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Most often settled for Spring Break. Some often contended to the Mardi Gras and even Saint Patrick's Day, but if they could, some might say none of it came close to the Carnevales some of the Romantic Countries often threw, Brasil in particular. That was where a hefty size of tourists found themselves at now, riding in the backside of a truck as they took a trip down Rio de Janeiro itself with a young tour guide taking them to almost every important location. For Jaxon, the brown skilled male saw value in numerous aspects of the journey.
What was the story often told of such an exotic location? A great tourist spot because of the sights, especially with the large statue of Christ Himself, no? If that were really the case, why were the hotels often vacant, empty enough that if a maid were to die there, she would never be found until years later? It was not his job to make the place look bad as every Country had a fault. He was just finding the beauty and scars with each photo he took for any who would buy them to paint their own story. Instead, asides from that job, he was there to enjoy his time as he had done every time he came there, much like he did in Australia and even just his home nation in the United States. Bonus points if he spoke the Brasilian Portuguese too. It made him appear less of a grinjo, which even brought delight to Henrique, the guide.
For Henrique, he loved sharing of his country's history, but only if the tourists were inclined to listen and not be stupid to still take trails that were forbidden this season or just not listen at all. He had to snap his fingers several times to get some of them to listen, but finally they were there at their lofty hotel, which meant their tour had come to an end.
"Last piece of advice," Henrique let out with a thick accent. "Some of the locals can get unruly at night, especially tonight. We ask that you all stay in the hotel at night and if you can't help it, stay with a large group at least."
A lot of them portrayed privilege in some of their eyes, which meant easy pickings.
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One of the men was enjoying himself but found himself a little distracted when his fiancée resurfaced in his mind. Ivan was simply trying to get away from it all for a few days after having some issues with his lover who recently admitted that she was disgusted by how childish he was for his age(didn't help that he did not look like a 30 year old at all) and that he could never find himself a decent career. He took his phone out of his pocket, she still had not responded to any of his texts or voicemails.
The taller man was handed his room key and turned to see one caucasian male heading out of the hotel alone. Ivan chose to finally speak after geing silent the entire tour "Hey, you got a group?" He asked "If you want, I could come with yo-"
"Ah, don't worry." Bradley turned around and answered, "I'm not a tourist, I get confused for one all the time." And with that, he went back on his way. Ivan had no clue he was actually a tour guide the whole time, since he was undoubtedly American and mostly let Henrique do the talking.
"Oh well." Ivan muttered under his breath as he would look for his room.
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Henrique observed from outside. Not as if to be creepy, rather to make sure some listened. The police didn't give a care in the world. Not unless they were properly paid to do so. As he sat in the back of the truck, it wasn't him who exactly scoffed, rather one of the females who simply was just along for the ride.
"Why does he bother coming," she stated as her green eyes stared at Bradley. "You should stop inviting him."
"Dunno, Minha," he simply stated. "He might get lucky with something one of these nights."
Minha insisted he might with a trap, much to the chagrin of Henrique as he pinched her and told her to play nice. He waited on Bradley all the same, if he wanted the ride at least.
For Jaxon, when he was handed his key, he did not have a reason to stay around for long after he found his first love in the lobby: Coffee.
"Are you looking to get out," he merely inquired when hearing Ivan fail at not finding someone to "group up" with exactly. "It isn't exactly night out yet, but most often go to a spot close by in about a few hours."
He extended a hand out to Ivan. "Name's Jaxon. First time traveling here?"
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Bradley returned to the truck, thought not before waving to who was likely his only friend amongst the group, Ramonda. She gave him a look as if saying "Behave." before leaving on her own. Bradley had very little to say to Henrique and Minha, not that he really expected much of the same.
"Ivan." He greeted himself to Jaxon and shook his hand, his voice surprisingly higher pitched despite the the titan that he was. "Now, you definatley look like a traveler, to be honest this is the first time I've ever left Canada."
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"Pretty big journey to go all the way from Canada," Jaxon stated with a chuckle. "Yea. I come here almost every year. It pays to take photos and even hike, so I guess you can say I know my way around. So, why the big journey out, if you don't mind me asking?"
He grabbed his bags, figuring they could talk on their way to their rooms. All the guests were placed on the fourth floor, a place with a "view," to say the least, easier to know where everyone stayed in case an incident occurred.
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"Well..." Ivan did not bother to go into too much detail about his personal issues "Things were just not going great at home, and then I saw the brochure at work and thought it might be refreshing to take a trip rather than mope for once." His phone vibrated and he quickly pulled it out. Was it Courtney? Nope, just spam. He put his phone back in his pocket looking a little dissapointed.
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"I see," he merely stated upon exiting the elevator. "Well, whatever the case, it's got you all the way past two borders. I doubt checking the phone helps any either. When they're mad, they stay mad for a while."
It was true that Ivan never said it was spousal issues. It was only natural for Jaxon to put two and two together however. Never having once been to Brazil, constantly checking the phone and mildly saying there was trouble at home was enough to come to that conclusion.
"Sounds like you need a good distraction for the night. Not cheating or anything, rather just living a little. That spot I was telling you about is a club. It's usually safe for tourists."
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Ivan looked at Jaxon a little suprised. He must not have been as low key as he thought, or was he just that observant? "A club eh?" He liked the idea. Ivan sure did miss the club scene and rarely had much of a chance to go out, but it's not like anyone would really care here. "I could go for a drink."
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"That's the spirit," Jaxon said, chuckling. "Long as you don't get stupid drunk though. Don't need you waking up somewhere with an illegal doctor removing your organs."
He chuckled as he used his card to open the door to his room, a decent state of the art room on the other side of it.
"I'll see you in about an hour, then, and we can walk together with whoever else wants to go."
He did his best to sport an attire that screamed casual club, nothing formal at all and more urban. Bonus points for it showing off his tattoos and muscular physique. Pair that with a nice shower and enticing perfume, he was definitely bound to score a female tonight, if his flirting with Minha in his texts were not already a sure thing.
A knock came to Ivan's door, Jaxon feeling that May be fifteen more minutes after the agreed hour was probably to give the other male some more time. As he waited on the other side of the door, his brown eyes glanced at the cameras the hotel had on their walls, unaware that for this night, they were now flicked off.
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"Don't worry," Ivan said "I won't drink TOO much." He then entered his room. And was actually surprised by how big it was. It could easily fit two other people. It's a shame, if the pair were together they probably could have really enjoyed this place.
"Oh well.." Ivan muttered again before unpacking his things from his suitcase. Inside were clothes, obviously, as well as a few hair products and his Nintendo Switch, which he just realized he forgot to pack the charger for. Oh well, this was a trip meant more for being out and sightseeing anyway.
He quickly ran to the door and smiled to see Jaxon on the other side. Ivan had styled his hair to look a little more rugged, and wore a graphic t shirt with a red jacket over it, all topped off with skinny jeans that showed off his curvier figure, especially his glutes. He had no plans on cheating but didn't mind a little attention, he still had his engagement ring to show that he was taken. "Hey there!" He greeted as he stepped out of the room.
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"Sup," Jaxon said, noticing Ivan wearing a wedding ring among other things. "Looks like you're set. Let's get going."
Paraijo, it was called. It meant nothing in any dialect, but the owner fastened it as his variation of the word Paradise. That in itself was once again open to interpretation. Some might call it a spiffy hole in the wall. Others might call it a banging spot, what with the gorgeous aquatic and tropical designs down to having two floors, the top meant for V.I.P. status and two luxurious bars all the same with or without the perks of not being out on the floor among a densely populated crowd. That was where Henrique, Minha and several others sat, all dressed in attires that said formal, but ready to rumble. They watched as people from Ivan and Jaxon to other tourists partied hard on the floor below.
"You really shouldn't keep him waiting," the Twenty-Six year old Brazilian mused to his younger sister. "He's been crazy about you for a while."
"You know me," she quipped. "I like to keep a man waiting, especially tonight."
She insisted it was romantic that way, not bland as what Bradley had going on for him tonight. That prompted a few chuckles, but not from Henrique. For him, he simply didn't care about Bradley in particular, but that didn't mean he did not have feelings at the same time. Feelings that were otherwise cowardly among them. Again, Minha insisted it was because he liked it up the rear.
"Then, let's humor that," Henrique finally said. He whistled loudly for Bradley and his friend to come join them at the table.
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Ivan would prove to the other partygoers that he had some moves, even dancing solo while a crowd of girls watched. While they flirted and tried to dance with him, he kept his cool and politely refused their advances.
Bradley turned around in confusion towards Henrique. While he never really got any hostility from him like most others, the two almost never spoke to one another, so it was kinda weird for him to whistle for his attention. Ramonda simply gave a him a shrug. "He's no biggie, Minha though..."
"You know I hate her." Bradley said plainly before walking with her to the table. He gave Henrique a friendly wave as the two sat down.
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He had to admit, seeing Ivan have fun was rather infectious, drunk or sober. Jaxon found it relatively easy to ease into the flow of the crowd all without ever having to worry, but he was a wanted man and that in itself prompted Minha to gaze down among the crowd as she twirled the green margarita in her glass, nails tapping against the rail beam of the second floor. Henrique returned a warm smile of his own towards Bradley and Ramonda, the former more so, as Minha and some of her clique rolled their eyes.
"I think you know tonight's a very big night, right," he simply mused towards Bradley. "You might not exactly be family by blood, but you still exactly are, in a way. So, even though you're often casted off in a corner, I feel it wouldn't be quite right to not pass some information on."
Minha insisted, aloud, that it was simply better if Henrique didn't, but if it was one thing that could be said about this Country, like most Latin-based cultures that did not stem to the typical Hispanic out in the USA, it was that family mattered above all and so, Henrique had a solution for Bradley should he take it. If It was done, perhaps their elderly would smile upon the favor.
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Of course Bradley had an idea of what tonight was. After all, it was a night just like this that lead to him being rooted to this place and give up his life in America. Except now he was usually just an observer that never took any part in these events, nor would Ramonda.
He rolled his eyes when Minha insisted Henrique not tell him anything and that only made him more interested, if it was only to get on her nerves. "Yeah, I'm all ears!" He replied with a smile while looking down at the crowd below. He noticed the tall man he briefly spoke to at the hotel, and quickly noticed his wedding ring. His eyes then turned to Jaxon who he noticed had been traveling for the past few years.
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Perhaps it was a bit stupid of Jaxon. In his drunken mind however, he saw it was a quick in and out trip. He left Ivan at the bar with some of the other tourists and of course, people he genuinely trusted as he made his way for a quick trip to the bathroom before calling the night a smooth success as Minha waited for him back at the hotel. He was blind and deaf to the sounds of panic following the club as the Super Full Moon came to its full peak at midnight. He eased away from the bathroom stall as he focused on washing his hands, the tipsy haze to his body making him stagger here and there.
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A loud scream echoed through the club and everyone's dancing came to a screeching halt as terror filled their bodies. Then a roar was heard, which put everyone into a panic. Ivan in particular ran outside with a few others, it was much darker compared to when they entered. Another howl was heard, and the taller man turned to the noise to spot the silhouette of....something...not too far from him. To Ivan, it looked like a large cat standing on his hind legs, reaching at least 7 feet tall. Everyone started running away in random directions due to their blind fear, Ivan making the idiotic choice of running into a small patch of woods.
Bradley, meanwhile, was holding his urges until a certain point. While everyone else was taking their chances outside, he's go for a certain someone in the bathroom. He saw Jaxon stagger and nearly trip on his own two feet while he washed his hands. "Hey, buddy," The male predator gripping the other man's shoulders with a grin. His grip was surprisingly hard, but it was out of his control and soon he'd only be stronger. "This would be a bad spot to crash, you know. Maybe I could help you get back to your room?" Despite what he said, he had no plans to let Jaxon get close to Minha tonight.
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It's size compared to most was menacing, from the muscle mass down to the height, though with its feline grace, its speed was much more worse. This spotted humanoid feline roared with a ferocity as it darted after its prey. Now, there were plenty of options. As most realized when running out along the empty streets, a rarity, it was that most doors were locked. This allowed more of these large cats to pounce on them. Some were still running, only grazed by cut of their sharp sickle-like claws. As for Ivan, one gazed upon him as he fled the city of Rio, darting for the jungles. A grave mistake for him, especially in the night as what could simply be referred to as El Gato among some of the locals sprinted on all fours into the forest, it's sharp green feline eyes fixated on its prey in the darkness as it growled lowly to steer Ivan in certain directions. All for the sake of getting him even more lost.
"Whoa, quite a strong grip there," Jaxon said, unintentionally falling back into the shorter male as a result, before he laughed slightly. "Brad?"
His gaze was slightly off, as most seemingly were when we'll inebriated, but once he put the face to a name, he more or less gave the male a hug and practically lifted him up slightly.
"Umm, you'd do that?" Not that he wouldn't oppose, but he remembered Minha and him on that tour ride weren't exactly friendly and if she saw him, she might have a conniption fit. "Sure. I have someone...SOMEONE, I mean, at the bar who was also wanting to walk back."
He put emphasis that way to not imply he was into men, because he definitely wasn't, but liquor was a hell of a drug. Ironic that it wasn't.
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05-14-2019, 01:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-14-2019, 01:31 AM by
Ivan was sprinting in the woods for several minutes, hearing low growls across all directions but never actually seeing whatever was chasing him. He would eventually grow exhausted, forehead dripping with sweat as he realized he had no fucking clue as to where he was, just bushes and trees with no building in sight. He checked his phone, no signal, and if Courtney ever replied to him by now, he hadn't received them.
"Hehe, yeah, its me." Bradley greeted himself once again to Jaxon and gave him a light slap on the ass(which was probably rougher than intended) "Oh, and do you mean Ivan? Don't worry! He already le-aw shit!" he was looking at the bathroom's mirror, and saw that hair was growing on his otherwise well shaved body. Time to drop the act, it was time for action. "Sorry for this." He said as he could no longer keep the transormation at bay. He was growing taller and hairier, his clothes slightly ripping as they were unable to fit his huge frame.
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There was a chilling silence. Human error at its finest presented itself when the practically tired out prey stopped to examine his phone. That was all it took for for it to send a silent swipe of its sharp claws towards his arm. They weren't made with the intent to kill however or dig into his skin and yank him away. They could have, but there was seemingly another angle in store for this human.
Jaxon tried to process what was occurring, a part of him was trying to laugh, but when seeing Bradley's eyes glow and his body grow as it ripped through his clothes, he stammered back, unsure of how to process this. With his path blocked by this menacing feline, all that registered through his mind was the narrow window above one of the stalls. He made a dash for it, slamming the stall door shut. It might not do much, but at least it gave him some kind of barrier while opening the window and beginning to slip through and out.
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05-14-2019, 02:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-14-2019, 02:46 AM by
Ivan felt a twinge of pain at his left arm, but whatever cut him was already gone when he turned around. It wasn't super painful, but he felt funny. He resumed walking but felt a random feeling of lust, and he had a boner pressing against the inside of his skinny jeans.
Bradley clawed at the stall door to break it down, and managed to scratch Jaxon's leg but looked at his phone, which fell on the groun when his clothes ripped, to see a text from Ramonda "Go the long way home, I got this." It's not like the beast could fit through the window anyhow, so he's have to trust her. Even going the long way, Bradley would be able to get home long before her on all fours.
"Jaxon!" Ramonda ran to the window and helped pull Jaxon out the other side. "I-I don't really get what's happening, but my house is over there! Those things are already by the hotel!" Ramonda was skilled at keeping her transformation at bay, infact she had only succumbed twice. Normally, she hates this kind of sport, but only played along for Bradley's sake.