Posts: 20
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Joined: May 2019
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
Layne bit his lip softly before turning his head to kiss Koi's cheek as he kissed his neck. "I just want to be really careful. I think it's best we hold off." He slowly uncrossed his arms and reached to hold his partner with a soft hum. "I know I'm repeating myself, but I can't wait to feel them moving around~"
Posts: 20
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Joined: May 2019
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
(Do you wanna go to when the quads grow again and start moving?)
Posts: 2,884
Threads: 44
Joined: May 2016
Sex: Female
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Location: "At my rightful place, which is "King Nitrogen's" side, kneeling before him or simply, in his lap. Those places are where a true "Brood-mare" belongs, until said otherwise by such a masculine "Man".
Sexual Orientation: To be honest, I am quite deeply Detached in real-life, riddled by severe-dissassociative/brutal BDSM-addictive tendacies to an extremely persistence and long-standing Anti-socialness by nature, but still clinging to signs of what Humans call by word as "Hope", as if so to say I suppose .. erm .. ~Pokes nearby balloon, humming to pass time quicker ..~ So .. um .. merp .. merp ...
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
(Yes, I would like that.)
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.
A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Silent Feather
Posts: 20
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Joined: May 2019
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
(Alright! ^^)
After a few weeks of waiting for the quads to grow so they would move, the day had finally come. Layne had just gotten home from his shift at the hospital and had just barely gotten out of his scrubs and into regular clothing when he felt almost as if there were butterflies in his stomach. He assumed it was just hunger pangs, but he soon felt his swell grown larger, but there was something else he was feeling. Surely enough, he noticed movement. Without trying to get himself too worked up, he quickly waddled up to Koi. "Babe! They're moving!" He shouted.
Posts: 20
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Joined: May 2019
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
Layne’s proud smile returned at Koi’s compliments. “They just started..! They’re so strong.” He lifted up his shirt to see their movements more clearly. “I’m already looking close to full term!” He gently rubbed his fairly rounded out belly while feeling kicks against his hands as his hands moved it circles. “There are times where I feel a bit self conscious, but I’m proud. I can tell these are multiples and that this is rare pregnancy.”
Posts: 20
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Joined: May 2019
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
Feeling how strong their movements already were, he could tell that they would probably give him a hard time when moving as they grew larger. “Ah... They’re already so squirmy in there.” He chuckled softly as their unborn children moved within him. “It’s so crazy.... It’s like they’re some sort of aliens.” He teased.
(Ah! I’m sorry! My reply didn’t send!)
Posts: 20
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Joined: May 2019
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
Feeling Koi’s kisses along his ever so sensitive skin, that was still growing to be more sensitive every time the children in his womb allowed him to give a content him. “Why thank you, love.” He offers him a gentle ruffle to his hair. “It really is amazing how our first time lead to me being so pregnant.” He chuckles softly. “They’re just a bit excited, is all. They hear mommy and daddy’s voices and they want to meet us. Don’t you worry, little ones. You will be here soon enough..~”
(Thank you for being patient! Life pretty busy in terms of traveling, so I will be on and off for this week.)
Posts: 20
Threads: 4
Joined: May 2019
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
"I'm hoping we have boys and girls, but now matter what they are, I will love them." He watches his unborn children squirm in his rounded belly. His hands gently roamed his sensitive skin while Koi spoke sweetly to him. "You are so sweet to me. I'm so glad that I'm the one carrying your children. I feel so special that I'm the one carrying your children inside me. I love feeling them move and kick inside my belly." He looks up at his lover before giving him a gentle kiss. "I love you so much.. More than words can describe."
(I apologize deeply for the long wait! I have been fairly busy with traveling and I hope I didn't make you upset. I did not have much service where I went, so communication was hard, I'm very sorry, but I am back now and I should be for good. Again, I'm very sorry for such a long wait.)