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Zach leaned against him as well. "I couldn't have done it without you. Three kids, all kinds of craziness, Leo, moving houses, all of it. I couldn't have done it without you. I'm so glad that coffee shop was so crowded that morning."
Noah came back over with a plate filled with fruits and vegetables, clearly making up for the cookie incident earlier. He sat back down next to Zach and peeked at Savannah. "She's still sleeping. Can I eat without her?"
"Go ahead. Thank you for getting healthy stuff," Zach said to him, shifting Savannah so she was leaning against his other arm for a bit. "How did you guys get the cookies anyway? Was Milo in on it?"
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Noah shook his head "Nuh uh. Milo just doesn't like wearing clothes." Noah said, pointing to the baby who, while sleeping, was fidgeting to the point that his shoes and socks were coming off "Savannah was already on her way out the door, and then Baby Naked ran and it was just perfect timing." Noah said, sounding all sorts of grown up as he shrugged his shoulders and crunched on a celery stick.
Caleb sighed and shook his head as he reached down to take off Milo's socks and shoes from his feet, stuffing them into the baby bag on the floor by his chair "You two are going to end up teaching your baby brother some really bad habits. Whose idea was it to actually go and get the cookies?" Caleb asked, shifting slightly and turning Milo so he was more in Caleb's arms than before.
Noah pointed at Savannah this time "She was the one who wanted the cookies... I told her to go get them if she wanted them so badly... I didn't think she'd actually listen to me."
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"The two of you are quite a team," Zach admitted, shaking his head. He was happy that Noah and Savannah were so close but they really could be troublemakers when they put their minds to it. They were both really good with Milo as well so all in all Zach knew they were pretty lucky with how well their kids got along.
"You're a good big brother, Noah," Zach said patting his knee. "Thank you."
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Noah smiled and nodded his head "I try. They don't make it easy though..." Noah said as he set the plate of veggies and fruit aside and wiped his hands on a napkin "When are we allowed to go play? All this sitting is boring."
Caleb grabbed Zach's phone from the table and handed it back to Noah "In a little bit, Noah. Your Aunt Jen and Aunt Holly still have to do the father-daughter dances and then the mother-daughter dances, then you are allowed to go run off and find some other kids your age to play with here."
Caleb laid his head against Zach's chest again and sighed "We're going to have to take Milo, and probably Savannah, upstairs to the baby sitter... He's out like a light and I don't think he's going to wake up anytime soon."
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"Let them stay with us for now," Zach said, pressing a kiss to Caleb's hair. "I like having everyone together. She'll wake up soon enough."
The music started again and Jen came out with her father. Zach watched her, feeling so emotional seeing Jen look so happy and excited. He never would have expected how important she would become in their lives when he hired her as his manager. She was family now and he was basically watching his second little sister get married to a wonderful woman. He wiped at his eyes, sniffling a little.
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Caleb smiled softly and tilted his head back "Big baby." Caleb teased softly and reached up to bring Zach's head down, planting a gentle kiss against his lips "Who knew you would be the one to get so emotional at Jen's wedding... I thought I'd be the one crying my eyes out." Caleb said softly, shaking his head as he laid it back down against Zach's chest and sighed.
Halfway through Jen and her father's dance, Holly and her father came out onto the dance floor as well, the four dancing lightly to the music and close to one another so they could all talk freely. The song came to an end shortly after and everyone gave a round of applause, the DJ then announced that it was time for the mother-daughter dance, and this time Holly was first to go out with her mother. Jen would follow halfway through like Holly had.
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"I can't help it. It's Jen. She's like my little sister," Zach said softly, watching Holly and her mom dance. Savannah began to stir in his arms, lifting her head up to look around blearily before flipping back down against Zach's chest, thumb back in her mouth. "Hey sweetie."
"Papa," Savannah mumbled around her thumb. "Have to potty. Want Daddy to take me."
"Okay," Zach said, sitting her upright. "Give me Milo. You take her to the bathroom."
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Caleb easily shifted Milo to Zach's lap and took Savannah from his husband's arms "We're getting way too good at moving children around like that." Caleb said as he stood up with Savannah and adjusted their still sleepy little one on his hip.
Milo whined as he was moved from the warmth of Caleb's chest and arms, his head popping up as well but his eyes still closed. "Dadadada." he murmured, turning to try and find the source of his food that was blocked by Zach's suit.
"Great... Why am I the popular dad today? I'll be back... there is a bottle of my milk in the diaper bag if you want to try that..." Caleb said before quickly and quietly making his way out of the reception hall and towards the bathroom so their little princess could use the potty.
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Zach shook his head but leaned forward and grabbed the bottle, getting it into Milo's mouth. He began to suck, calming down and settling back down in Zach's arms. He watched Holly and Jen dance with their mothers, sighing happily. It was a really nice wedding. Definitely fancy and formal but still really nice.
"What are you playing?" Zach whispered to Noah, looking at the phone screen but having no clue what it was. He didn't even know what games were downloaded on there. He just stuck his thumb out when Noah asked him to.
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Noah gasped mockingly up at Zach "Angry Birds: Rio! I can't believe you didn't know that!" Noah stated, faking his shock over his father's ineptitude towards games of any kind. He laughed softly and laid his head against Zach's arm as he continued flinging birds around "It's pretty fun... But I'm sure there is something more interesting that I just can't play, yet." Of course, because Zach had a child-restriction on his phone, so Noah was only allowed to download and view PG rated games.
Caleb returned with Savannah walking next to him, the almost four-year-old skipping alongside Caleb and humming lightly to the music that was playing "Hi, papa. Daddy and I went to the potty." Savannah said as she pulled herself up into Caleb's chair and stood up next to Zach, wrapping her arms around Zach's neck.
Caleb shook his head and sat down, setting Savannah's feet onto his thigh "Papa knows we went to the potty, baby... You told him you had to go, remember?" Caleb asked softly as he patted Savannah on the bottom "The bathrooms here are absolutely gorgeous, Zach... I mean - They're even better than the hotel bathrooms."
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Zach chuckled and kissed Savannah's cheek, surrounded by his family and just so happy right now. He was watching one of his best friends dance with her wife, his kids were all around him and Caleb was playing with his hair and leaning against him. Life was good.
"I love you guys," Zach said with a happy sigh. "So much."
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Once the final scheduled dance was concluded, everyone was allowed to get up and go out onto the dance floor or dig into the buffet style food that was set-up - Jen and Holly were conflicted about what to serve properly, so they agreed that buffet was the way to go for that.
Caleb sighed and stretched his legs out "Noah, why don't you take Savannah over to the food table? You two can eat and then you can dance and play as much as you like."
Noah nodded and eagerly took Savannah's hand, helping his sister down from the chairs and then handed Zach his phone again "Come on, Vannah. There is some really yummy food up there." Savannah willingly followed her brother up to the buffet, the duo starting to pack on food items to the platter-styled plates.
Caleb smiled and leaned against Zach even more, fingers running slowly up and down through his husband's hair "So, I was thinking..." Caleb whispered into Zach's ear "Maybe we could disappear for a little while? Give Milo over to any one of the people here who just love holding babies that don't belong to them..." Caleb suggested, tongue flicking out and tracing the shell of Zach's ear softly.
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Zach chuckled and turned his head to kiss Caleb, sucking lightly on his tongue before pulling back. "If you can find someone to keep an eye on the kids, I will totally blow you in the bathroom. I know for a fact you are wearing lace panties under that tuxedo and I want to see them."
Zach managed to take the bottle from Milo's mouth, Milo completely asleep now. He set it on the table and dropped his hand to Caleb's upper thigh, letting his fingers press against Caleb's inseam.
"What do you think?"
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Caleb nodded and kissed Zach once again "I'm sure they'll be fine - I'll tell Jen... something... and she'll keep an eye on them..." Caleb said quietly, squirming in the chair as he looked over at Milo "And I damn sure bet you that Jen's mother would love to get her hands on Milo - she hasn't seen him since we brought him home."
Caleb stood up slowly, thanking every deity he could think of that his cock was as small as it was; these tuxedo pants really gave no room, but at least he was secure and tight up against his skin so there was only a minimal bulge "You go drop Milo off, and I'll go talk to Jen. Meet you in the bathroom in a few minutes?"
Caleb hardly waited for an answer before he was dashing to the bride's table, whispering something into Jen's ear that had her laughing and squeezing Caleb's arm lightly. A few more words and a nod from Jen, and Caleb was practically running toward the bathrooms.
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Zach carried Milo over to Jen's mother who cooed over him and accepted him happily. He left the bottle just in case but Milo was so exhausted it probably wasn't necessary but it would be better if she had it. He gave her a kiss on the cheek before ambling towards the bathroom at a much more sedate pace.
He pushed open the door and smiled at the guy that stepped out. The bathroom looked empty and he cleared his throat. "Caleb?"
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Caleb opened the door to the 'family' bathroom stall, his tuxedo already halfway off - at least the bottoms were anyway. He was wearing the gold and black lace almost see-through panties and had a shy and innocent look on his face as he held the sturdy wooden door open, one leg crossed behind the other and his cock, hard and leaking through the black lace was there, throbbing and proud.
"Hey there, sexy." Caleb said coyly, licking his lips slightly "Come here often?"
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"I come in you often," Zach said with a smirk. He pushed Caleb back into the spacious stall, shutting the heavy wood door. The stall was perfect, no way to see underneath since the walls went all the way to the floor. He dropped a hand to Caleb's ass, squeezing the generous curve. He never lost the curves he gained in his hips and ass after Milo was born which Zach was incredibly happy about.
He pressed Caleb against the wall and kissed him, sliding his thigh between Caleb's legs, rocking against him. He was going to blow him. He just wanted to kiss him for a bit first.
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Caleb wrapped his fingers in the folds of Zach's suit and tugged him even closer, gently grinding against that thigh between his legs as the duo made out. Small whimpers were rumbling in Caleb's chest already, and his body was absolutely vibrating with sexually amped-up energy, his fingers squeezing and releasing against Zach's jacket.
Pulling back slightly, Caleb panted against Zach's lips and moaned softly as he pressed his cock down hard against the muscle in Zach's thighs "You sure you don't want to fuck me?" Caleb whispered hotly into Zach's ear, fingers sliding down and cupping Zach's groin, squeezing the hard length and rubbing his thumb over that mushroom head contained inside the thick fabric of his husband's dress pants.
He wasn't opposed to getting a blow-job in the bathroom; hell it made him feel like a teenager all over again - not that he ever experienced anything like this as a teenager - but it just made him feel a little wild and younger than his current years. He was horny, desperately horny really - between three kids and Zach's career picking up again, they hadn't had much time for each other; even though Caleb had yet to return to work, and likely wouldn't until all of their kids were older.
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"We don't have any lube," Zach said regretfully. He kissed Caleb again before dropping to his knees. He ran his hands over the place of Caleb's panties, smiling up at him. "I love this pair."
Zach pressed a kiss to Caleb's cock through the lace before he tugged them down enough to tuck them under Caleb's balls, exposing all of him to Zach's gaze. "Gorgeous," he murmured before sucking Caleb into his mouth and closing his eyes, burying his nose in Caleb's groin as he took him all the way down.
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Caleb gasped loudly, head falling back against the tiled bathroom wall and his fingers clutching at the top of Zach's head. He wriggled into a comfortable position and shallowly started thrusting his hips back and forth. Little did Zach know, they did have lube... Caleb just couldn't reach it right now.
With a low whimpering moan, Caleb arched his back and squirmed against the wall "We... We have..." he gasped again as Zach swirled his tongue around the head of his cock before taking him down again "I brought... a small... bottle... down from the... room with me..." Caleb said, squeezing and tugging Zach's hair a bit, his legs trembling from both standing up like this and the orgasm that was just seconds away from ripping through his body.
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