Birth Clinic specialised on Egg-Births

Dr. Sommer nodded and smiled. "Would be the best, I think", he said, turned around and pulled the mobile ultrasonic machine next to the bed. "Okay, Eric. Let's do a little exam then", he said and smiled gently, not to make him more nervous. "Please undress should take of your pants, your boxer shorts and your shoes. You can leave your sweat shirt and your socks on, if you like", he explained and smiled, before pulling up two stirrups, which were under the bed, and fixing them.

He nods, taking off his sweat pants and boxers, toeing off his shoes and taking off his sweat shirt, he was wearing a skin tight black t-shirt under his sweat shirt. He settles back into the bed, waiting on farther instruction.

Dr. Sommer nodded. "Okay, now just lay back against the back rest and lay your legs onto the stirrups", he explained friendly. "We are going to start by doing a little rectal exam", he added.

He does so, taking a deep shaky breath in an attempt to relax.

"Exactly, just like that", said Dr. Sommer and smiled. He then put on some medical gloves and went to a cupboard, which was standing against one wall of the room. He opened it and took out an instrument, before walking back between Eric's legs. "Alright", he said and sat down on the chair at the end of the table. "This is a's an instrument, which is used for rectal exams.......", he explained and showed it to Eric. "I will now lubricate it and then gently insert it into your rectum to check up on your birth canal. The only thing you have to do is to take nice deep breaths and relax as well as possible", he explained with a smile.

He does so, readying himself for the instrument to enter him.

Dr. Sommer nodded, took the instrument, lubricated it and gently inserted it into Eric's rectum. "Just keep breathing like this, Eric. You're doing fine", he said and smiled, while gently pushing it deeper and deeper into the young man.

He closes his eyes and relaxes the best he can, it was unpleasant but it was for the eggs.

Dr. Sommer nodded and stopped. "Great job, the instrument is in", he said and smiled. "Alright, I just have a look and you just relax and keep breathing, okay Eric ??", he asked him with a gentle voice.

He does so. "Alright.." he murmurs.

Dr. Sommer nodded and concentrated on the exam of his patient. For some seconds he didn't say a word, but then he nodded again. "Okay, that looks fine", he whispered, like talking to himself. "I got good news, Eric: Your birth canal and your rectum are perfectly fine, they are even already lubricated. The surface of the birth canal already shows all the necessary changes for being able to dilate", he suddenly said and stopped in his explanation, as suddenly a little gush of lubricated liquid ran through the speculum and dropped onto the table............

"Whats going on?" He asks worried.

Dr. Sommer looks up with a raised eyebrow, slowly smiling at him. "Well, seems as if your body was preparing itself for the birth of your eggs. There was a gush of lubricated fluid now and things like that just happen about one day before the birth", he explained, while looking again between his legs. He discovered another thing, took a closer look and nodded, while reaching out his hand and gently pulling out the speculum with something hanging on it. "Furthermore, your mucus plug just loosened", he said with a calm voice not to scare the young Eric.

"So that means I should go into labor soon... Right?" He asks nervously.

Dr. Sommer nodded, but smiled to calm him. "Yes..........but don't be nervous, we will take care of you. Just be optimistic and look forward to the birth of the babies........that's a wonderful experience", he said with a gentle voice.
He then thought about something for a second and then looked again into Eric's eyes. "I would be good if you would stay you have anything with you.......clothes, etc. ??............if you don't live that far away from here, I could get you to your home to get your personal clothes, but if you don't want to, I could also offer you clothes from the hospital", he explained and smiled.

"I could call my sort of boyfriend, he impregnated me. He can bring my belongings... He can change into a human form but he still looks dragon-ish." He warns.

Dr. Sommer smiled and nodded. "Oh yes, that's a great idea. He could also stay here and be with you during the birth.........but you have to decide for yourself. There are many men, who don't like being watched by their partner, while giving birth. If you don't want him to be with you or if you want him to wait outside, then you should tell him that.......that's important..........furthermore, we have a special system in our delivery rooms, so if you like, we could also film the birth for him...........", the doctor explained, unsure if Eric wanted to have company during the birth.

"He may or may not, hes very busy." Eric explains simply with a small smile.

Dr. Sommer nodded and smiled. "Alright,........we will call him afterwards. I would just like to do an ultrasonic testing first, so that I can tell you, how many eggs are waiting in your belly", he said and smiled, stood up and laid the speculum back onto the cupboard, before going to the ultrasonic monitor, taking it's sensor and rubbing a bit contact gel onto it.
"Would you be so kind, as to pull your shirt a bit up ??", Dr. Sommer asked with a gentle smile.

He nods, pulling his shirt up all the way. "There."

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