True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

(I hope that I am not doing too much. I get carried away and lost into our roleplay. I hope I am doing alright?)


Aki breathed deeply to calm his racing heart, laying and staying upon one of his sides on the bed. He sighed with relief as he saw Nick reenter the room with an armful of what was many bottles and many other items. He kept his focus only on Nick's low and soothing voice speaking to him. His eyelids blinked away many upon many warm, salty tears of frustration and pain and had felt embarrassed by them. He still felt blessed to have carried new life in his womb for the second time with the only remaining twin.

"Ow .. it hurts. Why is the second twin so larger than the first one?" He whimpered faintly, pathetically to noone like he had done so many times before, wanting to vomit but kept himself focused only on keeping it down. The pain was responsible for making him feel ill. He wanted to work his way through the seemingly endless fields of pains and winced when one of his legs were lifted and bent as if he was squatting down for a while with the other leg laying on the bed. He wanted to cry but he stayed strong through unbearable agony.

He gasped as his opening was being examined by one of Nick's gentle but firm finger, closing his eyes tightly as he clenched his teeth together. He did not complain or shove Nick's hand away. He was like a warrior, a soldier trekking through the wasteland of fear and uncertainty with Nick protecting him through the process. He wanted to be able to relax and not feel ill, sore or most of all .. dizzy. He felt all three burdens but he did not consider his  and Nick's child a burden or a nuisance.

He wanted to get up but it would be dangerous if he was standing as the child would probably hit the ground. He stayed laying upon his right side, pushing like that.

"Thank you, the oil is helping things go along more smoother." He spoke softly, not having much strength to be able to speak louder. He only pushed when his body screamed at him, bowing his head as if he were presenting himself to a King and put all of his strength into getting at least the head of the second child to emerge so the child could breathe.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(No not at all, you are doing fine :))


Nick nodded and sighed. "We might have nurtured our twins a little too well... but that also meant they are very healthy." He tried comforting Aki. "You can do this aki. Just be patient. We have many hurdles ahead, but we can overcome everything with us being together." Nick smiled pulling over Aki's hand to press a kiss on the back of it.

He nodded feeling the insides of Aki biting onto his finger. The insides were still swollen and Nick had to proceed to the other equipment he had prepared.

He wiated until the next contraction past. The head had fnally proceeded a little further down the canal, but it was not descending down anymore. Nick bit his lowerlip and made the decision.

"Aki... I am going to ice your opening. It's going to feel strange, but i think it would help." He said. That wasnt a wild suggestion, but something he had read about. Tentatively, he reached his fingertip into the chipped ice to cool it first, then he rubbed the ice onto Aki's swollen opening and dipped it inside the canal.

Aki immedately hissed and jerked, but Nick persisted, pressing his finger deeper in. "Sh... stay strong babe. Stay dtrong for me...."

(Thank you, my friend. You are doing fine as well. :))


Aki sighed as well, expressing a slight smile. He was beyond the word tired and had wanted nothing more than to curl up beside Nick and fall asleep for a while. He despised it when he felt ill because of the remaining child inside of him causing a ruckus. He felt as though the suffering only increased whenever the child moved inside of his narrow, sore cervix. He panted heavily, holding Nick's hand and squeezing it to put his focus on avoiding and ignoring the pains he had felt because of the such child. He prayed that the child would be a girl.

He felt his body quivering beyond his control once again. He panted heavily as he pushed hard and with as much strength that he could. When his opening was being tended to he gasped and felt his once calm body suddenly jump as the ice made contact with his scorching hot opening.  The process of birthing was unbearable now. He felt restless, his legs shaking and trying hard not to close like they had wanted to. He was not going through pain well, he did alright before but now it was fading away and the such sensation was slowly increasing.

He put his attention on Nick's words of encouragement, knowing that he was just trying to help. He gripped the covers of the bed in tightly clenched hands, feeling his opening become cold because of the ice. He slowly untensed his body, sighing gently as he felt the soreness of his opening's that was once swollen now soothed. "That feels good, thank you Nick." He said, sighing as the soreness both around and inside of his opening's depths had faded for a while.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(Aww babe. It's good to know you dont mind us going slow and well, give Aki such agony in this birth ;))


It was a daring move, putting ice into Aki's canal, but the effect was immediate. After the initial struggle of Aki on the sudden cooling, Nick was pleased to see the swelling dying down immediately.  He was also quite relieved to hear Aki telling him he was feeling better now.

"That's great babe, very good..." nick.probed again at Aki's tight canal. This timr he could feel the insides has relaxed enough that the baby shouldnt have as much trouble passing. "Babe, this is it. This is the moment..." the high heat within aki had melted the ice chips, water was trickling down, smoothing out the canal in addition to the oil Nick had applied.

"Give me a big.push babe. Push!" Nick said again holding up Aki's leg for him, putting him at a half squat on his side, and watched holding his breath, looking anxiously at the baby very slowly coming down.

(It is much more fun to go slow and steady if you ask me. Skipping the sex and pregnancy is boring. :))


Aki sighed in relief, feeling as if he could finally be released from the mind numbing pains that his nerves felt. He closed his eyes, focusing only on the swelling decreasing in the flesh of his once swollen opening. He loved it that the soreness was also fading from existence. He sighed happily, opening his eyes and staring up at the ceiling of the room high above him.

He smiled proudly, only lowering his head and pushing only when it was time to do such. He was both nervous and eager to finally do as he needed to do. As time passed by ever so slowly he focused only on the birthing process and did not dare to rush because of fear of hurting the soon to be born child. He still hoped that it was a little precious, adorable girl.

He was proud of himself, wanting to be able to hold the child that would soon be a part of the world. He felt as though he could do anything as long as his beloved Nick was by his side. He was beyond weary and tired but he did not ever dare to give up or give into the such feelings that threatened to overcome him and his whole entire body.

He bore down with all of his strength, feeling the second child slowly creeping forward through the cervix and toward the light of the opening.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(aww yes. and sometimes I couldn't get enough of this detailed description as well~)


The proud smile on Aki shone through his sweaty face. Nick felt so blessed to have a lover as tough and loving as Aki, and he made sure aki knew about that. Through push after push, Nick muttered sweet nothings to Aki.

In between breaks, he fed Aki ice chips to keep him hydrated and cooled. "Good job Aki...very good job. You're working the baby out. keep this going." he said. Right now, it was not mere physical endurance, but more of a mental fight to birth the baby. he knew Aki was beyond exhuasted, so now it depended purely on their spirit to keep going.

"Good job Aki! i can feel the baby.... so close now. Another push and she'd be crowning." Nick said excitedly seeing some very good progress. A silver of the baby's hair could be seen now from his gaping opening, and subconsciously, he was using the female pronoun now - he had the feeling this would be a precious little princess.

(Thank you, I try. Your descriptions are awesome too! :))


"Soon we will be welcoming our daughter into the world like her sibling." Aki was also proud like Nick was and the two men could barely contain their excitement. "I can tell it is a girl."

Aki may have been exhausted but he did not let that stop him. The remaining child was restless but the mother knew that was a sign of him or her being healthy. He also had a hunch that the such child whose gender was unknown would probably be an adorable, sassy little girl. He wanted this and other such silent thoughts to be truly true and so much more than that.

He knew that sometimes women who birthed children (no matter how many) had complained. It seemed that each time the child within them was moving but Aki did no such thing. He sighed from time to time, feeling as if he was a star close to exploding into many sparks, extinct from existence like a flame dying out and becoming many embers also fading away.

Life was so much like running an endless race, not knowing exactly when he would finish the race. He was eager to both birth the child and get to hold him or her. He may have been a man but he felt more emotional through the birthing and the many things that led up to the such child birthing like the large waiting of such an intense pregnancy.

He felt as though the hands of time was speeding up a bit more now that his once swollen opening was able to pass along the child. He felt the dreaded ring of fire as the such child slowly slipped down the birth canal and it's head had caused the ring of fire to worsen which caused him to express a wince and vocalize a snake like hiss.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(You are doing good and you give me enough encouragement to have me going. This is such a lovely thing we are doing, I am grateful everyday we get to continue this :))


"I think so. And judging by how actuve she is.... I.think we are going to have a bossy little princess. She's going to exhaust us in no time..." Nick smiled agreeing with Aki. Whenever the contraction released Aki from the need to push, Nick would rub as soothingly as he can to calm the baby. It was only in these moments that Nikc.could calm the baby from her constant kicks and fidgets before the next contravtion came.

The baby was also trying very hard, but all she did was cause pain to Aki than really helping the situation. nick sighed, feeling bad for his lover, but at the same time impressed y how strong he was. " you Aki. You arent even complaining at all when i am prepared to be scolded... Aki, you are my everything. Stay strong…" he muttered his soft.words

A quick glance at rhe clock confirmed the twins would have different birthdays: it was past midnight now. Nick watched anxiously when Aki hissed in pain. It was the first real sign.of pain Aki had gave out since the 2nd baby started descending.. "Aki, good.job, this is it. You are moving the baby, she's so close to crowning." Nick drizzled an ample amount of oil onto Aki's opening to prepare for the head to come out.

"Aki, aki I can see the head. You are so close to bringing our second baby to the world. I am so proud of you..." Nick said, his voice broken at the head that was so close to coming.

(Aw, thank you for the feedback. And it is very interesting to see where the birthing of the second twin and where the two lovers lives will lead off to after the twins. :D)


Aki groaned in agony, trying his very hardest not to push too hard. He did not want to harm the child in any way, shape or form. He sighed between the short breaks of being painless. He whimpered once more like many times before but did not complain. He prayed to whatever Gods were dwelling in the depths of heaven for guidance. He clenched his teeth together hard, trying even harder not to rush the slow pace of the child to be born. 'I am blessed to have a husband such as you. The child will be born soon but I believe that patience is key in this delicate situation." He said gently as he collapsed on the bed on his back, holding his enormous mass of a stomach. He did not know why but his body was tingling (in a positive way of course) and he wanted this moment to never end. Soon it would end though so he savored it. He sighed softly between bittersweet pauses of what was intense pain.

He wanted to stand up like many times before but doing that would be dangerous or fatal if the child fell to the floor.

The child was more than excited to be born, she could barely contain her excitement. She wanted to be born as much as her parents did. She did not want to hurt her mother and cause her father anger but she could not help it. Some children were able to be patient but she could not simply sit still or fall asleep like she did during the beginning."Ugh .. she is stubborn." Aki said with a mutter, rubbing his belly without much thought. He expressed his irritation of the birthing be so painful but he did not regret being pregnant. He did not want to complain but the waiting was unbearable. He focused through the pains with help from his beloved mate Nick.

"I love you too." He expressed a warm, loving smile up at Nick, using his strength wisely as to not be exhausted by the remainder of it. "I would never scold you, I would never scold the man who has been more than exceptional with helping me through the birthing process. Soon we will welcome our little princess into the world."He never saw or heard Nick becoming overcome with emotion before, it caused his own voice to crack as he let his own emotions to flow as tears. He was always reminded how he should be ashamed since Christopher always teased him but now that he was dead and gone he was with a true man and that such man was Nick.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(why, i thought a proper wedding is in place after this. on top, didn't you feel like 2 kids are way too few for our sweet couple? ;) let's see. would the next pregnancy be an accidental one, resulting in them coming in quick sucession with their elder twin siblings, or would it be planned nd happen a few years from our timeline now?)


His Aki only talk to him with the sweetest words. Even in his agony, he was eager to tell Nick how loved he was, how grateful he was, and how appreciative he was of his care. Nick could only tell his gratitude through unending little kisses, littering it all over Aki's face to convey his endless love for the older man.

"Aki... how blessed I am to have you in my life. you're my everything. and now we have 2 little babies, blood of our blood, flesh of our flesh, coming into our lives. None of this would be possible without you...thank you." he said through the tears that weere welling up in his eyes. "you're the perfect one. I sometimes feel like I don't deserve you.... " he whispered his occasional insecurity, but then he again straigthened himself. "But i'm sure i'm becoming a better man day after day, because i have you."

his confession of love was cut short when Aki again scrunched up his face at another contraction. "Good job Aki... slow and steady...." the crwoning of the head was a delicate process. Nick soon fuond himself focusing on helping the baby out. he cupped the abused opening of Aki, supporting his perineum while the baby came inching out with each powerful push from Aki.

"Good job, good job. take a deep breath, and push again!" Nick order, sensing the contraction hadn't ended yet. He encouraged for another effort once he was sure Aki had the air he needed.

(I would love for Aki and Nick to have a wonderful wedding. Everything is great in our roleplay. Nothing is bad or awful in our roleplay. Feedback is great for me because it gives me space to improve. And the more children the better. I am sorry if it sounded like the end if I said in my words but I don't want it to end because of how awesome it has been. Hmm? .. I would love the next children to come along by accident. :))


Aki listened to Nick, soothed by his soft voice speaking to him. He wanted to be able to stretch out fully without having to clutch his sore stomach or feel his body tense up. He smiled as his face was being kissed by Nick's gentle lips, never wanting to feel anything else but his touches. He felt energized whenever Nick had embraced him with adoration and endless love.

"I am blessed to be with you as well, my love." He smiled wider, expressing his own adoration for his beloved. "You are my protector, my lover and my heaven on Earth." He wiped his lover's tears gently, kissing his lips and his cheeks. He loved it whenever he was with his beloved each and every single day. It has been a whole night and the sun was now playing a game of peek a boo as it arose above the horizon line. He was eager to carefully hold and kiss the child's face with many upon many motherly like kisses.

He took in a few deep breaths, feeling tired beyond belief. He clenched his teeth once again, focusing only on what he needed to do which was pushing. He gripped the covers of the bed, feeling droplets of blood flowing from the depths of his opening and staining the bed a bright shade of crimson. He wanted to marry Nick and live happily ever after and was able to do that now that cruel Christopher ever getting in the way ever again. He smiled at the thought of Christopher burning in the depths of hell forever and ever.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(yea our couple is very sweet. They do not have the smoothest start with Nick's father in the way, but now everything was fine and they would be building a lovely, big family between them. and no need to apologize, I'm merely teasing you ;) Ok, so the next one might be conceived on their wedding night? they didn't plan for that since Aki was still breastfeeding, which was supposed to be the natural contraceptive? I guess Nick's seeds are too potent that it had overcome the natural mechanism of Aki's body~)


Blood was starting to seep out, mixing with the birth fluids to make a large stain on the bedsheets. Nick was not deterred by this. He kept Aki hydrated, he encouraged him through each push, and even though the head was still playing peek-a-boo with them, it was clear that progress was made. Each push would hold the head down longer than the last.

Nick kept a firm eye contact with Aki through their struggle. He would press open Aki's legs to assist the baby coming forward. "Good job Aki... good job." he smiled wiping away with his bare hands the cirmson fluids that was getting in the way, preventing him from seeing properly what was going on. His fingertips would brush against the head of wet hair their baby has.

"Now listen very carefully Aki. the baby need to be born soon." Nick glanced at the clock realising how long the baby had spent in the narrow birth canal. the head was coming out slightly defromed, so now was the time to make the final push. "I want you to take in adeep breath, then bend forward as much as you could to give one BIG push. This will burn, this will be painful, but i need that. the baby needs that. you will do it for us." he said sternly, using his authoritative voice. This would be it..... holding his breath, Nick watched as Aki gave his everything, pushing forward with his face going beetred.

(I am fine with the ideas. I am glad that I am doing alright through our roleplay like you are. And I am also fine with the wedding night and the next child or children. :))


"I understand, my love, I will do what is needed for our child." Aki replied to Nick's demand, waiting until the right moment to push. "I will never give up or give in. I promise."

He shuddered as he felt his warm, blood creeping out of his opening drop by precious drop. He felt as though his strength was diminishing like a single blown out flame. He took focus only when his laboring body told him to obey and when his beloved Nick encouraged and demanded him to bear down and birth forth the struggling child who would soon join the first twin in the nursery room's large crib. He took in a few deep breaths, using each one to his advantage as he refused to never never give up. He sighed between pains and had rubbed his aching belly.

He began feeling the slight remaining child's head slowly inching forward toward the light that the opening had to offer. Soon the head had emerged and it's ears had passed by the opening's flesh causing Aki to gasp as his opening began tingling in a painfully pleasuring sort of way. He may have been weary and his mind clouded but was close to his goal. He felt the dreaded ring of fire increasing as the large head of the child slowly emerged, causing the once small opening's bright pink flesh to balloon out and become swollen in size. The flesh was unbearable to see, looking painful and he could not keep back a cry of pain whenever the child moved and squirmed as if it were a toddler having to run to the bathroom.

It felt as though the child was becoming more eager to be born. He struggled more and more to keep his legs open and apart from each other. He wished that the child would have been smaller but that would have been dangerous if the such offspring had to wait. His lungs took in a deep breath as if he was to dive under the water beneath the waves of labor. He arose up silently, clenching his teeth together as he focused on Nick's words of dominance and encouragement. His body quivered as he forced himself through awful process known as birth.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(HAHA I will try coming up with sweet ideas then. it's pretty vanilla lately, i hope you don't mind. maybe they'll hv something spicier on their wedding night!)

(and btw, i really love this reply of yours... so beautiful and so agnoizing this birthing was. and i'm delighted to see Aki did manage to have 'painfully pleasuring' while he gave birth!)


Nick was between Aki's legs, and he could witness everytime when Aki heaved himself up to bend forward, his big belly crowding the space between his thighs and his body, and with each push teh baby came forth a little more. The biggest part of the crown had passed, and with the ears also delivered, the head no longer receded back inside of Aki. However, this prolonged the agony as well . Now, even between pushes, the ring of fire persisted. The choked breathing of Aki's was the stark evidence of the pain he was going through.

"Good job AKi, very good job. this is the one to deliver the head. Push!" Nick no longer dared touching the ballooned out opening. it was looking horrible, Aki's opening was really stretched to its limit. There were traces of blood seeping through, appearing from the overstretched ring of muscle. Aki was so close to tearing. Nick drizzled more oil to his passage way, doing what he could to ease the process.

"Pant baby... then big push!" the first big push failed. The baby was simply too big. Nick didn't lose his confidence, though, and he continued to demand for another big push. Now his voice was the only guiding way to Aki. He had to keep himself confident and strong. "PUsh!" he ordered, and another big push came. Aki's thighs were trembling hard. He was at his strength's end and FINALLY, the little nose came forth. It appeared strange when the baby's chubby cheeks were trapped, Aki's opening wounding tight in the middle of her face as Aki shrieked painfully.

"Push! push even when the contraction ended!" the baby was at a critical point, Nick wanted the head to be fully out so Aki wouldn't have to stand this impossible stretch for too long.


(I am up for any ideas. I have no limits. I do not mind Nick being sweet until the wedding night. And thank you for the sweet encouragement of my reply. I adore many of yours in this roleplaying or ours as well. :))


Aki did not know exactly why but he blushed, the color of his cheeks turning a light, bright shade of pink. The reason was because of his beloved Nick placing himself between his two barely clothed, openly spread legs, his knees bent as if he was kneeling and were propped up. He tried his very hardest to focus only on getting more areas of the second child free, crying out until his throat was awfully sore and raw and his voice was both at and beyond it's breaking point. No matter how weary he was or how much he wanted to give up he would never himself simply fall victim to such failure, not when he was close to the end of his goal. That such goal was a child who was slowly entering the world with each inch by painstaking inch.

He arose, gripping the backs of his knees to gain more leverage to his struggling pushes. He felt miserable, it seemed like he was not doing enough but prolonging the child's suffering but as much as he wanted to give into exhaustion he did not let that such burden be a reason for an excuse. He panted with what was known and figured out as sadly fatigue, his muscles tensing up as his body felt burnt out like once roaring flames. "Owww! .." he whimpered, knowing that Nick was trying to help but it seemed as though the child was long from fully emerging because of the broad shoulders and large, plump hips. He wanted the pain to stop and for his body to be numb of pain.

He listened carefully like an eager, curious and wide eyed student being taught a lesson by his teacher. He kept his concentration on each of his lover's stern and loving spoken words even when he was in an unimaginable amount of pain. He took a deep, steady breath into his shouting lungs as his body struggled not to fail on him. As much as he mentally pleaded to his brain it was up to his body to remain strong and hopeful through the such unbearable amount of pressure that fell down on him like a ton of bright, hard, crimson red bricks.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(i think Nick will be quite hands off for the time being. Aki would need the time to recover... and that long starve from physical pleasure might make him as tight as a virgin all over again on their special wedding night together.)


Nick watched anxiously at this desperate push by Aki. time was ticking and Nick was beginning to feel the pressure on him as well. Aki was struggling, the baby was trying, but everything was almost stalled. Bit by bit, the hardwork of Aki paid off and the baby FINALLY twithced and started moving forward.

The lips came first, it was trapped. Aki took another breath to push again, and this time the baby's massive head shifted, shifted, pushed forward but still pulled back by Aki's tight opening, then finally, the breakthrough. The chin was out with some fluids, and even Nick felt like crashing back onto the bed - something that Aki had done already. It was such relief now that the head had fully emerged.

"You did it Aki.... i'm so proud. You are one brave momma...." Nick said. his eyes were stinging. The massive head of this second twin had taken both of them a serious toll to deliver, yet now that Nick was really seeing the baby, he was beyond blessed by the sight. THis was their little miracle... every bit as precious as her elder brother.

"Aki... aki...." he murmured his lover's name as he panted so hard. Cradling the emerged head, he carefully reached in to check the cord. "shhhhh...." he cooed over Aki, not wanting to cause any distress. his probing fingers might cause stinging, but it would be trivial compared with the agony Aki had just experienced.

(Aki will understand about Nick being hands off for a time. And it is sweet of his beloved that he will let him rest and recover for a while after the rough birthing. I am eager for Nick and Aki to have a beautiful wedding and a steamy lovemaking session after. :D)


Aki tried to stay calm as he slowly and carefully lifted up his upper weary body and struggled with the process known as pushing but the squirming of the child was not helping much. He felt the agony of the remaining child as it slowly inched forward into the world with assistance of it's (his or her) desperate mother. He despised it when the familiar illness known as vomiting was threatening to make itself be of known to him and him only. He was actually afraid of vomiting and it was like a frightful phobia to him. As the time came to bear down he directed his clouded mind and motivated body with the such feeling, closing his eyes tightly and simply gave into suffering. After waiting for so many unbearable hours the child was halfway out but the shoulders and remaining parts of it's large body that was still was such torture to pass through.

When he tried to keep himself gentle but firm it was met with the slight but rough movements from the unknown gendered child. He also knew that is his beating heart and his brave soul that the such child would be eventually born but as for now the struggles were beyond the word "real". He went through the affliction of labor with a brave outlook on life and soon he knew that he was certain that the offspring would soon be born and they would get to be able to hear his or her piercing cries.

"Thank you, Nick. I am glad that we could be together through this. I would not have wanted to have a midwife touching me." He said softly, collapsing on his back to the feather soft mattress of the bed. He winced, gasped and clenched his teeth when he let his beloved Nick slip a few fingers inside of him to see if the cord was around it's still stuck neck. The only thing was because of the fully appearing head. He panted harshly, raising his upper body upward and responding with a strong push that caused the child to respond with squirming once again. He said happily, tears brimming and burning in his own eyes. He was glad to have Nick in his life, loving him, Hercules and the second soon to be born child as well. "I love you, sweetheart. Life is worth living when I am with you and soon we will have the family we have always wanted together."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha hope you won't mind adding a bit of scene when Nick will apply some healing balm onto Aki's swollen opening. I'm imagining Aki to have escaped the fate of tearing, but for a whole week of time after, his feminine lips would be so swelled up, he couldn't sit or walk properly. hmm, imagine them swelling up to so much they'd look like thin sausages?)


Nick smiled through his red-rimmed eyes. He saw such beauty in Aki, something that could not be defined by gender alone. His Aki was such a brave mother. he had encountered sufferings from the pregnancy and now, the birth, more than a lot other mothers. He had not opted for a C-section, he had not complained, he had demonstrated time over time how he was strong enough to endure it all. it was truly impressive.

"Aki... to go through this with you, and you alone.... i have fallen even deeper in love with you. Babe, I am all yours." Nick said in this moment of passion. He pressed a soft kiss on Aki's lips and the pained moan was swollen between them. "And... the cord isn't there. Keep pushing Aki. You are free to continue." he said removing his hand. The baby's head was still facing down. it would take another few pushes to turn it, then there would come the shoulders.

"Aki.. pant." Nick frowned seeing the blood seeping through. He would have to drizzle more oil on it and massage the already swollen lips to avoid tearing. The important thing was allowing Aki's tight ring of muscle to adjust to the wide girth.... 

(I don't mind Nick adding healing balm on Aki to help him through the awful pains. That sounds fun for Aki to have that happen to his swollen, womanly lips. Your ideas are very interesting to delve into in our wonderful roleplay with. :))


"I love you too, Nick. Life has put us here for a reason and that such reason is to be together forever." Aki replied to Nick, looking up into his eyes. Between the relief of hard pushes the laboring Aki had felt the presence of Nick adding healing balm between his legs cure his damaged, aching, puffed up and harshly throbbing opening. It looked as if he was becoming more closer to accomplishing his goal and before he knew it his womanly like lips was becoming more swollen in size. He felt sore and miserable but did not complain. Not one single bit. Not even when the such pains would be unbearable to simply stroll slowly and peacefully through the fields of such burning, searing agony. The opening was twice in size now.

He rested for a while but it was a short amount of time before the pains restarted up once more. He groaned in response, grabbing the backs of his knees as he took in a few deep breaths. He began to bear down, forcing himself through the pains that had threatened to overcome his senses. He sighed and collapsed after the pains were over for a time but it would be a short time before the sensations of movements would restart over once again. No matter how much he tried the shoulders were stuck behind the bright, firetruck red female folds. He hissed, breathed hard, cried out, groaned, moaned and gasped for breath, wanting to be freed from the unbearable pains.

As much as he tried the deep, breathless panting was not assisting much but he stayed focused. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply through the awful presence of agony. His opening was open wide like a rough, bratty child eating a large amount of candy, his once ripped pecs were now heavy droopy breasts that were tingling and throbbing were ever so eager to be fed from with an endless and warm, nourishing amount of milk. "God .. our dauhter is taking forever .." He said breathlessly like so many times before, trying to stay still and not getting up to his feet like his urges had wanted him to do. "I guess that she likes it inside of me a little too much." He spoke further, trying to add humor to the dire situation along with a warm smile.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(i intend the full swell to set in when Aki had had some good rest, a long sleep perhaps, after delivering their daughter ;) he wouldn't know what had hit him when he felt that burn between his legs! he would rely on Nick to bring him around for the next few days, because he would barely be able to move himself ;) how does that sound? still interesting right?)


The added oil had soothed the situation somewhat. At least it washed away the blood and moistened up the skin, allowing it to be stretched once again. Nick encouraged Aki to breath through the next moments as he watched anxiously the baby turning.

The baby's face turned to the side. this allowed the shoulders to align in the way it could pass the pelvis. The moment the baby was ready, the contractions again picked up. Aki didn't need Nick cueing him to start pushing again. "GOod job Aki, good push. now rest..." Nick said through each push, keeping their spirits up even though progress wasn't exactly fast.

Nick wiped away teh sweat that was also forming on his forehead. "indeed... our little girl's really close to mommy. she would be cuddling up with you all the time - do remember you have to leave some time for me to cuddle with you. or else i would be rather lonely and sad." Nick smiled, catching on Aki's attempt of lightening up the mood. He was worried, but with the head out, he was at least sure the baby's color was healthy.

"Next push, Aki, I will push up your legs. it would help ease the shoulders out ok?" Nick said introducing a new measure. The legs pushed up high would help allow more space for the baby's body to pass... "Then you will have to push very hard for me, ok? our little girl really needs to be urged repeatedly to come out..." he said and Aki's belly again tightened up. "One, two, three, push!" Nick counted for Aki, instructing another push when the ocntraction peaked.

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