C Werewolf Bred (Closed with Littleittyboy)

PLOT: You are friends with a werewolf and for a time, the two of you had been developing feelings for each other but neither of you would say it. One full moon you find your friend transformed and after chasing you, he catches your scent, takes you and breeds you,  impregnating you with a large litter that you must now carry to term and deliver. The thing is, not only is the litter full of inhumanly strong offspring but that they grow faster when the light of the full moon hits you.

(We could start wherever whether it's the very start or the aftermath I don't mind! )

(Let’s start at the night of the impregnation)

Name: Jace
Age: 21
Looks: Stands just above 5” with dark curly brown hair, pale skin and blue eyes, often seen as feminine due to his thin build, plump lips and wide eyes.

(I’m thinking maybe his friend didn’t realise it was a full moon or just that he didn’t realise the time?)
Jace was relaxing with his friend in the backyard, playfully playing a game of football. He wasn’t very good at the game and knew his friend was letting him get a few points to make him feel better. He got tackled once again and let out a gasp of a breath laughing a little looking up at his friend scrunching up his nose cutely “I’m not very good at this”

Name: Matthew
Age: 23
Appearance: 6"3, wavy auburn hair often kept in a low bun, tanned and freckled body with dark brown eyes, people assume that he is a lumberjack due to his build and his fashion sense

(That could work with him not noticing the time like they got a bit carried away with hanging out?)

Matthew watched Jace as he caught the football again with a small smile playing on his lips. He liked letting Jace win so each throw he did, he aimed for Jace to be able to catch it and he would always find a way to "stumble" and slip. He knew Jace wasn't stupid but he liked seeing how Jace would react to each win that he can't help himself but give in each time. The moment he decided to tackle Jace, he let out a laugh as the two of them fell down. Rolling off of Jace, he grinned at his best friend, reaching up to press his index finger against Jace's nose, wanting to tweak it with how Jace scrunched his nose.

"You're not," he agreed, "but you'll get better with my help."

(Yeah, because they like each other they just don’t notice the time slipping by)

Jace laughed gently and shook his head “I don’t think I can get much better than I am” he grinned and sat up a little holding onto the ball “I’m not very athletic like you. I much prefer being inside and not covered in dirt and mud” he chuckled before standing up and trying to brush the dirt off himself. He got back into the original position biting his lip a little trying to figure out some type of strategy to beat his friend squinting a little as the sun was setting before he kicked the ball over his friend and tried to almost run through him to get to the ball.

Matthew smiled at Jace and shrugged. "Who knows, you might have an athlete in you yet." He said, his tone bright and cheery. Sure he was the usual jock build with good reflexes but really, he had werewolf reflexes and high school football to thank for that. "And besides," Matthew added, a conspiratorial smile gracing his lips, "if you really don't wanna get dirty playing sports, you could always just watch me play." He said, his tone becoming teasing. As the two continued to roughhouse, Matthew began to feel pinprick aches in his muscles but waved it off. It can't be time yet. He checked his watch awhile ago.

Jace laughed and shook his head “I’ll leave the athlet-ing” up to you, he joked playfully. He laughed lightly, he never felt as free as he did when he was in Matthews presence. He rolled them over so he was on top breathing heavily and feeling his cheeks flush slightly at the almost racy position they were in. He cleared his throat a little and stood up holding his hand out towards him. “I should be getting home, it’s getting dark and I need to start cooking dinner”

When Jace rolled over on top of him, Matthew felt his cheeks warm, his hands reaching up to hold Jace in place albeit it being unconsciously done. For only a brief moment, Matthew thought how nice it would have felt if he and Jace could have stayed this way. When Jace offered him his hand, Matthew reached out only for him to grasp Jace's hand with strength he wasn't expecting to unlock until the full moon's height when he gripped Jace's hand far too tight. Letting go abruptly, Matthew looked at his hand in horror before looking at Jace, forcing a smile to his face before realising his teeth might be growing sharper too.

"Sure," he answered, his voice slightly more ragged, more gruff than usual, "you go have a safe trip." He'd normally offer to accompany Jace back home.

But he was careless.

And it was no longer safe for either of them. He forgot the time and he didn't know how much he had left before the wolf took over.

When his hips were felt to secure him Jace couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps he wasn’t the only one with strong feelings, a short dream of a future together with Matthew flashed before his eyes. Jace gasped a little at the strength pulled at his hand and looked at his friend worriedly while simultaneously stretching his aching hand “Are you okay?” He asked confused at his sudden demeanour change when just moments ago they were closer than ever.

Jace couldn’t help but feel a little hurt that he hadn’t offered to accompany him home and rubbed the back of his neck and bit his lip awkwardly “Oh…yeah, okay” he said quietly before he started to head towards the forest, a small path leading him home most nights.

Matthew tried to pretend that he didn't see the hurt in Jace's eyes. He still hasn't explained this past of his family history to him. Who would even believe him if he tries? His family kept this secret and even made sure to keep their bloodline and customs only to themselves and other werewolves.

"I'll see you tomorrow. " He promised in a hurry as he began marching towards his cabin, shoving his hands into his jeans the moment he began feeling the growth of his claws beginning. "Just hurry on home, text me when you get back, okay? " and just like that, he hurried inside and locked the door, hoping he made it in time.

Jace watched his friend walk away quickly and felt his lip quiver a little and a few tears well in his eyes before rubbing them away quickly telling himself how ridiculous he was being. He sighed and turned heading through the forest back to his house.

He forgot how much he enjoyed the forest in the night, the noises often considered scary or unknown fueled a knowledge in Jace to learn about his local fauna, so much so he knew which animals made which noise, where they would nest, even their mating calls. He looked up through some of the leaves to see the full moon shining down and smiled heading further along the path, walking slowly listening and looking around.

Matthew was hurriedly bolting every door and window, having to pause as his body began taking on more changes to his physical form, crying out in pain as his bone structure changed along with his muscles. As he reached for the locks to his window, his transformed hands were already trembling while he was battling the beast demanding to be set free.

It was futile.

Before he could even take hold of the bolt, Matthew picked up a scent in his transformed state.

His heart rate picked up.


He was still here.

He needs to shut the window, save him—

But all too quickly his mind was taken over. As it smelled that intoxicating scent that its human counterpart was so fond of, it felt its saliva dripping from its maw.

Only one thing rolled its mind.

That It must breed and it must create its own pack with this human.

Jace continued walking through the forest seeing his house in the short distance. He hummed quietly before realising how quiet the forest had gotten and turning confused “Hello?” He called out gently starting to get a little nervous walking backwards towards his house quickly

The beast had managed to get through the window Matthew had failed to shut. The scent of the human was a ways off but it stalked Jace with as much speed as it could afford. The scent of this human Matthew fell for was addicting, sweet as nectar and more powerful than even female werewolves' pheromones. When it saw Jace in sight, it froze for a moment, savoring his scent and his appearance, imagining him ripe with the litter he shall conceive.

Licking its lips, a lustful snarl left its mouth before it ran out towards Jace, clawed hands reaching out and dragging him into the woods, its claws diggjng into Jace's supple flesh, hot breaths leaving its mouth, it's cock begging to penetrate Jace and breed him.

Jace jumped a little as he heard the snarl and tried to move faster before the beast grabbed him. He screamed out in both fear and pain as the claws dug into him he reached out trying to grab onto anything to save himself, tears started to rapidly fall down his cheeks as his house disappeared from his sight as he was dragged further into the woods.

The beast laid Jace down on the forest floor, sniffing at Jace's neck, relishing in his scent, strings of saliva dripping over Jace as the beast reached for Jace's clothes, ripping them in just one motion. Parting Jace's legs, it sniffed at his naked body before it flipped him over and began licking Jace to lubricate him before it breeds him.

Jace screamed out a little when his clothes were ripped, expecting himself to be torn apart. He gasped as he started to be licked sensing where this was going but hoping to be wrong. He tried to move and get away but was locked under the beasts control. He sobbed softly “Please no” he said shakily trying to figure out an escape

Sensing that its future mate was distressed, the beast let out a low rumbling noise, attempting to soothe Jace. It could distantly hear its human side saying something but all it saw was its mate.

When it deemed that Jace was lubricated enough, the wolf took hold of both of Jace's ass cheeks to get a better view of his hole, shiny with its saliva. Its cock was already painfully erect ever since it smelled Jace but finally, it could breed. It could have a pack with him.

Without further warning, the beast rammed its cock into Jace's ass.

Jace calmed slightly at the grumble for just a moment before he felt his cheeks be pushed apart and the panic set back in. He screamed out in agony as pain ripped through his arse and up through his back, no matter how lubricated he was his body wasn’t ready to be entered as such.

Jace screamed out trying to drag himself away sobbing

Snarling, the beast gripped onto Jace's waist tighter when it began feeling him trying to drag himself away. Holding Jace in place, the wolf then began thrusting into Jace with growing intensity, feeling its cock thicken as it threatens to spill its seed into its mate.

Jace screamed in agony, brokenly sobbing as he felt the pain intensify and spread from his feet to his head due to how tight his body was before he went completely limp and fell unconscious his brain trying to block out what was happening to him.

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