True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

(I am glad that we both have absolute freedom in our roleplay. I am up for absolutely anything! :D)


Aki focused only on pushing, shuddering in fear when he felt the presence of blood streaming heavily from the depths of his tightly clenched hole. As much as he tried not to he was secretly fearful of what was truly happening but did not stop bearing down. He also focused only on what was meant to be, gripping one of Nick's large but gentle hands. Life was always about taking chances and risking it all for true love.

As he felt the tiny remains of the sadly deceased offspring he quivered, not knowing as to why the feeling of it felt so strange along with many strong gushes of blood. As he caught the metallic tang of blood as it packed into the the air and burdened him with it's strong presence. He wrinkled his nose in distaste, trying so much more of his very hardest to ignore such a strong, nauseating scent but was unable to. 

When the presence of the unborn stillborn was finally delivered he expressed a sigh of relief. He did not know why but he felt ten times lighter even though he did not know what in the world was happening that he had to start pushing. He breathed gently, wanting whatever was happening to stop but he did not dare to complain or stop until the doctor was done. He loved each moment he was with his beloved.

He lowered the back of his head to lay back on the feather soft pillow, closing his eyes for a while to relax for a time. He felt the doctor gently wiping the remaining blood from his thighs and woman like genitals until they were clean once more. The doctor did not want the presence of an infection to end up claiming the life of the only remaining child that was inside of Aki. He was worried with each passing minute but did not show such emotions to Aki. All he did was focus only on keeping Aki calm and centered like a round of spiritual meditation was but let him rest for what was a long time to regain each drop of his strength.

He put all his hope, love and endless attention on their only unborn child and Nick. He was excited to be soon swollen with their third soon to be born unborn child."Thank you, doctor. Thank you for helping us." He said softly, expressing a tired smile to the kindhearted doctor who tried his very hardest to help him. He had only eyes for Nick and him only. He knew that the doctor meant good, positive intentions but he wanted the man to know that just in case he wished to do something else entirely. If life was sometimes filled with sadness then Nick and Aki felt more than just that emotion but now they had accepted.

"I am glad that we will get to leave from here and be back home into familiar surroundings, love. I have also said my goodbyes to our child as well." He said softly, looking up into Nick's eyes with an expression of peace and understanding. "Our remaining child will live for his or her family." He expressed a warm, relieved smile as he felt the familiar touch upon his belly. He wanted to never ever forget such a sensation, gazing up into the depths of his eyes forever and ever. He hummed softly the catchy tune of a song that he always loved to dance to, feeling as if he could finally relax for a while. He was eager to be back home.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(you are indeed very accommodating and I'm so happy about that ;))


Aki was doing well, Nick could feel his restrained strength, pushing so carefully in just the right amount of strenght to not harm the remaining baby. Nick had fallen deeper in love with Aki if that was even possible, having witnessed his wife's intense struggle and excellent job moving their angel out.

Aki was tremblign violently when the tiny fetus was passed. Nick knew it must felt weird for AKi, but all he could do was hold him tight and kiss him feverently. He was weary of the doctor's actions, his cleaning and everything, keeping up a constnat stream of comforting words before they were finally left alone. "You're so strong, so tough, i'm so proud of you Aki. You've done so well... our baby, our lovely baby's now safe to grow inside of you. Keep up with this...." he muttered, and nodded at Aki's words,glad that he had come out of this tragic incident. Life was about moving on, and he was glad they had each other on the way to overcome this difficult situation.

Taking a deep breath, he nodded. "indeed, our remaining child will be living for us...." he agreed and held Aki's gaze, nodding and singing along with Aki as he watched Aki relax and fall asleep after the strain. Aki needed this sleep... they would recover soon now that the perished fetus was safely delivered.

The doctor, as promised, did not keep them in the hospital for long. The medics knew the best place to recuperate was always home, adn that this couple had young children to look after at home. The sooner they released Aki, the sooner they could reunite with their other children and that joy would undoubtedly contribute to Aki's speedy recovery. Nick was all too ready, and by the time they returned home, there was a colorful banner he had set up for Aki, welcoming him home.

"Surprise...." he smiled holding the small of Aki's back while carefully escorting him up the few steps leading to their mansion. Up at the main door, the nanny was holding both Hercules and Angel to greet them.

(Thank you, love. I am always happy to wake up to read a new reply of yours to our roleplay and brainstorm just what reply I will do as well back to it. :))


Aki felt urgent to kiss Nick's lips and make such sweet, delicious lovemaking with him and only him but he was afraid of someone barging in and finding out. He had waited for a few days along with Nick, feeling excited to be able to return home after a few more grueling days at the hospital. He looked up into his husband's eyes, expressing a smile at him. He followed in sync to the movements of his husband's eager lips, his own ones smirking against them ever so lovingly and playfully. He wanted his husband's thick and eager to be pleased cock inside of the depths of his body but kept that urgent eagerness to himself.

"Thank you, love. I am proud of you as well, you are a wonderful father to our two twins and also to our unborn." His smirk turned into a smile, keeping his eyes gazing up into Nick's own ones. He was not aware that at the mansion like house a celebration was to be soon revealed to him. He lifted his head from the pillow that it was once laying upon, embracing his beloved husband close to him and delved into his sweet, comforting warmth. He loved the way that his beloved had always wanted to keep him relaxed and calm through the days and soon they would both be able to be at ease in the depths of their home.

He also took a deep, well needed of breath. He blushed as he heard the soft harmonious sound of Nick also singing with him. He closed his eyes, resting for a while to regain his strength once again. He wanted his beloved to know and be aware of that he was excited to finally be able to travel home and be in familiar surroundings instead of the unknown four walls of the annoying, sickening sterilized hospital. 

He loved to be with his beloved through the many many many days that seemed to be of unbearably endless and dragging on. Gently, he rubbed his belly with one of his hands which felt like a single but noticeable bump ever so softly in a circular motion. He wanted nothing more than to see the twins who seemed to be fine without both Nick and Aki but he still wanted to greet them and hold them as well.

He smiled up at his husband as he was helped into the wheelchair and assisted further into the car. The chauffeur drove both Nick and him home and when they reached the familiar surroundings he expressed a smile upon seeing the banner which welcomed him back home. He embraced Nick and had been helped up the stone staircase and to the door where the nanny was waiting with the two twins held in her two arms. "Aw Nick! .. this is so sweet of you to have done for me! .. I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband like you!" he felt more than the simple word "happy", kissing his lover's lips with a gentle peck.

He was soon in the house, Angel was gently put into Aki's arms as he was placed in one of the soft, comfortable chairs that felt like a cloud. He was still healing but he was able to play with his daughter with his fingers and smiled wide down at her with a proud motherly expression. Meanwhile, Hercules was slumbering in the nanny's arms. He wanted to be with his mother and father but he was too tired to do that.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(hey babe, i'm sorry i disappointed you yesterday morning... i was so sleepy all day and in the end just crashed once i got the free time... please forgive me!)


Nick smiled at his beloved. Aki's smile was worth every effort in the world. He alos loved the smile that was again appearing on Aki's beautiful face. HIs wife had been recovering not only physically, but also pscyhologically and that was all Carl could have wished for. He nodded at Aki and welcomed the kiss. Had the nanny and their twins not been waiting, he would snoggle Aki right then and there until his wife would melt on his chest....

... and despite him not wanting to linger too long, Nick still deepened the kiss long enough to make Aki whimper out loud, his knees giving under him so that he had to hold Nick's chest to keep himself up right. Nick Smiled and swept Aki up from his feet and carried him the remaining way up their home, to place him on one of their lovely chairs so thenanny could place their precious little girl on his lap.

Nick went on to take over Hercules, the sleeping boy was undisturbed while being transferred to Nick's hands. Nick smiled and waved away the nanny, wanting to spend this little family reunion among themselves. He smiled at Aki, taking a seat beside him, and cooed over Angel who giggled upon seeing her father. "Little girl, happy to see me as well huh? sorry that daddy and mommy weren't here...." he smiled tickling the full gummy of Angel.

He then reached over to hold Aki's shoulder, pulling him close so they could rest theri heads against each other. "Finally...we're one again." he whispered, his heart filled with tender love for every single member of their family - including the tiny life that had already said goodbye with them.

Nick had gradually resumed his work, though eh made sure he was staying around Aki enough to make sure his wife was getting the rest that he needed. Nick would not allow AKi to get out of the house for another week, but afterwars, his control over Aki relaxed. The only thing that he maintained strict control over was Aki's diet - he had to makee sure Aki was eating well and growing, and his effort paid off, for Aki's belly was showing quite prominently now. At the brink of hitting the 5th month mark, the baby having grown considerably after losing the other sibling, Aki was again obviously pregnant, and not merely sporting a beer gut.

(It is alright love, I truly understand how hectic jobs and real life is, trust me it does get that way from time to time. And plus I have been weary as well because of all of the packing of my suitcases. I have to leave early tomorrow so I promise that I will see you again on June 3rd and go from where we left off. I will miss you a whole lot but I will be back before you know it. Our unborn will miss you too. I feel proud of carrying your child inside of me. It is kind of hard to get up from bed from time to time but it is worth it. :))


Aki shared a gentle but heated liplock with Nick and had loved each and every single moment of it. He was blessed to have a family of his own that he dreamed up since being little. He had a loving, attentive husband and two lively, eager to explore children who were of the names Angel the firstborn and Hercules the second. He knew that Angel was bigger than Hercules but they were still lovely either way.

He hummed ever so gently down at Angel who looked up at her mother with a light stare of curiosity. She moved around with a soft, entergetic wriggle, wanting nothing more than to stay in her mother's warm arms. Aki was so blessed to have a lover such as Nick and their two newborn children to play with. Life was about protecting their family now and Aki loved that and so much more about his beloved Nick. He adored his beloved Nick, always loving it when he was in his presence or held in the warmth of his strong but gently squeezing arms that embraced him within their warm hold each and every day and night.

He sighed happily, keeping Angel's eyes focused on his fingers and face to avoid being cranky or crying. He loved the way that his lover and daughter both bonded with eachother. He was eager to see just how beautiful Angel and how handsome Hercules would become when time would change their appearances. He did not know why but he felt as though Hercules would be a ladies man and Angel would be the interest of each guys eye but for now all he did was appreciate that the twins would be innocent for now. He led his beloved Nick hold him in his arms as he was scooped up and carried off to one of the many chairs.

He admired just how much Nick had grown over the years. He went from the skinny stick that he once was and turned into a hunk who knew just how to pleasure him in so many ways. He wanted to always be with him and only him. Not even death would separate them. Never ever. He held Angel close, seeing her cute chubby face change from a toothless smile and into a cry as she was starving for a stomach of milk.

As if reading Angel's mind he did as so, offering a breast for her to feed from. He expressed a slight wince, sighing softly as he felt the pressure slowly ebb from him. He gently held Angel close to his chest, stroking her hair ever so softly as he hummed to her once again a lullaby like melody so that she would be calm and relaxed. He watched down at his daughter's face as she closed her eyes to a full slumber.

He kept Angel calm, not wanting for her to wake her soundly slumbering brother. Hercules easily slept for a while, feeling at peace in his father's warm arms ever so lightly. He wanted to stay that way and never feel unsafe. He wriggled slightly, gently nuzzling his father's chest as if a defenseless kitten would do, expressing a soft yawn before slumbering for a longer amount of time as he happily dreamed.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(ohhh babe! i hadn't realised it was already time for your departure... i'll be eagerly waiting for your return ;) how i wish i could accompany you and tend to you whenever you need me. Promise me you would take care of both you and the little one well? I'll check when you're back, promise, and if you don't gain at least a few inches around your bump, I wouldn't be oto happy ;))


Nick gave Angel a fond glance - trust their daughter for knwoing when to ask for milk.... She was very attached to both parents. He smiled the pair and gulped down uneasily when he saw Aki feeding Angel. He had missed this scene, something that had not happened during their month-long stay in the hospital, and never before was Nick feeling so solidly that they were back home, and life was getting back to normal.

Well, he might add footnote that this would be as normal as it could for them with another little one on his or her way.

He stroked Aki's back, gazing at Angel lovingly while hte little baby suckled eagerly. Nick felt the flinch from the first mouthful of suckle. "Easy babe... mommy hadn't been feeding you for awhile. You have to be gentle..." he told their daughter, stroking her little head.

Ncik watched Aki burped the baby, and soon enough both their children were asleep. He waited for another while, making sure they were soundly asleep enough that moving them wouldn't cause them to wake up or fuss, then went on to take them to their cradles. He returned to scoop Aki up again. "Let's head off to shower... and prepare you for Hercules." he smiled at Aki. He knew from Angel's strong suckling his wife might have epxerienced some soreness on his nipple already. Might as well prepare his other side for Hercules, in case he woke up in awhile also demanding for milk.

Nick put Aki into the bath. His wife was glowing - one of his nipples were markedly swelled from Angel's meal, the other side relatively unmarked, but still engorged with the pregnancy. Underneath, he saw a light swell on his belly, evidence that another new life was thriving within... He followed Aki into the big bathtub - almost like a mini swimming pool - and went on to clean him, wash him away of all the tired feeling accumulated from the bedrests.


Nick was gnetle handling Aki in his delicate situation. And that gnetleness continued even as Aki entered the second trimester. a week away from his 5th month, Aki had become curvier than ever. He had this prominent bulge, and he was stroking his middle constantly. Nick could hardly keep his hands away from Aki whenever they were together.

Returning home this night after a full day of work, Nick couldn't wait to see his wife again. curiously, he was nowhere to be seen. Nick climbed the stairs and walked around, but after checking the nursery, the toilet, and also the study, he still could not find his wife. THen he recalled one last place: the studio.

His brows knitted tight together. Would Aki be practising dancing again? but he had just recovered... he went along the corridor and contemplated.


("It is alright, I will miss you like crazy. I wish that you could accompany me too but June 3rd will be soon and I will be able to be with you again. I will protect our unborn child and it will be bigger when me and you unite once again." -Rubbing my belly I smile, holding my head up proudly. I place a kiss upon your lips, keeping back my tears of sadness as the butlers gather my suitcases.- "I will be back soon, I promise." -I finish my sentence which seems to be of a shaky, emotional voice. I share another kiss for what was a little but bittersweet second or so, turning and departing to the limo which the driver opens the back door up for me. Once again I get in it and wave to you with a slight smile, I always hated leaving you but I was to return to Mississippi to tend to a ill but beloved family member.-)


Aki expressed a glance back at Nick, smiling ever so softly. Even now he was always feeling butterflies in his belly whenever he saw Nick smile, smirk or look at him in the same affectionate way. He hummed gently, feeling the rough tugging and gumless mouth tightening upon one of his woman like breasts. He sighed shakily but did not struggle against Angel, he never did that that most mothers had did. He felt as though the child would rip his nipple off from being so rough and cruel to it's flesh but knew that there was no malice and cruelness in her intentions. He was relaxed and at peace at home, closing his eyes and focusing on the feeling of milk being drained from his breast's once full, swollen ducts. He hummed gently and softly, getting Angel to fall asleep for a time to regain the presence of her strength and awareness. 

He was glad that Nick was sitting close by his side, feeling more relaxed as he felt the presence of Nick's large but light hand rubbing upon his backside and he had felt it untense as a result of how gentle it was.

He felt as the presence of  Angel's mouth seem to slow down and become gentle. She listened to her father as if she was under a spell, detaching her mouth from her father's sore, raw nipple. He felt the daughter wriggling around, trying to find a positive spot to be comfortable in as she had slowly fell asleep from the presence of awake and aware. He sighed happily, softly nuzzling Angel's face with his nose. After that Aki had gently patted Angel's back, feeling relieved as she had responded with a soft burp. She yawned and slumbered for a while like her beloved, identical twin brother. Aki was eager to feel his daughter falling still and becoming asleep on his chest and as a miracle she did as such. He wanted to truly help Nick but he was still much too weak to do something as simple as just that or even more that just that. 

Life was more than just simply living through each day and it was more like putting each day to the fullest. He simply sat there, gently handing Nick their daughter and then watched him do the same with Hercules as well.  When the shower was brung up he did as such, letting Nick help him up from the chair and to his feet. He smiled softly, following his lover to where the massively sized bathroom area was. "I would love to take a shower." He replied happily, rubbing his belly ever so gently as he had seemed to do a thousand of movements. He sighed happily as he was embraced by the presence of warm water running down his flesh, soothing the sore nipple and tense muscles that was being massaged by the bathtub and Nick's magically gifted, concerned and gentle two hands as he relaxed beneath them as he closed his eyes.


Aki knew that he should not dance while he was weak but he felt his soul speaking to him. He spun gently, being careful not to hurt himself. He also knew that Nick would probably be ticked off when he knew that Nick realized that he was doing what was forbidden for a while but focused only on succeeding with his ballet like dance moves. He fell a few times but he made sure that his belly never hit the floor. 

He hummed a tune in his head, seeming to forget that he was soon to be scolded by his beloved but soon he would be. He managed to stick one or two movements but always fell on the next few difficult ones. He spun, tip toed, lifted a leg gently as he knew that he would end up hurt when he moved faster so he took things nice, slow and steady. He was eager to show Nick that he could still dance swiftly.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(Tell you what, after your temporary departure from here I'm finding myself lacking motivation to reply to our rp! haha but now things are fine~~ and i'd hold on for a few more days before we'd meet again ;))


Nick was heading down the corirdor where the studio was located at the end of it, and the closer he was approaching, the more certian he was that his wife was in there, practising. He tried to suppress his anger, maybe this was just a misunderstanding, maybe Aki wasn't pracitsing, he was simply stretching himself. Maybe he had started practising yoga or something that would help with the labor of the next litthe one. He told himself to breath and calm down.

Silently approaching the studio, he pushed open the door quietly and saw what would make his heart skip a beat: in slow motion, his wife , in his tights, was spinning on his tiptoes, kicking his leg high up and arched his back, making his bump jut out and... he fell when his balance was lost.

There was all kinds of memoriies rushing back and Nick yelped, rushing forward ot catch the falling pregnant man but AKi had already landed on the floor, his belly carefully cradled and it seemed he wasn't the least concerned with the baby.

"What are you DOING!" Nick scolded, his grumble could be heard resonating around the mirror-clad room. He stomped towards Aki and grabbed his wrist. "What are you doing here, practising ballet?! DId you already forget about... about..." Nick felt his eyes tingling and he could only look away from Aki, away from his middle so he would not be reminded of the sad fact that there was a baby they had lost forever due to their carelessness.

"why would you think this is even a good idea to be pracitisng! and i could not understand why you consider it accpetable to be falling like this... do you want things to happen again? do you want that ... that....tragedy...." he found himself unable to say anything further, instead, he grabbed Aki and lifted him up, rather roughly this time, and carried him all the way back to their bedroom.


(It is alright, love. I am so very sorry about leaving from here the second time. I know that it was hard to wait for me again. I am also sorry about making you have no motivation to continue our roleplay but I am back now and ready to be back into the swing of things between us and Aki and Nick as well. I have been thinking about us every since I have been gone and I was afraid that you might never speak to me again. I was nervous and worried that you might not want to never roleplay with me. :()


Aki was unaware that Nick was watching him from the shadows behind the studio door, I spin, twirl lift up one of my legs as I make sure that each movement that he does is well thought out and also careful. I am not also aware that you are getting enraged with each movement that I am gifted to do due to each dance that I am happy to be able to do time after time as he spends time in the four mirrors of the studio. As he heard Nick shouting with a loud grumble that sounded louder than thunder itself Aki jumped, his eyes wide as large plates. "Nick .. let me explain .." He said with a fearful whimper. He was aware of just how mad Nick was but he did not want to provoke his anger. Not at all but he knew that the dancing was that such struck chord. He looked up and was afraid to meet Nick's eyes with each passing minute.

As Aki sees Nick storming toward him he becomes scared, wanting more than to speak and explain himself to his lover that he was not meaning to be in the very same thing that had put him in the hospital in the very first place. "N - Nick I am sorry .. I .. I .." Before he could say something he was gripped upon by his concerned lover and carried from the beloved studio that his beloved had gifted to him from his heart. "I remember the tragedy very well." He said with a raise to his voice, never wanting to do such remembering as what he had to do when he was laying up in the hospital bed. The hospital was like a sterilized prison and he never wanted to be back there .. never ever. Before he could say further he yelped as well as he was roughly carried to the main shared of room that was their shared bedroom and was fearful of what would happen once he and Nick reached that such place.  Nick was already mad at him and now he was terrified that he would be yelled at or never be talked to again and he deserved to be punished.

"I love you Nick .. I am sorry for putting our child in danger." He said softly once he was put on the bed, looking down at his two hands which were both shaking beyond what was once control. He felt his body quivering while he had wanted to be on Nick's positive side instead of seeing the enraged one. He wanted nothing more than to be embraced in his arms and not being the source of his anger and rage that minute. He felt the feeling of the unborn child moving around slightly which had filled him with a emotion known as sorrow and concern. He kind of did fall a few hard times when he was dancing earlier in the day and he was indeed concerned that the child might have been hurt. He rubbed where the unborn child was lightly kicking at and had felt tears of bitterness burning in his eyes threatening to overflow. 

He knew that Nick would probably not forgive him if anything happened to the only surviving child and Aki was to blame but he was really feeling the presence of many emotions in him. He felt ill when he had a terrifying thought that the child may have been injured with each hard and harsh fall that Aki had taken. He knew that dancing would probably had put the child in danger. He wanted nothing more than to be forgiven but knew that Nick probably needed some time to think of things and he did not speak against any of that. He wanted to sob but he simply sniffled softly. He wanted to be forgiven but he knew that Nick was too mad at him to take such pathetic words from Aki. He simply sat there on the bed, rubbing the front of his belly with a hand. He was relieved that he felt no bruises on it and felt the light kicking of the unborn offspring inside of it. He desired to be accepted by Nick again. He knew that the unborn was not able to forgive or deny because of being dependent but he still felt badly for him or her as well.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(haha oh my little one, don't you be afraid. I told you i'd be here when you return, and here i am ;) it's alright, i understand you have your other duties inlife so no worries!)


The moment Nick laid Aki down on the bed, he was slightly less angry when Aki appeared remorseful and sad. his wife was already having a pronounced bump, and simply by looking at him sitting on the bed, with a forlorn look cradling his bump, that was enough to make Nick calm down. that said... when he recalled what had just happened, especially that stumble to his side that Nick had witnessed, it was a total shock and Nick had no idea why Aki was risking BOTH the baby and himself.

"Why did you do that then! if you claim that you've not forgotten about the accident, why are you putting yourself at such a high risk! the doctor had let you out of your bedrest, and you were allowed to move around, but I'm certain he didnt' approved of THIS degree of movement... you were on your tiptoes! you stumbled! you fell! there was no denying what you did will bring shock to the child... wait. Aki, are you in pain now?" Nick's brows knitted tight together when he heard the light snniffling of Aki's, and also saw his hand that was rubbing consciously on a single spot. "Let me call the doctor..." he said rushing out, afterall, his concern for Aki trumps everything else.

But before he could rush out, he was held by his wife and Aki was finally looking up at him. there was pain written on his face, but that wasn't one of physical pain, more of a psychological one. Nick sighed, but he frowned harder. "Don't you even have anything to say?" he said, at this point, hew asa walking ball of fury.

Slumpign down beside Aki, he yankd Aki over. He pushed him onto his knees ont he floor, and pressed his shoulders down to have him bending over his knees - his belly would be hanging freely so there was no chance of hurting the baby. Pulling down his leggings, he exposed Aki's bottom, raised his hand high, and smacked his juicy and jiggly bottom. "10 times for your stupid doing." he said rather harshly, and again smacked Aki hard on his bum.

(I am glad that you are still interested in our roleplay like I am. :))


Aki was still laying on the bed beside Nick's sitting form, not aware that he would soon be punished for the first time by him in his life. He continued to rub in the exact location he felt a bit of pain radiating at. He was more than the word  "eager" to only be focused only on getting the slowly rising sensation of pain from his belly to fade where the child was endlessly kicking at. He expressed a pained gaze of sorrow up at Nick as he was being shouted at with such rage that he was meant to think about what he did.  He still stroked and rubbed his slightly swollen belly even when he was being asked and punished further with such harsh words. "I .. I am sorry Nick. I truly am. I did not mean to be uncaring of our child." He looked down at his swollen mass of a belly.  "I am alright." He sighed softly, looking up at the ceiling for a minute or so. Life was  now about taking care of their child that was inside of Nick's belly and gently nestled in his narrowing presence of a womb. He swallowed hard, speaking for as fast as he could but was not swift enough as he could be because of a rising fear. He felt himself tense up as his body had filled up with such big, bitter tears. He felt as if he were a child being scolded for being a troublemaker.

He whimpered as he was roughly yanked to his knees, crying out like a whining child in the response of the harshness of Nick's large hand as his exposed butt was being spanked a few ten times. He whined but did not dare to struggle. He wanted it to stop but knew that he needed to be punished for what he did to the unborn. He wanted nothing more than to be held by Nick and just stay that way but he did something wrong and needed to know that such thing. With each smack he cried out, feeling tears burn in his eyes and stream down his his face. He felt so many emotions but the one he felt most was sorrow and sadness because of the wrong doing that he did. Life was so much about protecting the unborn life inside of him and right now he was not living up to that trust.  He knew that Nick was probably not wanting to trust him now but he knew that he was to regain it.  He whimpered a few times more with each strike, feeling more sadness with each forceful movement of Nick's hand upon him with the force of a speeding bullet. 

He closed his eyes, gripping the covers of the bed and sobbed as the pain of his rear was stinging like a bee sting but much more painful than that. He wanted to be freed from pain but he accepted it as it was because he deserved it for going against things. He tensed up, simply continuing to cry as his now sore butt radiated with a few large bright red marks where he had been slapped over and over a full ten times in a single spot. He cried for a few hours, feeling as if he was able to slowly think of how much the child would probably be suffering for what had happened. He was eager to be back in Nick's arms but knew that it would probably take time for him to trust him. "I .. I deserve this." He said between sniffles as he was struck with his lover's hand and kept a tight grip on the covers of the large King sized bed with a such grip as hard as he could do while being punished. Life was so much like a sadness for him and he believed that with each strike he was deserving all of it because of putting their child in a situation of danger.

He never cried harder than he did at those moments, and he tried to keep his tears back but it was unable to be that. He clenched his teeth together, wanting to be freed from the pain but all he felt was numb.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(hey babe, i'm so sorry for vanishing for so long. It'd been a crazy two weeks, busy preparing for my trip and everything else - not to mention to adjust the jetlagging after... i've intended to return earlier but right after my leave, the office engagement piled up and i was unable to get back to you. but worry not, I'm back now ;) please be reassured that I'm still very much interested in our rp!)


With each smack on Aki's bum, a bit of his anger was dissipated. HOwever, this punishment was far from just an outlet for his anger. it was intended to make Aki remember and learn of his mistakes. Nick was not a sadist, he did not take pleasure from inflicting pain in Aki. He simply did the punishment he wanted to hammer the idea of how much harm Aki really did on their baby into his brain.

He smacked one time after another. The pregnancy didn't only bring along significant changes on his bodyshape, Aki's skin had turned lighter and much more delicate with the estrogen that was flushing his system. Within a few smacks, the entire bottom fo Aki flushed red and was warm to the touch.

That said, Nick was merciless when it was something that was related to the safety of his wife and children. In any case, he could be hitting harder with each whimper from Aki, until finally he was hearing the remorseful admission from Aki, admitting that he deserved this punishment.

True to his words, Nick stopped after 10 strikes. His palm also tingled from the repeated impacts as well. He pulled AKi up to his knees, and held his tear-streaked face in his hands. "You understand why I'm punishing you now, I can tell. Remember it, any time you did something wrong, I would punish you to make you learn. Do you hear me?" he asked sternly, his eyes still much colder than usual with hte severity of this incident, but upon seeing the timid nod from his wife, he softened immediately and carried Aki up to place him on the bed.

"Great. You're forgiven now. Tell me, Aki, why are you suddenly practising your ballet again? is there something triggering you?"

(Hello love, I missed you so much but now I am glad that you are back. And it is alright, waiting has it's rewards. :D)


As Aki was punished he squirmed around, finding himself restless but was not strong enough to force himself from the harsh grip. He whimpered, wincing with each harsh and forceful spank like movement from Nick. His buttocks were sore, trying to numb himself but he could not get over each striike from Nick's hand. He was not naked, he just had his leggings pulled down so that his butt was all he could be exposed to Nick's hard, harsh presence of touch. He whimpered, tears streaming down his blushing face. He wanted nothing more than to prove his worth. Time passed on by like many years and he accepted his punishment like a proper man that he was. He felt as though he were a little child being punished because of stealing from a candy store but he was aware that he was not a child anymore but he could not help from feeling that exact way. ;Sometimes life was meant to be punished for doing idiotic things.

By idiotic things it was when he was doing baller while pregnant as he was fragile. He felt so much pain that he could not simply straighten up his body to a standing position once more. He sighed in relief as the harsh spanking was done. He slowly stood up, being careful to not harm the child inside of his womb and belly. "I just wanted to improve on my skills of ballet, babe. I wanted to surprise you." He said softly. "I am sorry for putting our child in danger. I love you and our children, I would never want our child to suffer." He said with a soft but broken, shaking voice which had quivered beneath his words. He put a hand on his belly, giving it a gentle circular rub and was relieved that the child was alright as it gave many hard kicking motions with it's small but restless two feet. He knew that the child was also probably ticked off by how his or her mother had went against it's father's words of warning.

Perhaps the child was angry at him too as well for almost putting him or her in danger. When he was scooped up and carried he simply bit his lower lip, not complaining as his sore butt was jostled sometimes when his lover held him. He wanted to prove to Nick that he was a wonderful and eager mother. He kept a hand on the top of his belly, never wanting to ever be looked at with such stern, ice cold glare like stare like what was directed that way. "I promise to never ever do ballet again until after our child is born into the world." He looked down at the hand that was his upon his belly, glad that the child was strong and healthy as ever. "Sorry." He said softly to the unborn child that was moving happily. He desired to stand up and walk for a while since he was still sore in the butt area after such a harsh punshment but did not dare to complain. He could not lay on his back so all he could do was hope that the stinging agony would fade from his body but he had to wait. He felt the discomfort of his red sore bum hurting for a while but he tried to ignore it. He soon sighed softly when the awfulness of his struck bum was freed from pain.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(aww babe you're always too good to me ;) don't worry, I'm fully prepared to return to this now!)


Nick sighed. Right, his wife was always so eager to please him. and he had to admit it was beautiful seeing him dance. "I know you always put me on the first place... but i do not think it is wise at all to be practising when your condition had just stabilized." he said, wanting to reason with Aki. Seeing his wife's face swollen with cry, his cheeks still wet from the tears steaking down from his brilliant eyes, Nick's composition melted completely. There was still a stern undertone, but overall he was again the gentle and loving man that he was to his love.

He put Aki down on the bed, not noticing the shiver he gave when his naked bottom touched the silky bedsheets. he then went around the room to find their first-aid kit, wanting to apply some healing balm on Aki's bottom that had swelled up quite much. When he came back, he found Aki had not moved an inch from where he had been laid, and smiled at his promise. "shh... it's alright now. you're forgiven... i'm glad to know you now realised what kind of risk you'd put yourself in, but then.... i also do not want to restrict your freedom like this. how about we go somewhere in the middle. If the baby's going fine by next month, I would allow you to keep practising, but ONLY when i'm also there. I would be there to look after you and prevent you from slipping and all. Can you promise me that?" he said, turning Aki to his side so that his bottom would once again be exposed to him.

It was only now that Nick came to notice how erotic this scene is. His love's intimacy was completely exposed to him. his butt cheeks were so swelled up, it looked like a peach. He applied the balm on one side, then to get deeper, he spread his buttcheeks, and was come face to face with his crack in between....

"Oh babe...." he sighed, smirked even, as he teasingly applied a slab of balm to his crack, then along his balls...

(You deserve it for being an awesome friend. I am glad that we are continuing our awesome roleplay! :D)


Aki loved it more than anything whenever he was picked up and carried by ever so easily by his God of a man, his sweet beloved Nick. He felt embarrassed whenever he was crying pathetically infront of his lover but he could not help it. He stayed quiet as a mouse, simply looking up at his tall lover as he nodded. He sniffled softly, his tears stopping and drying upon his skin. He winced when he was placed upon silk sheets of the bed as his sore bottom was against them. It felt oddly pleasurable as he got used to it. He felt the remainder of what was the third but unborn child becoming restless as he or she woke from it's slumber and listened curiously to it's two parent's voices from in the depths of it's long but worthwhile 9 month home it became slowly accustomed to. It wanted to stay inside of it's mother forever and ever but couldn't. It was not possible to remain inside of it's mother's womb forever like it had desired to be.

"I .. I understand, babe. I just hope that I did not put any harm on our unborn son or daughter when I fell." He said softly in a voice that made his emotions that betrayed him, wanting to simply breaK down and cry again as his pregnant hormones were threatening to overpower him but didn't. He knew that Nick was still highly stern even though he loved him he sensed a tone of softness in his smooth as velvet voice lurking in it's depths. He laid down, letting his husband do as he needed to do to soothe his sore bottom with a gentle application of white colored balm.  He turned over to a side, allowing his beloved to explore with his hands as he did his best to let the pains go away. "Yes, I promise." He said softly, wincing gently but not squirming like he wanted to as the cold balm was applied to his aching bottom. He sighed softly as his flushed bottom was being tended to by Nick.

He sighed once the ice cold balm slowly sunk into the pores of his flesh and worked it's magic and had been able to move around a bit as he stayed laying on the bed, not worrying about clothes. He blushed as he felt Nick's touch becoming deeper and deeper into the most deeper parts of his tender bottom, wincing a few times more but did not shy away from it. He needed to have that such cream to heal from his punishment."Thank you, babe." He said in the same soft tone of voice, closing his eyes for a while as he became tired and weary after the balm was like a massage to his lower body parts. "I will lay down and sleep for a while." Life was so much like a struggle and blissful at the same time and he enjoyed Nick's touch upon him. He yawned softly like a weary child, sleeping for a while only stirring from slumber when the child was moving around inside of him slightly but did not wake up.

He stayed asleep for a few hours, getting up only to use the bathroom.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh yea, it's so much fun here ;))


It was always a nice thing to see Aki blush - Nick could not deny he had been teasing him deliberately, prying his fingers nearer his intimate opening when he was applying the balm to the peachy buttocks. That said, he understood the emotional turmoil Aki had just gone through, and therefore contented himself with just making Aki hiss and moan, breathily, and then he let him go and settled him for bed, pulling the comforter over but exposed his bottom to let the balm sink in.

He went on to work on his own things at the neighboring office. Upon hearing Aki moving from the bed, he came to aid him. However when he arrived at the door, it appeared that Aki did not need much of his help, therefore he simply stayed at the doorframe, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he watched on with much amusement.

First he watched Aki pushing himself up from the bed - his eyes were still half-closed, Nick guessed he was still half asleep and forgot his bottom had been spanked. Wiht anticipation he waited for Aki to sit up - and not surprisingly he hissed in pain. Next Aki stood up, and Nick again witnessed him wince in pain as he waddled forward, his bottom probably still burning.

Nick sneaked up from behind as he entered the bathroom, wrapping his arms around Aki and startled him. "Aki... what are you doing getting out of bed huh?" he asked deliberately - of course he knew what he was doing, but as mischievous as the young man was, he decided to tease Aki and wrapped his hands around Aki's small bump, holding him around his lower belly and pressed into his bladder.


(It is.  :))


Aki yawned wearily, sighing as he slowly arose from the bed and to his bare feet. He wanted to whimper but instead of that he simply settled for a soft hiss like breath escaping as he felt the presence of his bladder's contents sloshing around. The splashing of his urine made walking uncomfortable. He wanted more than anything for the pain in his sore bottom and full bladder to disappear. Life was hard at times but it was because of choices he made like putting the child in possible danger because of dancing again. He was unaware and uncertain that Nick was watching over him. He was tired beyond belief but he kept the emotions to himself, making sure that he was focused only on getting to the bathroom. When he was half way to the bathroom area of the room he was halted by arms that wrapped around him. He tried not to but ended up jumping in surprise as he felt the two limbs capturing into a tight, playful embrace.

He whimpered once more like a saddened puppy, wanting nothing more than to empty his sore, tender bladder but he was unable to do that because of the embrace that refused to let go. "I .. was going to use the bathroom, babe." He said softly, wanting to urinate his troubles away but did not do anything that would make the unborn want to kick because if he or she did it would cause him to release and pee on himself before he could use the toilet. He squirmed around in Nick's arms even though he tried to stay still, wanting to sit or lay down before he would do the physical unthinking.

That something was peeing on himself which he was fighting to keep contained. He felt his legs shaking as his body quivered, his bladder feeling as if it was becoming more tighter and unable to be contained. He whimpered, wanting nothing more than to be freed from the uneasiness that his pressed upon bladder was causing him. He cried out, trying not to make his struggles make his lover mad at him. He was still on thin ice because of disobeying him.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(i hope i didn't go too far in this, but I'm feeling quite possessive of you myself anyway ;))


Aki's whimper only served to please Nick further - his lover was especially soft and malleable whenever he was pregnant, it was very easy to manipulate him and Nick took great pleasure in influencing his wife. It was also lovely to see him unable to resist his advances, even when he was under undeniable discomfort with Nick's hand over his bladder. His squirms were appreciated, for it grinded Aki's swollen bum against Nick's crotch.

"Ah, the toilet... is that why your belly is feeling like fuller than usual?" Nick smirked again at the pathetic whimper of AKi, pretending that he was only innocently pressing into his bladder and was oblivious to his discomfort. It was only AFTER Aki whimpered once more, with his eyes rimmed red from the unease, that he chuckled and dropped his hands lower down, covering his crotch with his large palm. "i see you're ready to empty yourself... let's go then." he smiled, applying some pressure to stop the flow in case Aki couldn't control himself.

They moved towards the toilet in an awkward way, waddling forward together as Nick continued draping himself over Aki. He guided AKi all the way towards the toilet bowl, fished his prick out and pointed it for him. "Now go babe... " Nick was feeling exceedingly posessive this afternoon. He gladly controlled Aki in every aspect possible - including toilet business. Allowing for no room for argument, he again placed his free hand onto Aki's lower abdomen, rubbing at where he'd be feeling the bladder that was almost bursting.


(You did not go too far at all, the more possessive the better if you ask me. It is alright if you feel that way of me. And I love it that you do. We have come a long way, I am so proud of our accomplishment with Nick and Aki and our own relationship as well! :))


Aki tried to stay still in Nick's arms but his pressing down on his bladder made him tingly and eager to empty it. He whimpered louder, not keeping back his urges to use the bathroom. He clenched his teeth, blushing a bright red as he felt as though his bladder would burst whenever Nick had playfully rubbed where it was aching the worst. He cried out, his legs clenching as he did what was the child like bathroom dance. He was reduced to that like a puppet.

"Yes babe, that is why. Please .. I have to use the bathroom" He said with a quiver to his spoken of voice, wanting nothing more than to spill forth his urine in the toilet but the playful rubbing was not entirely helping but did not dare to complain. He put forth his urine, sighing in relief but it was only for a short time because it was Nick who had stopped the flow of it. He whined and grunted as he felt like he would explode into a million pieces like glass if he did not release soon. He bit his lip, letting forth the flow of urine from time to time whenever he had been able to release it, he felt like he was led by the assistance of strings like a puppet and was unable to do anything himself.

He panted heavily, feeling more than eager to use the bathroom. He tried to move Nick's hand that was upon his bladder but he was not strong to do such so he had sighed, groaned in agony. He wanted nothing more than to eagerly spill his urine from his aching body but he was unable to do such because of Nick but he tried not to make him angry but he was unable to stay still. He breathed harder, feeling as if he would never get to use the bathroom. He desired to be able to use the bathroom without having to stop or be played with. He wanted more than anything to lay back down and slumber with an empty bladder but knew that he would be teased with his sensitive bladder.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(I think the interesting thing is, Nick had started off being the younger partner of the pair, and now he'd grown, not only through taking up the business from his father, but also became the dominant partner between them ;) Aki, on the other hand, had become increasingly reliant on him.... that's a fun change isn't it?)

(ah I see I have confused you again... sorry about that. I had Nick pressing onto AKi's bladder again once they were in the toilet to help him pee, not forcing him to hold it in further ;))


Nick chuckled lightly seeing the bathroom dance. As he snaked his hand between Aki's legs, he could feel his thighs squeezing in tight in Aki's attempt to hold himself. Aki could barely walk and Nick had great pleasure moving him like a puppet, taking over the control of his body.

As they came to the toilet, he had Aki standing over the toilet bowl and removed his underwear. He rubbed onto his full bladder, feeling the bulge and caress the bump that was safely nurturing their next bundle of joy, but to his surprise, Aki did not let go immediately. He had expected the added pressure would make it easier for him to go, but it looked like Aki had misunderstood his actions.

"Aki.... what are you doing? I'm telling you to .... GO." Nick stressed on that last word, his voice turning husky and authoritative. This wouldn't be the last time he used that voice to make Aki comply, the power of it enough to make Aki shiver. Nick pressed himself close to Aki, whispering into his ear, he applied more pressureinto Aki's bladder, kneading the organ through his tummy and immediately there were a few drops dripping through. The liquid dripped onto the porcelein of the toilet bowl, creating an almost obscene noise, as Nick again smiled and nibbled Aki's earlobe, encouraging him to let go freely. 

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