True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

(You are welcome, you deserve praise for being a true companion to roleplay with and chat with. And we are grasping the pace of our roleplay once again. We are in perfect sync.)


Aki did groan in pain, moan in pleasure, sighed with relief and whimpered pitifully but he was focused on birthing the two twins successfully. He was worried about a few things but he stayed positive through it all. He placed a side of his face against Nick's strong, sturdy chest. He attempted a few strong pushes but it did not seem as though it was much much more than simply just enough.

He felt more than just exhausted but stayed awake and focused on his important task as much as his now femininely, fertile body could take.

He was more than just in pain through the agonizing movements of the two twins. He panted after a few hours of on and off efforts of bearing down. He wanted the discomfort to stop but yet he wanted to be with more children to carry for his beloved Nick. He made sure than he would always love each child that he had slowly birthed in the big, cruel and unfamiliar world. He knew that the birthing would take a while to complete but he was still hopeful, enjoying just being with Nick and him alone through this. He would have been less comfortable if there were midwives so there he was, laboring, sweating and struggling.

Nick was the perfect husband to him, helping him through the birthing. By now his body was soaked by sweat, the reason being because of his constant pushing. He only pushed when he felt urge. He was a man but he had a part that most men did not have. That something was a womb and sacred womanly baby maker like a female. He felt blessed that he carried and was birthing their firstborn of the twins.

"Thank you, Nick. I am glad that there is only you and me are alone here. I would not have been comfortable to be touched by any midwives." He said softly with a weary but bright smile. He felt as if he was running an endless marathon. He was proud of the family that he and his beloved Nick would soon be blessed with. He smiled up at Nick's handsome face, sighing as the pains had stopped for a short but worthwhile time. He was preparing himself for what would soon have. Soon the twins movements increased, raising his head wearily but fought through the pains that had suddenly became more erratic.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(hey sorry for the delay.... and yea, do let me know if you're thinking we are skipping ahead too fast or whatnot, coz otherwise i would't know you aren't following/liking where we are going!)


Nick broke into a huge smile. he was beaming from the sweet words AKi was telling him. He knew he was possessive, and sometimes he was worried this possessiveness might lead to hurt on Aki's side. His Aki was so soft and plaint to him, he was sometimes almost afraid with how much power he held over his lover. Especially int imes like this, without midwives - as he had insisted - he was worried that Aki would regret their choices. It was immensely satisfying, and reassuring, hearing Aki praising him and to reascertain that he was glad himself by this homebirth, unassisted birth, where only the two of them were here.

"I love you so much." he cupped AKi's sweaty face gently, gazing into his eyes with all the love he felt, and pressed a kiss on his chapped lips. The exertion was real and Aki was sweating. Nick fed Aki some water before he encouraged him on with the pushes. "Come on love,you're doing great. We just have to keep doing this." he said in an upbeat voice. It had been hours. Aki's pelvis was narrower as a man, which made it more difficult for the babies to pass, but right now he could feel thet ip of the baby's head when he reached in deep enough. He knew as a fact they would just have to work on this patiently.

"Good..... good." he whispered rubbing Aki's belly. "Shhh... babies, stop kicking around. Your mommy's been through so much trying to move you two. Be grateful and rest for awhile?" he muttered to the 2 unborn babies, rubbing in that soothing way to calm them down.

The contractions soon built up again following Aki's whimpers. Nick helped Aki bend forward to push. "Good job Aki, you're doing so good. Keep going, keep up with the pushing..." he encouraged Aki. He'd been saying that for numerous times now. They were progressing, slowly but steadily.

(Hello, my friend. It is alright, you have not skipped ahead in any way. We are on perfect track. I love reading your posts. It is like we are creating a book.:))


Aki also smiled, loving it when his beloved Nick directed one at him. He felt as though soon all of his struggles would pay off. He kept himself focused only at giving into his feminine urges as a soon to be mother to their twin children. He looked up into Nick's eyes, trying not to be too loud. He was preparing himself for the birthing that would soon capture him. He was more than blessed, feeling as if he could be with Nick forever. He sighed happily, feeling as if his aching belly was being praised for being strong through what was sadly such agonizing labor.

He focused only on Nick's voice encouraging him through each struggling push, each cramp of his belly and his outbursts because of pain striking through his soft abdomen's muscles. "I love you too, Nick. You make this all worthwhile. I am happy that we will soon welcome our two twins into the world." He said softly, placing a soft, gentle kiss on Nick's lips as well in response. He smiled as he gazed up into his lover's eyes, wanting to always do that and that forever.

As their father spoke to them the twins listened, becoming still and obedient. They had known of Nick's voice since they were in the womb. They soon fell asleep in the fetal position, waiting until they were born to move around. They may have not known as to what was happening but they were patient but only because they were both soundly silent and slumbering. They loved it when their father had spoken to them for the long nine months and soon they would have a chance to meet him and their mother as well.

The mother sighed in relief, closing his eyes to regain his strength for a while. Soon the firstborn twin was head down which was a correct position. He was glad that he had assistance whenever he was pushing. He clenched his teeth together, feeling a strong urge to throw up as the pains made his nauseous and dizzy but worked past that and stayed focused on birthing.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha yea i agree. Sometimes it was like writing a book - only it was more diversed and "easier" coz i don't have to come up with the characterisation and plot all by myself! i get very valuable and exciting ideas from rp partners like you ;))


Nick nodded approvingly at the twins. he had a feeling the babies would probably listen to his words more than that of Aki's, even though he was the younger of their parents. It would be good, and their babies were certainyl behaving brilliantly even before they were born.

"Good job Babies... have a good night's sleep." Nick muttered one last time, settling the babies so that he could focus entirely on helping Aki. he helped him push forward time and again. With a few pushes down, he would feel Aki's opening to check his progress. For now, he stayed where they were. they would move when Aki felt the need to, or when they were encountering difficulties.

They were almost in this hypnotised state. Nick would encourage Aki in every one of his pushes. He would ask Aki to stop for a break, taking deep breathes, before pushing again. Their hardowrk paid off and after the latest check, Nick could happily announce some good news to Aki.

"Aki... the first baby's almost crowning." He said with tears in his eyes. He pulled over Aki's large hand and cupped it on his flared opening. "push." he whispered gently to Aki, when he pushed, the little bit of hair would make a shy appearance, pushing right into Aki's palm.

"feel that? it's our baby's head...." Nick said cradling Aki. "we're so close now... you did a very good job my love." he pressed a soft kiss on the laboring man.

(Aw, you are so sweet. I am honored to play with you in our awesome roleplay too! I love roleplaying with you because you do not skip the sexual, pregnancy and birthing scenes like some role players I role played with. I love the slow and steady pace we did in this roleplay.:D)


Aki sighed one of many times between the releases of what was such a truly painful agony. He focused only on correct birthing of the two twins who were now nestled in the warmth of his slowly spreading opening in the form of a wide, tender and aching circle. He wanted to make sure that he was not rushing in what was to be a special process. He was eager to hear the twins loud, ear piercing cries.

The two twins continued to sleep, only moving to turn around on their backs or sides. The soon to be mother of the two unknown gendered sons or daughters rested from time to time. He opened his weary eyes whenever the pains had stopped, eager to bring the such children from the depths of his even more weary body and into the world outside of it. When he heard the positive news he smiled, feeling the such head of the first child slowly forcing his or her head forward through it for the span of either a long time or short one from time to time. Life was like a battle from time to time but laboring Aki knew that the lives of the twins were on the line and that fueled his struggles to push with Nick's helpful assistance.

He felt his own tears forming in his eyes, wanting to savor such emotions forever with Nick. He was a bit hesitant at first to touch the head of the firstborn twin but he did anyway. He used his breaths and strength to his advantage and wisely. When he was encouraged to push he did as much of it as possible, laying the back of his head on Nick's beyond strong, God like muscular chest as it was bare of any shirt.

"I am more than proud of having a husband like you and I am eager to birth our children and be a family." He smiled up at Nick, feeling his pride be such because of being helped by him through birthing.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha you flattered me. I am detail-minded, i guess. and that's not necessarily always a good thing for all rpers! i'm glad we are sharing this passion for little details and the slow pace ;) )

"You are doing it so perfectly, Aki. I couldn't wish for a stronger husband, nor a better lover. and I reciprocate that love." Nick said rather solemnly at this magical moment, the brink of welcoming their children into the world. This pregnancy had been difficult for Aki. Experiencing everything for the first time, Aki had endured through the most drastic change on a body possible, not to mention it was twins that he was bearing. Nick could only say he was immensely touched by the courage his husband had shown throughout.

"This is just the beginning though. Our babies had become big, you will have to work extra hard to push them out entirely." Nick smirked. Now that he knew the baby was about to crown, he was more reassured that they were making great progress. He was less concerned now having witnessed how naturally and powerfully Aki was pushng.

"I can feel one building, take a deep breath Aki." Nick encouraged gently, his hands that was cradling his belly felt a twitch, and knew by now it was the onset of another storng contraction. "Good job, now one, two...." he started counting again, coaching Aki through another of this agonizing pains.

The head of the baby inched forward. It was slow, but promising. Nick didn't care for a quick delivery, with the baby emerging slow, it would greatly reduce the possibility of him tearing. Nick coudlnt praise Aki enough for his well-paced and well-timed pushes. "you're a pro in this..... god babe. You're this ideal mommy., born to do this. Born to be the mommy of our many children." He marvelled over Aki.


(I love details in role playing. It gives me more of a use for my imagination. It makes me more interested in it. I love that about roleplaying with you and more.:))


Aki tried not to be scared of what the birthing would lead off to and relied on his beloved to guide him. He put all of his faith and courage in such a difficult female like process. He was weary and wanted nothing more that to sleep but chose to doing sleep after the two twins were born into the world. As for now he was simply confined to the bed through the birthing.

He winced from time to time whenever the first of the two twins large heads was slowly emerging. No matter the outcome he was proud of his beloved Nick for being brave through it all. He sometimes felt urges to spill forth his previous meal he consumed earlier but kept it down in his stomach where it belonged to dwell. He focused on his motherly urges and Nick.

He took in breaths as gently as he could, filing his screaming, greedy lungs with it till he could no further. He used such breaths to his advantage and pushed down with all his might but stayed patient as he felt the big head of the firstborn twin who seemed to still be asleep inside of the exit of the birth canal. He was soon panting, out of breath after so many pushes.

As he was told to take in a deep breath she did such a task, closing his eyes tightly as he bore down with all of his strength with a few grunts. He whimpered from time to time. "Thank you, love. I feel as though I can do anything with you by my side. We are soon going to be reaching the frontier into our new lives." He said, trying not to give into his fear of birthing.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(i'm only too grateful we found each other. And i'm also glad we are sharing the joy in this rp. I think we adjusted to each other rather nicely after the times we'd spent rping together ;))


At this point Nick was only too overwhelmed by the prospect of soon meeting their first child. The first of many, as he had told Aki. This was such a blessed family life and Nick nodded at the soft words of his lover. And right this moment, witnessing the undaunted love Aki was giving him, he was strengthened in his belief. He would get his mother's ring to properly propose to Aki, after all this. They knew they were each other's soulmate, but he also wanted to give him proper recognition, in everybody's eyes, that they were also lawfully bound to each other.

"Thank YOU my love... you are the one bringing us forward. You are the one making all these possible." Nick's eyes stung from the unshed tears. He would do so much for his love, even his life. Under his encouragement, Aki gave several very effective pushes. He smiled at him whenever they had a break, gently urged him on for another push. It was difficult. Aki's pushes were powerful, but the baby was still moving at a painstakingly slow pace.

Finally, their firstborn made it to crowning. "Almost fully crowned...I don't know whether or not to blame the baby for growing so big.... " Nick forced himsefl to joke amidst the agnoizing pain his lover was experiencing. The head was big, stretching Aki to the brink. "just a little more babe... push." he said in a steady voice, acting as the anchor for Aki in his exhausting attempt to force teh baby down.

(I am happy that we get to do such a special roleplay together. You have awoken a imaginary man out of me to be honest. I am also glad that you chose me to roleplay with.:D)


Aki stayed focused and remained that way, using his courage to guide him in the direction that Nick wanted him to go. He felt a few urges to stand up and walk around but he knew that that would be a dangerous thing to do while the firstborn twin was slowly making it's entrance into the world. He used Nick's encouragement and assistance to help to help his push from time to time when his weary, tired body told him to do such. He wanted to stop for a while and sleep sometimes but he did not do that.

He felt so special that his beloved Nick was with him through such a difficult but unique process known as childbirth. He was not ashamed or embarrassed at all. He felt blessed. "You are welcome, my love. Thank you so much for helping me through such a difficult time. I feel stronger through each push that you help me with. You are much more of a man than your poor excuse for a father Christopher tried to be. Life would be nothing to me if I did not have you or our soon to be born twins in my life. Now we have forever to be together with our twins." He said with an emotional voice.

When Nick made a harmless joke about the slowly emerging twin Aki expressed a smile, chuckling at how hilarious it was. He wanted to always be with Nick. Now he would have a chance without having to hide. He focused only on two things as time passed, one of them was about Nick's words and the two twins who would soon be born into the cruel, cold and unfamiliar world but Aki knew that Nick would protect their family from the threats and dangers of the such world.

Although he was beyond the word tired he still stayed hopeful that the two twins would be brought from inside of him and into the world so he remained patient and only pushed when it was truly time to. He hummed softly, using that to help him through the awful pains that labor gripped at his belly. He felt his belly's flesh tightening, stretching and clenching from time to time.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(well I chose you and you chose me ;) it's not a one-sided thing. I'm also happy that i get to know you through Aki. I'm sure you're one that's as loveable as him irl!)


Aki's exhaustion was all written on his face. Nick pushed away the hair that was sticking onto Aki's forehead. he'd had everythign prepared. The iced towel to wipe his flushed face, ice water to feed him in between pushes, even energy bars. He noted Aki was feeling nauseous, so when his lover reufsed on the food, he didn't force him to take a bite. The laboring man knew best, he wouldn't force him into anything that might harm him.

"Good job babe.... good!" he whispered, almost in awe of the head that was slowly emerging. it looked huge and almost impossible to pass, but Aki, again, showed his perseverence. For several times, Aki's push wasn't long enough to force the head out completely.

"Push babe, pusht hrough that ring of fire...we're so close, just this one and the hardest part is almost done." Nick cheered, looking anxiously at the mirror he'd placed between Aki's legs. Their baby had a full head of hair, the large, dark patch of hair was continuously straining Aki, stretching him so wide it looked insane from the mirror. "Come on Aki.... you can do this!" he said, ducking his head a little so he'd have a better view on the mirror. Aki's balls were hanging low and partially blocking the way, so Nick had to reach down and lift them up a little. it would prove to be a reckless move. Aki would be experiencing a jolt of pleasure, bringing a gasp and an abrupt stop in his push.


(Yeah, I made the right choice and our roleplaying characters came a long way from just stepfather and stepson. I am shy by nature but I love to listen and be a chatterbox to those who need me.:))


Aki was indeed the word "exhausted" but he made sure that he would not ever simply give in. He looked up at Nick who was sitting behind him, expressing a weak but noticeable smile. He and Nick's fears had disappeared, becoming a thing of the distant past. Now he was ready for whatever came his way with his beloved, eager Nick by his side and feeling that God above had blessed them both. Finally after so much waiting he had fallen in love with his Nick and did not ever want to be alone or without him in his entire life.

He felt truly proud of himself that he almost couldn't believe it. He was certain that his struggles would be rewarded with the cries of the twins. Everything was slowly falling into the correct places. He ate a few small bites of an energy bar which was offered to him, swallowing the bone chillingly ice cold water, sighing in relief when it soothed his parched throat.

He was weary from the half of the night of on and off pushing but he did not ever simply give up, he wanted to truly prove that he was stronger than a birthing woman ever was or would be. He did as he was coached and expected, focused only on the movement of pushing through what was dreadful phase which was the ring of fire between his upper thighs.

He panted tiredly, groaned in pain and whimpered in what was pathetic complaint but did not ever drew himself from the intense battle. He felt closer and closer to achieving his goal which was of child birthing. He made sure that he was not moving too fast, he did not want the firstborn of the twins to go into distress so he stayed calm even through the laboring.

When his sensitive balls were moved upward he took in a gasp like breath, quivering beyond his control as the strong strike of sensitivity took hold of his body, the feeling shooting down his spine like a speeding bullet. He reached down between his legs, gently stroking the damp, short hair upon the firstborn which was halfway out with his fingers.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(you just need the right man to crack you open. you're worth the effort. within you got such a soft heart. Only those who are patient enough to get to know you can appreciate what wonder hidden under your quiet ulterior ;))


Aki had stayed strong throughout. Sometimes, they dont' even need words to communicate. Just by the soft gaze of his lover, he knew the little message behind. That must be an ability they had come to acquire after all those times of living under the shadow of Christopher. It was a relieve that the looming cloud of Nikc's late father was now forever gone, while they developed this secret way of communication between them.

Nick was supportive throughout, now especially than usual. he looked at Aki in shock, realising he might have disrupted his concentration on pushing when he moved his balls. "sorry Aki... i didn't mean to..." he said, swallowing hard while his body reacted to that sweet gasp from Aki.

"That's our baby.... " Nick also reached down to touch their emerging first born. His large hand again rubbed against Aki's balls. The laboring man jerked. "Aki... do you think it might help?" Nick had a crazy thought suddenly. Would this be a welcomed distraction from the pain if he continued to touch Aki's intimate parts?

"Do you want me to keep on touching you? I will do that for the next push, let you feel the effect of it?" he suggested, keeping his hand on Aki's flaccid cock that was beginning to fill up with the stimulation.

(That is beautiful words that you have expressed to me, my friend. I am touched by how kind and gentlemanly you are to me.:))


The laboring shemale mother who was Aki relaxed in the moments of contractions. He felt as though he could do anything that seemed possible with Nick comforting and encouraging him. He was confused by how sensitive his intimate body parts were, trying not to use up all of his energy. "I am alright love. My answer is yes, yes I would love it if you can keep going with your touching of my body. It will be a positive way to help me through the struggles of birthing for a while." His cheeks blushed a light pink since he begun acting shy, feeling strange for what he felt Nick's hand upon his sensitive balls but felt pleasure.

He loved the way that nick was being helpful to him through such a rough, difficult but worthwhile process. He also desired the way that Nick's touch had him moaning as he gave in. He sighed happily, his body quivering beyond his brain's control. He made sure that he was also focused on birthing the firstborn and did not want to cause distress for it or the other twin who was still peacefully asleep.

He felt the familiar presence of Nick's warm handed touch, relaxing as he desired while he closed his eyes. He smiled, biting his lower lip as he arched his back as his cock becoming truly thick and brick hard as the presence of bright, blinding snow white sperm began it's process of filling it. He wanted to be sensually spending time being impaled on Nick's cock but settled by his gentle, passionate touch.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(You are sweet ;) i am simply telling you what I truly feel about you. And i do appreciate your patience towards me even though i am not exactly a consistent rper... I come and go, sometimes disappearinf on you... but i swear i will not leave you!)


Nick noddrd happily, pressing a kiss on Aki's blushing cheeks. He loved it when his older lover was getting shy. He was so beautiful blushing, especially when he blushed for Nick. "You will get what you want, my sweetest love." He smiled at Aki and started to stroke his cock with vigor, also tending to his balls that were dangling just above the emerging head of their firstborn.

The co.traction came as Aki arched his back to thrust into Nick's fist. To his delight, this time it seemed the pain wasnt bothering Aki as much. The conflicting sensation had somewhat dulled each other. Aki no.longer needed to waste as much energy dealing with the pain. "That's goodx focus on the pushing Aki. You are so close." The fully crownrd head slowly pushed forward. Nick could distinguish the small change in aki's moans: it was less becaise of pain and more because of pleasure.

Nick sped up his strokes, to which Aki responded so beautifully. The younger man spread Aki's legs wider as the laboring man's groans became more primal, the pure emotional energy building up in this tense moment as Nick witnessed, through th3 mirror, how Aki mamaged to push the forehead out.

(You are sweet too. I feel the same way about you as well. You do not need to apologize, I understand that real life comes first for us two from time to time. I am very patient. I am more than happy that I have a friend like you to chat with and roleplay with. It is fun and interesting.:))


Aki felt as though he could be pleasured by Nick for hours upon hours but he also had to focus on birthing as well. He loved it when his beloved had kissed different areas of his body, even if it was harmlessly his cheeks. He was aroused and his beloved knew it to be true by how his cock was becoming thick and hard as stone. He could not help the blush from staying upon his face but he was not ashamed being aroused.

He squirmed slightly, his hips gently moving beyond the control of his overwhelmingly overpowering brain. He loved each moment that he and Nick had shared. He nodded as Nick's words buzzed in his mind like a busy, adorable bee. He sighed from time to time as pleasure overcame him like a powerful, rushing tsunami. He wanted this to never ever stop but he knew that it would eventually so he savored each passing minute like the silent hands of what was of a ticking clock. He was more than eager to birth the two twins but needed to wait.

He moaned gently at first, trying not to release too soon. He wanted this special moment to last for as long as he could truly hold onto. He was scared of pain but knew that he needed to work through it or risk the twins to suffering and dying so he remained focused on them as well whenever it was time to push the emerging twin's head out. He gasped, cried out and moaned in such a true pleasure.

He pushed from time to time only when he felt the urge to, focusing only on that and the pleasure that Nick had gifted with as he happily did. He smiled, biting his lower lip sometimes as pleasure overcame him and his eager nerves. life was about living to the fullest and he loved each moment that he and Nick spent together and now their twins would be born soon.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(it's good to hear. and haha and you're over-flattering me. There is really no obligation for you to wait, but time after time you had patiently waited... so thanks a lot for that ;))


It was an erotic moment, even for Nick who didn't get any "physical" pleasure, so to speak. All his pleasure came from visual stimulation, but it was already enough for his own cock to throb with lust. He took in the flushy cheeks of Aki, his broken moans and the scrunching up of his face, now no longer distinguishable whether it was from pleasure or pain. Nick could almost say Aki had never been this sexy... and that was a very bold statement considering how he always found Aki hot.

He rubbed Aki's nearly exploding cock, giving him tugs whenever the contractions hit their peaks. By this time Nick's cock was also vibrantly poking into Aki's buttocks. there was a huge tent in his boxers as he witnessed his baby, their baby, being pushed bit by bit into the world.

"Oh god Aki.. you're gonna make me cum in my pants." he whispered to Aki, nibbling his earlobe affectionately. his words coincides with the moment Aki gave a strong push to deliver the head. Nick responded by squeezing onto Aki's balls, sending him over the edge in time with the head popping out with a gush of fluid. 

(You are welcome, my dear friend. I believe that when one waits they are rewarded. You are a wonderful companion to brainstorm ideas with. I know I am saying too much about you but you deserve it.:D)


Aki was patient from time to time but he did not complain like most women did. He loved each tender moment that he and his affectionate Nick was sharing together. He got up halfway, placing a gentle but passionate kiss upon Nick's lips. He was becoming much more aroused as each minute ticked on which was like many years. It was a very positive time to be honest. He sighed many more times in what was pleasure, loving the way that Nick showered him with attention. He also loved that he did not have to hide his affection toward Nick anymore. Now he was free to be with Nick and their soon to be born twins.

He tried to be still but he was too far gone in the presence of his and his beloved's sexual appetites. He blushed once more when he felt his lover's massive, thick and urging cock. He wanted the same thing that Nick wanted to do but he knew that they would have to wait until things were back in order which would be after the intense, rough but worthwhile birthing. Living with Nick and their precious, still slumbering but slowly soon to be born twins was so much much more important than anything in the whole entire world. He only pushed as much as his body urged him to do, not wanting to put strain on the unborn twins.

He kept kissing Nick's lips, putting his own affection to him. He wanted his lover to know that he was blessed to have him in his life. He stayed focused and remained that way. When he heard the sensual whisper of Nick aroused as well he blushed once more, feeling a needy intruder wanting to explore his insides. That intruder was Nick's glorious, thick and large cock. When his sensitive earlobe was being nibbled upon by his teeth he bit his lower lip, closing his eyes while his body was quivering once again beyond it's control.

'Mmmh ... I would love to taste your cum on my tongue and let it fill my mouth," He said with a sexy smirk, gazing into Nick's eyes. When his sperm filled balls were clenched he gasped, raising his head upward and pushing with clenched teeth and soon he was sighing with relief as the firstborn twin's head finally emerged fully but the shoulders would be next and he rested for what would be a short while.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(aww babe. you are a great partner as well. I think i learnt and improved through our rp. it's a real pleaure to have partnered with you ;) amazing how we got to interact and connect with each other despite the miles that separated us!)


Aki collasped back onto his chest after the big push. Nick cradled his belly and held him gently. "goo djob Aki... the head's out! the hardest part's through..." he said pressing kisses after kisses onto Aki. it was a lovely step forward.

"i kow you'd want my cock in your mouth... but not right now. I'll surely give you that. later... right now..." he rubbed the tip of his nose against Aki's cheeks, continually to talk with him so gently. his hands weren't idle, though. relying on touch alone, he ran his fingertips along the head of the baby, down to his neck, and slid it ever so slightly into the tightly stretched opening of Aki's.

Not unexpectedly, Aki jerked with his ultra sensitive opening touched. "shh...." Nick held him down through that violent jerk. "i need to check..." he could guess that Aki was oversensitive now after that intense orgasm. the laboring man's cum had painted the underside of his belly.

"Shh..." he calmed Aki while he worked on checking. "that's it... all cleared. you can continue pushing once your body told you to." He announced after much probing. "now it's just the shoulders"

(Thank you, sweetheart. And it is wonderful to be a partner to delve into the depths of such fun, interesting roleplaying together. We are like Bonnie and Clyde or Romeo and Juliet.:))


Aki panted heavily, the familiar presence of sweat arose from beneath the depths of his skin. He felt embarrassed by that but he tried to ignore it. He did not know why his opening was so tender and sensitive. He tensed up as his such gaping, now wide and swollen opening, making sure not to bring any harm to the half birthed twin since it's head was out fully. He loved it whenever his beloved Nick had touched him.

The such contact from Nick had calmed Aki down and made him easily shoving past the awful, intense pains of the firstborn's twins large head that caused him to suffer.

He held in a large, deep, breath into his lungs from time to time and let it out softly, resisting the strong, unbearable urge to stand up and walk around. The worry would be that the firstborn twin would fall and become injured. He was eager to see and hold the firstborn twin and then the other one after both of them were born. He sighed heavily and was tired but he did not give up.

He listened to Nick's words, trying to focus on not tackling Nick and tasting his delicious cock. He simply nodded at his lover's words, using all of his strength to push gently and firmly. He wanted his beloved Nick to not worry like he did but kept the emotions of that to himself. He was proud of himself for going through the harsh process of pregnancy and now childbirth.

"Thank you for being with me Nick, your father would have been at one of his meetings but now we know who is a true man and that man is you." He said softly, loving his Nick and him only. Nick was more of a man to Aki than Christopher was. He smiled up at Nick between struggling pushes. He was blessed to have a true lover such as Nick to go through the magical process known as beautiful child birthing.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(Haha oh well didnt both pairs had a sad ending? I'd be content being the traditional sense of lovers with a happily ever after ;) )


Nick secretly smiled to himself. Of course he could feel the jerk of Aki's cock when he checked him. What's more, Aki was sweatinf and he was so red in his face, there was little doubt the pregnant man was aroused. It didnt freak nick out, rather, it pleased him a lot. He loved it with the little sexy reactions Aki had while they were going through such a beautiful process of childbirthing.

"Good job...." he whispered sensually into Aki's ear, helping the baby make their way through. He cradled the head gently, assisting with the subtle turn of the head for the shoulders to come. It took some time certainly. Nick had to remind Aki to breath bfore continuing with another push.

He shook his head. "Dont mention my scumbag of a father.he simply didnt deserve you. He was a wicked man.... " he said with suppressed hatred. He was so angry with his father for ever inflicting those psychological and physical abuses to Aki. "He's away from our lives now. We should focus on what we have." He pressed a sweet kiss on Aki before he urged on another push.

"That's it, you are doing so good Aki!" Nick said witnessing the progress they'd made. "One of the shoulders..... " he held his breath himself seeing the shoulder straining to come out. "…is out!" He exclaimed, seeing it popping free with a smaller gush of fluid.

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