C Jethro & Jacob: The Series Roleplay (Closed with justpush)

Jacob Green: Hi Alex *says squeezing tears from his eyes*
Jacob Green: And we probably don't know each other. I'm Jacob, nice to meet you * introduces himself to Max and Axl *

For a few minutes later, he tells everything Jethro told him today.

* meanwhile, in front of the restaurant *

Greg Sanchez: Gee, sorry so much * grabs Austin he crashed into *
Greg Sanchez: All good?

Meanwhile in the Front of the Restaurant;

Daniel Edwards: (Holds Jacob hostage) Now Nobody came close or else Jacob gets it (Holds a Gun at Jacob)..
Max Lopez: Come on Daniel just let Jacob go...

*Jethro leaves with Austin and Nate leaves in Jethro's Car*

Alex Juarez: Come on Daniel just let Jacob go...
Axl Heck: Yeah just let him go...
Daniel Edwards: (Holds Jacob Hostage) Why? He keeps on leaving Jethro so I need to teach him a lesson...
Daniel Edwards: (Holds Jacob Hostage) And if I kill Jacob right now Nobody will miss him... Because he's a Bitch...

*End of Episode*

Jacob Green: Who the hell are you? I do not know you!
Jacob Green: Please let me go, I won't be even closer to Jethro. I promise! * cries and covers her belly with her hand *

Suddenly Greg runs up to them and overpowers Daniel. The police are arresting him. A shaky Jacob hugs Greg.

Daniel Edwards: (Holds Jacob Hostage) Shoots Greg for trying to get close...
Daniel Edwards: (Holds Jacob Hostage) Jacob Shut the Fuck up Jethro is in love with you and YOU treated him like crap so You are coming with me (Puts Jacob in his car and locks the door) Daniel leaves...

*The Ambulance takes Greg to the Hospital*

Jacob sits silently, crying bitterly. He's still covering his belly.

Jacob Green: Please don't hurt me! I am pregnant and I cannot lose this baby!
Jacob Green: And I didn't mean to hurt Jethro, I'm still his friend.
Jacob Green: I just didn't want to get in between him and Austin.
Jacob Green: Austin is pregnant with Jethro!

Daniel Edwards: Jacob shut the fuck up where i am taking you Nobody will find you...
Daniel Edwards: Jacob I don't care you still treat Jethro like crap you always go back to your boyfriend Greg...
Daniel Edwards: That's why I shot him... You been stringing Jethro along while you was going out with Greg...
Daniel Edwards: And You gonna lose the baby unless you shut the fuck up now...

Jacob Green: Greg is not my boyfriend, but a fellow doctor who is managing my pregnancy...

* cries louder and faints soon after *

*At Daniel's Cabin*
*Daniel has Sex with a Fainted Jacob*

Daniel Edwards: That was some good sex we just have...
Daniel Edwards: *He Kisses Jacob* (Jacob wakes up after the kiss)
Daniel Edwards: "Bad New" Jacob you suffer a miscarriage you lost the baby...
Daniel Edwards: Good News we just had sex...
Daniel Edwards: Now You are pregnant again but this time you are pregnant with My Child now....

He cries and starts to struggle but finally let go.

Jacob Green: You raped me!
Jacob Green: What am I going to live on now? It was my way of supporting me and the kids!
Jacob Green: Oh my God! My kids are at Jethro's.
Jacob Green: I must have them with me. Please bring them to me!

Daniel Edwards: But Jacob they are all the way in South Carolina and we're in Los Angeles...
Daniel Edwards: i am not letting you because you might go to the police so you are staying here...
Daniel Edwards: And People loved me Here so it be your word against mine... So They will believe me more than you...
Daniel Edwards: And Jethro & Austin will take good care of Zack, Samantha, and Chase...
Daniel Edwards: And Greg is in the Hospital in Critical Condition...

Jacob trembles with terror. He is in a weak mental condition.

Jacob Green: Why did you do this to me?!
Jacob Green: I thought you were trying to kill me.
Jacob Green: And how can you be sure I'm pregnant?
Jacob Green: You raped me while I was unconscious.
Jacob Green: How could you?
Jacob Green:And how the hell do you know me ?!
Jacob Green: I've never seen you.

Daniel Edwards: Trust Me in 9 Months You are going to have My Child...

*Flash Forward to 7 Months*

Daniel Edwards: Jacob how are you?
Daniel Edwards: Since you are 7 months Pregnant with My Child...
Daniel Edwards: Bad News your boyfriend Greg died 7 months ago...

Jacob Greg: Oh my God!
Jacob Green: Greg wasn't my boyfriend, the hell how many times do I have to tell you this?
*he hisses, rubbing his big belly*

He recently fell in love with a child. At first he couldn't accept it because it was from rape.

Daniel Edwards: Jacob i can't do this anymore...
Daniel Edwards: I am so sorry that I rape you...
Daniel Edwards: I am so sorry that Greg died...
Daniel Edwards: Jacob i know that Greg was your friend...
Daniel Edwards: I am so sorry i made you suffer a miscarriage...

*Daniel runs to the bathroom Crying*
*Daniel talks to the Mirror*

Daniel Edwards: Why do I keep on doing this?
Daniel Edwards: I think the World will be a better place without me in it...

*Jacob eavesdrop on Daniel*

*He runs heavy after him and takes his hand*

Jacob Green: I think I can forgive you.
Jacob Green: You haven't hurt me any other way since then.
Jacob Green: You take care of me and the baby.
Jacob Green :Daniel, I want to raise baby with you

*he hugs him tightly*

Daniel Edwards: No Let me kill myself because The World will be a Better Place without me in it...
Daniel Edwards: After i kill myself you don't has to worry about me again....

Jacob Green: I have no one else but you now!
Jacob Green: Don't leave me with the baby!
Jacob Green: I can't do it on my own!
Jacob Green: I'll kill myself too if you do this!

Daniel Edwards: Oh Yeah I am in love with you (Leans in to Kiss Jacob)
Daniel Edwards: And I am going to Prison for Murder & Kidnapping so Jacob wait for me?
Daniel Edwards: Jacob i Love You and I promise after the baby's born I will take you back to South Carolina to see your kids...
Daniel Edwards: Jacob Thanks to you I want to be a Better Person... So Can You please help Me?

Jacob Green: Yes
* kisses him passionately *

Jacob Green: But promise you that you will be with our baby.
Jacob Green: I don't want to give birth alone without you

Daniel Edwards: (Gets Down on One Knee) Jacob you are turning me into a Better Person.
Daniel Edwards: (Gets Down on One Knee) And I am sorry that cause you so much harm...
Daniel Edwards: (Gets Down on One Knee) My Ex-Boyfriend Jethro made me this way and thanks to you i am finally on the right track to be a better person...
Daniel Edwards: (Gets Down on One Knee) So Jacob will you do me the honors of making me the happiest guy in the world Will You Marry Me?
Daniel Edwards: And Both of us can overpower Jethro and make him pay for causing trouble to Us....

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