True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

(Thank you for the encouragement. You are an awesome friend. And thank you, I tried my best to be as realistic as possible in Aki's bleeding scene. :D)


Aki whimpered pathetically as the levels of pain slowly increased to terrifying heights. He let his beloved husband carry him from the house and to the car where the servants were rushing to. He was steadily falling into unconsciousness from time to time as the flow of blood made itself of known between Aki's slender but aching, parted upper thighs. He wanted to be able to ignore the cruel, horrors of pain.

He kept a tight grip on Nick's hand after it. He never leg go of it, not even for a single minute. He tried his hardest to focus only on his deep breathing like his lover had encouraged him to do with each passing second. He laid his head upon his lover's chest, trying not to slip away into the thick, uncertain depths of what was darker than night itself.  Life was a battle and sometimes he won.

He felt blessed to have such a wonderful and attentive lover such as Nick, trying his very hardest to remain awake and alert but with each large flow of blood took that from him second by second. He wanted to vomit, feeling as if he was close to death's door but all he had to do was knock on it and he would be at peace but all he did was back away from it. He was wanting to be with his beloved Nick and their twins.

He was not ready to pass away, not yet. He had so much to live and thrive for. Those special things in his life was his twins and his beloved Nick. He did not ever want to leave life like it was a simple day at the park kind of thing. He wanted to be around until the Grim Reaper decided to take him but it would be on his own terms. He didn't want to die, not yet. He was eager but fearful to figure out what was happening.

The servants followed after Nick and had gently helped Aki into the car. He was not allowed to be with Nick in those long 20 minutes because of hospital protocol but he focused on Nick's words of comfort to him, remaining conscious for as long as he could before the darkness decided to capture him for a few unconscious amount of what was of pain filled and unbearable hours. He was uncertain of exactly what he and Nick would be in when he was in the hospital. He threw up a few times, feeling as though his body would fail on him. He refused to let God take him away from his beloved family.

He wanted to always be with Nick and their twins forever and always. He slipped in and out of consciousness and had cried out whenever the doctors had checked him. He tried not to but he sobbed a few times as the pain was intense. "Nick .. Nick!" He sounded like a crying child. It was as if he was trying to find the sound of Nick's voice, not knowing that Nick was not in the room with the doctors. He felt as though he was unable to control any of his emotions. He kept repeating his lover's name, trying to focus on the voices of the doctors but it was like a single noise all at once as each of them had blended into one.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(you are too, an awesome roleplayer and friend ;) and ohhh you've created such an emergency here~ building up the tension huh?)


All that Nick could here being outside of the curtain was just muffled noises, but he could clearly hear how urgent they were. Not a moment later, a machine was rolled into the room where Aki was, a machine that Nick could immediately recognise as the ultrasound machine they used to use when Aki was with Angel and Hercules... Nick's heart sank and there was a possibility for Aki's symptom dawning in his head. Aki, his husband, could be pregnant....

Nick dropped back to the chair and pulled on his hair - this was horrible. HE was the one asking Aki to dance for him, it could be said that Nick was the one putting his husband, and the child that they never knew of, in jeopardy. he was the one responsible for this accdient. Had he not showed Aki to the studio, had he waited when he saw Aki so tired, had he decided on another.... if he had caught Aki earlier and maybe he wouldn't sufffer from that scare of a fall.... there were so many scenarios where he could have prevented this from happening. if there was something happening to Aki, or their unborn child, Nick would rather die than to live with guilt for the rest of his life...

It was an agonizing wait, but ultimately his name was called. "Nick? Any Mr Nick here?" a masked nurse came out, looking around. He stood up and came up to the nurse, identifying himself. "the patient had been calling for you so much, it was hindering our attempt to save the baby and his life. could you please come in?" she said quickly and put a scrub over Nick, then quickly pushed him inside the room and pointed at Aki. "Go sit with him, you have to calm him down."

To Nick this meant so many things at the same time. Firstly, his suspicion was confirmed: Nick was indeed pregnant judging by what the nurse said. Two: his husband, even in this serious crisis , was calling for him. Three: the doctors were trying hard to save the baby and Aki....

Nick came to Aki and clutched his hand. "Shh babe, I'm here.. calm down babe. The doctors are doing their best. you know what, Aki? you're pregnant again.... you're such a great momma....stay strong my love, stay strong for us...." he murmurred, keeping his sweet talks with Aki as his husband fought to stay conscious.

(Aw, thank you. I love having a friend like you to chat and explore roleplaying with. You are wonderful at roleplaying as well. You read me like an open book, love. I wanted it to be severe as possible with building up tension in the situation Aki was in. :D)


Aki cried out for Nick, wanting to be able to hold his hand as the pains became too much to bear. He whimpered, trying to focus only on ignoring the agony that he felt in his stomach area. He looked up with tearful eyes, relieved to see the presence of his beloved Nick as he entered the room. The situation was severe and that only added to Nick and Aki's worries. He looked over at his lover, glad to have him.

He was not aware that he was pregnant yet as the doctors were keeping that realization from him. When he heard Nick revealing a secret Aki was overjoyed. He was nervous because of the blood he had lost after he fell. He knew that it was not Nick's fault and he made sure that Nick knew that. He would be a caring, nurturing mother again and Nick would be a strong, providing father of their new children like before.

"We will be parents again! .. that is wonderful!" He smiled weakly but enough to be noticed. He yawned, struggling to stay awake but his open eyelids began to droop. "You are a wonderful father Nick!" while speaking his eyes closed and he was unable to finish his upcoming sentence. He then felt his body becoming still, slumbering in uncontrollable unconsciousness for a short while or so to rest his body and mind.

He wanted their child to be unharmed but he knew that both him and the child's life were on the line. He felt the familiar darkness sneaking up on him like a sniper, fighting to stay awake and conscious but the terror was much too strong. He lifted his head and then felt it drop as he grew unconscious once again. The blood that came free from him was a large flow that grew and grew in size as it stained the hospital bed that he was laying on his back upon. He dreamed about the child that he and Nick would have, eager to see his or her face. He stayed unconscious for a while, struggling to awaken from it's bottomless depths.

He awoke in a few hours, finding himself laying on the same hospital bed, he was confused as he was not aware of where he was but was soon familiar of what had happened when he saw Nick sitting in a chair beside his bed. He yawned softly, trying to move but had been hindered by the pains so he was hesitant to do such things in fear of the sensation slowly and unsteadily increasing in what was frequency and size.

He felt a few twinges of pain, wanting more than anything to simply be back home where he felt safest and not in this cursed hospital bed but he felt safe whenever he was around his beloved Nick and him alone. He groaned gently, he did not blame Nick at all for the situation that they were both now in. Things like this happened sometimes, it was simply an accident. "Nick .. where are we?" He asked softly, his voice hoarse from intense screaming like cries and became of a weak, mouse like squeak. Life was like waking up with new eyes, always wanting to see Nick and witness his sexy smile.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(you flatter me too much, love ;) you are my inspiration in many of the scenarios we created and I love Aki wholeheartedly. It was amazing getting to know you both in the roleplay and also through this correpondence we maintained ;))

(though, i would also like to add, i appreciate the tension you built up, though realistically speaking, if the blood loss was so great, the baby would almost certainly be dead, in addition to risking the mother's life? there are only too many cases that a miscarriage followed by huge blood loss could irrevocably damage the mother's body and lead to the lady permanently losing her ability to conceive... i hope this would not offend you. and certainyl that was not something we want to happen to Aki! so here, i am toning it down a bit inmy post?)


Nick hadn't expected Aki to not be informed on the sitaution, but he was also very glad to be the one breaking hte news of his pregnancy to his husband. He smiled and stroked Aki's cheeks, nodding at him seeing the excitemtn of AKi. "Yes my love... we're going to be parents again. Please, stay strong for us... we need that a lot. Aki, take a deep breath in and relax as much as you can. it would not help our baby if you are panicking..." Nick said in his soothing voice, his undertone was laid with authority which he knew Aki would sense. At the same time, the nurse had injected a tranquilizer to Aki to help him relax completely.

Seeing his husband succumb to sleep, Nick continued to hold Aki's hand tight. He would be here with his husband, no matter what kind of future fate had laid out. He was left alone while hte nurses and doctors tried their best to stop the bloodflow. Nick could see a doctor shaking his head and exchanged a grim look with the other doctor. Nick's heart dropped. This could mean the worse and he dared not imagine how bad the stiatuion could be.

Clutching Aki's hand tighter, he watched the serene sleeping face of his husband and kept up with soft encouraging words. Maybe Aki could not hear him now, but he truly believed his words would get to their baby whow as fighitng so hard for survival... be strong, stay tough for daddy, babe... mommy and daddy love you so much...

As if miraculously, right after he started the slow muttering, the blood flow slowed dramatically and the doctors and nurses exchanged a surprised look among themselves. Before long, they had announced that Aki's condition had stabilized and they were to be transferred to the medical ward for overnight observation.

Which was why when Aki woke up, Nick was right there beside him, in the private room they were staying. Nick was much relaxed now that he knew the immediate danger was past. The only concern was, since the baby was still in the early forms, they would need to check again the next morning to confirm the baby was still thriving.

"Aki.... we are at the hospital. Do you remember anything?" Nick stroked Aki's hair gently, coming close to him and pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Don't sit up yet, you have to lay flat... for here, there's a new life that needs as much rest as you can give." he sighed covering so lightly on his middle. IF he pressed any harder, he was afraid he might cause harm to the fetus, no matter how unlikely it was. 

(I love flattering you and you deserve it. Aw, you are so sweet. I adore Nick like you love my character. I will tone down my posts as well and the doctors manage to save Aki and the unborn babe's life. I did and do not want to be that dark in my upcoming posts and it is alright, you did not offend me you were just providing information. :))


"I will be strong for our family. I promise." Aki said with a proud smile, his next spoken of sentence was cut off by a gentle yawn as he struggled with keeping his eyes open. He felt his eyelids becoming heavy and drooping closed as the tranquilizer took affect. He let his lover hold his hand, listening to his lover's voice as he slipped away to sleep to rest his weary body and gain strength and energy back once again.

Aki looked up at Nick, trying to stay awake and alert but was unable to succeed and conquer the fight. He wanted nothing more than to gaze up into Nick's handsome eyes and remain that way. Life was like an intense fight for survival. He was uncertain as to if the child within his would still be thriving and alive. He struggled to stay conscious but sadly lost that fight so there he was, lying still for what was a long amount of time but wasn't dead. He wanted nothing more than to remain alert but he lost the battle and simply laid still as slumber threatened to overcome him and shove him away from consciousness.

He may have been asleep but he still felt his hand being held by Nick gently but firmly, never wanting him to let go. He loved hearing Nick's voice as it spoke to him ever so softly through the thick, pitch dark endless haze of what was of unconsciousness for a time. He was confused as though he was having amnesia. Life was about easily remembering things but all he remembered was dancing and collapsing.

When he slept it was dark outside, the scorching hot sun descending below the horizon. He stayed asleep for a while, yawning softly as he awoke. He tried to get up but his weary body was much too weak to do even the simplest movements. Gently he expressed a groan, staying in a position of what was laying flat on his back. He was sore between the area which was the depths of his upper thighs. He felt an unbearable, scorching heat as his sacred woman like area was raw, sore and irritated. He looked around the room at the unfamiliar four walls of the hospital room he was in with a deep amount of curiously.  

With each passing second the small unborn child was struggling to stay alive, letting it's mother and father know that it was still strong. The child was eager to fight for survival and it seemed like something that the child wanted to explore outside if it's warm, gently pulsing womb like home. The tiny child who was a boy had slowly grown a bit in size and was wondering as what was beyond it's fleshed shelter.

He wanted to be strong for his parents. As if he was asleep for what seemed like a million years he finally responded, fluttering his eyelids in silence to get the leftover drowsiness from his eyes, feeling more than invigorated. "I remember being with you and me dancing but I do not remember anything else." He said softly, not familiar of the hospital. He wanted to walk but his body would not allow him such a movement. Time seemed to not be on his side but he made the best of things as they were. He was curious about the twins and the life of the unborn inside of him

He sighed softly with relief as he saw the familiar face of Nick who was his partner, gently resting his head upon the pillow. He yawned once more and became quiet, simply just gazing into Nick's eyes.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha you're really the sweetest! thanks for not getting mad over my opinion ;) I'm always afraid i might sound condescending when I feel like i could twist the mood or the direction you're going... so i'm really glad that it didn't turn out that way ;) you're also so sweet and lovely~ and yep, the adoration is mutual HAHA)

(oh and i hv an idea: how about it was originally twins, but now one was lost with the massive bleeding? i will wait till after your next reply to decide on what's going to be their fate ;) )


"You have tripped when you finished dancing and..." Nick had to take a staggered breath himself, needing the time to regroup and compose himself. "And then you started bleeding. There's so much blood...." he said, tightening his grip on Aki's hand, keeping his gaze on their intertwined hands. "we rushed to the hospital and it took the doctors some time to stabilize your condition. You will be staying here for teh night."

Nick, as the thoughtful husband that he was, immediately noticed AKi's eagerness ot know their other children. He stroked the back of Aki's hand with his thumb, retreating his hand placed on his still flat stomach. "Hercules and Angel are well-cared for. They have their nanny and the other maids in the house. You don't have to worry about them. Howeer, the doctor also said it would no longer be desirable for you to keep breastfeeding them." he announced, his gaze now turned to Aki's tummy that was covered by the blanket. "The stimulation to the nipples might trigger your womb to contract. It would bring serious consequences to our baby in you... IF... if there's till a baby..." his voice broke and he could barely contain himself at the horrible prospect that was possible.

He took in another deep breath and turned to AKi. "No matter what... I'll be here with you, if you could forgive me. Aki, this is all my fault..." his voice again broke. The young man was never as vulnerable as this, and he was letting Aki in on his weakness, letting his true emotion show in front of his soul mate. "I was the one asking you to dance... iw as the one unaware of how much you were sick lately. You know waht, I even had to call back and ask the maids, before I had come to realise you'd been sick for almost a full month now in the mornings. It was my fault... i wans't a good enough husband, i wasn't a good enough father to our unborn child..." he sighed and pressed his forehead on the bed, crying his eyes out at the sorrow that threatened to consume him. 

(Aw, thank you love. And I love your ideas. They are interesting and fun to roleplay. As for the idea of one of the twins perishing I would love to do that with Aki and Nick. And I can tell that this will be much more fun in our upcoming posts and it has been a long and fulfilling journey that Aki and Nick has been through.:D)


Aki looked at Nick with worry in his eyes, he reached out and gently stroked Nick's hair on top of his head. "Shhh Nick .,. it is alright. It was just an accident. I do not blame you." He never saw Nick fall victim to him emotions before and to be honest it broke his heart into a million pieces when he heard his sobbing. He tried to cheer his beloved Nick up but his lingering sorrow was too much to bear. He frowned, feeling as if he was losing his grip on the reigns of what was reality. "Never say those such lies my love, you are a wonderful father. You are a thousand times better than Christopher ever was. Our child will be fine, we just have to stay positive and remain that way. Our child needs us to be strong, alright." He said gently to Nick, kissing him on the cheek and the forehead like a true affectionate father.

He held his beloved close to him, refusing to ever let go until Nick stopped crying. He also wanted to cry and his own voice shook like the wrath of a mighty earthquake shaking him to his core. He wanted nothing more than to know that their child or children were doing alright. He was hoping that it was another son or daughter that they would have. He was nervous about if the child had perished because of the enormous blood loss or if it survived against all odds. All he and Nick had wanted to do was find out such questions and have an ultimate answer through it all. He kept his spirits high as time passed like years.

Nick was always there for Aki whenever Aki felt worthless so now Nick needed him now more than ever. "It is not your fault sweetheart, things like this happen." He continued to stroke upon the top of Nick's soft haired head. "We will make it through this no matter what. I promise." He said with a soft. strong voice at first but the it shattered like glass, becomimg  broken even as he tried to stay strong through it all. He let himself and his beloved cry till there were no other tears to shed. He was proud of Nick through it all, even when he became vulnerable and dropped his guard. He gently lifted Nick's head up by his chin ever so gently, gazing into the depths of his eyes. ""Listen to me Nick, it was not your fault. I refuse to believe that you would ever hurt me on purpose or accidental."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(Haha i am glad :) and maybe Aki will stay in the hospital for a little longer because one of the twins was gone? The hopsital wanted to keep him there to make sure things are right.... si that when we move towards the "practise dancing" incident Aki will already have a little bump on him, with him perhaps already almost 4 months pregnant?)


Aki's words comforted him a little, but Nick still blamed himself. If he had been more careful and caught Aki earlier when he was beginning to fall, if he had realised his husband was pregnant already after their sweetesthoneymoon... if he didnt invite Elliot over to look at the studio...

Their life would be perfect, with a new child to welcome to the world. How did things end up like this...Nick was desperately praying that let the child live. He could give so much to get that tiny little one back....

"T-the doctor said he would come back for another ultrasound this afternoon. If by that time the ultrasound still show the fetus... then we still have hope." Shakily, Nick supplied Aki with the latest update provided by the doctor, and again he slumped over Aki, hugging him close and let the tears dry on his cheeks. "I'm sorry Aki...."

The doctor, as he had promised, came back after the two were more composed and the tears stopped. They had been anxiously waiting for him to arrive. The machine came as well and Nick was sitting beside Aki, holding his hand, and anxiously looked at the screen ... and also at the doctor. He dreaded of a sad face, and was trying to decipher the doctor's facial expression - is that good news or bad news....?

"Mr Aki.... you have suffered from an intense cramp and we had tried our best." The doctor started, and Nick's heart dropped, prepared for the worse. "…but miraculously, there's still one baby surviving. Congratulations, gentlemen."the doctor smiled,but there was a hint of sadness, no matter how he attempt to present this in a joyful way.

(That sounds like an interesting idea. One of the twins surviving and the other one perishing makes this roleplay tragic. That is even better. It will add to the trauma for Nick and Aki our wonderful roleplay. And I would love that about Aki being pregnant again and his stomach showing slightly at the 4 month mark of what will be a long wait until it shows completely. I hope that I am not doing too much with my posts? If I am then you can feel free to tell me. I keep thinking that I am doing too much.)


Aki loved the delicate but firm type of way that his manly husband Nick would always treat him like the center of his world but now it was his turn to provide the endless amount of comfort to Nick and show him unconditional love as well. He kept himself close to Nick as possible and had worried about his state of mind. He never saw him express tears or cry before so it had broken his heart into a million pieces. He spoke softly and with a shaky voice of his own, feeling as if the tears that Nick and he had expressed would never ever end. He hummed gently to try to get his beloved to cheer up but he knew that he was broken beyond repair but he would do anything to get his Nick to show a sexy, handsome smile that always took his breath away in positive ways. He simply comforted his saddened lover with gentle touches.

He was eager to be with his beloved Nick and stay by his side like a true wife would. He was becoming highly nervous that something was wrong like a natural mother could be, concerned because he saw the saddened look on the doctor's face after he entered the room to provide news. He wanted his beloved to know that it was not his fault. Not at all. He did not know that one of the twins had perished and had not been prepared at all but as long as Nick was with him he felt as though he could conquer anything life threw. He was also anxious to know if the child had survived but he knew that something was not right.

He gasped at the news, feeling as though he was becoming numb of any and all emotions. He wanted to curl up into himself and forget the words of grief that the doctor had expressed. He frowned, gripping at Nick's hand and had never let go. Not even for a single minute. He felt as though he was drowning in his emotions as they threatened to swallow him up into the depths of what was a thick darkness. He wanted to say something but his lower lip had quivered and so did his body as well as if it had a single mind of it's very own. He wanted to vomit, he wanted to throw rage would do but a thousand times worse than anything ever seen before but he controlled himself. Life was like an endless amount of glorious presents and many other emotions but all Aki felt was sorrow and anger but kept it hidden from all in the room.

He composed himself and took a deep breath, swallowing as he felt sick to his stomach. He was strangely relieved that they had only one remaining surviving twin of the second batch of children that was inside of his womb. He did not ever blame Nick for anything. It was not his fault. It was a harmless accident. He knew that Nick would not ever harm him or their unborn child to be accurate. Life was of giving and taking away and he accepted that. He whimpered softly, keeping his tears in for what was a short while but then they betrayed him by streaming down his also mourning face like an endless, salty river.

"It is alright love, it is not your fault. You must not blame yourself." He said softly with a quivering voice, wanting to see his beloved's eyes to gaze down into his own ones. He refused to let Nick say that he was to blame. He wanted to always be with his beloved, never wanting to be in this unfamiliar room that was inside of the hospital. "You did not trip me, my love. I fell. It happens sometimes."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(hey sorry for the long absence... was on a holiday and forgot to mention to u!

and surely, you are not doing too much ;) i'm glad you are giving me so much, and it sometimes make me guilty coz my replies aren't always as long as yours!)


Nick could hardly believe his ears and no matter how the Doctor presented it and tried to mask the tragedy, it was a blow to the young man. His life had been smooth, and everything perfect since the death of his father, but now it was another trick that fate had played on him and he was quite devastated to know their child, because of his carelessness, had lost the chance to meet the world. Only one was left and it was sad news...

Right now, Nick and Aki were two drowning passengers floating in this sea of sorrow, with just each other to hold onto. They were struggling and each nearly drowning, but because they had each other they barely float atop, supporting and clinging to the last hope in life. Aki was in no better condition than Nick, but he managed to pull himself together.... the doctor was quite alarmed to see this, and realised if Nick continued to dwell on this sadness, there was a chance that Aki could not keep himself looking positive in this matter, which would in turn bring danger to the remaining fetus. The ultimate root of this problem came from Nick, and he knew he had to step in.

"Sir... for the sake of your wife and child, please stay strong." He said, squeezing nick's shoulder. "You are the one who couldn't control yourself. Look at your wife, he needed to be comforted, he was the one suffering from a miscarriage... what you need to do is to man up and BE THERE for them. YOU should be the one comforting your wife, not the other way...." he sighed.

Nick looked at the doctor blankly - and then sensations were returning to him. Instead of letting the sorrow consume him, he had opened his eyes and saw the quivering lower lip of Aki, the sad look on his face, and the tears pouring from his eyes. Yes, the doctor was right, Nick had come to realise his responsibilty was heavier now, he was now the father of two... no, three... and also a husband. He had to be there for his family when they were in trouble.

"You are right... thank you docotr... and thank you, Aki. I'm sorry.... we shoudln't dwell in this sorrow. we... we still have another baby to look for. Aki... thanks for being strong enough to keep this miracle baby....." he said, letting the tears spill but this time, he wasn't desperate and there was hope in his eyes. 

(It is alright, I am patient. And I was busy as well so there is no need to apologize. I am relieved that I am not doing too much and anything in our roleplay replies that you do is fine with me. I do not mind short posts, your posts are enough for me. :))


Aki was heartbroken by the deceased twin inside of his womb. He felt terrorized by that such thought, shivering and shuddering at what he had been in mental thought of. He wanted to vomit upon knowing of what had happened to cause the such child to perish from the world. He wanted to sob, wanted to cry his eyes out until there was no more tears to ever be left to shed. He curled up in the bed, wanting to simply sleep the days away but he forced himself to stay awake and remained that way. Indeed .. it was such devastating news to hear with the depths of what was of his two sensitive human ears.

He seemed to be numb, trying his very hardest to control his emotions but he was much too far gone. It was not Nick's fault, all he wanted him to do was dance for him and him only. He looked up at Nick with weary, saddened and tear filled eyes. Life was meant to be lived but all he wanted to do was die and be dead to the world. He wanted nothing more than to see the remaining twin that had miraculously survived the test of time. He hoped that when the twins Hercules and Angel were old enough then the would not known that their sibling was sadly stillborn. Life was so much like a hellish nightmare that he wanted to awaken from. He refused to believe that the other twin was stillborn but it was true. He sat up, rubbing his belly which had been filled with the remaining infant who was alive, breathing and healthy as an Ox.

He wanted to hold the stillborn child but did not know how long he could hold onto being calm. He felt as though the sea of sadness and sorrow was endless and there was no help in sight but each other and he loved being with Nick even through such harsh times. Silently he listened to the doctor, noticing that he was being a little harsh on Nick. He wanted to say something to the doctor but was much too far from what was of normal human interaction. He wanted to realize that one of the children was deceased but he still refused to believe such news. He raised his lowered eyes, gazing up into Nick's eyes and tried to focus only on him and him alone to take the agony of grief away for a while. Even if just for a brief time. He tried to smile but all he could do was look at Nick and his tearful eyes. He let his beloved Nick express himself.

"The doctor is right, we do still have a remaining child to love and raise along with his or her two older twin siblings Angel and Hercules." He said softly with a quivering voice, wiping Nick's tears that he expressed away. "I love you Nick, I do not blame you." He embraced Nick close, letting him cry for a time as he had did so as well. He did not care of how the doctor felt of their crying, all he cared was about Nick's well being and their sadly lifeless, unborn child. He wanted to have a funeral for the child and keep his or her remains in a box after cremating him or her. He felt disconnected from all of what was reality, finding comfort in the depths that was of soothing warmth of Nick's strong, gentle arms. He loved being with him and as for now he needed him now more than ever. "I love you Nick, we will get through this together."

He sighed while he had felt as though he would never get over this tragedy but tried to see the positive side of it. He sighed while he softly swallowed down his deepening emotional turmoil and knew that Nick was trying to move on as well. Their stillborn child would be an angel in Heaven and would be well taken care of and that was something that he found uplifting. The child earned his or her wings and halo.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(thanks for always being so understanding! and surely you aren't doing too much, and I appreciate that you sometimes go back to edit your posts, since once in awhile the time line is a little mixed up, but next i checked you would have amended it to make it smooth ;))

(hmm, and err, sorry to have interrupted again. i believe a fetus at this very early stage of pregnancy would be too small to be cremated? at least that is what google tell me: at 10 weeks, which is approximately where we are at this pregnancy, the baby's the size of a strawberry..... surely this wouldn't affect where we are going in this rp, but just saying since it would be difficult for there to be a funeral/casket....?)


Those loving words from his wife was so endearing, Nick almost broke down again. Aki, no matter the circumstances, was so loving and gentle. They were both trying so hard for each other, especially at difficult times as this one. He sighed and returned the embrace, hugging Aki and nodded - yes, they would get through this together.

The doctor was at first still too worrired to leave them alone, seeing the tears still flowing, but after awhile he realised this was just a quiet moment of mourning, and that the couple needed this time to adjust to the tragedy that had struck them. He sighed and decided to take his leave - at least they weren't alone in this. And wiht Nick and Aki's love for each other, he was sure they would get through this and start taking care of the remaining twin.

Nick allowed the sadness to shroud them for some more time, before he straighteneed up and wiped away his own tears. Cupping Aki's face in his palms, he kissed the tears away from Aki and smiled. "Aki, there's one more member to our family... perhaps it was made to be. The angel twin was made to be in the heaven, looking after the remaining siblings. He or she woudl be having a great life, and he or she would be there for us at all times. He or she might have been the hero who'd saved the little miracle baby in your tummy now, by sacrificing themselve.... " he said, again cupping Aki's middle. It was still so flat, as if nothing had happened, but now they knew there was one strong life residing within, and they had to be careful now to take care of this precious gift they had.

Under Nick's gentle caress, Aki soon fell asleep. From that day onwards, he was kept in the hospital. Nick had moved everything to the hospital room so he could be wiht Aki at all times, while working simulatenously on his computer. It was funny how he gradually almost moved his entire office desk to the hospital, with papers laid out and computer almost always on, typing away emails and making important decisions - but at the same time he was taking care of Aki and meeting all his needs.

It was almost 2 weeks of stay before the doctor finally allowed Aki off the bed. He could walk around now that the remaining twin had setttled in his womb, looking again healthy and strong from the ultrasound. Nick was only too happy to be escorting Aki out to walk in the park, enjoying the sunshine. Over the 2 weeks of bedrest, Aki had gained a tiny bit of belly, even the doctor praised that the baby had been growing fast and healthy.

(sorry i did a little time skip. i hope they would walk out of this depressing moment soon enough - as in real life. it isn't healthy to dwell in tragedy that struck, the important thing was to look forward!)

(You are welcome, my friend. And I am glad that I am able to express myself fully in my replies. And it is so very fun to reply to your posts. You are really smart when it comes to explaining the pregnancies and the sizes of the children. I am glad that you put info for me to understand. As for the time skip it is alright, I am up for any ideas you have. Even if it is time skips. There is no need to apologize my friend. :D)


Softly, Aki sighed shakily as he was embraced in his lover's arms. He knew that the tiny, deceased and decomposing child inside of his womb would soon be removed from it but was also glad that the remaining twin was growing and thriving slowly. He leaned his head in toward Nick's own one, closing his eyes and letting Nick kiss each of his moist, salty tears away. No longer did he ever care if the doctor was in the room or not, all he cared about was cheering up the emotions of his beloved, saddened Nick. "I love you so much Nick. Now we have a remaining child to love, cherish and adore him or her as well." He expressed a soft, noticeable smile, letting Nick know that he was loved through even their tragedy. Through it all Nick and Aki knew that they would mourn the precious child who had no chance to breathe it's first breaths or kick for the first time but he or she would be an angel in Heaven with tiny fluttering, bright snow white wings and a bright gold halo. He or she was a true angel that was able to remain in the sky for eternity.

He wanted nothing more than to be freed from the shackles of tragedy as he knew Nick tried to as well. He watched silently as the doctor had turned and left the room. He did not care if the doctor was standing in the doorway watching him and his lover or not, all he worried about was Nick's emotions and his own as well. He was proud of being Nick's true lover and had wanted to always be with him. He was a true man to him. He rubbed his belly gently, even though it was still flat it was to slowly expand outward and grow in size as the pregnancy would wear on. He was excited more than ever to know that the older twins would have a brother or sister to care for and play with when they would become older in age. He looked out of the window after turning his head, smiling as he saw the sun shining through the clouds. He was glad that he would see that the child was in Heaven and was watched over by the God that had resided in the such lands in the fluffy, bright white clouds above and would be cared for by his second father God.

"I know, sweetie. And now we have an angel who is watching over us. He or she would get to run around in the heavens above each day and night." He smiled wider, wiping his own tears away as he stayed positive. He was pleased that Nick could be so deep when it came to expressing the lover that he had for Aki and their children who were both born and the other one who was not yet. As if by magic Aki had felt his eyelids droop and close, falling asleep in his arms as they both laid on the hospital bed together in each other's embrace. He slept soundly without difficulty, never waking up until the next day. As the sun played peek a boo over the horizon line he had yawned, fluttering and opening his eyes as he stretched his arms and legs slowly and gently to avoid straining himself or even painfully pulling a tense muscle.

He knew that Nick was the top dog in charge now that his father Christopher was deceased, noticing just how hard he worked to keep the long spanning family business afloat. He was a bit worried that he was working too hard and wanted to show him just how much he loved him. He was eager to get up and walk but he was much too weak to take even a single step around the room but after two long weeks of waiting he was able to walk around the hospital halls and had was eager to soak up the rays of sunlight that shined down from the bright aqua blue skies as they leisurely strolled through the hospital park, feeling as if he was blessed to have been strong enough to stay outside for a whole entire day.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh no please, haha i try but i am really not that good at it.. i'm glad i didn't annoy you with all these little facts. and yep, to tell you teh truth, i couldn't quite wait for Aki to be again with a big bump ;) a pregnant belly's always sexy~)


It was a refreshing walk, even for Nick who had buried himself with much work and therefore, made his muscles quite sore as well. he took the time to relax and enjoy the nature, smiling at Aki who was still weak, but recovering quite well. His patient's robe was too baggy to see any changes on Aki's body, but Nick knew changes were taking place in his womb. It wouldn't be long until Aki was showing...

They walked around. There were other people in the garden, also walking and enjoying the sunshine. When Nick felt like they could take a break, he subtly guided Aki towards a bench. "Sit down Aki. take it easy now." he smiled at Aki, helping him lower himself onto the hard stone bench. He was careful helping Aki with, well, basically everything. Even through his toilet break - he insisted Aki sitting down for that, just like the time when he was heavy wiht Hercules and Angel.

"This is great... you're recovering well." he smiled sitting down beside his wife, taking his hand and played with his fingers. "Soon. i think the doctor will release us from the hospital very soon. I am missing the twins as well... it's lucky they are still so young, or else they might start asking questions about where we are..." he said looking at Aki. He missed their children as well. He would spent alternate nights in the hospital and at ahome, so that at least he would have the time to look at the twins while caring for Aki.

"If the doctor agree, I want to bring you home next week. The construction work was all done... i ... i hope one day you'd dance again in that studio, even though it was where a sad event had occurred.... we would overcome it by creating new, fond and happy memories on that same place, shall we?" he suggested. Little did heknow, this wish might make Aki too eager in performing for his husband later.

(You are very informative and that is one of many things I adore about you.  And you could never annoy me. There is a saying that goes "you learn new things every day" and as for the pregnant belly thing I agree with you on that, a swollen belly filled with children is my cup of tea.  Blush .. :))


Aki felt as though he was truly returning to the presence of his naturally blissful and happy self as both he and his beloved walked through the hospital park. He saw a few children in gowns running around and laughing eagerly and had could not keep back the expression of a smile at them. He could not wait until their now three children would be able to run and jump around like they were meant to do but for now all they could do was simply tickle them, make them coo and laugh with humorously funny faces.  He was much too small and slender  to be wearing the large robe but he did not ever complain. Never ever.

He accept the such clothing as it was and simply focused only on Nick and his words. Life was like a bumpy, swiftly moving roller coaster and he was both scared and relieved that he would soon be delivering the remains of the deceased twin and then the other much alive one. Nick and Aki had both wanted the other twin to not be dead but nothing would bring him or her back from the dead, he or she was with God.

He was eager to become large with Nick's third child, smiling as he saw each chirping bird and felt the warmth of sunlight upon his skin. He kept a hand on the front of his slightly swollen belly and the other held in Nick's own one. He knew that the child was slowly growing in size but the two parents needed to be patient, too much worrying would cause great harm to the such remaining child. He wanted to walk for a while but did as he was told without complaint when he was told to sit down for a while. He sighed happily and softly, letting Nick know that he was glad to be with him in the park and under the gentle, overwhelmingly bright, blinding rays of what was sunlight. He hummed softly as he felt eager to be held by his beloved Nick and him only, he wanted to be with the twins and catch up on lost times with them.

"Thank you Nick, I am relieved that both me and our remaining twin are both doing alright, I know that we were both worried about him or her but now we have nothing to worry about or fear of. I wonder if it is a girl or boy." He said with a bright, proud smile as he rubbed his belly in a gentle circular motion for a while. He was also eager to be able to hold the child after the pregnancy was at nine months but he remained patient. He did not mind if it was a son or daughter, all he cared about was showering him or her with all the love and attention like Nick did. He was blessed to have such an understanding lover.

"I am also glad that the twins are not old enough to discover questions to try to discover where we are which is at the annoying, sterilized depths of the hospital." He said with a sigh of relief, not removing his hands from his belly. "I am eager to get back to our twins, I would love to dance for you again and show you that you are not to blame." He smiled once again, placing a kiss upon Nick's soft, delicious lips.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha aww ;) i'm glad you don't find me imposing ;) and tru,e nothing can quite compare to a swollen belly :))

(oops. and one more thing, i thought hte fetus had passed when Aki was bleeding heavily. But since you mentioned it in your reply... maybe i will add another twist to it here. and then maybe we could skip ahead a few more weeks to the time when Aki was 4 months pregnant? with the hollow space left by the sibling, the remaining baby might grow faster than average... hmm, achieving our bump quick?)


The doctor had been keeping them in the hospital because he wanted Aki to pass the dead fetus out on his own. Once it was passed, they would be released home. For now, though, the doctor had hidden that fact from Aki and Nick. Nick had assumed the fetus was already expelled when Aki suffered from the massive bloodloss, but Aki's feeling was right. The dead fetus was still there within his womb, but soon itw ould run out of space and would finally, part its way with its sibling.

The pair settled on the bench and he interlaced their fingers together. Nick smiled and returned Aki's offer of a kiss, taking his wife fullly. "I miss our twins as well... and i'm sure they miss us too even though they could not form proper words right now. The nanny told me they were beginning to gurgle... maybe, by the time we return, they would almost be ready for their first words." he said, keeping Aki updated on how Hercules and Angel were doing. "and yes... we will return to a brand new house." he said, there was still a sad note in his eyes when Aki mentioned about the blame, but he cheered up almost instantaneously when a child ran towards them.

The kid was only 2 years old, maybe 3. He was chubby and his eyes were huge and innocent. Poinitng at the bench, he bit his lower lip. "i... ball... there..." he said, still not old enough to form proper words. Nick smiled gently at him and bend forward. "Is it the ball you've lost?" he said presenting the ball ot the toddler, which the kid took happily.

Looking at the two, the child stretched out his chubby arms to climb his way onto Nikc's knees. He give Nick a shy kiss of thank you on his cheek and slipped off like an agile monkey, then quickly went to fetch his mother with ball clutched tightly in his hands. Nick hadn't expected that and was so surprised he looked at Aki with owlish eyes. "I can't believe what just happened...." he said and bit his lower lip. "I believe i was just sexually harrassed by a kid! Aki... please comfort me..." he said, pouting at Aki.

The pair laughed and then it was when Nick noticed something under the robe... "AKi... are you feeling well?" Nick asked when he saw bloodstain spreading on Aki's robe. The fetus had detached from Aki's uterus and was now beginnig to pass...

(I love learning new things when we roleplay from time to time. We can skip to when Aki has a bump, that sounds very fun to start at. I adore it when we get to do your ideas, it is very interesting. :))


Aki sat on the bench, watching as the many energetic children either played catch, swung on the swings or simply climbed up upon the jungle gym under the close supervision of their hawk eyed mother's or stern father's. He sighed happily, taking in breaths of air ever so gently as he noticed the fresh scent of nature that was around him. He wanted these moments to never end. He rubbed his slightly swollen mass of a belly but not as much. He and Nick did not realize that the deceased twin would be making it's appearance there in the park. He was simply enjoying the peaceful and beautiful sunshine filled morning, both lovers were eager to see the third child which was still surviving but had to wait. Both Nick and Aki were more than eager to hold the new addition to the family but knew that patience was key through the pregnancy.

He was annoyed with the doctor but did not dare to complain, after all .. the doctor was doing his job and he respected that fact. He sighed once more, feeling as if life was on the right track. He smiled up at Nick as he expressed a gentle, firm kiss back on his lips. He was not aware that the stillborn twin would sadly soon be expelled from his womb. He would soon be in pain after that was happening, no matter how small the stillborn was. He would soon be in for a scared when the stillborn would soon be birthed from it's mother's womb after he walked around with his father. Life was sometimes about conquering your fears and soon they would do that when the child would make it's forceful debut. Even though it was dead it would soon have a birth like any normal living child but for now it was lingering inside of it's mother's body.

"Aw, our twins will be so energetic when they grow up to toddler size. And I bet that they feel so blessed to have a father like you and a mother like me." He smiled wider, gazing up and getting lost into the endless, bottomless depths of what was Nick's handsome eyes. He let Nick place a hand upon his stomach, keeping the soft, passionate presence of a kiss that the both of them had shared almost endlessly.

When the presence of an unknown child approached he smiled as well down at him. He simply watched as the toddler and his beloved Nick had exchanged words and smiles to each other. He burst out laughing at his sexy, adorable husband's sexy pout and his words. He wrapped his arms around Nick and had continued to giggle happily. "Aw, my poor Nick, I will comfort you. You are so adorable when you are confused."

... His smile faded from sight as he saw the presence of what was a terrifying sight. "What? .. I .. I am not sure." He said with a confused tone to his voice, looking down with wide, terrified eyes as he saw and felt the stain of blood drenching his robe a bright scarlet red. "I am scared Nick .. what is happening?!" He whimpered, trying to figure out as to what was happening that exact minute. He tried to raise himself up to his feet but he was too scared to do that. He felt strange, holding one of Nick's hands as he continued to whimper as his fear had increased to worry and nervousness. He almost vomited at how sick he suddenly felt at seeing the slowly spreading presence of a bloodstain.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(thank you my friend. you always motivated me since you're not only accommodating, you're also always supportive. I have great fun in this and I'm so happy i did good enough to make you feel the same :))


Nick was getting all the fun, it was not always but when he did get comforted by Aki, he exploited the chances. It wouldn't hurt if he sometimes indulge in that little pampering, even though he enjoyed perhaps a slight bit more, and also spent most time, giving the pampering to Aki. it had been so perfect and he was reassured that Aki was recovering well, when the bloodstain suddenly shattered that belief. Ncik was also near panicking himself, but seeing the distraught state his wife was in, he knew he had to calm himself or it would end even worse.

"Shh.. Aki i will find hellp for this... you'll be fine.. our baby will be fine...." he muttered, also saying those words to convince himself. If anything happened to the remaining child, he wouldn't know how to recover from that.... Looking at the people around, he yelled for help when he spotted a nurse, holding Aki tight and close in his arms. "hey! Nurse, we have an emergency here...." he said looking down at Aki, holding his sweaty hands. "shh Aki, there must be a logical explanation or this. you must not panic now. if you get nervous and tense up, the baby might get hurt... i know it's difficult, but please try your hardest. Take a deep breath in and hold my neck." he said and knew they had to get back inside, with Aki bleeding, he dared not let him walk on his own.

Looking at the approaching nurse, he took a deep breath himself and lifted Aki up bridal style, then hurriedly went to join the nurse midway. "we had a miscarriage followed by massive bleeding, and had been staying in the hospital ever since. Please fetch our doctor quick..." he said, updating the nurse on their room number and thtier docotr's name, so that things could be done as quickly as possible.

the nurse went running to find help, so now Nick focused his attention on his lovely wife. "Shhh babe, you're doing good. You'll soon be in proper care..." he muttered and kept up with the encouragement as he walked briskly towards their room.

The doctor came and to their surprise, he wasn't looking too alarmed. Sitting down he had the nurse remove the patient's robe. "Aki, you have to be very careful now. Please push down a little, justl ike when you last gave birth...." he said looking between Aki's legs, giving instructions that confused the pair, but Nick encouraged Aki to follow the doctor's instruction, for he was beginning to realise what was happening and he trusted the doctor - who appeared quite in control of things.

(You are very welcome, you deserve the praise and so much more. And we are such a strong pair just like Nick and Aki are. :))


Aki tried to stay calm and remain that way, breathing in and out gently as he could. He simply whimpered like a saddened puppy, lifting up his two arms and wrapping both of them around his lover's neck as he was encouraged to do. He focused only on remaining relaxed even though he was rapidly losing blood from what was a very strange situation. He wanted to walk but did not dare to vote against being carried because of what was happening so there he was, being picked up and carried inside the hospital and was taken to the room he was in before as he was meant to be in the hospital until the remains of what was left of the dead stillborn was expelled from him. He wanted to forget the stillborn was finally coming and being expelled from his body as a tiny carcass of what was meant to be alive and larger than what it was.

"Alright love .. I will remain calm. I love you." He said soft and shakily to his beloved, protective lover. He looked up at Nick, wanting to close his eyes but was afraid of what would happen if he did that such action. He only did what Nick had wanted him to do, not going against any of it. He looked up at the ticking clock that he heard as he was finally laid on the bed in the hospital room. By his relief he was finally laid down on the bed, doing exactly what the doctor kindly but firmly told him to do after he entered the room. Living was about focusing on the positive things not negative ones. Humans were able to do this.

He nodded, doing what the intelligent doctor had instructed, spreading open his legs as he lifted his head. He closed his eyes, bearing down as softly as he could, not wanting to rush and have something awful occur with the only remaining twin inside of him. He held the insides of his two upper legs where his thigh areas was, taking things nice and steady. He focused only on Nick's words of encouragement and the doctor's instructions down to the very last letter. He did not focus on the feeling of blood streaming down his legs or the sickening feeling of nausea creeping up his throat that had originated from the depths of what was his stomach which was churning with the fully digested food that he consumed earlier in the day. He did not stop pushing forth the stillborn until it was fully birthed or when the doctor told him to stop.

He held Nick's hand, squeezing it whenever he felt his fear take hold. He forced himself not to tense up, struggle or do anything else which would endanger the life of the only twin inside of him. By sheer luck he managed to stay calm and remained that way as he looked on the brighter side of things that were possible when the strange situation was taking place. What he was unaware of was that he was finally birthing the stillborn but he was not knowing of this but Nick seemed to know what Aki didn't. He hummed in his head a song that always calmed him down. He stayed in tune with his body, never going against it. He did not want to see the remains of the child who was long forgotten from this world. It was pure. Life and death were both in sync with each other like peace and war were. Aki and Nick would make it through.

He wanted to know that the child was in capable hands, God's hands. He wanted the child to be safe and sound in death's eternal slumber even though that was a morbid thought it brought him a strange place of peace. All Nick and Aki needed to do was come to a realization that the child was in a better place and accept things as they were meant to be even if they did not agree with it. If living in the world was like this then Aki did not approve of God's methods or the outcomes it was great to know that the remaining offspring would be able to be with Aki and Nick and his or her siblings who were Angel and Hercules.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(i do agree, you are giving me a lot of freedom in developing our rp and I'm sometimes flattered how open and wholly accepting you are of my ideas :) yep, strong pair just like Aki and Nick!)


Following the great push of Aki, there was more blood, darkened with the long time it'd stayed in Aki's womb, oozing out of his tight hole and hte doctor frowned. The smell of blood soon filled the room, but with it came the tiny fetus and the doctor nodded.

By now, Nick had exchanged several glances with the doctor and seeing no one was as panicked as before, he was slightly comforted and was beginning to know what the situation was about. The nurse sort of confirmed him and encouraged him ot take Aki's hand, while holding his abdomen to make sure Aki was pushing with minimum strenght so that the other baby would not be harmed. Aki, with his experience on Angel and Hercules, was able to get the tiny baby out within a few pushes, where Nick was there to witness the strawberry-sized baby leaving them for good.

"Aki, now you can relax. The blood's slowing and all i want is for you to stay put and get some rest." The doctor announced, using a towel to wrap up the dead fetus, rmeoving it from Aki's sight so that the mother would not be traumatized by the view of the lost baby. "Nick, you can help lower Aki's legs... the blood had stopped." he siganlled to the anxious husband. the babies shared individual placentas, and upon delivering the one for the stillborn, the stream of blood had diminshed and stopped altogether now. The doctor was quite satisfied with Aki's condition.

Finally he did one more ultrasound to check on the other baby. Being reasonably assured that hte baby was doing good, he left the couple as they were.

Nick, sitting down with everyone quickly moving away, took Aki's hand in his palms. "Aki... we're fine now. The doctor said we would be abel to leave the hospital within these 2 days... they.. you..." he took a deep breath to gather his thoughts and organise his words. Aki deserved to know this, and he wanted to tell him. "I've said goodbye to the baby..... the little one had parted with us. BUt don't you worry, the baby will be blessing the sibling still in you... adn look after us from a better place." he sighed rubbing the slightly bloated bump of Aki's.

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