Closed Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog]
Kai shrugged and kissed the top of Tobias' sweaty head before reaching into the backseat of the Jeep and pulling up a blanket "That's alright... I like being locked inside of you." Kai whispered as he spread the blanket over his and Tobias' body. He slipped his hands back underneath the blanket and rubbed up and down Tobias' bare hips and back, squeezing and massaging tight muscles.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias nuzzled against Kai's chest, making a small pleased noise. He shifted slightly, biting his lip at the full feeling. "Feels good." He muttered, giving a content sigh. He moved his hand down to his stomach, brushing his fingers over the subtle bump there. He couldnt wait to see it grow and to feel their pups.
A few weeks seemed to go by; the pregnancy was progressing slowly but naturally. Kai loved watching Tobias, every day, and seeing the changes in his mate's body as it grew with their children. Was he still nervous about having four pups to care for? Hell yeah. He had never been responsible for another living being, especially not one so small... But, seeing Tobias and that natural Omega-type glow about him, it was rather breathtaking.

They were about at the two-and-a-half month mark now and there was a very definitive curve to Tobias' stomach. Kai was happy; happier than he thought he'd ever been with the idea of a child - or children - on the way. Couldn't wait to see what his four little ones would be like, if they would be boys, girls... He was hoping for a litter of all boys, but knew the odds of that were very slim.

Today was yet another normal day for the duo; Kai was out doing his normal daily run through the forest, now that he was capable of shifting, he did so often. Running through the woods on all fours and just acting like he was meant to. When he returned home, changing into a pair of loose gym shorts that were by the door, he walked through the cabin and smiled when he found his mate.

Tobias was stood in front of the mirror, completely naked and staring at himself - well, more specifically, his stomach - and turning all sorts of directions. Kai shook his head and sauntered into the bedroom, sidling up behind Tobias and sliding his hands around the beautiful curve of their four growing pups "You look absolutely beautiful like this, Tobias. You're glowing and growing, so amazingly well." Kai whispered - they were at that point of 'no-return' each child growing inside of Tobias were viable and healthy, growing bigger and stronger every day.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

As time passed, Tobias found his attention constantly drawn to his growing belly. The bump became quite obvious very quickly on his slender frame, rising gently to his navel and curving back in towards his groin. He could feel the weight steadily growing, and let Kai know when he felt the gentle flutters of movement. So excited to really feel the pups within.

He was amused by how Kai liked to run around in his wolf form, knowing he hadn't been able to shift until they met. While he was out, he took time to really admire the bump. He sucked in his gut, making the bump more obvious, resting between the points of his hips. He hadn't heard Kai come home, making a surprised noise when he slipped up behind him. "Aah...y-yeah..." he muttered, cheeks flushing slightly. "I can feel them moving around." He sighed, resting his hands over Kai's. "I'm growing feels amazing." He purred, leaning his head back against Kai's shoulder and closing his eyes.
Kai frowned, encompassing Tobias' swelled tummy with his large hands; he couldn't feel the movements yet from the outside and was desperately awaiting the moment that he could "I wish I could feel them... " Kai whispered, tucking his head against Tobias' neck and pressing a soft and tender kiss there "It's going to be amazing, the day that we can feel them from the outside."

He reached up with one hand to the mirror; grabbing the magnetic marker off it and scratching off yet another day on the small calendar - they had taken to counting down the days of the pregnancy, awaiting the due date - or suspected due date - of their quadruplet pups "You look amazing... and I'm glad its you that are carrying my pups, Tobi. I wouldn't have wanted anyone else." Kai said truthfully but quietly - they were destined for each other, drawn to each other in some cosmic way, and it made him happy to know that he had finally found his true soul mate, no longer having to seek others for pleasure, relief, or anything like that - he was pleased just by standing here with Tobias in his arms.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias chuckled softly, feeling Kai try and feel the pups. "They are getting stronger. We should feel them soon." He said, lifting his head to watch Kai's hands on his belly. He could feel the flutter just under the man's palms, but not strong enough to pass through to the surface. "Mmm, they want you to feel..." he sighed, rubbing the exposed area of his belly.

He watched Kai mark off the date, feeling his heart skip a beat, just seeing the due date grow closer made him both excited and nervous. "I'm glad I ran into you....never thought I'd have a family...and I never thought this would feel so good." He said, giving a content sigh. "I also didnt think....I'd be so horny....." he muttered, glancing up at Kai. His sex drive had grown along with his belly...
Kai chuckled and kissed the top of Tobias' forehead "Anything to get laid, huh?" Kai teased and then sighed as he looked down at the rounded mound of Tobias' stomach once again. "You're lucky that you get to experience all of this..." Kai said quietly, sweeping his thumb lightly over Tobi's bare stomach "I'd love to know what it felt like... growing a kid, providing for it in every way possible... Protecting it from the world until it's actually out here in it."

Kai shrugged and placed his chin on Tobias' shoulder "I love that you're doing this, but I'm also kind of jealous. Is that strange?"
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias gave a sheepish laugh, looking at his reflection and watching Kai's hands on his belly. He nibbled his lip as the man spoke, looking down himself again. "Mmh. I wish you could feel it. Just thinking about it, you put them inside me...and now I'm taking care of them. Four new lives, right there inside this little bump. Like we were within our mothers' wombs." He sighed. "I wish I could feel it from that perspective. So safe and warm, with the constant thump of your mother's heart." He continued, shifting his hips.

He made a small noise, pushing himself back against Kai more. He was hard, turned on by his own musing. "Mmmh, it's like my body keeps wanting to relive that moment. Like I'm in heat, but not." He groaned, reaching one hand back to grope Kai's ass and pull him closer.
Kai chuckled at Tobias' assessment of his increased sex-drive "Yeah, I know baby... My dick has had more of a work-out with you than I think it's ever had since I hit puberty." Kai said, laughing again as he rubbed his hands gently over Tobias' stomach, cupping the small bump and looking over Tobias' shoulder to see his hands on his and Tobias' growing children.

"You know we can't do anything about it though, now... My mother will be here shortly to get the latest news on her growing grandchildren. She's been so excited to be involved with their progress as they've grown inside of you." Kai said with a soft smile on his face - as much as he hated his father, his mother was just one of the sweetest and most loving person he had ever met and she absolutely loved Tobias "I think she may be more excited than *we* are to be having these kids."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Tobias gave a soft noise of agreement at Kai's assessment. Before he met the alpha, he hadn't had much sex, nor did he want it much beyond his heat cycles. Yet, here he was, almost half way into his pregnancy with an insatiable sex drive.

He ground himself back against Kai before giving a soft whine when he mentioned his mother coming by. The mirror reflected his frustration, fueled by hormones he had no control over. "Nnh...okay. let me put out this fire and get dressed." He sighed, slipping out of his mate's arms, but not before giving him a quick kiss. He gave him a look as he moved for the bathroom, a smirk on his lips clearly saying they would continue as soon as his mother was gone...

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