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Jaxon took a mental step back for a second when Brad insisted he was not going to stay in the hotel room for a while.
"And what exactly does that mean," he asked, a bit peeved, but not aggressive to the point Brad's albino friend might have to pin him to a wall again. "You're not expecting me to stay here with you because you think I'm pregnant, right?"
Henrique drove the car down towards the large gates.
"We'll be in the favelas soon," he explained, his eyes moving over to see Ivan playing with his phone. Henrique spared no time in telling him to put the device away. "They're what others call shanty towns, hence me picking this terrible car to drive in. We would get through the slums of this place and into a much better area where the hotels are at without drawing much attention, though. The police could not care less and raids on vehicles are a high possibility if people so much as suspect you."
He rested a hand on Ivan's before quickly jerking it back up when realizing that it might make the human male a bit uncomfortable. "I'll keep you safe otherwise."
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Ramonda gave Jaxon a bit of a death look before Brad nervously shook his head to get her to cool it. "Well uh...I already know you are but," he started "I can't have you leaving the country yet, these babies grow very quickly. I think three months." He stood up gently, getting close to Jaxon and lightly poking his currently flat tummy "I guarentee you in less than a week, there will be a bump."
"But we can leave it that for now, right? You still need your things?"
It was hearing Henrique's explanation that made him wonder we he had never done his research on this apparently terrible and dangerous place before choosing it. Apparently it seemed like people could do just about anything to outsiders with no consequence.
While he did not dare say it Henrique out loud, the man could not help but find his promise to keep Ivan safe as ironic, since he lured him and had him knocked up, technically against his will. "Yeah, okay..." Was all he said after Henrique finished talking, jerking a bit when he noticed he toiched him.
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Whether Ramonda wanted to get aggressive or not, Jaxon did not care. He scoffed in mild annoyance, his eyes rolling as he glanced at Brad.
"If I feel sick or not in a week," he stated. "Or whatever, you'll be the first to know. I'm still here for the Carnevale all week and have a job to do. That remains whether you want to be around me or not or have a snarling friend keeping an eye on me, but I'm not going to be restrained to one place because you believe I might be pregnant."
Jaxon was not denying that Bradley was some kind of a beast. He was not denying that the two of them had sex. It was the belief that he was pregnant that made Jaxon wish to put the claim to rest.
"So are you going to tag along or not?"
In thirty minutes, Henrique arrived at the hotel with Ivan. There were some issues here and there, but they made it out the favela in one piece. Henrique got out the car and walked inside the hotel, feeling that Ivan needed some space. He never had to worry about Ivan running away. The dangers of Brasil was perhaps enough to convince to stay somewhere safely populated. That and Henrique could easily catch Ivan if he needed. For now, he enjoyed some of the dark roast coffee the lobby had to offer.
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"I have things I gotta do, you two do whatever you want." Ramonda answered while rising from her seat and walking out. Bradley was a little relieved, the two might have an easier time without her agression possibly making Jaxon more uncomfortable than he was.
"I'll come wth you." Bradley said "It's probably best, n-not because I want to watch over you though! It can get a little dangerous here from time to time." He immediatley facepalmed after saying that knowing damn well he was just as dangerous as anyone else having claimed a man last night. What Bradley said was not untrue though, unlike Henrique, he was forced into the slums after a particular incident, where most of the citizens, especially those share his power, are almost completley feral.
This was probably as good a time as any, but Ivan was still putting off responding to Courtney's text, he would at least pack his things first. He changed out of Henrique's clothes and put on his own shirt and jeans which fit him better. After finally packing up his console, clothes, hair products etc, he finally decided to respond.
"Hello?" Courtney answered the phone. There was a pause for a bit on the other side. "Ivy? Did you pocket dial me?"
"Who's baby is it?" Ivan was referring the picture she sent, a positive pregnancy test. "You and I both know that it can't be mine..." Their schedules were not very convenient the past few months to make love, so the timing was off. It wasn't possible for Courtney to be pregnant with Ivan's child.
This time Courtney paused, not expecting her beloved Ivy to put that together. "Someone from work." Was all she said.
"Why in the FUCK would you do this to me!?" A frantic Ivan yelled into the phone "I know we have our problems, but we are supposed to be getting married in 3 months!" He was pacing around the room aggressively. Should he tell her he was apparently pregnant too?
"This is my way of calling it off." Before Ivan could ask why, she continued, "Honestly,'re just not, well....manly enough for me. I sorta realized that some couple months ago. It's almost like you have the word queer written on your forehead." This argument would go on for a couple more minutes before ending in Courtney demanding Ivan move out once he returned home.
A defeated Ivan crumpled onto the bed once the call ended, sobbing into the pillow like a teenage girl. This very well probably was the worst day of his life, being claimed by someone he barely knows and his love life being torn apart. He would eventually realise that he had been in his hotel room for over an hour. "Shit.." Going back downstairs to Henrique was the last thing he wanted to do right now, but it was probably better than Henrique coming upstairs to drag him back to the car. He grabbed the bags and headed back down the lobby, his eyes still a little puffy and face tear stained.
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"You're absolutely right about dangerous," Jaxon retorted when Brad facepalmed at his own choice words. Although he was remissive to what Brad said about his condition, Jaxon knew that danger lurked in Brazil, even in some of the "safe places." Still, as much as he had known Brad in the slightest regard, it was that he wasn't exactly a bad guy. He just did something really stupid, as Minha put it. Maybe he could lay off the guy a bit? Without a stable signal on his phone, he couldn't text Minha about this situation, especially now hearing some disturbing truths that Brad said about her and her brother being beasts as well.
"So...what do you usually do around here," he asked. "Maybe once I get my things we can get out a bit?"
It was never his intention to eavesdrop. Henrique figured that Ivan needed his space. In truth, Henrique needed some of his own. He was about to be a father in three months. That was less the time a human had to experience a bundle of joy growing inside of someone and with the truth being told out to Ivan with nonchalance, Henrique had to inquire to some degree about what was going on, especially since it was an hour later to which Ivan finally returned to the lobby. What did Henrique hear? Nothing too complex other than what he chalked up to a lover's spat with this "Courtney" calling him gay. That certainly made Henrique feel a bit imposingly bad. Whether Ivan told his wife what happened or not was beyond him as he was getting celebratory praise for having a mate at long last. They all faded the moment Ivan returned with a very puffy face that told the tale of someone bawling in tears. Poor thing was really going through it.
"You know," Henrique said as he looked over at Ivan's bags and his disheveled appearance. "You came here to enjoy yourself. I'm quite the socialite around here."
With a display of unnatural strength, he hefted the bags up with ease, but it was not his car that Henrique went towards. No. It was going towards the concierge as the male asked for Ivan's room to be upgraded.
"Something terrible happened last night. That I'll admit," Henrique said. "I humored my primal urges for a mate and preyed upon you. Did you deserve it? Not at all, but the other beasts in that forest might have crushed your bones, swallowed you whole or pulled you into the river to sucking your blood dry. I made a move that was beneficial to us both."
His green eyes gazed sharply into Ivan's. "These forests are wicked, at least deserve time to process this. Give me the opportunity to make this vacation worth your time. Let's try to forget what happened and focus on you having a great time, yea?"
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"Well," Brad started, slowly walking towards the door to escort Jaxon to get his things "I really enjoy reading. I have a whole room full of books. Oh, and I guess you also know that I am a tour guide....whenever Henrique and the others let me tag along, I mean." He was unsure if his next question would hit a sore spot given the situation Jaxon is now in "What about you? I think I have seen you tour here more than once but I never knew why." He wondered to himself how he hadn't been bred yet, as if yesterday was any indication, a lot barely last the first night without running into some encounter...
The lobby felt very different to Ivan now compared to the previous night. Before, he was in good spirits, everyone seemed friendly, and in a week everything would seem fine with him and his now ex. Now, he gazed at everyone in the room unsure if they too were also those wicked beasts. He had at least managed to figure out now that the entire outing was a trap, though he was unsure why.
"What are you doing?" He asked Henrique when he began speaking to the concierge. The man's explanation about last night made his heart sink. He hadn't anticipated that people actually DIED last night, apparently his fellow tourists, and with the beasts seemingly getting off scott free for it.....nevertheless, Ivan was saved from a cruel fate the previous night, though he wasn't going to say that to Henrique yet. The fact that he is either doomed to either die or be bred in the first place was enough to make him hurl. "Well, fine. But only because I see no other way to deal with this." He finally said to Henrique when asked to give him the opportunity. "Man, I need a drink. But I guess I can't right now, huh?"
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Jaxon eased outside Brad's home, gazing out among the now bustling streets, the club not too far from there, which made Jaxon glance away immediately. The better to not think of what happened, after all. Still, while Jaxon knew the police did not mostly care given their pay rate, something seemed off. For what seemed like a local pandemic last night, everyone was moving along just fine like nothing happened.
"Oh, reading? Any specific genre? I usually enjoy fiction." Small talk for now, but it helped ease the mood as he walked down the street, stopping to pause upon a dawning revelation. "I'm usually the guy that makes the tourists come in the first place. I take photos here and in other countries, though now I just realized my camera might be missing."
Did he take it with him last night? Jaxon usually was the kind of guy who liked to drink occasionally in the comforts of his room. No need to be wild at a sweaty club, but he had only gone because of...Ivan.
"Oh, shit," he said aloud as he bolted to the hotel. Where was Ivan in all of this!?
"Perhaps it's sympathy, but I'm only doing what's fair and what is fair is that you came here to relax, not be riled up by new and bizarre concepts."
Naively, the concierge congratulated Henrique and Ivan both, which made the Brazilian Werejaguar scoff him to silence. The cat was out the bag, so to say. Ivan among other things did not need to hear of implications of this being a set up from the start, but Henrique might have been selling the human a bit short.
"I have disclosed that among this Country, there are much worse beasts to encounter. My family and more are of the few percentage willing to work with the city in a repopulating situation. That is perhaps something small I can offer to help ease your mind.'
As he spoke, his eyes caught attention to Jaxon coming in the door. His nose caught wind of Brad nearby. While he heard the news of Minha being upset about the situation, Henrique was glad that Brad took the advice. No doubt the outcasted beast of a man would become someone more protective and dominant over time.
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There were a couple of eyes glaring in Brad's direction as the pair walked. Most were not welcoming to the idea that Brad had gained a new mate, especially since Jaxon was intended for Minha, who had higher favor. By this point the caucasian jaguar was able to drown it out and not let it get to him too much.
"Ah, I also like fiction." Brad answered with a smile. Good that they at least shared something in common "Oh, do you think it might be in your room? If it somehow got lost in our lovemaking last night I could get you a new o-" He cut himself short when he saw Jaxon running into the lobby. "W-what's wrong!? Wait up!" He sprinted unnaturally fast to catch up, eventually rushing beside Jaxon when he entered the lobby.
"Is there a place you can recommend that I relax where I wouldn't be in danger of monsters? Or should I just hide out in my room for 3 months?"
Ivan turned his head to the sound of two men entering the lobby, both of them having met him briefly last night. But why were Brad and Jaxon together? "Hey..." He greeted to Jaxon with a slow wave. Ivan and Jaxon mostly split up after getting to the bar, so he never really thought of what was going on with him up until now. He must have been safe though since the man didn't seem like he was attacked.
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"Thanks to you," Jaxon said in lieu of the situation last night. "I lost track of someone I was trying to keep safe. Hopefully he's not dead."
To his relief, there Ivan stood in the lobby. To his mixed dismay, there was Henrique, the Brazilian male offering Ivan an alcoholic Mimosa as he stated "Your condition is quite inhuman compared to what one contends to with a traditional onset."
Like some sort of host, Henrique gazed upon Jaxon and Brad with a warm smile, disregarding the anger others felt towards the Caucasian outcast.
"Join us," he said. "I'm thinking breakfast should be in order. I was going to take Ivan out somewhere relaxing as he suggested and yes, meu amor (my love), there are many places quite much safe from us and the rest."
Jaxon felt uneasy about this, but he really felt obliged to tag along. Mainly for Ivan's possible sake. The African-American male gazed at Ivan as he lowly asked "Did he drag you into this, too?"
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Ivan took a sip of his mimosa before answering "You mean....pregmancy?" He said before taking another sip "I guess so. And that's not even the worst thing thats happened today! Thank god I can still get drunk." He took a glance at the man beside Jaxon, a little surprised that Brad was apparently a werejaguar. Then again, the brief time they spoke Brad did mention he was no tourist.
"Jaxon and I would love to join you both." Brad was pleasantly surprised by Henrique's offer, getting a little close and whispering to him "Nice job on that one."
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Henrique shrugged with a smirk. "You say pregnancy, I say a healthy glow with a womb to grow."
Yes, he was slightly flirting. He heard only what he wanted to hear between Ivan and Courtney. When Ivan wanted to talk, he was sure the male would share more of it, but until then, Henrique was a man of his word. He would not dwell on what occurred the night before and dedicate himself to giving Ivan a very good week amid the circumstances. For now, he whispered back to Brad with "You didn't do so bad, yourself."
As for Jaxon, all Henrique could softly offer were his sympathies. It was his sister that led such a situation to happen after all. If that was all to be said, Henrique had an idea in mind.
"We should head out to the coasts. It's one of the popular spots."
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Ivan rolled his eyes at the flirt, knowing Courtney was also pregnant made the term disgusting to him, at least for now, though all he can do is slowly get over it. "This place is safe, right?" The tall man asked
"Yeah, of course it is!" Brad tried to reassure Ivan "And I'm down for it. Is that okay with you, Jaxon?"
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06-29-2019, 09:54 PM
"I would sure hope so," Henrique said. "You'll be out on a yacht with a pool. Spares you the whole ordeal of taking a dive in the water with who or what knows what. The end of the week in itself is also the Carnevale. I'm sure I can squeeze some other things in for you to do in the meantime."
Jaxon did say before he wanted to focus on his work and just try not to think too much of what just happened. It didn't take away the fact that Brad was still tagging along, but he could handle a cruise of sorts.
"Yea, sounds good to me."
"Then it's settled," Henrique exclaimed. "Put on your best beachside gear and let's have some fun!"
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Even in this state, Ivan perked up at the idea of being on a yacht with a pool. Perhaps something good would come out of this trip yet! "I'll go get changed."
The hotel lobby bathroom was the first place he saw, easier to just change in a stall then all the way back to his room. He switched from his casual clothes to a pair of blue swimtrunks and sandals. He took a second to notice himself in the mirror, knowing that his abdomen would begin to swell soon and letting out a sigh. After exiting the stall he noticed Jaxon was also there and thought he might strike up a conversation now that their respective "mates" weren't in the immediate area. "This might be an odd question but.....How did it happen to you? Actually, sorry. I shouldn't be prying."
Meanwhile Brad had approached Henrique. "So Minha..." He started "Do you know if she found out yet?"
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If there was nothing more to say or do, Jaxon was free to change into something more accomdating in beach wear and warmer temperatures. Since apparently staying in his room was practically forbidden too, he changed in the public restroom where Ivan was at and the question was posed. He did not want to think back on it, to honestly admit he had nothing more than a good time as a werecreature riled him up and sent him over the edge that night. But, he couldn't lie at the same time.
"Cornered in a restroom and trapped in a house," je said flatly. "Yourself?"
As Henrique casually changed out more openly with no shame to some public indecency, he smiled warmly when Brad asked him the question. "She knows he's been claimed as his scent changed with the pregnancy, but she doesn't know who exactly made the move at the same time. I have a feeling she will on this boat, however."
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07-17-2019, 05:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2019, 05:24 PM by
"More or less the same thing, but cornered in the woods..." Ivan had no other conversation topics to think of and this was already awkward enough as it was, so he headed out and back into the lobby. "I'll see you out there."
Brad would also change out in the open, and listen to Henrique's answer. Damn, he was hoping that she wouldn't be there, but she is part of Henrique's family so it would be a tad weird for her to be absent. A confrontation was inevitable. "Yeah, thought so....Oh right, we came here to get Jaxon's stuff!" He didn't want to take up anymore time, so he thought he'd text Ramonda to deliver them to his home for him.
"Yeah, yeah, okay. Just make sure Minha doesn't kill you." Was her response.
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"Really weird situation, huh?"
That was all Jaxon could say at the moment as he wasn't exactly sure what more could be said or done that did not lead to either him or Ivan freaking out. Why was he humoring this, exactly, when he could possibly flee to the airport and, get away from here? It was an overbearing idea fit with thoughts of forgetting everything he brought except for his Passport. It was also a thought he had to bury when considering someone's albino friend being out on the aggressive prowl. Jaxon buried the idea as he changed out to a loose T-Shit and some comfortable cargo pants. Pair it with solid black sneakers and Jaxon had an attire that spoke of wearing clothes fit for the occasion and yet, possibly not looking to get wild and wet. With Brad seemingly like some supervisor from hell, Jaxon highly doubted that he could just sit back and enjoy himself as Henrique was casually playing at.
Maybe he was too realistic to know bullshit a mile away. Clearly, this was a ruse to let them enjoy themselves, but the obvious catch was coming. In spite of it all, Jaxon had to play the role one way or another.
Outside, in the lobby, Henrique was now clad in some dark trunks akin to briefs and with a black open buttoned shirt and sandals. With shades now donned over his light brown eyes, he was ready to go with Brad and the rest.
"Expect her to be pissed," Henrique. "But I'll doubt she would act outside the interests of the family overall. She won't be the only one there, all things considered."
It was easy to assume that their family was far from small, after all. When Jaxon and Ivan arrived, Henrique let out a cheerful sound as they were now finally ready.
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“I suppose you’re right.” Brad was slightly relieved, though a scenario was still in the back of his mind of the family ambushing him over the matter, though that would be worst case. “Can I ask you someth-“ he cut himself iff after seeing Jaxon come back in his casual wear, and his smile returned to his face. “You’re looking good~!”
Ivan stood in the lobby beside the others, arms crossed. He was uncomfortable by how everyone else seemed uncomfortable over how he and Jaxon were the only tourists around compared to last night, which was packed with them. “Uh, are we all ready to go then?” He asked
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Brad needed to ask him something, but Henrique was what some called the life of the party. He could attract a crowd to him just as well as he could lose it when the time was right. He was certain it was bound to come back up again, but for the moment, all that was before them now was to simply get aboard with the cruise. There was a celebration today and while most did not quite get why asides from the carnivale coming up within the week, it was in actuality a celebration of life. Emphasis on the word life.
Among the lofty yacht, there were cliques if the term could be used. There were individuals who were these mythical beasts, those who unfortunately got dragged into the lifestyle and those who were just completely oblivious to the nature of it all. They were simply there to party. Catering to their naively confounded complex was quite easy. For the rest, those who were the unwilling and yet overly wiling the night before, they had a little more difficult of a time just going with the flow. That was where Jaxon happened to be among said category as he snapped pictures with his camera, depicting the party lifestyle many craved among their social media platforms.
He had some drinks, here and there, some alcoholic, but most often without the premise of getting inebriated. Knowing what he knew now, he just wanted to be a bit more aware than he was before. More cautious. With Minha lurking here and there, that made it even more awkward for him.
As for Henrique, he had a few things to discuss with his father, the male in a room at the time. That in itself left Ivan all the time he needed to perhaps enjoy himself with the rest of the oblivious tourists who got aboard the yacht freely from pure generosity. It was the truth, as they needed people to just be themselves on the cruise.
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The titan was lucky that Henrique would not be watching him so closesly during this party. It wasn't too hard to tell who were among the beasts, the carriers, and those were unaware. The spotting of a few men with obvious bumps all but confirmed his fears, there was absolutley no way Henrique was bluffing him. On the other hand, he did say it was fine to drink so that's exactly what he planned to do to get his mind off this ordeal and being cheated on.
And after only a couple shots, Ivan was hammered and killing it on the dance floor yet again much like the previous night, and while he attracted the attention of a few people, no one dared to make a move on him this time thanks to the visible mark left on his arm. Word had already gotten around that Henrique had claimed an engaged male, and no one dared tried to risk pissing him off. At the very least, Ivan forgot about his sorrows for at least a few minutes.
That left Brad sitting at a table, solo and clicking away at his phone. He would let Jaxon be for a while and leave him for his work, understanding of his situation and wanting to give him some time alone much like how his previous mate did for him when he was on this same yacht a couple years back. Every now and then he'd notice a few people leer at him.
"I can't believe you'd have the gall to curse another another mate! Isn't there enough blood on your hands?" A middle aged woman said to the outcast before spitting on the table and leaving. It was obvious that people were not happy with Brad's catch, and without Ramonda to protect him, they were more than willing to lash out at the not as capable predator that Brad was. Even so, he hardly let it get to him anymore.