
Setting : A woman walking home late one night in the woods gets grabbed by a werewolf and rapped. Soon she finds herself pregnant with cubs unaware how many but knowing they were big.

Name : Raven
Age : 24
Description : Tall skinny long brown hair, green eyes.
Pregnant : Yes with 6 werewolf cubs

Raven knowing that she could give birth any day knew she needed help with giving birth deciding to travel into the mountain hoping she find someone. Becoming tired, Raven sat down her stomach huge in front of her before she heard some noise, "Whoo's there?"

Name: Wolfgang (Everyone calls him WG)
Age: 30

WG had been out one night running with his pack when something went wrong. Several of the newer wolves rebelled and attempted to take over control of the pack. The Pack Leader Wolfenstein was killed, being the second in command WG should have taken over, and he had tried to but the rebels grabbed him and before he knew it he was raped several times. Humiliated WG was an Name: Wolfgang (Everyone calls him WG)
Age: 30

WG had been out one night running with his pack when something went wrong. Several of the newer wolves rebelled and attempted to take over control of the pack. The Pack Leader Wolfenstein was killed, being the second in command WG should have taken over, and he had tried to but the rebels grabbed him and before he knew it he was raped several times. Humiliated WG was an outcast and soon found himself pregnant with a number of cubs. Trying to avoid any contact he stuck to the shadows. He heard a voice cry "Who's there" and found himself face to face with a pregnant female woman. One sniff of the air told him she too was heavy with cubs. "I am not going to hurt you" he said trying to calm her fear "I am on the run and pregnant too". He stepped out of the shadows to show his pregnant belly was as big as hers.

Raven nodded, "I'm glad I thought you were the wolf that had rapped me. I been trying to get away go somewhere safe." Raven rubbed her stomach staring up at the man, "At least get somewhere before the cubs decide to come. My name's Raven by the way."

My name is Wolfgang but everyone calls me WG. I can smell the wolf who raped you, he is the same Wolf who raped me. He and his followers rebelled against my Wolf Pack and killed the Pack Leader, I was supposed to take his place but the rebels decided to shame me instead. There is a cabin where we can be safe and warm, it is where I planned to give birth, more than enough room for two.

Raven nodded standing up deciding to follow him to the cabin, "Can you tell when the cubs will come?"

"Soon, very soon" WB looked at Ravens belly. "It looks like the cubs have dropped into birthing position, if I could touch your belly I could tell you more...is it OK?

Raven nodded, 'Yes, it's fine." Raven stood watching WB touch her stomach waiting for the outcome.

WG felt Ravens belly in several different places. "Not to get too personal, are your breasts tender as well?"

"Actually yes they been that way for at least this morning and last night. Is that a problem?"

"Your cubs have dropped considerably and if your breasts are tender as well" He paused "It is not a problem but we need to get you to my cabin now. You may have to be induced but you will go into labor tonight"

On the way to the cabin WG added "The only problem would be once I sense your labor I too will go into labor. Hopefully we will not have defend ourselves, the rouge wolves will try to take the cubs if they find us"

Raven nodded not saying a thing until she spotted the cabin going inside, "I don't want them taken from us, or to be taken by them again." Raven grabbed her stomach feeling the cubs moving around, "How will we give birth at the same time? What if something happens?"

"Hopefully it will not come to that" I open the door and let you go inside first

Raven smiled at the little cabin looking around, "Is there any food in the cabin we can eat? I'm a little hungry."

"Yes, my cabin is fully stocked. Just tell me what you want"

"How about some sandwiches." Raven spoke.

WG takes Raven inside and makes a place for her to sit by he fireplace and goes to make sandwiches. As cold as she is WG decides to make sandwiches and soup to warm her up. Once it is ready WG brings it out to her on a tray

Raven smiled, "Thank you." Raven takes the food eating and drinking the soup staying by the fire. Soon however a strong cramp makes her bend over.

"Raven....what is going on...is it your cubs? I do not sense that your are in labor but with all the stress I have been under I could be wrong"

"I don't know...but having strong cramps." Raven held her stomach looking up to WG in pain and fear.

"I do not want to alarm you Raven, it is difficult enough for a female wolf to give birth to cubs let alone a female human. What you are feeling is the cubs moving around inside you looking for a way out" WG said "We need to induce you into labor"

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