MCU MPREG (closed with PregnantTyler)
Bucky came back with a breakfast burrito and some fruit juice he saw Peter on his phone "hey who talking to?" Bucky handing him the burrito "oh I saw the Daily Bulge reporting your injury, and that you were saved by an that a good thing"
"Just my friend Harry." Peter answered. "Is that for me?" He asked, his moutb watering at the burrito.
Bucky nodded "yeah eat up P.S. Your skinner than Steve during his youth" handing Peter the burrito and juice box, while drinks a can of Red Bull "someone's hungry, you remind me of Thor when he eats sharwma"
"Ehehe...I've always been thin. Never really bothered me though." Peter said while he ate. He hardly ate since the injury so he scarfed it down really quick "You know Thor!?" He got excited, he never met him since Thor was not present in the Civil War.
Bucky rolled this head "yeah only once I was with Steve, in the Tower all the Avengers had game night, we played some poker and talked and all I can say his loud and I can't really relate whatever he was saying..." notice Peter eating too fast "hey slow down your going to give yourself a belly ache, you sure you don't have a super human metabolism or something?"

Bucky open the Daily Bulge app "we have breaking news! Spider-Man reported injured after trying to stop a bank heist in Midtown, several report say he was saved by the Winter Solider..." Bucky stop the video "uhhh Pete I think your in the news again"
Peter shrugged and facepalmed. "Great, now everyone knows about my failure." He pouted "I wonder if they will all forget by the time I'm better.
Bucky comforts him "don't get your suit stuck in the bunch and it did report you were saved by an Avenger...I mean you didn't really screw up, I mean Steve got injured in a plane crash and the news took it well...expect for the UN though but that was on me"

Just then Peter's phone start ringing "hey some guy named Ned friend of yours?" Bucky asked looking the screen
"I should answer that." Peter clicked on Ned's name "Hello?"

"Peter what the hell happened!?" Ned asked in a panic "Everyone heard you got shot! Are we you okay?"

"Y-yeah...Just a robbery incident, but I'm fine. I at least met someone." Peter's face blushed from embarrassment once he realized he said that out loud. "Um, I'll call you later. Let's build something out if legos when I get back, k?" He hung up
Bucky can't help but laugh "you made sound like I'm sort of blind date that saved your ass" Bucky phone start ringing, it was Iron Man, Bucky hesitant to answer it but he did anyway "hey Iron Doucebag"

"What the living hell is the meaning of this Barnes?!" Bucky snorted "yeah to hear you too...jerk!"

"A little news report told me that the kid got hurt and were there at the scene" Bucky sighted "I hate how bias it sounded, look I saved the kid okay, if I hadn't shown he would be dead your welcome!"

"I ask you to- this isn't over Barnes!" Bucky sighted and hung up "great Stark is mad at me cause he think I let you get hurt well, his lucky I saved you" slumping back against the chair "wish I never left Wakanda..."
Peter shrugged "It's okay, I'm still grateful that you saved me still." He said "I was injured well before anyone showed up after all." He had finished eating and layed back down.
Bucky tugged Peter under his cover "I'm glad your okay, that I got you on time" Bucky looked away "hey can I tell you this...but for the 70 years I only did is screw up and make thing worse I thought things will finally get better but once a criminal is a criminal for life I guess"

Recalling everything done and all the people he had killed "I dunno if I still have a chance to turn my life around but I guess not is a dead end for me" Stop mid sentence "if wasn't for Steve I probably be in jail, he help others see me as a good person...other not so much"
Peter stayed silent and listened. He didn't know much about this avenger but it seemed he had quite the past. "I-I'm sorry..." he said when Bucky finished. "If you want you could come into the bed with me?" He offered
Bucky attempt another humor comment "uhhh...has anyone ever told you snore like loudly, I'm sure it was heard all the way to Asgard" Bucky see Peter's face going red "yeah is that bad.

Bucky sighted "thanks kid but there isn't I can already to, at least people like you, me I help a child cross the street and I get hand cuffed and go to jail"
"Do I really snore?" Peter's face looked embarrassed. "Well....we coukd maybe hang out mord once I'm out, if you want." He suggested awkwardly "Speaking of which, when can I leave?"
Bucky wonders "probably tomorrow can you at least stand?" Peter attempt to stand up but struggles to stay upright, Bucky quickly help him sit back down "that's a no, your vitals are still not that stable you will need time" notice his leg bleeding hard "shit stay still I will get a nurse!"

Bucky quickly leaving to find a nurse, Peter was crying in pain but he had no choice
Peter cried into his pillow. How was his leg STILL bleeding!? At this rate he might not be able to fight crime after all.
A nurse quicly examine his wound she begin to examine the wound, Peter begin cry out in pain, Bucky hold his hand "bear with me Pete I know it hurts" as she re stitch his bullet wound, but he can only scream and cry at the pain
Peter could only scream and cry from the pain, it was so bad that his hand was clenching Bucky's to geip onto something. Finally, the nurse had restitched the wound and put him back into bed.
Bucky could only watch as Peter clutch his metal arm as the nurse restictch his wound, she finally finsh, Peter fell back agains Bucky losing concious

Bucky lay him back on the bed switching his metal arm with his human one
Peter passed out and fell into a deep sleep. He remained like that for several hours as the wound slowly began to heal again. His heart monitor had finally calmed down too.

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