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Martin shook his head as he followed Ezra into his apartment, he pulled off his own shoes and set the two pairs by the door on a rubber mat "It's nothing fancy... That's for sure. Just a few coats of paint and some floor buffing." Martin said as he closed and locked the front door. "Habit... Seedy neighborhoods and all." He said with a light laugh as he started taking off his jacket.
Once he was a bit more comfortable - sans jacket and shoes - he started walking around the small living room; you could see the kitchen and dining area behind a half-wall, and there was a short hallway that led to the two bedrooms and one bathroom.
"So, Eliza's bedroom is the first door, second door is the bathroom, and the door on the back wall is my bedroom... Feel free to take a look around..." Martin said with a slight shrug, hands on his hips and near the holster that had his gun attached "Your daughter is quite messy, pretty sure she gets that from you - and she loves the color pink..."
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Ezra glanced back at Martin as he said that,"But you can't deny it is nice." He mentioned and smiled slightly while watching him lock the door back, nodding when he explained why he did lock the door,"Yeah, it isn't the best neighborhood, is it?" He asked and turned back as he walked around the couch slowly then towards the hallway, smiling at what he said,"Pretty hard to deny her, even if I wanted to." He said and walked down the hall quietly, pushing open the first door slightly and looking around the completely pink room, smiling at the sight.
"Cute." He said and he stepped inside, looking around, everything was so small and pink and there was drawings everywhere, he ran a hand through his hair. "She draws a lot?" He asked and looked at the little table covered in crayons and coloring pages, there wasn't any princesses in sight, not that he could see at least. She seemed to draw a lot from real life and or movies she saw, he was impressed and wondered where she got that talent from as he lingered in her room.
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Martin came to stand in the door jamb of Eliza's bedroom "Yeah, she does. She started drawing, like most kids, when she was two or three, but her style has definitely grown since then." Martin said, nodding toward a scrap book on Eliza's desk "I've saved every drawing and put them in that book there." Martin rubbed the side of his neck slowly and smiled "She's always drawn realistically. Never drew purple dogs or red cats... She tried doing everything how she saw them."
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Ezra looked back at Martin and then back at the book that the other man mentioned, he smiled,"It's like you knew you'd find me one day and I'd like to catch up." The taller man moved over to the desk and leaned down to take up the book, flipping through it gently,"Talented." He said and grinned jokingly,"She gets that from me." Looking to Martin again and putting the book down as he walked over to him, his eyes skimming his face and lips before he slipped past him. Stepping back into the hall and moving toward the last door, past the bathroom.
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Martin smirked as he watched where Ezra headed toward next "Ah.. That's my bedroom..." Martin said as he spun and started to follow Ezra "I'm not nearly as neat and organized as our daughter is... You'll probably find dirty laundry from two months ago still in there." Martin said as he quickly slid in front of Ezra before the other man could get near to the door, but that also meant he was now pinned against the door with Ezra right against him.
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Ezra grinned and nodded,"You told me." He replied as he heard Martin follow behind him, the floorboards creaking lightly beneath them, chuckling at what he told him,"Really? It isn't that bad, I'm sure." He said softer when the other man slipped in front of him against the door before he could open it, leaning in just a bit and kissing him softly. "I'm don't care anyway. I just want the bed to be clear." His hands came and rested on the others waist, holding him and moving closer to press against him more,"If you understand what I mean."
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Martin nodded and slid his arms up and around Ezra's neck "Oh, I know what you mean." Martin whispered as he leaned in and took Ezra's lips in a much more heated kiss than that soft peck. He let one leg slide behind the back of Ezra's foot and he smirked when he pulled back from the kiss "There might be a bit of room for two people on my bed... I guess we'll just have to wait and find out." Martin reached to the door handle and pushed the room door open - the room was a total disaster, there was only a clear path to the bed from the door; although there were *some* clean spots on the floor, just not nearly as many as what you'd expect from someone who is supposed to be organized all the time.
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Ezra closed his eyes as Martin wrapped his arms around him and he came closer, leaning down just a bit closer with a smile in his face. Groaning when they kissed again deeper this time, Martin knew What he wanted and Ezra easily gave it to him, kissing him back just as deeply. He ran his hands down his waist and behind to grasp his ass tightly, lifting him up slightly,"Just a bit is all we need." He smiled and when the door opened behind them he half carried him inside and over to the bed, not caring about the mess.
But he did laugh as he glanced around, dropping Martin on the bed and climbing onto it with him, unbelting his pants and smiling at him,"You look just as good as eight years ago. I couldn't even tell you had a kid." He said and leaned down to kiss him deeply again, pressing his pelvis against the others. "I want to fuck you like it was senior year again." He told him, nipping at his lower lip now.
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Martin gasped into the kiss as the other man ground down against his pelvis "Mmmm" he hummed lightly, fingers skimming upward, dragging Ezra's shirt up and over the man's head. He dropped it over the side of the bed and then set his feet onto the backs of Ezra's thighs. Using his strength, he quickly flipped himself and Ezra over so the other man was beneath him "Pretty sure we had a lot less clothes on when we fucked during our senior year, Ez."
Martin reached to the hem of his own shirt and pulled it up over his own head, exposing his broadly defined abdominal muscles and his chest, he was definitely a lot more muscular now than when he was when he was in high school. Martin set his hands on Ezra's chest, lightly rubbing up and down, his hips slowly moving and rolling against Ezra's still confined cock "My neighbors - the ones who are home - also may not appreciate it... You fucking me like that again. I remember quite fondly how much you made me scream..." Martin said, reaching back to rub the large cock that was growing rapidly in Ezra's jeans "You're as big as I remember, Ezra..."
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Ezra broke away from the kiss briefly when Martin tugged his shirt up and over his head laughing when the other man flipped him over and he groaned briefly when Martin's ass sat squarely on his dick. He looked up at him with a slightly flushed face and smiled,"We did." Ezra agreed, remembering the awkward times they had been walked in on by Martin's parents, though the two men were understanding of their attraction. Unlike his own father was, it was why he spent so much time over Martin's house, him as he removed his shirt.
His hands running up his sides and down his thighs as he leaned up to kiss his neck softly, nipping at the soft flesh there and kissing his lips,"You've always been so fucking hot." He breathed against his lips, laying back again as he looked up at Martin as he rubbed his chest, he pushed up against him more and groaned. Grinning as he tilted his head back, running his hands back and squeezing his ass firmly,"We'll they're going to have to deal with it because I just got you back, and I'm gonna claim you like we're 18 again." He leaned up and kissed him again, reaching down and unbelting his pants as he pushed down his jeans, releasing that thick rope that was his cock. The half hard flesh resting against his thigh,"You remember how you used to get me hard?"
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Martin cocked his head to the side, humming lightly as if he were seriously thinking of Ezra's question and what the answer might be. "I might have a vague idea." Martin said as he leaned down to kiss Ezra softly on the lips, he then started slowly moving down Ezra's chest. He kissed and licked his way downward, even takin nibbles out of the firm flesh that Ezra had been hiding underneath that shirt he was previously wearing.
Once he was finally at Ezra's groin, he smirked and licked a stripe across Ezra's cock before taking the head into his mouth, humming softly as he started swallowing down the man's semi-hard erection; he knew it would grow in his mouth quickly, and that he wouldn't be able to fit it all - he never had been able to in High School, either, but for now he could and he deep throated Ezra's cock several times, leaving behind copious amounts of saliva on that thick rod.
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Ezra just kept smiling as he looked at Martin and he laid back more comfortably as he rested his arms beneath his head, propped up on the bed while watching his lover go lower and lower. He bit his lip lightly,"A vauge one you said?" He chuckled and watched Martin take his cock within his mouth with a single lick, he exhaled and arched his back just a bit,"Mm..." He had forgotten what his mouth felt like, a groan escaped him and he reached down to grasp the others hair, his abs moving slightly with each breath he took.
His eyes rolled back as he laid there and he kept his fingers buried in the others hair, holding onto him as he sucked him off, panting softly. He looked down at his lover and smiled some more as he rocked into his mouth,"Mm..." He took his slick cock when Martin was done hardening it up for him and ran his tip along his lips again,"I've missed you." He said, no one he knew after leaving high school had fucked just as well as Martin did, he sat up more and turned the other over,"Get your pants off M." He said and kissed his lips again as he was struggling not to rip off the others pants himself.
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Martin whined softly when he was taken off of Ezra's cock, he had always loved giving the other man head, even though he knew the end-game was so much better. A gasp of arousal left him as he was pulled back up and turned onto his back, his eyes locking with Ezra's as they kissed "I should tell you to take them off..." Martin murmured, voice thick and lust-filled "But I won't... Cause I know you'd probably tear them like a rabid animal."
Martin slowly shimmied out of his slacks and boxer briefs, dropping them over the edge of the bed - he now laid there in just a pair of black socks and something silver glinting from underneath his heavy balls. Upon further inspection, Ezra would find a silver captive bead ring piercing underneath his balls, right where his perineum was located.
Martin squirmed slightly and bit his lip. His cock still wasn't very long, only about five inches in length, but what it lacked in length definitely made up for in girth - he was still pretty thick "Memories of high school are coming back to me... I'm waiting for one of my dad's to come in and start yelling at us..." Martin said with a laugh, one hand traveling down his own chest to tweak at his nipples - which were perky and hard, still the little rosey buds from eight years ago.
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Ezra pressed his pelvis against Martin's, rocking against him slightlyand kissing him deeply again, knowing that plenty of clothing had been ruined senior year because of how much they fucked. He watched him as he undressed and smiled at him, looking his body over and going down on him as he licked up the others cock and swallowed it effortlessly. Coming up again easily and going lower as he licked against his balls and felt the metal before he saw it, pulling away and looking down at it now,"Oh? What's this?"
His head tilted as he looked at the ring of metal and then back up at Martin again, chuckling,"I'm glad we don't gotta worry about that now." He mentioned, watching as the other man played with his own nipples and his cock throbbed, leaning down to lick at the perky nub and suck lightly. "Do you need me to lube you?" He asked and he ground his cock against the others ass slowly.
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Martin whined loudly, back arching off the mattress as Ezra sucked at his cock and then balls and that overly sensitive metal ring "Piercing... Had it done a while back... Thought it looked cool... Wanted to relieve days of old." Martin panted out, hips slowly rising and falling as he tried finding friction on his cock - there was none forth coming from Ezra, not now at least.
Martin turned onto his side slightly, rummaging through the nightstand drawer before coming up with a bottle of lubricant "If you wouldn't mind? I haven't..." he blushed and planted his feet on the mattress, legs widely spread on either side of Ezra's muscular frame now "I haven't had sex in a while... So, it's probably a little virgin-like down there, all over again."
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"Days of old?" He smiled,"Oh, I forgot you were just as bad as me one time, and now look at you. Detective Trudeaux." He smiled as he pushed against his ass more but didn't press into him, just rubbing his cock against his tight hole and pressing their bodies together more. His lips found the others again, slipping his tongue into his mouth and breaking away when Martin turned to find his lube,Yeah, sure." He said and he kissed down his chest to his abs again and then licked that thick cock of his, enveloping it with his mouth and taking the lube from him with his free hand.
He came off of his cock with a slick 'pop' and took the lube, squirting it on his hand and spreading it on three fingers, pressing those finger tips against the others tight asshole and pushing into him slowly. "How long is a while?" He grinned, wondering if he was his last,"Not the full eight years I hope, that'd make me feel bad." Ezra kissed his abs again and he was so caught up in the moment he didn't even think about wrapping his cock up in a condom.
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Martin moaned as those fingers pushed into him slowly, his head arching back against the pillow and his hands going to the backs of his thighs to hold himself steady and wide open for Ezra. "No... No... Not eight..." he groaned and bit his lip, wanting to *try* and keep as quiet as possible. It was known fact that Martin was a -very- vocal lover, always had been; which is why they got in trouble a lot during high school, his father's always hearing Martin crying out, moaning, or sometimes even screaming as loud as possible, as Ezra fucked him through the mattress.
"Just... six... Six years... Couldn't find the time... to date... with Eliza, and school... and work..." He groaned louder and pushed himself back against Ezra's fingers - he may have been tight as hell, but fuck if he weren't ready to feel that cock pounding inside of him already. "I'm lubed enough, c'mon Ez... Please..." He begged breathlessly, hips writhing against the mattress, rucking the sheets up. His cock was hard, throbbing, sticking straight up into the air and leaking copiously down the back of it, a trail of glistening precum on that large throbbing vein "Fuck me, Ez... C'mon!"
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Ezra watched as Martin spread around his fingers and he felt his length throb in response as he tightened around his fingers and easily relaxed again to swallow more of his fingers. It was hot, he felt pre drip from his cock and he nodded when the other man explained his relationship status over the years they've been apart. He leaned down to wrap his lips around that cock once again and he pushed those fingers inside of him deeper.
Remembering how he had to take four when they had first started fucking but Martin was impatient and so was he, removing his fingers when he first started begging. Though the second time made him take his time as he pressed against the other, moving so their pelvises met and he took his long, thick cock and slipped it between his legs. Pressing his broad tip against his slick pucker,"What was that?" He grinned, teasing him first.
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Martin growled and grabbed onto the sides of Ezra's face, pulling him down into a deeply passionate kiss. He lifted his legs up and placed them around Ezra's back, pushing him further against him with the heels of his feet placed against the base of Ezra's spine. He finally pulled away from the kiss and glared up at Ezra "I said, *fuck me*." he said it loudly and firmly, a growl in the tone of his voice.
He squirmed just slightly on that slick head pressed against his puckered rim and brought Ezra into another kiss, letting his tongue flip out to tap at Ezra's lips before slipping in, twisting and twirling their tongues around slowly. Fucking, making out, and giving head - those three things were these two men's favorite pass-times during high school, and it seemed that even eight years later, it still held true.
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Ezra grinned when they broke away from the hard kiss, the taste of his lips was delicious and he had almost forgotten how much he loved him. Even though he would never say that, not without prompt at least, he ground his hips against the other man and held the backs of his thighs as he pushed his cock head into his pucker. Spreading him around his shaft slowly and groaning low at how tight he was around his member, swallowing him in an almost overwhelmingly tight clutch.
He groaned into Martin's mouth and sucked on his tongue as he slammed his hips into the others ass, grunting as he did so. Their skin slapping together in a harsh thrust, Ezra broke away and sat up as he gripped the other mans ass and clutched him, dragging him back against his thrusts. Slamming into him again and again, animalistic now as he fucked him hard, not wasting any time as he did so.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS