C A Star is Born (closed with SazzyP260)

Zach narrowed his eyes at her, picking up the diaper bag. "I'm going to find out. Caleb will tell me." He walked to the door. "Wave bye to Aunt Jen."

"Bye Ann Jen!" Savannah squished her hand together in an approximation of a wave. "Cookie!"

Zach chuckled and headed out, passing on Jen's message to Donovan. Caleb and Noah were still out when they got home so Zach took advantage of the quiet house to put Savannah down for an early nap, nursing her until she fell asleep. He sat out back with Leo, the monitor with him and read the script. He definitely wanted this part.

It didn't take much longer for Caleb to return home, either. Noah was passed out and he had to carry him inside; instead of putting him upstairs though, Caleb just laid Noah down on the couch and smiled softly when he looked up to see Zach sitting on the back porch.

Caleb slipped off his sneakers and stood up again, tugging down his grey "preggosaurus" tank top that had a triceratops dinosaur on it. He was also wearing his favorite stretchy yoga pants. He walked out onto the back porch and smiled as he sat down next to Zach and laid his head on his husband's shoulder - at five months pregnant already, Caleb looked very noticeably big. Perfectly round in the middle, although this time his ass and hips seemed to stay in relatively decent shape; he was the perfect 'hourglass' figure, with the cutest pregnant stomach that he showed off as much as possible.

"What are you reading there?" Caleb asked, tilting the binder slightly to read over the words on the laminated pages "Hey, this is a movie script - Did you get a gig?!"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Maybe. We need to discuss it," Zach said, turning his head to give Caleb a kiss. "It is definitely a role I want and they want me. It's one of the leads. Very little pay but that's not a concern for me. It's a good role. It would start shooting in a few weeks ... in Quebec."

Zach looked at Caleb, resting a hand on his belly. "I want this part but I'm not going to take it if it won't work for all of us. If we did this, and you came with me, the baby would have to be born there. You'd be too far along to fly when filming ended."

Caleb smiled brightly, reaching up and cupping Zach's face with his hands. He planted a firm and loving - okay, maybe a little too loving, as his tongue started flicking against Zach's tongue - kiss against his husband's mouth. He pulled back, flushed and panting slightly "I think you should - we should - do it, Zach." Caleb said happily.

His cheeks stayed a slightly red tint - sure sign of arousal for Caleb - "I have never been to Canada before, and we planned on traveling the world, wherever you had filming shoots - this is part of the world. I understand we'll have to have the baby in Canada, that's fine with me. I want to be there, with you, through the whole thing..." Caleb smiled and kissed Zach again, his fingers of one hand lightly curling against Zach's cheek - the other hand was busy pushing the binder to the porch as he moved to straddle Zach's lap.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach laughed and settled his hands on Caleb's hips. Caleb was insatiable these days. As soon as the kids went down for a nap, Caleb would pounce. First thing in the morning, before bed. It didn't matter. It was impossible for Zach to wear him out.

"Why Mr. Martin," Zach teased, sliding a hand into Caleb's yoga pants to cup his cock. "I think you're happy to see me."

Caleb tried to giggle, but it came out as a series of hiccupped moans, his back arching slightly "I-..." he took a shaky breath and lowered himself more firmly against Zach, pushing against his husband's hand "I'm always happy to see you." Caleb whispered.

He slid his arms behind Zach's neck and ran his fingers through his husband's hair, gently tugging and twisting the strands "Noah's exhausted after his playdate, so I expect him to sleep for a while... and by the looks of things, Savannah is also down for a nap... What shall we do with all this time on our hands?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I think you are interested in my hands," Zach said as he tugged Caleb's pants down enough to expose his cock, already slick at the tip. Zach began to stroke him slowly, watching Caleb's face fill with pleasure. "Unless you think you can get up here to my mouth. Tell me, which would you rather have right now?"

Caleb gasped as a rush of cool air breezed over his exposed cock - Zach was definitely being adventurous with him, doing something in what would be considered a public place, since their neighbors could see into their backyard "Zachhh" Caleb whined, hips squirming on his husband's lap as he was stroked with such teasing movements.

He looked down at the steps they were sitting on and then at Zach, biting his lip as he made the decision to stand up in front of his husband. Caleb held onto Zach's shoulder and pushed his hips forward slightly "Please... please... just get me off... I can't..." God, that desperate, unmanageable horny feeling was starting to wash over him again, his hips slowly rolling into Zach's fist.

He just didn't know if he'd be able to survive this pregnancy if his hormones were going to make him this desperately horny for the next four and a half months. His fingers dug into Zach's shoulders slightly as his husband started licking at his dripping tip, his head falling back and back arching forward "Pleaseeee" he hissed, legs trembling slightly from the overwhelming sensation -- he was right there on the very edge already and he just needed one big push to get him over it.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach put both hands on Caleb's hips and pulled him in, sucking his cock into his mouth. He bobbed his head, encouraging Caleb's rolling hips. He was pleasantly aroused himself, nothing that would need to be taken care of when was finished with Caleb. It just felt good to pleasure Caleb and feel aroused and happy and know that he was making his husband feel good. And he really did love to suck Caleb's cock when it came down to it.

Caleb gasped and moaned, loudly, as his husband sucked him off in broad daylight in their backyard. His toes curling tightly as his head dropped back against his shoulder blades. Fingers of one hand digging deep into Zach's shoulder and the other carding through Zach's hair "Oh fuck... fuck..." he gasped loudly as his orgasm started to build quick and hard.

It really did not take long at all before he was spasming and emptying his first load into Zach's mouth, cock softening almost as soon as the small spurts of white exited himself and entered Zach's mouth. Caleb groaned and pulled away, already too sensitive for his husband's teasing tongue "Fuck..." he breathed, lowering himself back into Zach's lap and curling against him slightly "I hate how quickly that ends, sometimes..." Caleb whispered, hardly having lost his breath from how quick he'd cum - it seemed whenever he was pregnant that he just didn't last nearly as long.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Zach held him close, running a soothing hand along Caleb's back. "It's handy when you've got kids. I can blow you and the kids barely notice we're gone. Besides you've always been pretty quick to come. I've never seen it as a bad thing. You get it up again just as quick."

The baby monitor crackled to life and Savannah chanted 'papa papa papa' loudly. Zach chuckled and resituated Caleb's pants. "Looks like we only have time for the one. Do you want to call Jen and tell her to find a place for us while I go get our girl?"

Caleb nodded as he slowly got himself off of Zach's lap and stood up, adjusting his pants a bit better to hug his bump. He smiled and rubbed their growing child as it swam around inside - he was able to feel the light fluttering movements now, but they were hardly noticeable on the outside "Your baby thanks you for taking care of its daddy so well." Caleb said softly as he leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to Zach's lips, tasting just a bit of what was left-over from his orgasm.

"I'll call Jen... her and I have more important things to discuss other than living arrangements in Canada, but I'm sure we'll talk about that as well." Caleb said as he bounced up the stairs, once again feeling energetic and ready to take on the world "I'll tell you what she says about it when we're done."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I want to know about her date," Zach said as he grabbed the script as he got up himself. He got the monitor as well and headed up to get Savannah.


Bedtime was two books and nursing for Savannah while Caleb read to Noah. It was a comforting routine for all of them, one that Zach and Caleb hated to miss for any reason. They'd been reading to Noah every night since he was an infant and when Savannah was born, they folded her into the routine.

Zach really loved the quiet cuddles he got with Savannah as she nursed, all warm and sleepy after her bath, tucked in his arms. He knew he was going to have to wean her soon so they didn't have a Noah situation but he loved these moments that were just theirs. He put her in her crib before she fell asleep, tucking her in and kissing her forehead.

"Night, Vannah. Sleep tight."

Zach padded back downstairs to put the dishes in the dishwasher, Leo sacked out in the kitchen. He was getting up there in age now, already 10 years old. He was still the happiest pup though, especially now that he had kids to play with all the time. Zach was probably going to leave him with Jen this time even though it would be tough to leave him behind. He would be too much for Caleb to handle on top of the kids when Zach was on set.

Caleb yawned as he came down the stairs slowly. Whilst he was upstairs he had changed into his pajamas, a tight as sin grey tank top that said 'Wake Me Up When It's Due Day' and a pair of booty shorts that hugged quite literally every curve that Caleb had on him now; not that there was much more curve than before.

He loved this pregnancy, more than he did Noah's pregnancy - not saying he didn't love Noah, because he most certainly did - he just didn't seem to have any, or as many, problems with this pregnancy as he had with Noah. He wasn't gaining a lot of weight in his hips or ass, just his belly; making him look like the perfect little pregnant partner. He, of course, still had curves that one would kill for; ones that Zach loved immensely, but they were not as defined as they were his first pregnancy.

Caleb padded into the kitchen quietly and smiled as he watched his husband finish up their dinner dishes, he rubbed the swell of his stomach - that was one thing that didn't change. His stomach seemed to like to grow *extensively* in the first six months of his pregnancy and then just stop growing, or did so at a slower rate, by his seventh, eighth, and ninth month. He now currently looked like he was seven months pregnant rather than his five months suggested.

"Did Savannah give you any trouble tonight?" Caleb asked as he walked over to the fridge and started poking around at the covered containers inside, clearly still hungry even after their big dinner "Noah went down without a fight tonight, I guess he was still pretty exhausted from his play date - we should definitely think about doing that more often." Caleb finally settled on a pint of ice cream that was in the fridge, he wished he had something else to go with it, but he was sure Zach didn't feel like running off to the grocery store or anywhere else right now.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Not at all. She was pretty tired too," Zach finished putting the last of the dishes in the dishwasher. "I'm going to miss nursing her. I know I have to wean her soon but I like our quiet time together. We don't want her to end up like Noah and have her resent her little brother or sister getting to nurse."

He straightened up and watched Caleb dig into the ice cream, making a face the whole time. "That's not what you want is it? What do you want? I can go get you something if we don't have it."

Caleb pouted down into the ice cream "I don't want to send you out unnecessarily. This is fine..." Caleb said quietly. He heard Zach clear his throat harshly and Caleb looked up to see a sharp glare coming from his husband.

Caleb shrugged his shoulders and nibbled on his bottom lip "I just *really* want McDonald's fries and an Oreo McFlurry right now... But..." Caleb sniffled and put the ice cream back in the freezer with its lid in place again "I also don't want to be alone right now..." Caleb whispered, wrapping his arms lightly around his bump as he looked up at Zach with tears in his eyes - Probably one of the worst symptoms of pregnancy for Caleb, and Zach by extension, the wishy-washy tears that seemingly came out of nowhere at the drop of a hat.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Sweetheart," Zach said gently, wrapping Caleb in his arms and rocking him back and forth gently. He pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "I will go out to get you whatever you want provided it is something I am able to get. If you want, we can stay on the phone the whole time I'm gone. You can cuddle Leo on the couch and talk to me on the phone and I'll be back before you know it."

Caleb sniffled and nodded against Zach's chest, lightly twisting the fabric of his shirt with his fingers "Okay... but do I have to talk? I'd rather talk face-to-face with you... and we do have a lot to talk about." Caleb said as he slowly pulled back from Zach and wiped the tears that were sliding down his cheeks "I don't care if I just listen to you breathing..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Nope. I'll just put my headset on and you can listen to me sing along to the radio and order your food. It'll be just like you're in the car with me," Zach reassured him. He wiped away the tears from Caleb's cheeks. "Does the baby want anything else while I'm out?"

Caleb shook his head "No. I think we'll be satisfied with that for now... but if we think of anything, I can just tell you..." Caleb said as he and Zach started towards the front door.

It took another few minutes of cuddling and reassuring kisses before Caleb was okay enough to let Zach leave, and as soon as Zach was in the car, the duo were on the phone with one another. Caleb laid down on the couch and Leo immediately came over, jumped up and curled around Caleb protectively, snout resting on Caleb's pregnant belly "I think we need to look into getting another puppy... Leo's getting old, Zach..." Caleb said quietly as he stroked down the dogs broad back and sighed "As much as I hate to admit it, he may not be with us much longer... and you know that the kids will be devastated if we don't have a dog in the house..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


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