Posts: 2,884
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Sex: Female
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Location: "At my rightful place, which is "King Nitrogen's" side, kneeling before him or simply, in his lap. Those places are where a true "Brood-mare" belongs, until said otherwise by such a masculine "Man".
Sexual Orientation: To be honest, I am quite deeply Detached in real-life, riddled by severe-dissassociative/brutal BDSM-addictive tendacies to an extremely persistence and long-standing Anti-socialness by nature, but still clinging to signs of what Humans call by word as "Hope", as if so to say I suppose .. erm .. ~Pokes nearby balloon, humming to pass time quicker ..~ So .. um .. merp .. merp ...
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
08-06-2019, 03:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-06-2019, 03:17 PM by
(You are welcome, you deserve all of the praise for being a wonderful lover and friend. We can skip to that scene between the aunt situation.)
Aki smiled wide as they both shared a heated and fierce but gentle kiss. He loved the such feeling that he felt when his lover embraced him in his arms. He also found it incredibly arousing as well. He always felt so complete whenever he was beside Nick and carrying his beloved twins who were now walking and running around the rooms down the smooth, wooden halls of the massive mansion. He found it more and more difficult to walk around because of his highly sensitive belly.
Both Nick and Aki parted their lips from eachother's, letting Aki have a moment of so to recover at how heated and desirable Nick's own ones were. He loved it when he was kissed by Nick but Aki was not fast as he used to be. He wanted to be beneath Nick and had wanted nothing more than to always stand beside him and his family was. He was beyond the word happy and was eager to be the best mother than he could be like Nick was the true, wonderful father of the children.
He panted heavily, closing his eyes as he tried to swim through his pains. He groaned softly in painful agony, wincing from time to time as the unborn child within his belly and safely nestled inside of his womb was kicking up a rough storm.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.
A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Silent Feather
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(I am simply responding to the lovely things you were giving me. It was wonderful and I’m glad that we’re going strong in this long journey :))
Today marked Aki’s due date. The pregnant man had braved through the moments of agony when the Braxton-hicks were so strong, he sometimes doubled over when he was playing with the twins. Nick was spending more and more time at home, worried that labor would be kickstarted any time, but somehow, Aki managed to stay pregnant, nurturing the baby further.
At this point, Aki could not bend over. It was tricky for him because Angel almost constantly ask for her mother to hold her. Nick would sometimes step in and sternly, but gently, take over Angel and comfort their princess until she would stop fussing. After breakfast, Nick again returned to his home office, Aki and the twins accompanying him, as customary. There were minimal business now, but usually Nick would spend an hour or two in the office to clear whatever urgent matter that needed his attention.
For some reasons, Hercules had started fussing. He was crying for juices and with Nick on a phone call, he watched Aki bring their son downstairs to the kitchen to fetch him the juice, alone. He would join them once he finished the phone call, bringing Angel with him. What he didn’t know was the doorbell rang at this point.
His aunt had arrived.
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Relationship Status: In a relationship
Location: "At my rightful place, which is "King Nitrogen's" side, kneeling before him or simply, in his lap. Those places are where a true "Brood-mare" belongs, until said otherwise by such a masculine "Man".
Sexual Orientation: To be honest, I am quite deeply Detached in real-life, riddled by severe-dissassociative/brutal BDSM-addictive tendacies to an extremely persistence and long-standing Anti-socialness by nature, but still clinging to signs of what Humans call by word as "Hope", as if so to say I suppose .. erm .. ~Pokes nearby balloon, humming to pass time quicker ..~ So .. um .. merp .. merp ...
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
08-08-2019, 03:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-09-2019, 03:49 AM by
(I agree, I have never done a long roleplay this long and I am happy of our accomplishment. We have come a long way and I am proud with sharing this amazing milestone with you. Aki and Nick are a wonderful couple. :D)
By now Aki'sonce flat, well defined belly was now twice the size it was now taking on an impressive inflated beach ball like roundness as the single unborn child weighed close to 11lbs but he was determined to see through this situation. He rubbed his massive fleshed mass that safely housed the such child inside him. He was a nervous wreck but at the same time he was beyond excited" when he found out that his due date had finally arrived but stayed quiet and did not worry.
He tried to lower himself to his two knees but once he was down he knew that he would need help to arise to his feet once again. His belly was hanging downward, causing him to wince as it became alive with his child's rough, violent movements. With each kick, squirm and stretch he felt his body quivering agains his wishes and also felt like it had betrayed him as well. He loved having a true man known as Nick who had expressed love beyond what was possible to him.
When Hercules was wanting up in his arms Aki smiled gently. He lightly lowered his body to pick him up, taking him to the kitchen. He poured nicely cold Apple juice into his bottle, picking him up once again while returing to the room. When the door was knocked upon he walked to the door with Hercules in one of his arms, opening the only wooden barrier known as a door to see a strange woman who he did not know of. "Hello miss .. can I help you?" Aki said softly.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.
A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Silent Feather
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(they are indeed. And I’m all smiles whenever I write about them. Aki, I have to say, captured my heart for how adorable he is ;))
“You! You slut who had seduced NOT only my brother, BUT also my nephew… and to so horrendously sabotaged the family name!” the lady screamed at the top of her voice. She was the sister of Christopher, but having been married off to a foreigner, she spent little time with her brother, but took pride in and shared the scrupulous attitude of her brother. She still retained her surname, and had been an obnoxious woman terroring all that was around her.
She looked at Aki and was even more offended. She had in fact met Aki on the wedding between him and Christopher, but wasn’t invited for the one of Nick and Aki. She could not believe Aki could act like he did not recognizes her at all, thinking she was “too important” to be forgotten. In addition, she also sneered at the huge bump Aki was carrying, with the baby on his hand looking like he wasn’t even a year old yet. “And you’re popping out babies like rabbits. How lustful you are!” she screamed some more, using her cane to stab on Aki’s foot. “Get OUT of my way! I’m visiting MY family home.” She scolded, looking like she could explode with fury.
“Who’s that?” Nick was just descending the stairs with Angel in his arms. Hearing the unfamiliar voice of a woman, he asked not able to recognize the lady from afar. However, seeing that lady hurting his love, he strided quickly towards the door and frowned when he saw who that was.
“Oh, Aunt Pricilla… what are you doing here.” Nick rose to his full height, looking down at the lady with a stern look. “And what are you doing hurting MY WIFE.” he wrapped an arm protectively around Aki, holding him half a step behind him.
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(haha Nick had grown because Aki had been there as a goal. He had been inspired and encouraged by the person he loved, that was how we managed to get so far ;) and that's true for me as well!)
"How dare you young man! with your father gone, I'm the only one who could have a say in your life! You should listen to your aunt. This man..." she pointed her manicured finger at Aki. "He's a golddigger!! and apparently a slut who couldn't keep his legs closed. We don't even know if these two, your so-called 'brother and sister', are even our blood!" she screamed, her face slowly heating up at how mad she was.
"and now he's pregnant again! How scandalous... he's supposed to be a widower! why are you still housing this horrible bitch under this roof. he's just contaminating our good family name." the aunt added. She was oblivious to the wedding, therefore she just assumed Nick and Aki were still "step-parent and son". "Open your eyes, Nick! Don't treat him as your 'stepfather'. I know your father too well, he just wouldn't fall for someone filthy like that. Just chase him away!" she continued to scold, making a move to force herself inside the house, when Nick stopped her.
"Oh i'm sorry the invitation didn't reach you.... me and Aki, we're married now." He said, reaching out for Aki's ringed hand to show the matching, sparkling rings they had. "And he's carrying MY child. And these two little ones, they're also your grandniece, Aunt." he smiled, dropping the bomb right away. "We had been sleeping together before my father's passed away." Nick just admitted that. He was not ashamed at all. Instead, he was appearing VERY PROUD. "and before you could say anything else, you are not welcome here. My father don't run this house anymore. I am the owner and master, and I have the final say on who do we house here. right now, I'm telling you, my 'dear' aunt, please leave right away or i would call the police." he said, rising to his full height as he confronted the obnoxious lady.
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(It is, and I’m always grateful we managed to find each other :) and oh babe, I'm also very delighted to see our posts ;) always eager to see how Aki would react to Nick, responding to his rough or gentle treatment)
Nick was prepared to confront his aunt, although she was technically of his father's generation, he was not afraid to speak his mind. Afterall, he felt like since his aunt shared his last name, he had the obligation to control her behavior, protecting his love in front of her. HOwever, it was a nice surprise seeing Aki also add in his opinion. This might be the strength of a mother...
He smiled and nodded, supporting all that Aki had said. He was impressed with how Aki spoke for himself, and felt warmed up with his wife defneding him. Indeed, that was what live stands for. They would each protect and defend one another.
"You imbecile! How could you badmouth your husband like this! NICK! DO Something!" The crazy lady screamed, only to get deadpanned by Nick
"It is YOU who should stop badmouthing MY WIFE, who's also the mother of my kids." Nick said, stepping forward to force his aunt to take a step back. "Now, LEAVE or I would..." before he could finish that, Aki gasped behind him and Nick was immediately beside his pregnant wife. "Aki!" He caught him as he doubled over.
"GO YOU WOMAN." He cast a hated look at the lady. She had done so much damage now Aki was affected... she would face much worse consequence if Aki was harmed because of this....
Posts: 2,884
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Sex: Female
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Location: "At my rightful place, which is "King Nitrogen's" side, kneeling before him or simply, in his lap. Those places are where a true "Brood-mare" belongs, until said otherwise by such a masculine "Man".
Sexual Orientation: To be honest, I am quite deeply Detached in real-life, riddled by severe-dissassociative/brutal BDSM-addictive tendacies to an extremely persistence and long-standing Anti-socialness by nature, but still clinging to signs of what Humans call by word as "Hope", as if so to say I suppose .. erm .. ~Pokes nearby balloon, humming to pass time quicker ..~ So .. um .. merp .. merp ...
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
08-12-2019, 03:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-12-2019, 06:18 PM by
(I feel the same way, sweetie. I feel like it was fate who helped us find eachother here. And I tried to send you a message but it says that you reached your messaging quota and I was not able to send it. By the way, do you want me to also be the aunt character or do you want to continue as her by yourself. I am fine with either way. :))
Aki sighed as well as he felt the familiar embrace that were Nick's arms wrapping around him. He loved and have always did adore his beloved with each passing day, wanting this moment to never ever end. He smiled through the building up pleasure. He adored being pleasured by his hunk of a man known as Nick. He always felt excited because of his presence and never want to ever end being together by him. He desired to be with his beloved Nick and share forever with him.
He never desired for moments like this to stop. Never ever. Not even a little bit. He closed his eyes, trying to focus only on Nick helping him and just him alone. The shouting aunt was highly annoying and bossy but by a little bit of luck he had successfully managed to ignore it. Nick and Aki were destined to get together and remain that way as well. His muscles tightened as he tensed up with each forceful squirm and kicking of the unborn son or daughter inside of him.
He tried to focus only on Nick but the pains he felt were too severe and overpowering. He buried his face in Nick's shirt, whimpering as if he were a saddened puppy but he was uncomfortable instead of sad. He felt embarrassed whenever this happened around other people. He felt safe and secure only with Nick and him only. He wanted to sob but he kept that overwhelming negative feeling back where it had truly belonged.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.
A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Silent Feather
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Carrier/Seeder: Seeder
(oh so sorry love, I’m always running out of space in my inbox because I didn’t like deleting messages! And archiving didn’t help clear the storage… too bad there’s this 100 message limit here. And thanks for offering, but I’m feeling like we should have the Aunt disappearing for now since their baby’s about to arrive!)
The woman was humiliated by the harsh tone she was receiving from her nephew, but seeing the insistence and intimidation Nick was exhibiting, the lady finally realised that today she wasn’t welcomed, and her once privilege in this mansion was probably stripped with her brother gone.
But the woman wasn’t willing to give up so fast. She stretched up to her full height, wanting to engage in this argument some more. “D-don’t you pretend! I know you’re alright…” she said, but as Aki got more pale by the minute, she was getting afraid too. However, she still puffed up her chest and dared him some more. “So what that you’re pregnant… I’m STILL the elder here…” she attempted to poke Aki on his head, getting up on her tippy toes, but Nick, at this point, was done with her.
The young man glared at his aunt. “GO AWAY!” His patience was exhausted, especially now when Aki was in so much pain. He was holding him securely in his arms,and as much as he knew Aki, he understood this was bad. He never showed his vulnerable side in front of strangers, to see him now whimpering out loud with pain, he knew it must have been severe.
“Guards, please chase this mad lady away.” He signalled to the patrolling guards outside. “She’s no longer welcomed here.” He said dismissively, ready to escort Aki back inside, when the woman suddenly thrashed and went mad.
“You filthy slut! Stop contaminating us! You don’t belong here… I DO!” she said and struggled against the iron grip on her arms, raising her legs up to kick and actually landed a kick on Aki….
“CALL THE POLICE, TIE HER UP.” Nick was furious ont op of scare… please, nothing should happen to Aki. Quickly, he swept Aki off his feet, leaving the twins to the maids that had been summoned, and in big strides came back in. “oh please, Aki, are you ok?” he said with worry written all over his face.
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Me too, I tend like to keep messages but well, once I forgot to clear away the old ones, what happened earlier about hitting the message limit would occur….)
Nick nodded and nervously took big strides to head back into the room. He was furious at his aunt but the damage was already done. He did not want to waste any more time or attention on that horrible lady. His only point of concern was Aki…
“Aki, shh.. it’s ok, I saw what happened and I would make this alright again. Just take a deep breath, follow me ok?” he said, and demonstrated an exaggerated inhale, making it obvious so that Aki could follow him through the intense pain.
“Good job, that’s right.” Nick praised Aki seeing him take a proper breath. “Another deep breath, and a slow exhale ok?” he smiled encouragingly, despite his heart beating insanely fast at the fear. He was truly fearful of what Aki could suffer as a result of his aunt’s cruel act.
He could see faint screams from behind as he ascended the stairs quickly. He did not bother looking back, for she deserved whatever pain and torture as a result of the sinful act she did on his beloved.
Arriving at their room, Nick gently laid down Aki. “Shh love, please calm down.” He could see Aki’s eyes widened, looking scared as he shivered and curled up with the pain. “I’ll check you ok? Let me remove those clothes…” he said gently, making the pregnant man understand what he was going to do. He pulled away the robe he was wearing. There was a big patch of redness on the side – the lady’s high heels had landed on Aki’s bump quite squarely. He blew on the affected area, Nick’s heart broke into a million pieces seeing the damage that was done
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Relationship Status: In a relationship
Location: "At my rightful place, which is "King Nitrogen's" side, kneeling before him or simply, in his lap. Those places are where a true "Brood-mare" belongs, until said otherwise by such a masculine "Man".
Sexual Orientation: To be honest, I am quite deeply Detached in real-life, riddled by severe-dissassociative/brutal BDSM-addictive tendacies to an extremely persistence and long-standing Anti-socialness by nature, but still clinging to signs of what Humans call by word as "Hope", as if so to say I suppose .. erm .. ~Pokes nearby balloon, humming to pass time quicker ..~ So .. um .. merp .. merp ...
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
08-16-2019, 02:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-16-2019, 02:32 PM by
(Oh. It is no biggie. :))
Aki wanted to curl up and cry out but he simply let Nick help him. He simply whimpered and nodded his head in response to Nick's spoken words, focus only on breathing the same exact way that Nick had encouraged him to do. As time passed by his breathing became more calm. He only put all of his full attention on his beloved, not looking away once. He wanted to be relaxed and at ease. Passing on by was the presence of time that was more like a person who waited for noone.
Soon he felt his once rushed breathing become more and more slow and steady once again. He loved it whenever he was able to calm down and Nick was always there for him more than Christopher ever was. Life was now fufilling without him to bring his spirits down. He became quiet as he had felt his stomach stop moving for a while, also sensing that the child within the depths of his belly was also calm as well as it recovered from being roughly kicked by a force it did not know of.
"Thank you for helping me, Nick." He said softly, expressing a smile as he gently rested his head upon Nick's strong chest. "I am glad that that insane woman is gone." He continued to speak, his belly was still but he was still worried about the unborn child which was either a boy or a girl. He closed his eyes and had put all of his attention only on their unborn child and was also worried about if the kick had done any damage to the fragile life. "She is even worse than Christopher was."
When he and Nick were in the safety of their shared of bedroom Aki sat down on the bed. He allowed Nick to remove his robe and had winced from time to time as the kick from the aunt was still tender and had still ached awfully. He wanted to burst into tears but he kept all of his emotions in check. He wanted to be in control and he would do that even if the emotions would have a mind of their own. He kept back his urge to vomit as he looked down at the red mark on his stomach.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.
A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Silent Feather
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Carrier/Seeder: Seeder
(Oh babe I’m sorry for another delay… I have been feeling so tired over the weekend and wasn’t in the mood to move even a finger.. now I’m better an dI’m returning ;))
Slowly removing the robe from his pregnant wife, Nick was horrified by the red swollen mark. The kick had scraped off a patch of skin from Aki’s tight bump. The middle was stretched so big, his skin was skin and taut to begin with, so any pressure it was easy to get scarred. Nick furrowed his brows tight and grabbed the first aid kit – at least he would disinfect the area first. Maybe some ice patch on it could reduce the swelling, but Nick was reluctant to do that on Aki’s sensitive bump.
When the disinfectant soaked cotton was dabbed on Aki’s bump, his wife hissed in pain and Nick was even more infuriated at the horrible action his aunt did to Aki. “I’m so osrry Aki… shh….it’s fine now. I would get that lady in jail for harming you.” He frowned. “I will cover you up and take a few photos, can you do with that? If you don’t want to, I could find other ways too.” He said, enquiring after Aki’s opinion before he decided on his next step of move.
The bruise had developed quickly after, surrounding the scrape at the middle, it looked rather horrible. Nick was able to snap a few shots of the wound, before proceeding to cover it up with wire gauze. He sighed and bended forward to kiss Aki’s bump once he was done. “I’m so sorry you have to go through this.. I should have called the security guards earlier on.” He said rubbing the other parts of Aki’s bump. “Are you feeling ok now? Any more contractions? “ he caressed it, feeling the strong kicks from within.
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(Thanks for understanding, love, you are always treating me so nice. Oh yes, I have noticed ;) so glad you’ve overcome the writer’s block! And I appreciate the colourful illustration you were giving me on Aki ~)
Nick smiled appreciatively at Aki being so pliant. He could not wait to put his aunt in prison either, for whatever amount of time. He did not want this nosy lady around the area any more. Nick was by no means a generous person, and anyone who dared to hurt his beloved would be facing the full scale of his fury.
With the wound treated, and covered, Nick was still quite worried. The baby was still moving actively, the kicks could be felt by Nick as he caressed Aki’s bump. “Shh babe… try to relax. You have to relax first so our baby would know it’s fine now , that the threat is gone.” He comforted Aki, only too glad to see his wife obediently calmed under his instructions.
Nick stayed with Aki the entire afternoon, worried that there could be other consequences from the ruthless kick. To his surprise, the afternoon was quite calm and eventless. Not even the usual Braxton-hicks were affecting Aki. The sun had started setting. They shared dinner peacefully, and after, the twins were again brought to their bedroom so they could share some family time together.
They were all seated on the carpet. Nick smiled as Angel again reached for him, while Hercules was playing with his toy cars. “Our twins are really growing! Look at Hercules… and oh my little Angel.” The little girl was waving her chubby arms in the air, attempting to climb up Nick’s knees to put a wet kiss on his cheek. “Da… da!” The girl squealed. Not only had the twins started walking, they both had their first words before their first year birthday. It was a huge pleasure seeing their twins grow up so fast… and even more excited with the new arrival. Nick cast a loving gaze at Aki, the gaze also extended to his bump., not forgetting their unborn.
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(Aww I feel like you’re writing me a love letter with that sweet comment. I’m flattered, love… and I assure you the feeling’s mutual too ;))
Right now, the 2 soul mates did not need meaningless words to fill the void. That didn’t mean they did not enjoy conversations, it simply meant the two could be comfortable just quietly in each other’s presence, and it was such a comfortable feeling, Nick could enjoy for the rest of his life – and beyond. And once they were talking, there was no ending to it too. That was the true bonding between the two, the effortless closeness between this perfect couple.
Taking Angel to raise her up, so that she could be at the same level as his face and kiss him, Nikc smiled only too softly at Aki. “You too, you are the mother who’d make this happiness possible, not to mention being the main carer for these two. I am so blessed, Aki… and I’m so proud of our family.” He said – but soon enough their little princess wanted her father’s attention too much, Nick was forced to look away from his wife so he could listen to what Angel was trying to say.
“Ma…Da!” she squealed only too happily, just as Hercules looked up to check out what his sister was up to. Seeing how happy his sister was in their father’s arms, he raised up the car tightly clutched in his hand and waved it in the air. “Da!” He shouted, pouting his cute face as he reached out for Nick too.
The young man chuckled at how cute and adorable their children are. He reached out for Hercules as well, holding each child on one arm. They were both competing for his attention and it was beginning to become a struggle for Nick… which was why he had missed the onset of the first contraction hitting on Aki.
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(I am terribly sorry love… TERRIBLY. Please believe me… I wasn’t sure what happened. Could be struck with one of those blocks without myself noticing… I promise I would at least let you know next time when I’m having difficulty responding… so sorry babe….)
(and it’s making me even more ashamed when you were just complimenting me being this gentleman, yet right after that I let you down disappearing… I’m so sorry babe, please accept my apology….)
“Oh come on you two…. Be good. Daddy loves you both equally, there’s no need to fight…” Nick was busy giving each of his children a fond kiss on their cheeks, bumping them both. Angel surely knew how to act sweet as she laid her cute head on his shoulder, while Hercules, ever the active one, actually try to grab Nick’s chin so his father would look at him. Nick couldn’t help but laugh at his affectionate babies, and was turning towards Aki.
“Aki, I can’t believe how these two are…. “ He stopped midtrack, seeing the agonized look on Aki.
“Aki?” He frowned, lowering both children who had also stopped what they were doing, sensing the change in their father’s tone and mood. “Aki, are you ok?” Nick knew something must be wrong because Aki wans’t answering him, and he was rubbing his bump with this frown, it could not be a good sign.
Immeidately Nick buzzed for the nanny to bring away the kids. While he was waiting for her, he came closer to Aki putting the children down. “Aki… is it a contraction?” he asked reaching out to embrace Aki. He did not need Aki to answer the question – the rock solid bump he was feeling under his bump confirmed his guess. This was it…
“Aki… I’m here, shh. We will get over this together. Once the nanny comes to collect the babies, I’ll be bringing you to our room ok? You know what would happen, so stay calm. We will be welcoming our little younger prince.” He pressed a reassuring kiss on Aki.