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Zach turned to the side and ran his hand over his belly, looking pleased. "What do you think? Does our baby look good on me?"
He was happy that he was showing more today, that he actually looked pregnant instead of just bloated. He was proud that he was having their child and excited to see real proof of that with his body. He hoped Caleb would be too.
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Caleb laughed and nodded his head "The bump does look good on you, babe." Caleb said quietly but proudly.
He cut the heat on the bacon, moved the strips onto the waiting plate and then turned to Zach, setting his hand on the rounded curve of his stomach.
"You honestly look really good pregnant, Zach..." Caleb but his lip slightly "You think you would want to do this again, sometime in the future?"
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Zach nodded, covering Caleb's hand with his own. "The first few months weren't great but if we planned this next time it might be better. I can plan not to be filming while in my first trimester. And so far I really like this. I might hate it and never want to do it again by the time it's over but right now, yeah. I would definitely have more babies."
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Caleb smiled, leaning up to kiss Zach sweetly on the lips "Good.. I am very glad to hear it, because I would like that too..." Caleb said quietly, rubbing Zach's stomach gently "But I still would like to adopt a child... I think it would be good for us, and the child in question..."
Jen burst through the kitchen "I have arri-... Oh gross! Don't you two have a room or something?" she grimaced and shook her head "Noah let me in by the way... I really think you guys should start teaching that boy not to open the door for anyone.. What if I had been here to kidnap or rob the place?" She chastised while reaching over to the bacon, snagging a couple strips and munching on them greedily "Mmmm, best bacon cooker, Caleb."
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"Hey," Zach protested, reaching over to smack her hand as she went back for more bacon. "That's my breakfast! I'm eating for two." He had to actually push her aside and wrap his arms around the plate of bacon as she tried to grab more. "Caleb, she's being mean to me."
Noah toddled into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and looking confused. He went to Caleb and lifted his arms. "Daddy. They silly. Wanna eat. Leo too."
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Caleb sighed and lifted Noah up into his arms and kissed his cheek lightly "I know you wanna eat baby. Your aunt Jen and papa are bickering over Bacon though, so while they do that..." Caleb went over to where Zach was hoarding the plate of bacon, snagging it from his hands "You two can cook the eggs, whilst I feed your son."
Caleb went into the dining room and settled Noah into his high chair. He gave Noah a few strips of bacon before returning to the kitchen; he grabbed the plate of pancakes that he had been keeping warm in the oven and then grabbed the tub of butter and maple syrup "Eggs won't crack themselves guys, come on!" Caleb shook his head and headed back into the dining room.
Jen snorted and sighed as she grabbed the carton of eggs from the fridge and started cracking them into the hot pan "I am supposed to be a guest here, and I have to cook my own eggs... What kind of nonsense is that?"
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09-25-2018, 12:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-25-2018, 12:26 AM by
Zach pouted as well, watching Caleb take the bacon away. Jen started scrambling the eggs and Zach got a plate down. "I guess we shouldn't have fought over the bacon. I mean, the polite thing would have been to let me have the bacon since I am pregnant and need to put on weight according to my doctor."
Jen eyed him up. "She didn't weigh your ego?"
"I don't know why I like you," Zach grumbled. "Do you want coffee? I'll make you some even though I can't drink it."
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Jen huffed warily "Of course I want coffee, what kind of crazy question is that? Just because *you* can't drink it and Caleb *doesn't* drink it -- and by the by, what's up with Caleb not drinking coffee?" Jen asked as she continued scrambling the pile of eggs, and then sliding them over onto the serving plate.
Caleb grumbled as he came into the kitchen "Coffee upsets my stomach, I don't drink it because I don't exactly like getting sick." Caleb said as he grabbed three plates, silver ware and three glasses from the cabinets and drawers before prancing his way back out of the kitchen, a clear pep in his step.
Jen sighed "Someone must have had a good night last night. He's awful chipper and cheery... Or is he always like that so early in the morning?"
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"Actually Noah interrupted us twice and I slept in his room in a chair. Caleb's just chipper in the morning," Zach said as he got the coffee going. He held the grounds to his face, taking deep huffs. "It smells so good."
Jen shook her head and took the bag away from him. "Go take the eggs into the dining room. I'll be in when the coffee is done. You better save me some bacon."
Zach took the eggs from her and headed towards the dining room. "Jen doesn't want anymore bacon, Caleb. She just told me."
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Caleb sighed and shook his head, rubbing his forehead in exasperation "You two fight like siblings... Not even related, have known her for a year and a half... and you fight so much..." Caleb muttered as he sat down and tapped Noah's fingers "Stop dropping your pancakes on the floor... Leo has his own food."
Noah pouted and stuck his tongue out at Caleb, then with sticky maple-syrup covered hands, he held out a glob of pancakes to Zach "Papa eat then." he stated.
Caleb shook his head "It's gonna be a bad day... I can already feel it - I'm in a good mood, so that just means it'll be a bad day."
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"It's going to be a great day," Zach said, kissing Caleb's forehead with a smacking kiss. He bent down and ate the glob of pancake Noah offered him. "Yum. Thank you, Noah. You eat the rest though. Daddy made me my own."
Zach sat down at the table and knocked his foot against Caleb's. "I only fight with Jen because I like her. She is kind of like a little sister though."
"That's because you're old," Jen said, coming out with a cup of coffee. "I have to work so hard to convince people you're a box office draw for your looks."
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Caleb could feel a headache forming in the back of his skull already, he tuned out the conversation around him and started loading his plate up with the offerings on the table - he gave Noah another one of the miniature pancakes he had made specifically for Noah, and a few more strips of bacon.
Noah happily munched on his bacon strips and gummed at the pancakes until they were a mushy mess in his mouth. Leo whined and nosed at Noah's foot and Noah giggled, sneaking him another piece of pancake "Shhh, don't tell papa or daddy!" Noah whispered loudly, looking over the edge of his high chair to watch Leo eat what he had been given.
Noah yelped when his hand was slapped again, and he turned to see his Papa staring at him with that 'You're in trouble' look -- he had been caught sticky-handed, again. Noah pouted "Why hit me?"
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"Daddy told you not to feed Leo," Zach said sternly. "You know what he meant when he told you that. We don't feed Leo from the table. Leo has his own food. You need to listen to your Daddy when he tells you something. Understand?"
Noah pouted, his lower lip jutting out. He looked at his Daddy for help but none seemed to be coming. "Yes." He shoved a piece of pancake in his mouth and chewed sullenly.
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Caleb inhaled shakily and pushed away from the table, his good mood from this morning suddenly disappearing. The headache he had was getting worse by the second and he just couldn't take it. His skin felt like it was teaming with creepy-crawly bugs all over it "I think..." he shook his head slowly "I need some air." he quickly went to the sliding glass doors at the back of the dining room and went out onto the back porch.
Several deep breaths in, and slow breaths out. Caleb stood with his hands braced against the wooden rail of the back porch, looking out over the large expanse of their backyard. He had no idea what was going on with himself, and yeah, he was maybe freaking out on the inside a little, but he was trying to keep his cool - if not for his own sake, then their son's... He couldn't have a meltdown in front of Noah, not of the epic proportions he felt coming on.
He didn't even realize when tears started riding silently down his cheeks.
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Zach came out behind him, shutting the door quietly. He stepped behind Caleb, resting a hand on the small of his back before pulling him close in his arms. He turned Caleb and pulled him close, rubbing his back soothingly. "Hey, what's going on? What can I do?"
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Caleb shook his head and pressed his face against Zach's shoulder "I don't know..." he whispered hoarsely, a lone sob escaping him in the process "It just... my head... all of a sudden just felt like it was going to explode..." He took several shaky and deep breaths and rubbed his forehead against Zach's chest "It hurts..." he sniffled quietly.
"I think... I think I might skip going to the interview... You can take Noah with you... I just... maybe I just need to go back to sleep."
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"Is it a headache or a panic attack?" asked Zach, maneuvering them to one of the deck chairs. He pulled Caleb onto his lap, holding him close and rubbing soothing circles on his back. "I really need you with me today."
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Caleb curled up the best he could in Zach's arms, laying his head on his husband's shoulder and closing his eyes. He was taking several deep breaths to keep himself as calm as possible "Headache... It just... it came on so suddenly... blinding and just... pounding hard against my skull..." Caleb said quietly, his eyes were still closed against the sun, head buried against Zach's neck.
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"Okay, baby," Zach said comfortingly. He pressed a soft kiss to Caleb's head and gathered him in his arms, lifting him easily. Caleb might protest since he was pregnant, but Caleb's weight was not a strain for him and he was going to carry his husband back to bed and take care of him. They had migraine pills for when this happened and hopefully if Caleb took one know he might be okay by the time Sam would be here for the interview.
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Caleb would have protested Zach lifting him up and carrying him around the house, especially up the stairs as he did, but Caleb was in such blinding pain now, that he didn't think he could actually walk a few inches without falling over. When they were upstairs, Caleb was laid down in the bed and he curled up around himself, burying his head in a pillow. Zach managed to coax him into taking a few of the 'Migraine Annihilators' as Caleb so rightfully called them.
Zach pulled the black-out curtains shut and turned on the night-light on that was on the other side of the master bedroom. So with that only light, it was nearly pitch black in the bedroom.
Caleb inhaled shakily, and released it - it came out more sob-like, the pain was worse than it had ever been before; having only been a migraine sufferer ever since giving birth to Noah, Caleb wasn't entirely used to blinding migraines coming on so suddenly "You should..." he sniffled and shook his head slowly "Go back downstairs, Zach... Noah still needs you, even if Jen is here - she... she can't handle him alone, not when we're at home."
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