Desert Birth (closed RP with Shadow) FINISHED!
Joel took the egg and cleaned it up when the man's breathing picked up and a huge gush of birth fluids gushed out from his hole and he was at it again. The man was now on his back, spreading his legs open wide and pushing together with the strong contractions.
Adam knew this one wasn't a large egg but probably a medium. Having been pushing, Adam felt the medium egg starting to emerge as he continued on. Taking a few breathes, Adam went at it again, feeling the medium egg already at its half way part, before one final push the egg came out.

Laying down on the bed, Adam didn't have time when another medium egg was coming out. "Aaarrrghhhh....." Adam gave a huge push as the medium egg was sliding out faster than the large egg had.
Joel cleaned the medium egg up and prepared for the next one. He noticed how the man on the bed was red-faced and sweaty, placing his hands on either side of his egg-filled belly as he bore down.
Adam continued to push as the next medium egg slide out however was followed by another gush of fluids as the third medium egg was already starting to come out. Keeping one hand on his stomach, Adam grabbed onto the edge of the bed with the other, squeezing it as he pushed, getting the medium out at least half way before stopping.
Joel saw the egg come out halfway before it stopped moving. The man continued to push and he cried out when the egg suddenly came out of him. Joel went forward to clean the egg before the man was laboring again.
Adam couldn't help but cry out when the medium egg left him, and another gush of fluids exit him. From the feeling of it, Adam was glad this was another medium egg. Able to push it out in no time, he didn't give much time when another medium was already starting to come out. Getting it out was easy, however couldn't help but cry out when three gushes of fluids came out of him knowing his birth was going to end soon however knew it wasn't going to be quick.

"Ohhh...aaarrgghhhh!!!!" Adam screamed out pushing hard when a medium egg starting to come out.
Joel set to cleaning the eggs, taking his time as the man was starting to birth his last few eggs. The man got into a squatting position again, grabbing the birthing bar and spreading his legs apart as he pushed.
Able to get back into a squatting position, Adam got the medium egg out quickly in a few good pushes, then after another so many times two more medium eggs were out onto the bed. Rubbing his stomach, Adam thought he was done however a gush of fluids came out, as he groaned knowing this hopefully would be the last. Although pushing onto his stomach felt sore, Adam pushed on it feeling the tip of an egg, but groaned knowing it was huge.

Feeling it starting to crown, Adam squatted down his legs far apart, as he pushed hard, "Aaarrghhhh....aaahhhhh!!!!!" Adam continued to push for what felt like forever, but barely had gotten the egg out, not even close to the half way point.
Joel saw a huge egg coming out of the man's hole and smirked as he remembered this being the largest egg. It was twice the size of an ostrich egg and much wider. The egg stretched the man as he tried to birth it, sweating and panting as he pushed.
Adam continued to push hard as he could, knowing from the feeling this egg wasn't only long, but large and very wide. Squatting down far as he could, Adam couldn't help but scream and push hard as he could wanting to get this egg out soon as possible. After what felt like an hour, he felt the egg coming to its widest part, as he couldn't help but yell as it was stretching him wide as he had ever been.

Knowing this was the widest part, Adam screamed with pushing, "Nnnghhh.....aarrrgghhh....aahhhhh!!!!!!"
Joel smirked as the man tried to birth the egg, but had only gotten to it's widest part after an hour of hard labor. He was grabbing his huge stomach as he pushed, screaming as he bore down. The egg moved out an inch but stubbornly stayed there, half in and half out of the man. No matter how hard he pushed, the egg remained in that position. The contractions were coming hard and fast and the man was getting exhausted and time to time, he'd whimper as the pain would get too much.
Adam couldn't help but whimper from the pain coming over and over, as he had been pushing forever but the egg wasn't coming out. Adam knew the egg was at its widest part and that the next half should come easy, but this huge egg had other plans as it wasn't coming out. Deciding to change positions, Adam got onto the bed on all fours, before pushing more. Taking his hand to grip the egg, Adam started trying to pull it out, however wasn't helping.

Panting through the contractions, Adam tried to catch his breathe before continuing. Getting back into a squatting position, Adam screamed, "Ohhhhhh......aaaahhhhhh.....nnnnghhhh!!!!!!"
Joel smirked as the man tried to pull the egg out from his hole but it wasn't helping at all. He pushed on all fours for half an hour before going back to his squatting position and he pushed, trying to birth the large egg.

The egg hung from him, not budging as he groaned and grunted through the contractions. The egg wasn't moving an inch as he continued to labor for what seemed like hours and he occasionally tried to push down on his distended stomach but to no avail. The egg refused to budge.
Adam had been pushing for hours, however this huge egg wasn't coming out as he didn't understand why. The other man just sat there seeming to enjoy his pain and how long it was taken to get this egg out. Adam screamed and pushed, and pulled the egg or pushing on his stomach, but it wouldn't come. Getting back down on all fours, Adam felt that was the best position to rest his legs from squatting so much.

Finally Adam couldn't help but scream to the other man, " stuck....gawd...HELP...aaaahhhhh!!!!!" Adam went back to screaming and pushing, "Why...won' come out....!!!!!!"
Joel heard the man screaming, half the egg out of him as he labored on all fours. His hand kept straying to his huge belly and he tried to push the egg out. The egg, however, stayed put half in and half out of the man as he tried desperately to birth it.

"No, you have to do this on your own." Joel replied, refusing to move from his chair.
Adam screamed loudly as he was still on all fours, as he lowered his but towards the bed as he began trying to push out the egg again. Knowing the other man wouldn't help any more, Adam knew he had to do this on his own. Gripping his stomach with one hand, Adam began pushing hard. Finally to his relief he could feel the egg starting to slide out of him.

"Aaarrghhh....oohhhh....aahhhh!!!!' Adam screamed gripping the bar hard, before he screamed again feeling the egg finally meet its freedom as it fell onto the bed. Although tired and exhausted, Adam knew he had to leave before the man would do it to him again. Gripping the bed, Adam managed to get to his feet, "Your not going force me again, I'm leaving." Adam walked toward the door starting to leave.
"Oh, no you don't." Joel grabbed him roughly and shoved him on the bed before starting to take off his trousers. "Now, you're going to be good and breed me a live child."
Adam couldn't help but groan when he was grabbed and thrown against the bed, thinking he was going to birth eggs again, however couldn't believe it when the man said he wanted to be have a live child. Adam eyes widened as the man had already took his trousers off, along with his boxers underneath, where Adam could see the man was already hard and long ready to enter him. However before, Adam was shoved over onto his stomach, so the man could get a better position.

" please don't, a child...takes too would have to can't make them grow in hours..." Adam pleaded hoping telling the guy it would take too long, he wouldn't want one.
"Oh, believe me. This child will grow quickly." Joel smirked before entering the man, thrusting into him a few times before coming deep inside of him.

After he pulled out, he went to the kitchen and took a cup of 'herbal tea', forcing the man to drink it. This tea was going to make the child inside of him grow nice and big, maybe up to 13lbs. He didn't tell the man as he tipped the last of the contents into the man's mouth and waited for his child to grow.

The man's stomach started swelling almost immediately after Joel gave him the tea, and the man started to groan and rub his belly.
Adam hated feeling the other man force himself into him. However it was over quickly as the man went to the kitchen coming back to force Adam to drink some kind of tea. Knowing it had to be something to make the child grow, Adam didn't have much time to wait before he let out a groan, rubbing his stomach. He watched in horror as it was growing quickly, however he didn't know when or how fast it would be until it stopped.

Looking toward the man with a plead, "How quickly will it grow? Minutes, hours, days?'s already growing." Adams hands were still on his stomach as he continued to rub it.

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