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Jacob Green: But I am giving birth to your children, what do you imagine?
Jacob Green: I am your husband, Daniel!
Jacob Green: Can you tell what's going on here?
* screams in vain, so he reaches for the phone and dials Jethro's number *
Jacob Green: Jethro? I know it's not the best time, but will you come to the hospital?
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*At Home in South Carolina*
Jethro Grantham: Jacob is calling me I AM not answering it...
Back in Los Angeles;
Daniel Edwards: Jacob I am so sorry I walked out on you while you was in labor...
Daniel Edwards: I am back now and ready to bring Our Twin Boys into this world...
Daniel Edwards: Let's Get You back on the table and into the Stirrups...
Doctor: i am back to check you dilation; Congrats your at 9 centimeters..
Daniel Edwards: Oh Jacob we are so close to bring Our Twin Boys into the world....
Daniel Edwards: Good Work Jacob (Wrap Jacob's Forehead) We are so close...
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(I'm going to sleep, I'll be back in a few hours)
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08-30-2020, 09:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2020, 09:22 AM by
Jacob Green: Do you want a divorce?
Jacob Green: Tell me now!
Jacob Green: I don't know where I stand ...
Jacob Green: Aaaahh!
Jacob Green: It hurts!
Jacob Green: I have to push
* starts pushing lightly *
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08-30-2020, 03:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2020, 05:03 PM by
Doctor: Congrats you are at 10 so on the next contraction i want you to push...
Daniel Edwards: Jacob I Love You too much to let you go...
Daniel Edwards: Jacob now just breathe & push...
Daniel Edwards: Can we talk after You have Our Twins?
*Jethro walks in and sees a Laboring Jacob giving birth*
Jethro Grantham: I am here Doctor....
Doctor: Jethro you go and hold Jacob's other hand...
Jethro Grantham: Okay...
Daniel Edwards: Jethro WTF!? Are You doing here in Los Angeles?
Jethro Grantham: I am here to save Jacob from you...
Daniel Edwards: I Love Jacob more than you ever did....
Daniel Edwards: YOU Love Austin more than Jacob...
Jethro Grantham: No I don't...
Daniel Edwards: Jethro didn't you say that You like sleeping with Austin?
Jethro Grantham: Yes I did say that...
*Jethro & Daniel both holds Jacob's Hands*
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Jacob Green: If you love me why do you want to talk to me?
Jacob Green: Why did you go?
Jacob Green: And how the hell do you know Greg?
*after Jethro came*
Jacob Green: The damn guys!
Jacob Green: I'm giving birth here!
Jacob Green: Can we talk about this later?
* feeling the baby go down *
Jacob Green: Why didn't you pick up?
Jacob Green: I called you
* directs the question to Jethro, pausing to breathe *
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08-30-2020, 07:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2020, 07:21 PM by
Jethro Grantham: Because I Hate You... You was going to leave me at the Restaurant...
Jethro Grantham: And also you left with my Psycho Ex...
Daniel Edwards: Jethro Bitch you made me this way...
Daniel Edwards: I am a Psycho because of you...
Daniel Edwards: And Jacob is making me a Better Person...
Daniel Edwards: Bitch can you leave because We are having a baby here...
Jethro Grantham: No I can't i am a Nurse so no i can't leave...
Daniel Edwards: Okay you can stay but don't cause anymore drama okay Bitch...
Daniel Edwards: Bitch where's your husband Austin?
Daniel Edwards: Is My Son Sawyer okay? after you somehow got Full Custody of him?
Jethro Grantham: I got full custody of him because I convince The Judge that you are too unfit to raise a child...
Daniel Edwards: YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
*Jethro Fights Daniel while Jacob is giving birth to Daniel's Twin Boys*
Daniel Edwards: Doctor Can you ask Jethro to leave he keeps on messing with us..
Daniel Edwards: Jethro that was the old me I am becoming a Better Person because of Jacob...
Daniel Edwards: Doctor can you ask Jethro to leave please before he does something...
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Jacob Green: First, Jethro, I didn't go with Daniel voluntarily.
Jacob Green: Second, how did you think I would react to Austin's pregnancy.
Jacob Green: Besides, you said you liked sleeping with him.
* when they started fighting *
Jacob Green: Calm down guys!
Jacob Green: Did you hear? Boy- Aaaahh!
* grabs their hands tightly and starts pushing *
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Jethro Grantham: I am so out of here Bye Losers...
*Jethro Leaves*
Daniel Edwards: (Holds Jacob's Hand) Come on Babe just breathe & push...
Daniel Edwards: I Love You Jacob
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Jacob Green: Daniel hurts, do something, please!
Jacob Green: They are too big!
Jacob Green: I can't do it!
* began to cry from pain *
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Daniel Edwards: Jacob yes you can.. You can do it... Just one more push and the first baby will be out...
Daniel Edwards: (Wraps Jacob's Forehead of Sweat) I Love You Babe...
Daniel Edwards: Just remember you are pushing out Our Twin Boys...
Doctor: Congrats The First Son is out...
Doctor: Oh No! The 2nd Baby's Breech so Jacob you has to push even harder now...
Daniel Edwards: Come on Jacob I believe in you... You can do it.... just breathe & Push....
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Jacob Green: He is perfect....
Jacob Green: Similar to you
* laughs and kisses his son on the forehead *
Jacob Green: DANIEL!
* starts pushing, gripping his hand tightly *
Jacob Green: I want to touch him when he comes out
* panting, breathing during pause *
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Daniel Edwards: Yes Jacob i am right here..
Daniel Edwards: Babe your almost done you can do it just breathe..
Daniel Edwards: Jacob here's some ICE Chips...
Daniel Edwards: Come on just breathe & Push....
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Jacob Green: Okay, I can do it.
Jacob Green: I will do it for you and our sons.
Jacob Green: I love you
* starts pushing hard, licking an ice cube in his mouth *
Jacob Green: I wanna feel his head please!
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Daniel Edwards; Jacob you can feel his feet because His Feet will be the first to come out...
Daniel Edwards: Jacob I am so sorry that i did this to you... And if you want me gone after you have the Twins i will understand..
Daniel Edwards: Because Jacob i don't want to force you to be with me if you don't wanna be?
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Jacob Green: Ah, but it hurts ...
Jacob Green: You silly, I don't want to leave you.
Jacob Green: I don't know if what I'm feeling is true love, but I want to try.
Jacob Green: If it doesn't work out hard.
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Daniel Edwards: Jacob what I am feeling right is True Love because you are making me a better person...
Daniel Edwards: And that's what i called true love...
Daniel Edwards: I Love You Jacob and I will do whatever you told me...
Doctor: Jacob congrats on Your Twin Boys...
Daniel Edwards: Look at Our Twin Boys...
Daniel Edwards: Jacob You Did it Babe...
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Jacob Green: Oh Jesus...
Jacob Green: My little ones...!
Jacob Green: They are so beautiful
Jacob Green: Daniel, we have sons!
* starts crying with happiness *
Jacob Green: I love them!
* kisses their heads *
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*Daniel sits on the bed with Jacob holding their twins*
Daniel Edwards: Now what about Our Future?
Daniel Edwards: Jacob do you see a Future with me?
Daniel Edwards: Because I don't want to Force You into being My Husband..
Daniel Edwards: I am so sorry that I pranked you and that I rape you...
Daniel Edwards: Jacob I was in love with you and didn't know if you would love me back that's why i did the prank & rape...
Greg Sanchez: Yeah Jacob I am sorry i did it...
Daniel Edwards: Jacob i can't wait to meet your other kids... And Jacob I need your & Greg's Help on getting My Son Sawyer away from Jethro...
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Jacob Green: Daniel, I don't know how he's feeling, but I want to try
Jacob Green: I will never limit your contact with your children if we ever have to part ways
Jacob Green: As for your son ...
Jacob Green: I'll help you get it back
Jacob Green: You can count on me
Jacob Green: But first, let's get out of the hospital and move as we want