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Daniel Edwards: It's gonna be hard because Jethro is very tricky...
Daniel Edwards: I can't believe he told The Judge that I was unfit to raise Our Son...
Daniel Edwards: I Love You Jacob and I never want to part ways from you...
Daniel Edwards: And if you want to go back to being a Surrogate I will support you..
Daniel Edwards: The Nurse took Our Twins to the baby room where they have other babies..
Daniel Edwards: So we are alone now Jacob it's you that I want (Leans in to Kiss Jacob)...
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Jacob Green: We'll make it somehow and you'll get your son back
Jacob Green: Yes, I want to be a surrogate.
Jacob Green: Thank you for your words.
Jacob Green: For your support
* reciprocates greedily kiss *
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*Back in Daniel's Cabin*
Daniel Edwards: Jacob i just put our Sons down for their nap...
Daniel Edwards: Now let's Talk about How will We get My Son back?
Daniel Edwards: JACOB!? aren't your kids with Jethro too?
Daniel Edwards: Now we need to get My Son and Your Triplets back from Jethro but how?
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Jacob Green: Yes, they are with him.
Jacob Green: I haven't seen them for so long.
Jacob Green: Now they will be one year old.
Jacob Green: Maybe I'll go to him and distract him?
Jacob Green: And you can take the kids at that time
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Daniel Edwards: Jacob babe we can go in 2 Days from Now you need to relax you just gave birth to Our Twins..
Daniel Edwards: So you need your sleep..
Daniel Edwards: Jacob i am so sorry we had to hook up in a Prank & Rape Day...
Daniel Edwards: I was in love with you and I thought you was going to reject me so i did the prank & Rape..
Daniel Edwards: And actually that asshole Jethro made me like this...
Daniel Edwards: All Jethro cares about is Money and Kids... So I think Our Kids will be find for 2 more days...
Daniel Edwards: Jacob you are gonna fall in love with my son Sawyer...
Daniel Edwards: And We need a bigger house since We are gonna have 6 kids now after we get your kids back and my son back...
Daniel Edwards: Tomorrow I am gonna fly to South Carolina to find a Bigger House for Us and Our 6 Kids...
Daniel Edwards: So all i want you to do is just sit back and relax...
Daniel Edwards: I am rich but unlike that asshole Jethro I do care about my relationships & my kids...
Daniel Edwards: Don't Worry Jacob when We get back to South Carolina you can resume being a Surrogate...
Daniel Edwards: Right Now you need your sleep because you just gave birth to our twins...
Daniel Edwards: And You can call Greg if you need any help while i am gone...
Daniel Edwards: I know Greg because We used to work together before I got fired...
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Jacob Green: Okay, but put yourself with me.
Jacob Green: I like when you are close...
Jacob Green: As for the kids and Jethro, don't be afraid.
Jacob Green: We can do it.
Jacob Green: We'll arrange everything together.
Jacob Green: We will be happy in South Carolina.
Jacob Green: I swear it.
* kisses him on the mouth *
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Daniel Edwards: Jacob stop being silly We are married You are My Husband of course we be together...
Daniel Edwards: But unlike that asshole Jethro I will give you respect like you deserve....
Daniel Edwards: Jacob i can't believe you fall for that asshole whatever you saw in him? He cares more about his kids and money but that's... (Kisses Jacob back)
Daniel Edwards: Now let's get some sleep i have a long day Tomorrow....
*Daniel gets in bed with Jacob*
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Jacob Green: I love you Daniel...
* falls asleep on his torso *
* end of episode 2 *
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*Episode 3*
Daniel Edwards: Good Morning Sleepyhead Today is the day where I go to South Carolina to find a Bigger House for Us to live in....
Daniel Edwards: Jacob you be okay here with our sons Cody & Logan?
Daniel Edwards: Jacob i Can't Believe that Tomorrow We are starting Our Future Together as a Family... (Kisses Jacob)
Daniel Edwards: And Jacob you are finally getting the respect you deserved...
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Jacob Green: Good morning sweetie
Jacob Green: I am glad that our boys are already with us.
Jacob Green: Just come back safely to us, Daddy
Jacob Green: I'm looking forward to moving to new home.
Jacob Green: And the most common evenings and mornings.
* gave a passionate kiss *
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Daniel Edwards: and you finally getting some respect that you deserve.
*Daniel leaves*
*Jethro Enters*
Jethro Grantham: Now I am here to save you from that psychopath Daniel...
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Jacob Green: Jethro, what are you doing here?
Jacob Green: Are you crazy?
Jacob Green: Why aren't you sitting at home with your family and husband?
Jacob Green: Austin is your goddamn husband and I'm Daniel's husband!
*he gets up hastily from bed*
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Jethro Grantham: Because Daniel is a psycho and I am here on business the hospital..
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Jacob Green: I thought I didn't want to see me anymore.
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Jethro Grantham: Austin I love you and our 2 Sons.. (Leans in to kiss Austin)
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(I think you made a mistake, because his name is Jacob and Jethro has no children in common)
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Jethro Grantham: Fuck you Jacob...
Jethro Grantham: Daniel is a psycho and he's gonna rape you again....
Jethro Grantham: you need to dump his butt and I am still in love with Austin so Jacob Fuck You...
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Jacob Green: If I am nobody to you, get out of here!
Jacob Green: I'll call the police.
Jacob Green: You're here without an invitation.
Jacob Green: And you're still scaring me.
Jacob Green: Or maybe Austin doesn't satisfy you as much as I do?
* walks closer to him, slowly lowering the robe *
Jacob Green: Do you miss my body?
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08-31-2020, 10:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2020, 12:31 AM by
Jethro Grantham: Hey Austin is my husband (beats Jacob up) you deserve it respect my husband Austin Bitch....
Jethro Grantham: (Mad) Jacob You have no right to disrespect My Husband Austin like this...
Jethro Grantham: (Mad) See Jacob Bitch This is why We broke up because you don't respect nobody...
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Jacob Green: You just went through it?
Jacob Green: To take it out on me?!
Jacob Green: Get the fuck out of here!
Jacob Green: And never come back you son of a bitch!
Jacob Green: You yourself do not deserve respect.