SnakeMan Birth (Closed RP with Shadow) FINISHED!!
Character :

Name : Jason
Pregnant : Yes, with unknown amount of eggs

Setting : A man who had never had seen the world, lived in a cabin deep in the mountains, only surrounded by creatures that would pass by once in a while going to their homes. He had been used to hunting out at night, however one night the man was attacked, been held down by a half snake half man. The snake man hissed at the man, before turning him over on his stomach, stating he was to have his eggs. The man struggled, however was useless, as the snake man rapped the man. The man got back home thinking it was a dream, however as months passed his stomach grew.

Months had passed as Jason's stomach grew huge and hard, as Jason knew that snake man had damned him to put his eggs in him, so that Jason would have to push them out. Early one morning Jason had went out to get some wood, finding it hard to gather it. However suddenly Jason gasped, feeling a pain go through his whole body. Knowing it was probably going to start soon, Jason went back into the cabin. Getting inside, Jason continued to walk around for hours, until he felt his water break, and gasped as the contractions got stronger, feeling the first egg dropping into his birth canal, making its way to his anus knowing that was the only way it was to come out.
Name: Allen
Pregnant: No.

Allen had heard many tales from the locals about this portion of the woods, far more than any brochure would have told him. Hidden behind the mountain's shadow, the forest was home to monsters and hermits. Disregarding it all as colorful folklore, Allen equipped his gear and set out on the rather unkempt path. Eventually, he began to hear cries of agony that sent shivers up his spine. Following the screams to their source, he found a small cabin.

Peeking inside, he saw a man. A heavily pregnant man, just about to get into squatting position. Allen marveled for a while, simply stunned. The man was pregnant with what looked like twins, even triplets. His belly grew wondrously taut with each contraction. Eventually the two made eye contact, and Allen snapped out of his daze. He began to bang onto the door, "Let me in! I can help you!" he yelled.
Jason had almost started to squat when he heard something outside. Looking towards his window, he stopped staring at a man that was outside, screaming to let him in. Knowing he might need help, Jason slowly made his way to the door, before unlocking it as he went back to his small bed, letting out a gasp as he felt a contraction hit, making him want to squat. Gripping the bed, Jason squatted in front of it, however realized he still had his pants on, as he tried to get them off.

" me get them off...before they come....aaahhhh!!!!" Jason screamed as the strongest contraction hit him as he gripped onto the bed hard.
Adrenaline started to surge through Allen, as he firmly brought down the man's pants. He tried to keep his eyes away from the man's large belly, that was at this pointing hitting Allen in his face as he unbuttoned him. Having that down, Allen led the man down onto his bed. He placed his hands onto his large orb a stomach, and felt 4 lumps moving curiously around.

"Okay, stay calm. What's your name? And how did this happen to you?", Allen said as he kneeled down in front of the man. He was afraid babies might start shooting out at any second, and would rather catch them with his face than let them spill out onto the floor.
Jason panted through a contraction, feeling less pressure with his pants off, looking up at the man who had been helping him as he had gotten him on the bed. The man was asking him questions, knowing the man deserved a answer since he was going to be the one helping him.

"My name is Jason, months ago, I was...walking through woods, attacked by snake man creature. He...he rapped me, said I have his children, and they want!!" Jason gasped gripping his stomach feeling it move as the first egg was moving farther and farther down.
Allen reeled backwards as Jason gripped his belly and screamed. Allen had a theory where the babies were going to be coming out, and just rolled with it. He took the Jason's hands and turned him over. He urged him to get into a anal position, with his hands and knees on the bed. The swollen Jason meekly followed Allen's direction, letting his belly sag. Allen could see it visibly moving at this point.

With Jason's anus facing him, he held his legs down and urged him to push.
Jason let the man get him onto his hands and knees, as he leaned down letting his anus stay in the air, as the man was telling him to push. Jason nodded gripping the sides of the bed, before pushing hard feeling the thing moving towards the exit.

"Ohhhh....gggnnnnhhh!!!!" Jason's push turned into a scream as he pushed hard, before stopping to catch his breath, " for's your name?"
Allen blushed, "Er. It's Allen. Think nothing of it. I'd hope someone would do the same if I was in such a situation."

Trying to focus on the task at hand, push out any dirty fantasies Allen was starting to think about, Allen once again urged the man to push. Suddenly, a white orb began to make it's presence known.

"Is.. Is that an egg!?", Allen wondered aloud, "Nevermind! Push!"
Jason nodded at hearing the words push, as he allowed his body to do so feeling a tip of something coming out of him, starting to crown, and causing him to stretch, letting the egg thing start to come out more.

"I think...they are...aaahhhh!!!! It...burns...." Jason screamed pushing hard wanting it out.
Allen held Jason firmly grounded, cheering him on as best he could as the egg forced it's way out of his anus. He let go of Jason's calves, getting ready to receive the egg. Push after push, scream after scream the egg finally made it's way into Allen's hands. It was warm, smooth, and mostly wet.

He placed it down on the ground near the bed. He flipped Jason over once again, noticing something.

"Um, your belly is still pretty big," Allen noted, rubbing the man's distended stomach. The contractions seemed to have died down. Allen found himself getting uncomfortably close to the man, and he suddenly realized that he had begun massaging the man's belly with both hands absentmindedly.

"Er, I, uh," Allen stammered, "So, what's your story? Why are you living alone out here? Especially like.. this."
Jason was glad that the egg had came out, as he was able to get onto his back. Allen had stated his stomach was still big and the man had started rubbing it. The contractions had ended for now, glad that he could give it a rest.

"I had heard the stories of this place, that there were creatures. I had always been stated strange in my village, and decided to come see for myself. I found this place and made it my own. I knew if I went back into the village and told people what had happened, they would have banished me, so I stayed here stating to birth these eggs on my own."
"Ah, I've heard of the legends. You're very brave for choosing to birth alone, Jason", Allen said.

Allen remarked at the sight before him. The out of breath, heavily pregnant man was a bit of a comical sight.

"Whew, I haven't seen any pregnant women who were -this- big," he teased.
Jason chuckled at the mans comment, "Neither have I, however I have seen women who could give birth without screaming as much as I have. I don't see how they do it. However they don't have to birth eggs, espically ones large as that one. There bigger than a regular size baby."

Jason felt a pain, however it wasn't rough, as he breathed through it, "It's starting again, but they don't hurt yet."
Allen's brow furrowed, feeling the movement in Jason's stomach. He could feel some 3 lumps still sloshing around his belly. Jason moaned as Allen fondled his stomach, only giving Allen more incentive to continue.

He didn't want to push Jason too hard, taking his hand and telling him, "Just tell me when you're ready to go again.".
Jason gripped the bed, "It wont be long, I can feel the egg moving." Jason allowed Allen to fondle his stomach, making the pain ease some.

It continued off and on for a while, before Jason couldn't help but scream, feeling the egg near his opening, "It' me..."
Allen once again tried to get Jason into position, but the pain shocked the poor man too hard. He had fallen belly-first onto the bed, moaning in pain. Allen said a few encouraging words, and decided to try something else.

He picked up Jason by his armpits, propping him up by the bed. Allen imagined that gravity would help these sort of things. He had him squat slightly, as Allen continued to hold his belly and hand firmly. He started to feel a surge of movement as another orb started to slide out slowly.
Jason was glad to be squatting some, feeling gravity take effect as the egg was slowly moving down. Jason could feel Allens hands on his stomach, however he couldn't think of anything else as a strong contraction came over him, causing him to scream. The second egg was slowly coming out as he pushed hard, as the egg was starting to get to its widest part, causing Jason to pant as the pain stopped for a moment.
((Poke to Shadow, thought bout doing 16 eggs, size of ostrich eggs, and bout 2 live snake babies. If that sounds alright??))

Allen kneeled by Jason's side, holding his hand. "The egg is halfway out," he said, watching the enormous egg begin to come out. "One more big push!" Allen was worried for the man, seeing how big this egg was. He wondered how big the others were.
Jason bared down hard, pushing feeling the egg slide out of him. Laying back his head, Jason panted catching his breathe, "Thank you for being here."

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