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David blushed and squirmed more but nodded. he was silent for a minute before he finally opened his mouth to speak.
"I... do i need to stay human?" he asks shyly "O...or is it true can change humans? b...because if you can...i think id like that"his blush grew and he quickly returned to his food trying to hide his embarrassment. he honestly didn't know what the festival was about, he now however could see signs of it everywhere.
" really think ill look good like that?" he asks
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"Wouldn't be that much of a problem for me!" Xanthus replied and winked back. He could also feel how much he wanted the Werelion. Also he thought he could see David thinking exactly the same. "Also I don't have a partner yet and it is not really uncommon for a Student to have two partners." He just realized that that maybe was too offensive. "So in theory I mean if you don't want to then..."
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"For sure you would look good! A pregnancy would make you super cute. Trust me I have seen many pregnant boys and men and you are exactly the right type! “ He smiled very nicely at David.
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His did Alex honestly feel about carrying his own children? He figured it might come soon enough at some point. His parents were from the traditional sense. There was just his mother, his father and his siblings. Then, there was his Uncle who had a sense of his own Pride: Just himself and four lionesses. Unfortunately, his parents did share the belief that Alex did need to leave out and decide what he would want and well, the school was the place to do it.
“A Werelion can have a pride to be honest,” he explained. “I’m probably not going to have a lot like my uncle does, but...I might be willing to up the number to two.”
As for David, Alex just had to turn him. He smiled at the human. “I think I may be able to get a mane out of you. Tonight’s a special moon for any werecreature. It all depends on if you want to take that journey as something new tonight. As for you, Xanthus. If David is alright with it, I’m also willing to share between the three of us.”
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"Haha, I will see. Normally I am fine with being a Vampire but maybe I will change my mind. About I will not change my mind is carrying out a baby." He looked to Alex how he would react to all this.
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Davids face seemed to light up a bit at the thought of being able to be changed. he wanted that so badly, he had wanted that since he had found out it was possible. part of him had wanted to ask for it long ago but he had never found the courage to do so. he then blushed deeply at the idea of sharing the lion and the compliment he got from the vampire.
"I... i guess i would be ok with that" he says, he dint want to hog the lion all for himself, if he wanted to share his love, he could. he looked to the vampire and blushed a little unable to stop himself saying "Just... no nibbling ok?"
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Character Name: Wesley "Wes" Asher.
Race: Witch
Role: Both, Primarily [SEEDER].
Character Description: Wesley is seen standing at 6'2" tall, weighing approximately 200 Pounds. He has black hair that comes down to just below his jawline and there are several electric blue as well as teal streaks in his hair. He has emerald green colored eyes and they generally 'pop' with his blue and black hair and contrast well. He is muscularly built, but not overly so - he has more of a runner's body, with strong arms and a trim waist. Aside from his hair, there are no outstanding traits that define him; no marks, tattoos, or blemishes on his otherwise pale skin.
Personality Wise; Wes was considered a 'wall-flower' himself. He was not fond of being in large crowds, he was shy and not very active in Timber Creek activities that involved the entire school. Although sometimes - just sometimes - he had no choice in the matter.
Small Bio: Wesley was never a popular student, he only just transferred to Timber Creek Academy after his last supernatural school fell to a fire that had been conjured up by students who were looking to just cause trouble. As a result, he transferred to Timber Creek and was a completely new face - none of the other students were brought here from his old school and he didn't expect them to be coming in later months either.
Wes didn't really have a defined plan on what he wanted to do with his life outside of graduating. He was enrolled for Business Management, thinking that that would at least give him a leg-up, depending on where he wanted to go in the future... If he even wanted to get into an actual real-world job.
Apart from all that, magically speaking, he was highly adept in Potions, Spells, and he even had a few tricks up his own sleeves. While he wasn't able to shoot fire or electric bolts from his fingertips, he was able to [Levitate], create [Illusionary Images] and the occasional ability to [Bend] objects with his mind - although that power is still a work in progress.
Wes was not particularly fond of being put in the 'spotlight' so to speak. He hated large crowds and the Pumpkin Festival, or whatever this festival was called, that all of the school was practically forced into going to and attending, was definitely a very large crowd. The rest of the community that surrounded Timber Creek Academy also seemed to be in attendance and Wesley was trying to make himself as scarce as possible, wanting to avoid what he considered 'dangerous' territories.
He didn't have very many friends within Timber Creek, given that he had only been a student here for two months or so.
Wes tended to stick to not only the shadows that lingered everywhere, but also sitting on top of tree branches that were large enough to hold his weight. He also tended to create illusions - recreating the scene around himself - to blend in, when he had no choice *but* to walk on the sidewalks or streets. He did manage to get some good food in his stomach, but other than that, he tried to stay out of everyone's way and not be detected by any of his fellow classmates, and definitely not the head mistress.
Wes let his eyes roam the streets; he spotted a few friends of his from his perch high-up in the tree that was basically the 'center' of the festivities - figuring that here would not only be the best place to hide, but also the best place to see all of the action without actively being a participant.
Letting his hands spread wide, Wes created himself an illusion of his very surroundings and dropped from the tree branch effortlessly. He could see where he was going, but the setting around him remained the same, if not a bit distorted around the edges of where his body was located - as if looking into a Fun Mirror in haunted houses. Wes stepped up close to where Xanthus, David, and Alex were standing, and a hand reached out, rippling slightly like waves, to tap Alex on the shoulder a couple of times -- This was literally the best part of his illusionary based magic, he could trick people into thinking nothing was there, but Alex was one of those people who caught on quick to Wesley's antics, and that was how they ended up becoming friends in the first place... Especially when Alex had accidentally sat on Wesley during class, when Wes was attempting to blend with the classroom, and Alex didn't realize that someone was sitting in that exact seat.
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11-07-2018, 09:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2018, 11:38 PM by
"I promise not to nibble anywhere." Xanthus said with a smile. He also was very pleased by the idea of sharing his love with the werelion and felt like the chimera coming out of that would be very powerful. He looked forward to the pregnancy experience and it was very obvious to those around him.
"So when will we do it exactly? “ He asked if he couldn't wait.
Xanthus looked over to David. "Do you feel happy about what's going to happen? “, Xanthus asked with a little excitement in his voice but he was not sure if David felt the same way. He was kind of silent since he was here.
Xanthus was very excited about what was going to happen with him. Imagine what will come and will happen with his body he looked in to the landscape and focuses on a large tree.
Wait was there something in there? As a Vampire he had very strong senses and could even see lower magical illusions but that was very difficult even for him. He looked closer and closer and tried to focus.
But even after a few moments he couldn't see anything. So he just decided to wait and talk on with David and Alex.
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Alex chuckled, because Xanthus’s comment was a bit confusing.
“Unfortunately, a pureblood vampire as yourself just can’t change into something else on the whim, but,” Alex returned the favor, his foot rubbing up against David’s calf underneath the table with a state of dominance. “It’s different for you on the other hand.”
Alex looked down at the drink David had. With his thumb pressing back against his index finger, a clear liquid began to ease out from the nails.
“Now, there are stories about people back in the Puritan era who drunk from water that had a paw print on it. By the next full moon, they turned or suffered an agonizing death. I’m here to tell you that both of those things are true, but not exact at the same time. You see, they only died from the transition because they weren’t accepted by the Alpha into the pack, Pride, or what have you. It’s not the case for you, though. Tonight’s a full moon and so, you could go from a human to a Werelion instantly under the right conditions with me marking you here and now as mine.”
The mark was the first condition. The second was clearly drinking the laced beverage and the third? Well, that involved some personal conversations on an intimate level. While Alex was doing all of this however, the nose knew. He smelled the aroma of someone who had long left the school, two years ago to be exact. When the hand came to poke him, Alex moved with swift feline grace, seemingly pouncing on the hidden figure.
“Hey there,” he said with a chuckle, his hand practically touching an invisible force that distorted here and there. It oddly reminded him of the Predator films with the alien that used a cloaking device.
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David watched him with a morbid fascination as he spoke. he wanted that, he wanted it so badly it almost hurt. he was about to tell him just that when he watched him get up and pounce into the shadows with more grace than he thought a body of that size could pull.
he blinked amd turned to face them, slightly irritated that they had been interrupted and slightly curious to see who it was would try to sneak up on them.
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"Yeah I knew it was impossible for me to become something else. But I thought it would be OK for you to just let me also get pregnant without being from the same species." Xanthus replied.
Then he also watched over to Alex and the illusion presence. He was right. There was something in the tree!
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Character Name: Theo Blackstone
Race: Human (with part witch in his blood)
Role: Both, Primarily [carrier].
Character Description: Theo is an average looking guy standing at 5'7 with sandy blonde hair in a bob cut and green eyes hidden in worn out glasses. His clothes are enough statement of his blandness. All neutral colors that matches his almost permanent poker face. Nothing really stood out from him. Often he's labeled as weird with his habits of staring into 'nothing' adding to his already unamiable appearance. Because of this, he's been isolated a lot times; much to his dismay because deep down he was really an extrovert type of person who wants to make friends.
Small Bio: Theo never knew who his real parents are, if they are still alive or not. All he knew was that he was adopted by a kind farmer couple who took care of him until he entered Timber Creek Academy and that he'll be forever grateful to them. He seized the scholarship offered by the academy and had part time jobs since he's basically his own provider right now.
Since he was small, Theo knew there was something different about him. There were things that he could see that other humans (and other creature) could not. He can also do a bit of magic though weak compared to what he'd read on witches in fairytale books. He kept this to himself since he was all human except those minor details. Maybe they weren't much of a big deal. Plus he didn't want to be any more weirder than what others take him for.
Theo sighed as another day of work started for him. At least it was on Pumpkin festival. He has now many reasons to try make friends without others thinking he was again on one of his weird pursuits. He was in counter duty and was busy aiding in stocking the display shelf when the familiar blue tinted black hair caught his eyes. He stood from where he was crouching earlier to just observe what the man was doing with the unaware group of three. unaware? So he was seeing things again. A co-worker nudged him. "Stop that. You're being creepy again" Ah yes, how can he forget?
He was resumed stocking shelves when a loud crash was heard. He looked up to see it was from the earlier group, though the witch was now very obvious to everyone. His manager told him to see what had been the problem.
"Um, excuse me. I know that I may be intruding something but can you please refrain from doing things that can make other customers uncomfortable? We want all customers to enjoy their meal without the commotion. And sir," Theo looked at Wes with his usual lifeless eyes, "We do not tolerate people sneaking up on our customers. I have observed you have been lurking a while and would have reported you if Mr. Lion here didn't confirm to know you. I hope you understand, thank you for your time." And after that he placed a cup of coffee on their table for Wes. "Here, just join your friends in their meal." It may not show in his face but he was happy to talk with a seemingly friendly group.
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Wes finally let his illusionary image drop, pulling his physical body into view from his surroundings - a lot of people called him a Chameleon because of how easily he 'blended' in with his surroundings... He just used it as a means to get around without being detected. Of course, he knew Alex would have found him the second he dropped in behind the werelion, it was an always inevitable recourse once Alex got to know his scent and knew what to look for in the seemingly similar background around where Wes's body was located.
He smiled at Alex "Hey." he said meekly, still shy to be around so many people "Can I join you guys? I ah... I might not be so uncomfortable if you're around?" Wes asked, looking directly at Alex and nowhere else. He always felt really anxious and panicky around large crowds and Alex - as one of his long-term friends - understood it.
The moment one of the festival workers mentioned him sneaking around, his face grew red - maybe from embarrassment or anger? Who knew; he hadn't been sneaking around, he was just... protecting himself. No one ever understood that, except Alex, and it always hurt that people misjudged him so quickly... His appearances may have screamed trouble-maker, when you *could* see him, but it was far from the truth.
Once the cup of coffee was set down on the table, Wes's eyes lit up a little, but it wasn't enough to erase his red face. He hated being called out, and it showed heavily, but still - the festival worker seemed almost eager to have someone to talk too, even if it didn't exactly show on their face "I ah... Yeah, I guess... I won't do it..." he shrugged and slowly moved to grab the cup of coffee, trying to avoid touching anyone except the cup. Once it was securely in his hands, he turned the cup around a few times before taking a generous sip "Thanks... for the ah... the coffee..." Wes said quietly, voice reflecting just how shy he really was.
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Alex smiled as the spell was undone and before his eyes was a blue haired male. There was the shy male he had been used to seeing.
“It’s fine,” he explained to the male who came to check in on the commotion. “My friend here likes to hide away and pull tricks. If only he could do something about that smell though.”
Up into his arms Wes went as Alex sort of enjoyed holding on to the male for a few. Well, David and that approaching full moon might have had something to do with that. He sat Wes down by the coffee, which was directly where Alex was originally sitting at in the first place. Like he had done David before, he happily swung a buff arm around Wesley’s shoulders.
“This is Wesley. Him and I take a few college courses together at the community college. He means well, but is a timid little turtle around some people. Make him feel comfortable.”
Likewise, he began to introduce the people he was with. “This is David. Turns out he’s had a crush on me for a while and might be considering to take it another step further in offering me cubs. The dopey looking one is Xanthus, a vampire ”
Then there was the worker himself whom Alex honestly didn’t know. Clearly, they knew Alex and the rest, save for David, weren’t normal.
“You’re more than welcome to join us if you’re not busy helping other customers.”
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David blushed deeply and gave a small wave to Wesley. Alex didnt need to say it so casually that he had been crushing on him for ages. his eyes lowered down to his stomach and pictured it swollen out with life, something that he was starting to look forward too.
"A...and maybe more than just carry cubs" he says almost cryptically. he was implying to his desire for Alex to make him a were too. he looked forward to that more than anything surprisingly. having a tail and paws and claws and fur was an alluring thought. he would probably be a bit mournful whenever he had to be human again, well, appear human.
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"Hey Wes!" Xanthus also waved at Wes. He liked new things and new people to talk to. Also he never had the opportunity to properly get to know one of the Witch students. Because he was a vampire most of the people doesn't seem to like him at the first moment.
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11-09-2018, 06:17 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-09-2018, 06:18 AM by
Character Name: Rune Sterling
Race: Unicorn
Age: 19
Role: Both
Character Description: As a human Rune is one of those types of people that are immediately noticed as soon as he steps into a room, main due to his true form. Standing at precisely six feet tall and having a rather toned figure, he still has the ability to move about with an unnatural sort of grace. The type of grace that deer imitate in an imperfect fashion. His hair is the color of sea foam, betraying his age as when his kind get older they brighten to a snowfall. His skin is almost equally as white with a glow just beneath the surface that makes others wonder if he would literally light up a dark room. In the center of his forehead, just above and between the eyes, there's a soft violet mark in the shape of a star that is generally hidden by his bangs easily enough. His eyes are a deep sapphire that shows no reflection against their shine.
In his true form he appears as most unicorns do. Pelt the same color as his sea foam hair, eyes the same shade of sapphire. Smaller than the average horse, he walks in a distinguished manner on cloven hooves with feathered hair at the ankles. His mane fell nearly to the center of his back and danced against his long and slender neck. Whereas in his human form he bore a star-like mark above his eyes, in his true form he carried a long, twisted horn that shone like the moon even in the darkest night. Despite this being his true appearance it is not difficult for him to appear as a white stallion as he roams in his true form. Though he can be spotted, despite his own illusions, to those who are truly looking to see a unicorn.
Small Bio: Unicorns can be a tricky species as they have no problem living their immortal lives alone. It's very rare that two of them come together for any length of time to mate and bare young. So it's not surprising that once he was deemed old enough they delivered Rune to the school and went their separate ways. He doesn't hear from them, though he knows that they're out there and he would know them if he saw them, but at the very least he is grateful for them attempting to give him a decent education and socializing skills. It was more than most of his kind got; Unicorns are vain creatures and rarely busy themselves with other species.
That being said, however, making friends hasn't always been easy for Rune. He can't help the pity he feels in the center of his chest as he meets a human or another species with a lifespan incomparable to his own. Perhaps he needs to work on keeping that pity out of his voice, because it certainly hasn't done him any good yet and he's generally given a wide berth while at school or wandering around on his own. Unsure if it's his personality or his appearance he tends to make others uncomfortable, though he doesn't mean it in the least. He's genuinely a nice guy and he would do anything to help out a friend, if someone stuck around him long enough it wouldn't be difficult to see.
Because of his race and his abilities he's found himself an interest in Agriculture and Botany at the school. He spends most of his time now and will spend most of his life in the future taking care of a forest, his forest, so he wants to learn as much as he can on the subject.
Rune wasn't really one for festivals or parties or anything along those lines, though he did appreciate being outside so at least he could relax a little bit. It was autumn and slightly chilly though the cold couldn't really touch his skin, he appreciated the opportunity to dress heavily. He wore a hat pulled down over his ears with only his grey-white bangs exposed to cover the mark on his forehead, a scarf pulled around his chin, and a long heavy black coat to cover most of his skin.
It didn't matter. No matter how much he covered up he could still feel eyes on him as he made his way through the crowd. It's not that he was avoiding contact with people either, he would readily start up a conversation if anyone would care to join him, but it seemed the closer he stepped towards people they always took a few steps back. Perhaps it was the constant glow he carried with him, or the vibration of his power through the air around him, or the eeriness of his eyes; he was never quite sure, but it no longer bothered him.
He stopped at a booth offering hot apple cider and ordered himself a cup, noticing their was a small group of people not too far away from him happily chatting among themselves. His cheeks flushed a little with envy at their ability to get along quite well and be happy and festive, an emotion he was still struggling to conceal. Spending so much time in a human body gave him more emotions than he ever would have had as a unicorn, including loneliness.
Rune shook himself free of the feeling as he was offered the hot cup, taking it happily into his white hands. He sipped on the drink, sapphire eyes still on the group just across the way while others walked between him and them. A few of them he thought he might have recognized from the academy, but with the distance and the people moving about he couldn't really be sure.
“By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"
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Wes smiled and waved slowly to everyone he was introduced too. It was always awkward meeting new people, but having Alex's arm slung over his shoulders and an inviting group of people - not to mention the hot coffee in his hands - he was easily distracted from everything that was going on around him. Alex knew how to deal with his moods better than anyone else; even Wesley's own parents weren't great at handling his idiosyncrasies... Alex was just a natural leader and able to take charge and guide people into feeling like they belonged, rather than shunning them - One day the werelion would make a great pride king, and definitely a father.
"I hope it works out for you two..." Wes said quietly, looking between David and Alex for a brief moment. He could tell by the heated looks that the two were giving one another would take them far; and it wouldn't do for anyone else to step on their toes in the process.
His eyes flitted around at all of the faces, settling for a brief moment on Xanthus, then the Festival Worker, and then beyond that to a white-skinned male with sea foam hair. He looked vaguely familiar, but in a town full of super natural entities, it was hard to tell if he was recognizable or not from such a distance and so many people being in the general area.
He turned back to the table and looked down at the coffee cup in his hands - he had drained it almost as soon as it was in his hands and it was now empty. Focusing solely on the cup, he started bending it - almost like one would stomp on a can with their boot - crunching it inward. It only worked for a few seconds before Wes let out an irritated huff "I'm still working on perfecting that skill..." he explained to no one in particular.
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11-09-2018, 06:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-09-2018, 06:21 PM by
David was really hitting a lot of pings and buttons tonight. He nodded at the thought a bit, weighing the consequences in a bit. On one hand, he could have a mate that wasn’t human. On another, it seemed too willy-nilly to hand a life like that over. Then again, wasn’t that the point to help keep their race thriving?
“As much as I would like to humor Xanthus and you,” he said towards David. “I can only shoot my shot once tonight and have to wait a while.”
And so, for Alex, that choice came easy. He rested a hand on David’s hand, smiling a bit. It came so fast, a soft prick to the human’s skin that injected the clear liquid into his bloodstream.
“In order to get you to transform by tonight, I have to do two other things, two other things I mentioned before.”
Alex had to mark him as his and of course, get intimate with the other male. He rumbled lowly a bit, not really thinking much of everyone else at that point while biting his thick lower lip. If those were all that could be said, he was willing to take this to where it needed to go: out in the forest where some privacy could be had, though honestly, he wasn’t sure how they would contain the roars. Of course, there was another person there that lurked, but Alex needed more action than just words at this point.
“So, shall we get this show on the road,” he inquired before turning to look at Wes. “I’ll try to be back topside afterwards.”
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"Have fun you two." Xanthus said. He was glad for David to get what he wanted. Even if they don't know each other that well he was still happy for him. "I hope I will get to the pleasure to do it with someone in the next time he mumbled to himself.