Dark and Dangerous Woods (closed with Citus)

There was a time when dragons ruled the world with their magic and powers.  The beasts ranged in size from small, quick beasts the size of a turkey but ones so big they blackened the sky when they flew.  Dragons were majestic creatures using their powers and magic to ensure the survival of their kind as well as humans.  While dragons lived, humans respected each other enough not to destroy other cultures and those that were different.  It was different time when magic and dragons ruled the world.  A time of peace and prosperity when all enjoyed each other. 

And then one day, dragons disappeared.  Word spread throughout human culture that the beasts were gone and would return.  There were rumors, warnings to travelers though that pockets of magic remain in the world and when there is a pocket of magic, there's a dragon nearby.   

One day a Scott, a Lumberjack heard of an untouched forest not far away from him. A grabbed his Axe and other tools he needed to get ready to make some money with this great opportunity. Scott was a tall, good lookingman with deep blue eyes and shoulder length long blond hair. Also because of his job he was athleticly built. He went out going to visit this forest.

There had been rumors of a strange forest that stood high on the mountains with wood so strong and beauty that one felled tree would set up a family up for the rest of his life.  Of course, one had to locate the forest, fell a tree, and then transport the log down the mountain to collect the purse and so far, no one ever found the forest itself let alone set foot inside.  Rumors floated that the forest moved or was surrounded by some type of magic that would keep out intruders. 

But perhaps in there was a soul brave enough to try, they would find this forest. 

Scott heard of the rumors and decided to look after them. Just one tree and he will be rich. That, in his opinion was his chance to get a good live. After all it was just about felling a tree.

There was a small path hidden by rocks and brush that lead up the mountain and might lead up to the forest.  But that path wasn't easy to find to begin with or follow completely thanks to the twists and turns of the terrain. 

After hours of wandering around, Scott has finally reached the Forest. The trees were just the most impressive thing he had ever seen. Very high and so well in shape and quality that they nearly seemed unnatural. Scott searched for a tree he could transport. After he found the ideal one he grabbed his axe swung it and hacked right into the tree.

Marcus walked alone in the forest dressing in jeans, hiking boots, and a flannel shirt when he heard the sounds of a logger cutting trees in the ancient forest. He growled low in the back of his throat as he started toward the noise.  Who would dare cut down trees in this forest when it was so close to the mountains.  When he found the idiot that dared to trespass Marcus would make sure the asshole never set foot here again.  

"Hey you idiot!"  He shouted at the lumberjack with an axe in his hands.  "Do you know what you're doing?  You're in the ancient forest and sacred lands of a dragon.  You need to leave!"

Scott watched up to the one talking to him. "A holy Forrest of Dragons?" he asked sceptical. "You must be joking. Everybody knows that dragons are only existing in fantasy novels." He drew his axe out of the wood.

"There are dragons here, boy!"  Marcus shouted as he watched the man pull the axe out of the tree.  "They exist and protect this forest and the mountains.  The dragon in the mountain will appear and make you stop.  You don't want to anger a dragon."

"Why should I believe you that out here is a dragon? “ Scott asked annoyed." I mean that is a forest with very nice wood. But why should I believe you one word about this dragon story.? “

Marcus narrowed his eyes and took sight of the axe in the tree.  "The dragon will break you if you continue to cut this tree.  You don't want to anger the dragon.  You might think this tree is worth the gold but believe me, the dragon will make you his broodmare for taking what is his." 

"Yeah sure I will stop. No please go away." Scott said. As he pulled the axe out he heard some growling noise from faraway.

Marcus smirked before he stepped away from the lumberjack seeing the man didn't want to escape his fate. He disappeared around a tree as a snarl echoed through the trees.

A few seconds after Marcus have left Scott saw that he wasn't lying. A big dragon, majestic and intimidating came near him. He had never seen something like that and could never have imagined that even in his dreams.


(Didn't see your reply.)

The sky drew dark suddenly as something blocked up the sun. The trees bent up under a heavy gust of wind as the sounds of giant wings flapping filled the air. "Who is in my forest?" A voice boomed through every inch of the land. "Who enters the Lands of the Dragon King?" With the words a giant, midnight black scaled dragon landed just a few feet from the lumberjack. "You dare trespass on my lands!" The dragon shouted as he reached out and grabbed the axe and crushed it with his other clawed hand.

Scott wanted to say something but he was like paralyzed. He felt fear, anger but also he was curious what would come next, he felt excitement because of was happening and all those feelings mixed where just freezing him down.

The dragon took a quick sniff of the lumberjack then growled.  "You're mine now, intruder."  He was angry some foolish human came into his lands without permission and then tried to cut down one of his trees. 

Scott still looked at the dragon then asking "What will you do to me? “. He still stood there without moving

(Your turn :P)

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