True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

(Oopsie, I forgot about the endings to the two stories. Our characters Aki and Nick connect with each other in a deep level and that means the most.:))


Aki was beyond tired, the presence of warm sweat formed upon his entire skin. He wanted to embrace the firstborn twin but knew that he was close to such a goal. He wanted to whimper, he wanted to scream and cry out but right now he could not do anything but simply pant and groan from time to time. He stayed focused and tried hard to remain that such way when two of their twins lives were on the line.

Lives were hanging in the balance each moment that the birthing was sluggish. From time to time Aki had forgotten to breathe, relieved that Nick had reminded him of such a important thing. He was more than simply excited, he was blessed. He nodded in response to his lover's stern words, kissing his lover's lips from time to time. He used his pushing wisely, feeling the firstborn making it's appearance into the world.

"I understand, my love. I will not speak his name anymore." He said gently, knowing that speaking of Christopher would be striking a negative cord with Nick. He was truly touched, smiling softly as he only spoke of how in love he was with his beloved Nick like he did so many times ago. He was blessed to have a chance to bring their children into the world and care for them together.

He wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and slumber but that was not an option until the twins were fully born. He cried out as one of the shoulders slowly freed itself with a painful, audible pop. After a few more struggling pushes he felt the other also emerging. He did not know why but the pains were making his nauseous but forced the bile back down his throat where it belonged.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(Haha true. And oh i like how you described Aki struggled with the pushes ;) )


Aki was progressing slow, but Nick wasnt impatient. Rather, he let Aki decide when to.push, only breaking him from.his effort when he knew it was time for him to breath. It was a real battle. Still holding Aki on his chest, Nick.could feel Aki's entire body trembled from the intense pushes he gave out.

The cry of Aki as the first shoulder forced its way out was a sword to Nick's heart. He could hear the huff and puffs, moans and gasps, every little noise reminded Nick what kind of pain Aki was in. Nick rubbed Aki's belly that was still spasming with the intense contractions, buried his nose into Aki's shoulder and whispered little nonsense to encourage Aki.

"…that's it, push, push aki..." he soothed Aki on his chest, betweem his swollen breasts to comfort him. He didnt notice Aki wanted to throw up, but he still did so instinctively to calm his struggling.lover. "one more!" He said urgently seeing the other shoulder about to emerge. "More...."

"It's out!" Nick's eyes began to sting seeing half of the baby was out. He or she is BIG, resting heavily on his hands with the butt still lodged in aki. "Good job Aki, thank you, thank you so much..." he pressrd as much kisses as he could on aki. Now all that was left was the final dash.

(Thank you, my friend. I try to imagine that I am truly Aki and imagine of what I would do if I was him. :))


Aki was in an unstable amount of pain but still he did not complain. He listened to Nick and had paused only when the urges to push were fading for a short but worthwhile time. He struggled while he tried not to give up or give in. He was becoming less and less scared and that was a huge plus in his book. He whimpered, wincing in what was to be of such cruel, intense agony.

He was focused but he could not keep back his outbursts of pain, each time the child moved even slightly it was met with outbursts of agony. Living was like heaven on Earth. Whenever he pushed he felt as though his body was reacting in a positive way. He was weary and wanted to simply slumber but right now was not an option because of the firstborn half way out. He kept the urge to vomit at bay.

He shared the same amount of kisses upon Nick, feeling as if he would always be with him. Not even death itself would ever keep the two lovebirds apart. He cried out once more, feeling remainder of the child still dwelling within him as the such child was beginning with such rough, kick like movements which caused Aki to cry out once more. He was strong but sometimes the pain was just too intense.

He whimpered as the pressure of the kicks became more and more worse. He pushed one last final time, closing his eyes tightly as the remainder of the firstborn's body slid forward and landed softly into Nick's waiting arms. He panted heavily, sighing with relief as the kicking ceased for a time. He soon heard the sound of a sharp, piercing cry from the first twin.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(and your imagination is vivid!~ i like that a lot ;))


Nick watched holding his breath. This was so intense and the moment almost felt like frozen. Their big baby was wailing and already making faces while the lower half of the body was still tightly lodged in the 'mother''s canal. With each push Aki was giving his best, no words from Nick could properly express the amount of love and gratitude he had towards his lover. He held the baby's emerging head, patiently waiting for Aki to muster enough strenght for that last push.

"Slow and steady babe... push...." he whispered to Aki, watchnig the baby and the kicks hurled up in his belly again. Nick frowned - their children were really unruly. He tried calming them but the baby seemed impatient with the long time trapped in the narrow canal.

"One more!" he encouraged through Aki's pitiful moans, watching the baby slowly sliding out... and finally, with a huge gush of blood and fluids, the baby was here.

"You did it!" Nick exclaimed, laughing through his tears. "oh my.. isn't this a big... baby boy." he smiled, looking at the new born, telling Aki who'd slumped back onto his chest. "Shh... babe. Aki, you did it. we are daddies now...." he smiled, and placed the big baby onto Aki's still full bump, holding the little bum to secure him. "Look at him... so healthy and strong. OUr perfect little boy." he hugged Aki as close as he could. 

(Aw, thank you for the feedback on my roleplaying. I love reading each of your posts in our awesome roleplay!:D)


Aki was proud of himself from shoving through the many emotions he felt. He had to force himself to push forth the remainder of the firstborn's body from his aching opening. He held the backs of his knees, keeping his legs bent the way that they were supposed to be during the birthing process. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath into his screaming, tightening lungs, using it to guide his latest pushes.

He groaned in agony whenever he felt the rough, unbearable kicking from the slightly out twin. He panted and panted, feeling as if the birthing would never ever end but that was wrong. He cried out one last, final time and positively it was met with the child emerging fully into the world. He smiled weakly, hearing the child loudly crying it's tiny lungs out as he was wiped clean with a towel.

"Nick, our son is perfect, he looks like you down to every last detail." He said, feeling tears of his own happiness streaming down his emotional face. "You can name him if you want. I will name the other twin."

The baby was strong and healthy and Aki was relieved that it was. He and Nick had a son, their son. He used the minutes to relax and let the baby feed from his chest which was one of his perky, heavy breasts and prepared fro the second twin who would probably be another handsome son or a innocent, precious daughter. He was excited that they would also welcome the twins into a safe and secure life.

He was eager for a perfect night sleep but settled for a slight cat nap. He awoke to the feeling of harsh, rough kicking from the second twin. It was time .. he opened his eyes after fluttering his eyelids. He gently held the firstborn twin which was a son, letting him have his fill of warm, nourishing milk till he yawned, falling asleep in a silent slumber for a while.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(you contributed equally in our rp ;) don't discount yourself in this wonderful collaborative piece of work!)


Nick gently held the baby whie the little mouth searched for Aki's nipple. Nick took over the baby once he felt Aki's body going heavier on his chest. His lover deserved at least a short rest before the next baby was to come.

Cupping one of Aki's breasts, he held it up for the baby to drink from, gently coercing the milk to come through holding the bottom of Aki's perky breast. He helped smooth out the ducts so the baby could get the much needed first meal. Their baby, just as Aki said, was perfect. A loving smile was plastered on Nick's face as he whispered. "yes Aki... we have a perfect son. How about.... Hercules? He's so strong..." Nick rubbed the robust feet of the newborn.

"And you will name the next." he agreed with Aki, holding his still bulged belly. He hummed briefly and swayed gently side to side, luring not only the newborn, but also Aki to a brief sleep.

The contractions came again, but slowly. it started out with mild squeezing of Aki's womb, then the tightening became more intense. The suckling of the baby also helped bring the contractions back...

(Thank you, it is such a relief that I am keeping up well in our posts. Sometimes I get terrible writers block and I am glad that you are encouraging me to be the best I can be when replying and not rushing like many roleplayers on here or skipping the pregnancy to the birthing scene. That is boring if you ask me.:))


Carefully, the weak but still focused mother who was Aki embraced the newly birthed newborn in his slender arms. He sighed happily, trying not to jump sharply when his sore, puffy breast was being bitten by toothless gums. He let his beloved Nick also assist with the gently feeding son Hercules. He loved hearing that Nick had suddenly come up with a suitable name for the little miracle child. Since the firstborn child was now born he was proud to let Nick name their firstborn child and the such name was well fitted for him. He yawned softly, feeling tiredness creep up on him with the stealth of a swift burgular or a ninja.

"I agree, love. He is strong like you are. Hercules sounds like a perfect name for our little guy." He smiled proudly. He was knowing that the second son or daughter who would be the twin sibling of Hercules would also make itself known to Aki in the form of kicking and squirming but for now he was able to simply rest for a short while.

He closed his eyes, resting for a while until he would be awakened by either Hercules crying or the unborn still inside of his still swollen belly. As if by a strong, unbearable amount of contractions reared it's ugly head to him. He closed his eyes tightly, groaning but trying not to startle the soundly slumbering Hercules. He kept a light but gently firm on him and did not let him go. He was eager to have the second son or daughter in his arms as well and having it's first breaths of much needed air.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(well i guess I'm also detail-minded like you ;) it's not always that both rp partners felt the need for how slow-burn the rp should go. I'm glad we're mostly on the same page when determining the pace ;))


Through the long labor, Aki had endured so much pain. Even th first suckle of their baby had brought on discomfort to the man. Nick was almost sorry to see that... but at the same time, he was very proud of his lover. So strong and determined, he could see the deep love Aki had for him, and was more than grateful that this love had helped him endure through this torturous process.

With the baby's suckle slowing, Nick knew the infant was probably falling asleep on hsi mother's chest. He stroked his back slowly,but before he could help burp the baby, the contractions had kick started again.

"'s ok. Take deep breathes." he whispered gently to Aki, seeing his eyelids fluttered, on the brink of waking up. "I'll take Hercules...." he said, slowly replacing Aki's hands with his own. It was the new father's first time doing so, he was unfamiliar and highly tense, but miraculously he got the job done and was able to settle the baby in the nearby crib, returning to Aki's side very quickly.

"Aki...." he murmured, stroking Aki's thick thighs that were still termbling from extreme muscle fatigue. 'Do you want to walk around a bit?" he said eyeing Aki's belly. With one baby out, it looked less heavy. He stroked on his puffy middle. The baby was still a little high, a bit of walking might help encourage this little one coming faster - that was, provided Aki was feeling strong enough for that.

(Many of the role players that I have created a role play with had always skipped to the sex or birthing scene. You are much more fun to roleplay with because we went through the whole entire process slowly. And plus you come up with many sexy, interesting and awesome ideas to spice up the relationship between Aki and his handsome husband Nick.:D)


Aki rode through the hardships of agony known as labor. He opened his eyes after a few hours known as catnapping with Hercules slumbering silently on his chest. He did not know exactly why but something about the newborn son had put him at ease during the first few minutes of the pains. He was also fiercely protective of Hercules but he only trusted Nick. He gently held out his arms, letting his beloved Nick pick up and carry Hercules to the bedroom that was soon to be the second twin's shared bedroom as well. He was tired once more but he did not simply fall asleep and focused on the second unborn life remaining.

"Thank you for putting Hercules down for a nap, honey. I do not want to startle Hercules during the birth of his sibling." He smiled up at Nick as he saw him returning to the room he was in but the such facial expression that was happy and soothed by him soon turned to pain as he tried to keep a cry of pain back but it struck him with the intensity of lightning. He closed his eyes tightly, holding his aching belly which was still tender from the firstborn's kicking. He did not want to startle Nick or their firstborn son so he breathed through the minutes or so but he was back to crying out as the second born twin was being rough.

He felt as though the second born twin was much more violent, impatient to be born. He breathed deeply, each kick bruising the flesh of his belly but he did not regret birthing Hercules or the second soon to be born sibling. His strived only to listen to Nick's sexy, sensual voice whispering to him and his warm breaths brushing against his ear. When he was asked to walk around he simply nodded, wanting to get up to his feet and stand for a while but raising up was becoming of more like a challenge.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(aww that's some compliment isn't it! well i got inspired by you a lot... I see so many sweet attributes of Aki, somehow ideas just hit me. i'm glad you're enjoying this equally as much as me ;))


Nick eyes were rimmed red. His most beloved looked at him so helplessly, that Nick felt guilty for not helping him more. He cradled Aki's belly - with one twin evacuated his womb, the belly was more squishy now. It was puffed up and it made it more difficult for Nick to feel the position. He had to press a little harder onto Aki's womb and immediately, his palm was met with a violent kick by the other twin.

His brows knitted tight together. It appeared like this baby was impatient... spotting Aki's difficulty hurling himself up, Nick was as sweet as always and scooped Aki up, holding his lowerback securely. He cleverly placed his hands so that he could support Aki on where there were most pressure to begin with. "I'm here... just lean on me. You have nothing to worry about." Nick whispered, holding aki so close to him.

Together, they got up and Nick hugged Aki so tight, there was no chance he would fall. He held Aki's bump with both hands, on the lowerbelly, feeling the weight of the baby dropping down. "Shh... baby, daddy is not happy you are kicking so much. Daddy knwo you are impatient... but that is no reason for you to kick mommy so hard ok?" he said "reasoning" with the infant. He smoothed over Aki's belly, along the spine of the baby to calm he or she.

(You deserve such praise and so much more. And you are sweet, I am honored that you chose me. I am not good at ideas so it was good that you both had and have ideas for our roleplay. We have come a long way and I am proud of our roleplay! Blush ..  :D )


Aki said happily, gently kissing Nick's arms which he could reach. He felt proud of his beloved Nick, knowing that his husband was also emotional. He smiled up at him, letting him know that he was a wonderful midwife even when neither of them ever had a child before. For a first time mother and Nick as a first time father they were both doing quite well for themselves. He did as he was whispered to do, gently leaning his back against the front of Nick's chest and stomach. "Thank you, love. I am so exhausted but I am alright. Soon we will both welcome Hercules's brother or sister."

Aki was strong but he was also emotional because of the female hormones. The such emotion that he felt was pure joy, gazing up at Nick from time to time. He was eager to do nothing but slumber for a while, even if it was a short amount of time to do such. He wanted the birthing process of the second twin to be born into the world. He tried not to but he held in a breath, wondering as to why he did such a dangerous thing but knew he needed to listen to Nick even though his body was taking over him without his brain to guide him like it once did. He was not in control and pushed when pains struck his womb.

He breathed heavily, his hands instinctively gripping the covers of the bed that was beside him. He tried his hardest not to but as the twin kicked he responded by crying out in pain. He groaned, tightening his clenching of the limp covers to focus only on staying calm and focus only on Nick's empowering words of comfort, encouragement and gentleness.

The pains that he felt were the same as getting struck by a massive cannonball to the stomach. The second soon to be born son listened to his father, stopping his kicking in response to his stern but loving tone voice and the gentle rubbing of his back which was against the inside of Aki's bellybutton. He simply fell back asleep, becoming still in slumber once more. He was familiar with his father's voice and did as he was told. He may have not been born yet but he knew to obey his father when he was told to do something.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(i am equally proud of you ;) we did have our moments, and at times i was a little harsh, but we'd put that aside and created this amazing piece together. Nick had grown up, and so did I ;) the ideas were contributed by both sides though, I couldn't come up with any of them had i not been inspired so much by you!)


There was a moment when Aki held his breath, which worried Nick a lot. It must have been from the heavy blow fo the baby... that had fuelled his worry and anger. he was thankful the baby seemed to have sensed his anger, and had calm accordingly, obeying his words. He smiled and stroked the belly some more.

"That's daddy's good boy - or girl? Mommy and daddy will love you either way." he said caressing the lower belly. The heavy kicks by the baby, however, had its adverse effect. Aki's womb had responded to the kicks, starting to spasm which resulted in irregular contractions. it would have little benefit coercing the baby down, and Nick had to do something on it.

"Aki... are you ready to walk?" he knew it was a way for Aki's body to cope. Walking around would help regulate his breathing, which in turn help send the right message to his womb. "Step on my foot... i will guide you through this." he said, esentially carrying all of Aki's weight on him as they made the first coordinated step forward.

Nick cradled Aki's belly, timing his contractions again as they made the first lapse in the room. There were fluids dripping from between Aki's legs, the pregnant man was walking with a hilarious waddle since his hips were still opened from the first birth. It wasn't a pretty scene, but Nick was enjoying it a lot. This intimate moment between them two.... 

(Thank you, I am proud of you too! And at first I was not sure if I would be able to keep up because of my constant writers block but you encouraged my true role player to shine like the sun through the cloudy windows of my brain and like that Aki was born in my imagination. He is a lot like me and I am glad that you found out that was and is like me.:D)


Aki tried his very hardest not to do such a dangerous process that was holding his breath. He knew that it was not a wise thing to do but the pains were intense. He felt as though his lungs were being strangled as he struggled for breath. He knew that the next few intense, unbearable hours of what was child birthing was not to be taken lightly. It was a serious topic.

The unborn (soon to be born) newborn who was left within the depths of Aki's belly and womb was calm but only for a short amount of time. He groaned for a time, soon huffing a sigh like breath from the depths of his heavily rising and falling chest. He was beyond exhausted but the remaining life within him demanded to be born and lie in the crib beside it's sibling.

"Yes love, I would love to walk for a short while, maybe it will help our son or daughter become calm." He nodded, wanting to get up by himself but he did not mind his beloved coming to his rescue. He got up, careful not to slip or fall. He did as his beloved Nick had suggested, gently walking around the large, spacious room from one wall to the other and going in a circle.

He felt shy as his naked, fertile and pregnant body was revealed to the elements. He blushed, his cheeks turning a bright, bubblegum like color. He did realize that he was in the nude and had felt as though his belly was weighing him down and his breasts were added weight to him. He felt pains but he tried not to be too loud in fear of startling the son who was Hercules.

His feet which were bare of clothing had stepped around slowly, feeling a shudder capture his body as he felt an unknown liquid dripping down to the floor from between his upper thighs. He leaned against his strong husband who was his fierce protector, stopping from time to time to groan, catch his breath or simply stopping for a while.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha you are exaggerating my ability. I think all the characters that i roleplayed in have a piece of myself. The important thing is you are really giving your heart into the rp, and want to build something lovely out of it. That's the belief i held when i do rping ;) i'm also glad to know how much Aki resembled you... aside from his age i guess xDD he's almost old enough to be Nick's parent ;P )


They strolled around slowly. WIth each step, Aki's breasts and belly jiggled together - they were heavy and sloppy enough, it was making a scene itself. Nick smiled seeing the blush slowly creeping up Aki's cheek. "Sweet little one...." he mumbled, the affection rather obvious in his voice. "You are pretty like this. A mess, maybe, but I'm still hopelessly in love with you." he smiled thorugh his murmurring, taking a better hold of Aki's still big bump.

They continued on for a little while. Following their pacing, more fluids are dripping out of Aki - precious amniotic fluid that served to lubricate his canal. Nick soon realised the benefit of walking was offset by the rapid losing of his fluids. Besides, it was also draining Aki's strength. He held Aki by his chest now, his arm crossed just under his swollen breasts, the other hand holding squarely at the bottom of his belly.

"I think it's time for us to take a rest." he said, pulling a cushion over to lay it on the floor. He helped Aki lower down onto his knees with the cushion as padding, his upper body could therefore rest comfortably on the single-seat sofa in front.

"Shh... I'll check you." he said cooing over Aki, spreading his knees wider, even Nick squirmed uneasily. Hercules was a big baby, it showed with how Aki's opening was still gaping open. The lips were also swollen and any touches would bring stinging to Aki. Perhaps this birth wouldn't be easy either.

Prying open his legs gently, he sighed into his opening and stroked the swollen lips gently. "Poor babe..." pressing an imperceptable kiss onto him, Nick srpead his lips to check if the head had descended through to the cervix.

(I apologize, my friend. I did not mean to exaggerate but being with you is fun. As for putting my personality and other special details in my characters I do the same with each of my own role plays characters as well. They greatly relate to me and are like me in every way. And I am young but I am glad to be a mature older man in this roleplay.:D)


Aki ventured around the large, four walled bedroom upon his bare feet. He was covered in scorching hot sweat, covering in it as he exerted his body to it's limits as he walked slowly and heavily with weary, trudge like steps. He winced each moment that the second born son or daughter. He stopped from time to time to catch his breath, feeling as if he would collapse. His identical, breasts were filling up with warm, nourishing milk to feed the soon to be born child which made them tender, painful and swollen to even the gentlest of touches. Living was about taking chances and going along with risks.

He kept a blush on his face, feeling as if he was showing off a little to much but he did not mind. The clothes would have probably made him unbearably uncomfortable and hot. "Thank you, my love. I love you too." He smiled gently, yawning slightly as he soon laid down on the many cushions that were set up for him and his affectionate, beloved Nick. "I would love to rest for a while." He said with another yawn, slumbering soundly as he fell into a deep slumber for a while or so. He panted heavily, each breath leaving his body in harsh, whooshes of air. He could not control his breathing as time wore on like many days.

It felt like many years but it was truly just a few hours that had passed and waited for no man no matter how rich. He whimpered, also squirming while he felt his sensitive opening and tender lips were sadly being examined. He tried to focus only on the process of child birthing but he was scared. He felt as though he could never ever birth the second child because of how fast and intense the such process. He was comforted by his beloved and had felt eager to hold the second soon to be born twin.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha it is by no way that I am annoyed by your "exaggeration", so don't apologize! I find it interesting that Aki had slowly lost his "maturity", with the pregnancy and everythign happening forcing him out of his comfort zone, bringing along changes that could scare even the strong man he was, let alone the obvious physical changes. don't you agree? Somehow, the pregnancy and that maternal sense made Aki a little "less mature" than when we first started?)

(LOL and ... haha i thought i would have Aki knelt down at this point, rest just long enough for Nick to check his progress. But anyway, it is good. I will follow your decision and make Aki now laying down on the bed)


It had been a long time since they last used any lube, but right now it was a convenient tool for Nick. He poured abundant lubricant on his hand, slicking up his finger, before inserting it into Aki's gaping hole. He tried to be as gentle as he could, but sadly, the tender lips were inevitably agitated. Nick stroked on Aki's thighs as the laboring man jerked wiht pain. "Shh.... I will go slow."

The entire canal was a little swollen. It was resulted from the overstretching from passing Hercules. It didn't help that Hercules' big head needed many pushes to deliver, further hurting Aki's fragile walls. Nick's brows knitted tighter together as he probed. The next birth would need Aki to push harder..

He probed around until finally, he touched somewhere. A specific patch of skin that Nick was very familiar with. The one spot that Aki was ridiculously sensitive. The bundle of nerve endings at that point could induce exhiliarating pleasure for Aki once Nick probed onto it - that gave Nick an idea.

With his clever finger, he caressed that pleasure spot with the pad of his finger. Immediately, Aki jerked upwards, arching his back so much, his belly jutted up to the sky.

"I see that feels good for you?" Nick smiled, the sparkle of mischief in his eyes. 

(I am happy and relieved that I am doing alright. Aki is so much more fun to be roleplaying as half female and male at the same time. It has been such a wonderful thing to roleplay Aki and yes, I agree 100% about the mother Aki losing maturity that he once had and becoming more feminine. I also love that he has his beloved manly Nick to protect and love him. Oops, I apologize about having Aki laying down, he can kneel after they get up again and Nick can check his further if you want.:))


Aki whimpered, not knowing why the presence of his female like lips were being so much in pain. He tried to stay calm but he could not be still. He groaned in agony, trying not to place his hands above Nick's busy ones. He felt as though his body was responding wrongly to Nick's single handed gentle movements. His eyes closed tightly, gripping the covers of the bed. He breathed shakily, feeling as if the pain was making him nauseous but knew that it was not Nick's fault. He was only trying to help him through the pains.

Aki responded with moaning as his sensitive spot was being explored. He moved his hips slightly but let his loving Nick do as he wished with the such flesh. "Yes, my love. It feels so wonderful." He said breathlessly, trying to speak strongly but the sensitive spot was causing his voice to quiver along with his body as well. He shivered in lust, trying to stay still but he could not do even that. He licked his lips, expressing a smirk as a corner of his lips arose into a facial expression of pleasure. He felt as though he could feel many steps beyond what the word "pleasure" was to be of. He was happy and blissful.

"Yes .. God yes! .. don't stop!" He cried out in painful pleasure as it had slowly increased, feeling as if he could go through this pleasure forever. He was surprised of the words that were coming out of his mouth but he was not ashamed of it. Not a single bit of it. He was normally quiet but something about Nick was always a pleasure to explore the darkest depths of his true, eager and intense sexual side.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(the pregnancy brought out another side of him.. and somehow i could guess a little that you irl is also possessing both femininty and musculinity as Aki did? The crave, like Aki, to have someone to take thorough care of you, while on the other side, have you strong and tough "macho" side? am I assuming things here?)


The change was obvious and immediate once Nick had found that pleasurable spot. Aki was still trembling, but this time not only because of agony, but more because of the thrills. Nick could almost literally visualize the electirc waves of pleasure he was causing, how it ran through Aki's entire body. He watched with amusement how Aki trembled and moaned, his voice quivering while urging him to go on.

"Like this?" he smiled thrusting his fingers, stabbing with precision on that particular patch of soft flesh. He was rather pleased to see the violent shaking of Aki, the ultimate pleasure engulfing him. Had Aki's inner walls not been so swollen, he might risk it and thrust his throbbing cock into him.... he wasn't sure if Aki could take him now, though.

With his quick thrusting of his fingers, Aki's eyes began rolling backwards. Another orgasm was closing in for the laboring man. His inner canal was biting into Nick's fingers tightly, pulling it in further. "Aki... " Nick mumbled, taking in every little reaction of Aki to his touch, and placed a very loving kiss on Aki's popped bellybutton. "Come for me...."

(Hello, my friend. I do agree with you, Aki was masculine but as the pregnancy progressed he became more motherly and sensitive. You are correct with Aki being like me. I do possess the two sides of both feminine and masculinity being the main parts of my personality but the one that comes out of me is the feminine one. I also have the need be pampered and presented sweet words and loving like Nick does for Aki. I hope that I am not saying too much but your posts are very interesting to read each time. I am glad to have a friend like you to brainstorm and reply to in our sexy roleplaying.:))


Aki was beyond weary and tired but he forced himself to stay and remain awake. He tried to figure out as to why his body was having a mind of it's own but did not mind it. He breathed heavily, focusing only on the pleasuring that his beloved had gifted to him in the form of touches, kisses and so much more. He smiled as he had been in like pure Heaven on Earth. He loved how Nick always known the ways to pleasure him each time they had such passionate, fiery lovemaking and sex was not just how they could describe their bond. He squirmed from time to time, digging his toes into the mattress as he moaned.

"Yes .. yes Nick!" Breathlessly, he gasped as the presence of the heavily nerved flesh being explored, wanting nothing more than to remain laying on his back in pleasure on the bed and staying that way.  He blushed once more like many times before, not letting himself be shy in the presence of his Nick. He was used to being naked with him and was glad that he did not have to hide his true love anymore.

He found himself shoved over the edge the bittersweet moment that his highly sensitive belly was. He felt as though he was a volcano close to erupting. He arched his back and tried his hardest not to close his legs and gasped once more a few more times as he felt as though he was held underwater beneath the fierce waves of passion's such hard pleasuring. He felt blessed to have a sweet but masculine man.

After a few more hours had passed by Aki's held in pleasure became released and his cock swelled up with sperm filled and squirted forth his seed essence like first snow in December.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(you are a lovely one. I thought i would be a tougher dom with Nick sometimes showing his rougher side, but you are so sweet and soft, it had an effect on Nick as well. I simply coudln't harm a lovely one as you... just as Nick would never hurt Aki for real. Some roughness, maybe, but overall I do intend to pamper and indulge in you ;)

aww you flatter me. the pleasure's mine as well ;))


Aki struggled to cum. If it had been any other time, Nick could push Aki over the edge rather easily with just a few precise probes. Aki had struggled to reach that peak and over, the contractions sometimes messing up and hte pain was hindering his pleasure - however, Nick was skillful enough, that eventually he made it. With just his figners probing at just the right places, he pushed the laboring man over to the moon. Watching Aki release with such force, the pearly ropes of cum painting his swelled bump, it was a scene to remember in itself.

Nick continued to stab deep into Aki's pleasure spot. Not only woudl he be makign Aki reach his release, he would prolong it and lengthen that orgasm. There was an almost desperate whine from Aki. Essentially, Nick was milking Aki dry of his cum. Ropes after ropes of cum came shooting out. He knew this would be too much, the sensory overdrive would have lead to oversensitivity. From now on, for the coming hours, Aki would be so sensitive in his canal, any small movements, the baby's included, would bring him close to the edge again.

And that was exactly what Nick was aiming for. An orgasmic birth... it would bring away the pain, motivate Aki with pushes from another angle.

Finally, Aki's balls were drained and he came crashign down onto the bed. Nick gently collected him in his arms, feeling his body spasming at the incredible pleasure. "are you feeling ok? did i make you feel good?" he smiled pressing butterfly kisses on Aki's sweaty face.

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