Zach's arms, hoisting the toddler up and onto his hip.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach yawned and stretched his arms over his head, causing his shirt to ride up as he groaned lowly. Sleeping in the chair had not been a smart decision. His back was hating him right now.

"Morning," Zach said sleepily, reaching out to tug on Noah's foot. "I guess we fell asleep here last night. I am going to need a hot shower to loosen up and I bet he's going to need a clean diaper before breakfast."

"Mhmm. I'll handle him and breakfast... You go and get situated." Caleb said as he walked over to the changing table, laying Noah down on it so he could get a fresh diaper and a change of clothes "The outfit you need to wear for the interview is hanging up on the closet door already - double check it before putting it on to make sure there's no lint or anything visible."

Caleb looked down at Noah and smiled as he tickled their son's belly "Today's a big day for your papa, Noah. He's about to tell the world that you're going to be a big brother." Caleb said as he quickly and easily changed Noah's diaper, cleaned his bottom and privates, and then got him into a fresh diaper.

Next he got Noah dressed in a blue Polo t-shirt and a pair of elastic waistband slacks "Now you'll look just like your papa. He's wearing the same exact thing!" Caleb said with a smile as he lifted Noah up and kissed his cheek lightly.

Noah nodded and yawned against Caleb's shoulder - the tot was never very talkative this early in the morning. Caleb just smiled as he carried Noah down to the living room, he turned the TV on so Noah could watch Cartoons with Leo while Caleb went into the kitchen to start breakfast - Eggs, Bacon, and Pancakes would be on the menu for the morning, as it was both hearty and filling; he didn't need Zach getting hungry during the interviews.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach stood in the shower for what felt like ages, hot water just beating down over his body. He half-dozed, still tired from a not so comfortable night sleep. His hands dropped to his belly which definitely had popped overnight compared to yesterday. He had to laugh at that. Caleb had warned him that it would just happen. At least this way, Sam and his photographer would get belly shots.

When he finally got out he felt mostly human. He dried off and did some deep stretches to get the last of the muscle soreness out. His workouts had to be curtailed but he could still do yoga and run. He looked at his belly. Good thing the story was being done now because if anyone spotted him out running now it would be obvious.

The smell of bacon wafted up the steps and he dressed quickly, the shirt that Caleb had picked pulling tight over his belly. He headed into the kitchen, stealing bacon from the pile next to the stove. "Smells good. Did Jen say when she was getting here? Do I have to save any bacon for her?"

Caleb slapped Zach's hand away from the plate of bacon as he tried reaching for it again "Stop that, breakfast will be ready soon." Caleb scolded lightheartedly as he flipped the next batch of bacon over to fry up.

"Jen will be here in about five minutes, so yes, you have to save her some bacon as well."

Caleb glanced at Zach and smiled lightly at the very prominent and noticeable rounded belly that his husband was now sporting "Told you that you shouldn't jinx yourself... Things happen when you jinx yourself." Caleb said as he pointed the spatula at Zach's belly "Why don't you go into the living room and watch Cartoons with Noah and Leo? Breakfast won't be much longer, I just have to finish this bacon and start on the eggs..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


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