C The Beastly Beauty (Closed w/Michime)

Out in the bayous of Louisiana, there resides a lofty estate surrounded by a small moat, swamps and forests for days. The place has become a tall gale shared among many. Rumor had it that around the late Victorian Period, a beautiful heiress laid a curse upon the place. Tall tales though, right? Dylan O'Connor definitely believes so and as part of his documentary series, he's just trying to at least take a photo of the place and leave. That would definitely increase. As an investigator, he was definitely more qualified. 

He was young like many, Twenty Four and fresh from grad school. Would you believe him if he chose to take this as his first research project? Standing a six foot two with boyish good looks and scruff in the right places, the light brunet male with blue eyes eased out his car with a flashlight and his body cam at the ready. With a deep breath, he entered into the forest.

The tall tales and local legends said the residence was cursed while ignoring the thick forest and the areas surrounding the buildings.  The forest with its wide, black trees that cut out so much of the sunlight and made it difficult to walk along their roots was only supposed to hide the haunted estate.  It was supposed to be a safe place to enter according to the remaining legends.  But the remaining legends were wrong, very wrong as the forest liked to play game with any foolish prey that dared to enter. 

Dylan, for the most part, had no trouble traversing the start of the forest. He thought he was following the map carefully until he felt and heard the familiar sound of mud and water. 

"Ugh," he said aloud in annoyance. Try as he might, but this mud was super thick. Dylan tried to get loose, but the only thing he lost were his shoes. Of course he tried to get them, but they themselves sank well into the mud. "Great..."

Well, he was not walking in this forest practically barefoot in just socks. He began to turn and walk away back in the direction he came from, unaware of the supernatural forces at play already.

The tops of the trees shook sending leaves down to the gooey, muddy earth almost like the forest laughed at the poor unfortunate soul that entered their domain.  The trees blocked more light from getting to the surface as leaves the size of large cats unfurled as marsh grass sprouted up to wrap around their plaything's ankles. 

He got just a little distracted. He had never seen leaves that huge for such a forest, but they were practically sticking and one false move sent him falling over. He fell all into the mud, groaning miserably. This certainly was not his day, especially when hearing fabric rip from trying and struggling to get up. This tough terrain was trying to take his shirt and pants.

The thick mud and muck of the ground seemed to want to strip Dylan of his clothes as the grime over his arms and legs flowed into each nooks and crannies weighting down the fabric and making it harder for the play thing to find his footing.  The sound of laughter filtered down from the tops of the trees as a sudden patch of thorny vines dropped down onto Dylan's back.  

This felt humiliating. He swore he could hear laughter too. Dylan tried his hardest to get loose, but when feeling those vines hit his back, there was only one way to get loose and with one large rip, his shirt and jeans tore, the male finding himself stripped to just his underwear and socks, though he was practically a muddy mess. What was going on? Now without his phone and a proper light source, he was running for his life. Heck, he left his car keys in his pants pocket.

Another round of laughter drifted through the trees as the ground underneath the running man went from slightly soggy to thin soup.  It squished under his body weight making it very difficult to stay upright.  More vines dropped down getting into the narrow spaces between the trees as more animal sounds emerged from the dark woods. 

He ran, but it wasn't for long. When he slipped, he fell hard, a large yell of agony slipping his lips as his knee hit a sturdy root hard. This was only addled with the sounds of laughter even further and total darkness. Dylan just wanted it to end. He walked, like a maimed animal, until he really couldn't any further. He huddled underneath a tree, slightly sobbing in hopes everything would stop. This was a mistake.

The sounds of the forest grew louder the longer Dylan stayed put as if all the creatures - plant, animal, fungi - were slowly closing in around the poor defenseless man.  In the darkness, the forest decided to have some fun with its first plaything in a very long time by having tree roots quickly spread over the tops of his feet while sticky, thick tree sap slowly oozed down the truck and plopped down on the top of Dylan's head.  A few mushrooms erupted from the marshland drawn to the warmth of body heat. 

Dylan felt the roots pull over on his feet. He thought everything was just in his head at first, but now feeling helplessly pinned down with sticky sap practically falling all over him, he realized this was more than just mere coincidence. Especially as those mushrooms of odd colors began to draw near. His blue eyes widened in horror as he desperately pleaded for help aloud. Even with his socks on, the roots were keeping him planted firmly without any chance of slipping loose and escaping.

The leaves rustled as the laughter grew even louder almost as if every tree in the forest watched this scared, hapless creature struggle against their devilish wishes.  The tree Dylan sat against pulsed more and more thick sap trapping the plaything's back against the textured trunk while the roots around his feet thickened to the size of a cola can.  Between the sap and the roots, the forest knew there was no chance of escape.  The mushrooms grew taller and thicker until the brightly, multi colored tops were the same height as Dylan's head. 

The rustling grew more intense until the mushroom caps opened up and millions of spores filled the air with a whirlwind of color. 

Tried as he might, with the way nature was so heavily against him, he couldn't escape. He could only watch as these mushrooms grew larger and larger around him, until pop! Spores began swarming him from the mushroom caps exploding. Dylan played it smart. He didn't breathe anything in, but it was the pores of his skin that proved more effective. Before he knew it, his mind was slipping in a deep haze, an erection threatening to grow underneath his dirty loins. 

"Breathe in deep, plaything," the words whispered softly in his ears as if the forest spoke to him.  "Take the spores into your lungs, let them fill you up."  The voice changed from a soft whisper to a strong, smokey baritone of a lover.  "Open yourself up to me."  The voice cooed as more and more spores were released into the air.  "Don't hold your breath like that.  You need to breathe.  You want to breathe." 

He could hear a voice at long last. It called him his play thing. Dylan shook his head in defiance, trying to get loose. The voice kept crawling back into his mind though though and within a minute, he couldn't keep his breath held anymore. When he exhaled, he roughly inhaled spores, which made everything even worse as he succumbed and began inhaling the spores.

"Good, you're doing so good my little plaything.  You listened so well," the voice purred into Dylan's ear as the tree sap slid over the bare shoulder then flowed toward the exposed nipples.  "You're letting me inside you.  That's the first step."  The voice chuckled while the leaves and branches shook in joy.  "Now get up on your knees and show yourself to me." 

He tried to resist this urge. Whatever happened, the voice had only become stronger with heavy insistence. Slowly, Dylan eased away from the once binding sap and vines, ditzfully giggling as he dropped his underwear and socks, revealing his full muscled form, but a rather feminine and childish pout filling his red lips.

"But I'm so dirty though and fell in the mud. I think my knee even has a sprain on it."

That was obvious as he was hardly standing on it.

"The little plaything hurt itself?"  The voice asked in a sinfully sensual purr that echoed around the forest.  "We can help with that."  The roots pulled his feet apart stretching out the thick thighs and tight calves as several vines hooked around Dylan's arms keeping him upright.  A strange reddish moss scurried up both joints covering them completely before a sudden pinch bit into the sides.  A strange pitcher shaped flower pushed itself out of the earth in front of the drugged man.  The mouth of the flower was the size of a five gallon bucket but the height run from the middle of Dylan's calf to the V in his legs.   "You need to feed me.  Stroke yourself to release and don't stop until the flower is completely full." 

Dylan winced at the sharp pinches gone against his legs. He chuckled though when looking at the flower. 

"That's so big though. I'm going to be spent and sore if I keep trying to pump after I blow."

Some common sense in his head somewhere. Still, he couldn't shake just how heavy his balls felt after the mushroom incident. 

"Anything for you." He began pumping himself off.

"Such a good little plaything," the voice cooed while the wind started to pick up and scatter fallen leaves around the toy.  The moss rippled as it pumped more and more drugs into Dylan's system while the mushrooms steadily released more and more spores into the air.  "Oh look at how full and heavy you are.  You need release don't you?"  The forest teased as the toy stroked itself.  "You need to release so you can feed me." 

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