True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

(oh i hope everything are fine! don't put too much pressure on yourself, precious~)
(And since you've mentioned about shaving.... does it mean facial hair shaving, or on other body parts?~ we could play with that~)


Nick chuckled -even before he had told Aki about what he had planned for the next day, his wife managed to beat him to that. Pulling him even closer to himself, Nick sighed. "Alright then, you have to have a good night of sleep to do that for me. And you too, babe, you have to be quiet and still for mommy so that your daddy and mommy can have a great time together tomorrow."

WIht that they fell asleep. Even Angel and Hercules were happy to see Nick around the next day, and instead of staying in front of the computer, they were thrilled that finally daddy was also there joining them. The kids had yet ot start talking, but already they were mumbling and making all kinds of cute noises. Not to mention love crawling around, and was about to stand up on their own feet to walk.

Nick cherished these family times together. He and Aki were both seated on the floor, playing with their kids. It didn't take long for the twins to start feeling tired, and Nick smiled at Aki. "The babies are going to nap... i guess itwas just you and me now." He smiled, pulling Aki up to stand. Hand in hand, they went towards the studio.... 

(Thank you. Can we put two short paragraphs instead of three. It is hard to keep up without imagination.)

Aki smiled, feeling as if he would be able to experience Nick against him each day. He looked and smiled, feeling as if the child within him was slowly falling into a deep slumber for his or her fathers. He wanted to be close, body to body with Nick. He also loved the two children who would soon welcome their sister or brother into the world as well.

He fell asleep as well for a while, soon waking up and walking beside Nick as they went to the studio to spend some time together. He hummed a melody in his head, not knowing as to why he was doing such a thing. He smiled wider, feeling as if he would be able to properly show Nick just how much he missed dancing for him. "That is wonderful, now we have a chance to spend time together." He said with a smirk.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh sure ;) whatever you need, just let me know and I'd adjust! in fact, if you want to take a break from this, I'm also fine. Just remember I will always be here :))


Even before he said anything, Aki was obviously ready to dance. Nick knew this was Aki's passion and he had been doing a great job not putting himself in danger for the past 3 months. Now.. Nick was ready to let AKi embrace this interest of his.

"AKi... May I ask for a performance from you?" he asked, walking together wiht AKi to the middle of the studio. "I'd like to see you perform.. hopefully now is a good time, the baby hasn't been TOO big to be getting into the way right?" he smiled releasing Aki, making his way towards the corner so he would leave the space for Aki.


(Thank you. I will be thinking if I will be on or offline for a bit.:))


Aki smiled, doing all of what he had did. He was eager to dance for his beloved Nick, humming softly to an invisible music. He let Nick have a moment to move over to one of the corners of the room. He spun around, letting him lift one of his legs as much as he could and raised his two arms above his head. He loved dancing for his beloved and now he would get a chance to.

He was gentle when he was dancing, not putting a lot of dancing strength to the such movements that he had desired to do for his beloved Nick. He danced for what was an hour and had stopped after doing his dances.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(no problem, you set your own pace here ;) i'll be here when you're ready to come out, no pressure!)


Despite not having practised for such a long time, Nick was blown away at how talented Aki was. He watched him spin, turn, demonstrate his remarkable strength and flexiblity. He almost held his breath when Aki managed to raise his leg so high, above his head, while his belly was pushed out and looked more attractive than ever.

As the dance wrapped up, Nick clapped his hand at the lovely performance he was delivered. "Very lovely, Aki.... this is not too tiring right? I hadn't ever appreciated something as beautiful...." he smiled at Aki, pressing a kiss onto the back of the pregnant man's hand.

(Thank you.)

Aki smiled has he had felt his body spinning and moving against agàinst everything. He hummed in his dances and did not ever stop.He spun and turn, cc always wanting to surprise his beloved lover

He wanted to be sure that he was going to be able to be able to dance and show his beloved watcher.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(Thank you.)

Aki smiled has he had felt his body spinning and moving against agàinst everything. He hummed in his dances and did not ever stop.He spun and turn, cc always wanting to surprise his beloved lover

He wanted to be sure that he was going to be able to be able to dance and show his beloved watcher.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(hey it's ok ;) if it's really too difficult for you, there's no point forcing yourself to reply. I could work with a pause and it'd be better than risk making this a boredom and pressure for you!)


"you know what? i never knew you're so flexible... well, maybe I should, since we always make use of that flexibility of yours on bed, but...." Nick came close to Aki as he finished the dance, taking up his hand.

"it's a very nice surprise.. and to be honest, I'd never seen a pregnant dancer before, certainly not a dancer who could be so elegant...." he smiled and praised Aki some more, holding and rubbing his belly sensually as he muttered into his ear.

(Okay. I am going to take a break for a while. Thank you for being understanding.)


Aki smiled up at Nick, loving each moment that he was whispered into his ear ever so gently by his lover. He blushed as he had heard about being so flexible and gentle with his dancing.

When he was spoken to by his lover her expressed a smirk of playfulness and never wanted to stop. "I love you Nick, and maybe we could practice being more flexible in bed."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(no problem, i will just put up a reply here so when you are ready to come back you could leap straight into it ;) take your time babe!)


"hmm, you are ready for that again? last night had been pretty rough hadn't it?" Nick smirked and slapped Aki on his bubbly butt. Now he knew where that came from, with his practices in dancing, it was no wonder how his bottom muscles got so firm and perky.

"That's a good idea to do it in bed... BUT, i think here... facing all those mirrors. That's another type of stimulation i would like to experiment on. Lean against the handrail, will you?" he said bringing Aki towards the side, letting him hold against the rail and have him jutting up his bottom. "Let's see...." he said peeling away the legging, exploring his intimate parts against all the reflections of them.

(I am back for a time until the 25th. I am going for a short break to rethink things. I had a bad thing happen to me I decided to come back to resume roleplaying to distract my mind. I get them a lot. You can ask me about it.)


Aki smirked blissfully, feeling all kinds of what was positive emotions with his beloved Nick. He jumped in surprise as his sensitive rear was spanked once. He wanted nothing more than to be around his beloved Nick for the rest of his life.

When his leggings were removed he moaned, knowing all too well about what would happen next. "Aki .. you always know what to do and say to turn me on like a wildfire." When demanded he did the such command without complainr, leaning his front against the closest handrail. He blushed when he took a glance at one of many of the mirrors of the dance studio. He loved his beloved Nick to no possible end. Through it all he let Nick do as he wished of his body.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh hey babe... It's sad hearing you said there's something bad happening to you. Well i'm also happy to know roleplaying's able to distract you from sad things in real life!)


This would be the first time they'd used the studio in this way - Nick couldn't deny he hadn't thought of this when he decided to add this room into their new wing - and the mirrors reflected perfectly the face of Aki, making it possible for Nick to have a full view of everything while he took Aki doggy style.

The belly was hanging low, Aki's back was arching deep, but apparently that didn't dampen the pregnant man's desire. Nick took a quick look between Aki's folds and saw glistening... "hm, wet for me already?" Nick smirked. Just as he had a full view, Aki could also see easily the mischievous smile on Nick's handsome face through the mirror. "My good boy..." Nick muttered, positioning himself, he forced the thick mushroom head through Aki's tight lips. 

(Hello love, I am glad that I am able to be back and roleplaying. The time away gave me more time to think about a few things.:))


Aki moaned louder and louder, biting his lower lip in response to Nick pleasuring him. He could not stand how gorgeous Nick was in his eyes, it was like he could not stand it in a positive sort of way. He gripped the guard rail.

He sighed, moaned in pleasure, panted and did many other ourbursts that Nick had wanted him to speak. "Mmmh ..." he smiled, holding the cold silver rail within his now shaking hands, feeling the painful pleasure that Nick's meaty mushroom headed cock inside of his depths. They did not engage in sex for a time and he was tight and closed up like the virgin that once was. He wanted this and many such moments to never ever stop.

"Yes .. yess Nick! .. fuck me like a whore!" he blushed as he noticed how much of a foul mouth he was speaking to Nick with.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(you better stay strong in there :) every bad thing would past, and before you know it you'd have walked out of it. stay positive babe)


Nick chuckled at the blush that had crept up Aki's face. It had been awhile since he'd heard Aki swear now, since the babies were almost always around and the couple were quite aware to guard their mouth... yet, now that they were alone, Nick was rather amused at how open Aki was about it.

"Oh yea, my whore... mine and mine alone." Nick chuckled and said in his deep voice, slapping Aki's jiggling butt as he again plunged himself in deep, forcing Aki to arch his back more and moan in that primal way. He took him deep in every take, claiming Aki...

"My pregnant whore... you're to be looked at by me alone. You'd be my pet, my breeder, the 'mother' of all my children...." he muttered. "slutty for me only... oh god. you're so warm and tight...." he smacked his buttocks again, leaving a bright red palm print. 

(I am alright now. And I wonder if our baby was affected with how hard I fell. I hope not. It is a scary thing when it happens out of nowhere sometimes. I wish I could have taken a video of it but my father had my phone in his pocket the whole entire time and didn't know how to use it.)


Aki smirked playfully, blushing much more than before. He moaned like a bitch in the throes of a fierce sexual heat. He bit his lower lip. gripping the railing with a much more tighter clenching of his tense hands. He made himself be very respectful when the twins were around the both of them, he threw his head back with a gasp as his vulnerable asscheeks were being spanked. He cried out, feeling his vulnerable emotions become more and more positive.

He found himself quivering beyond his control, feeling as though he could always be with Nick now that Christopher was out of the picture permanently. He never visited the grave that he was buried 6 feet deep beneath. "Yes Nick! .. yes! .. don't stop! .. don't stop!" He moaned louder and louder, feeling his body to respond by his arching back, his racing heart, his heavily rising and falling chest and other surprising things like emotions.

He was naked, his swollen belly hanging downward. His breasts were also swollen with milk and were eager to be fed from. He wanted this moment to never ever end like so many others with Nick.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh babe the doctors checked you out right! so you should be fine now... with the baby. take a lot of rest, and don't force yourself on anything before you're fully recovered. Sometimes bad things happened and yIknew ou'd tried your best to stay sfe, but sometimes you just didn't hav as much control over your body, that happened to everyone, so please, just rest, and don't think too much ;))


It was a great deal of fun. After the months of celibacy, they were both eager and once that bottled up desire was unleashed, there was no stopping. Nick tirelessly slammed himself fullly into Aki's sensitive canal, dwelling onto the warmth and tightness without any care in the world, as his lover resopsnded to him so nicely. There were obscene slapping noises of flesh on flesh, and through the mirror, Nick could see how much Aki's belly was swinging, but he couldn't control himself even if he wanted to. this was a time of passion that he had missed so much.

Aki was no match with Nick on his stamina, even worse so when his system was flooded wiht hormones. Before long his wife was coming for the first time, Nick could see the tale-tale signs through the scrunched up face reflected from the mirror, the tremblng of Aki's ripe body, and the clenching of his canal. Nick groaned and continued with the thrusting, taking pleasure into seeing Aki's eyes rolled back as he shoot his load at the mirror, "christening" the room in their unique way.

Without waiting for him to recover from this first peak Aki'd reached, Nick was starting to shove into the pregnant man again, quickly forcing him up another peak.

(The baby is fine. The doctor did tell me that the baby was lucky to not have been bruised or harmed by my falling. I am glad that I am back online with you. I missed you so much. :D)


Aki moaned louder and louder, feeling as if his body was able to relax and rest while Nick did his thing inside of him. He gripped the railing once again, sensing his orgasm closing in like the depths of a wave that he could never 
escape from. Not even if he tried. With each thrust he gasped, feeling more and more at peace with his pregnant, swollen belly as it jiggled hard and restlessly but gently at the same time. He would never hurt him or the baby.

He tried to be on the same level of Nick but he could not. He clenched his teeth, feeling an all too familiar pressure building inside of his very depths between his legs which caused him to tense up. He panted harder and heavier, wanting to be strong like Nick but he could not even muster up the courage and strength to keep his orgasm in. When he climaxed it was as if he got hit by a truck because of how severely pleasurable it was.

He was rendered a heavily panting mess as he tried his very hardest to recover from it. He sighed wearily, knowing that Nick was not done yet. He let his body be controlled by him, his arms and legs shaking beyond his control.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(that's a huge relief... you have to remember you're not alone anymore, so you ought to put more effort into taking better care of yourself ;) i know sometimes things can't be controlled, but alwaysskeep a smile on your face... always think of me, and i think that would make it easier to get happy ;))


It had become apparent Aki's legs could not hold him well, at least,not after the violent orgasm that had him shooting his watery cum at the mirror in frotn of him. Now Aki was draping his weight entirely over the rail, making it trickier for Nick to find that angle... so he lifted Aki up entirely. One hand behind each of his knees, Aki was facing the mirror, legs spread wide, and entirely off the floor. Nick smiled at the surprised yelp from Aki, then put him closer to the rail so now his palms were planted flat on the mirror, while the tip of his feet were barely touching the rail.

"Just look... look straight into the mirror, love." Nick chuckled into Aki's ear. At this posture, Aki's back was pressing into his chest, and there was no other place to look other than their incredibly hot form, when he claimed Aki so thoroughly.

"Here we go again..." that was all the warning he gave Aki as he started thrusting again. With gravity, Aki was dropping onto his shaft, his eager hole taking him entirely on and Nick felt like he was reaching unprecedented depth.

(I love you sweetie and you do make me smile each day. You are kind and caring and I do know that I need to be more concerned for myself at times. ~Smiling, I rub my round, swollen belly in a motherly way as I gaze up into your eyes.~ :))


Aki cried out in a series of moans that seemed endless as he was being dominated by his beloved Nick. He was currently standing or more like leaning against the rail within the dance studio. He panted heavier as he had reached his second orgasm and knew that soon he would not have control over his body as his climax was from his womanly region and his manly cock. Life was a rollercoaster that would never end. Life was also like a dream he never wanted to wake from.

He did exactly as he was told, blushing as he saw sight of what was his identical reflection. He stared at the passionate forms of Nick and him in the mirror that was infront of him. He wanted this and many other moments to never ever stop. His whole body was entirely Nick's outlet for his sexual fustration which was because of a long time not ever having sex because of work and the pregnancy which seemed almost endless and sexually fierce against the two lovers.

After the second orgasm he was spent but did not stop Nick. He loved it when his beloved was always pushing the boundaries. He knew that Nick was strong and he could go all night if he wanted. He loved that about Nick.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh yes, do that for me babe, touch your bump moreso that you could compensate with my share of belly rubs! ;) love you babe)


Nick really unleashed his bottled up frustration. Pumping into Aki so fast, there were foam forming at where they were connected, the quick thrusting having foamed up their love juices. the mess that they created slowly dribbled down Nick's thighs as Aki orgasmed once again.

Nick was tireless. the fulfilment of finally claiming his spouse again had fueled his desire to no ends, but at some point he noticed the 3rd orgasm building in Aki had his eyes rolled back and he involuntarily drooled. this was getting close to his pregnant wife's edge, and therefore Nick worked harder towards his own release.

After yet another release from Aki, Nick put him down on one leg, lifting up the other so his opening was spread out for him to thrust through. He banged into him hard enough, his bump jiggled against his breasts. Nick had the perfect view of his thick shaft penetrating through Aki's lips, which were now swollen. he growled and nibbled onto Aki's earlobes, preparing for his own release.

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