Alien Neighbour (closed)

"Ok, can you get in your hands and knees for me? I will explain everything as we go, ok?"

Ryne raised an eyebrow and nodded. He got on his hands and knees and waited. "What now?" He asked with a blush.

"I need to insert a small speculum, ok?" she lightly lubricated it while explaining.

"A speculum?! Okay." Ryne said as he prepared for it.

"A little uncomfortable, just relax," she says, beginning to insert it.

Ryne nodded as he surprised a moan as Amanda inserted the speculum.

"Nurse, draw the fluid please," Amanda instructs, gently opening the speculum. Ryne can see the nurse draw a blue liquid out of a test tube with a needle-less syringe. "Almost done. You're doing well," Amanda encourages him.

Ryne nodded as he started to take deep breathes to stay calm.

"You'll feel some cool liquid now," she said before squirting it inside. "Almost done," she soothed.

Ryne stayed calm and took some deep breathes. "How much more? My stomach feels weird."

"Finishing up," she says, gently closing the speculum. "This is coming out, but you need to stay in this position for 15 minutes," she says, then begins to withdraw the speculum.

Ryne nodded as he tried to stay up for the allotted time. His arms started to get tired after a few minutes.

"You can put your arms down, lean on your forearms like a plank," she says, covering his lover half with a blanket. The nurse cleans up. Amanda goes to the head of the bed. "You did very well, I am impressed."

Ryne nodded as he laid down. "Does this mean I'm pregnant now?" He asked.

(Btw, what kind of pregnancy side effects will he have?)

"Yes, you should be," she explains. "You'll spend the night here, the nurses will monitor your vitals. I will come back in the morning, perform an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy, then talk appointments, symptoms, etc."

(I'm game for anything, don't really have any "alien" ideas, but i would like nausea for the first 1-3 days, if you don't mind.)

(Alright that's fine with me. How about extreme hunger and large belly growth?)

Ryne nodded as he started to sleep.


Amanda spoke quietly, in order to not fully wake him. "You can lay down now, honey. Just rest." After making sure he was settled, she left a few instructions with the nurse, and left to get some sleep herself.

Ryne slept for hours, not moving a inch the whole night.

The next morning, Amanda arrives while he is still asleep. She reviews the nurse's notes from the night, and gets her calendar out to schedule his appointments during their chat this morning.

Ryne slowly woke up and smiled at Amanda. "Morning." He greeted.

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